__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:Triple Threat Part 1}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Saban Entertainment and I lay no claim to them. Q is property of Paramount pictures and Evil Q is a character in Adam Safran's upcoming story Q Counterstrike. The last names McAllister and Keller, and the name Okasa are the last names of characters on a short lived NBC series called 'The Master' starring Lee Van Cleef as John Peter McAllister, Sho Kosugi as Okasa, and Timothy Van Patten as Max Keller-another thing I lay no claim to. Transformers are the property of Hasbro. Endora is the name of a witch on the hit show Bewitched while Zelda and Hilda are witches names on Sabrina the Teenaged Witch. The concept of Rogue Squadron is originally from George Lucas but was modified by Adam Safran. Swarm is a creation of Richard Carta's. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian, and all other characters relating to them are mine. Should anyone wish to use my characters contact me at foi72@yahoo. com
Special thanks to Adam Safran and Richard Carta whose ideas and suggestions have provided me with much inspiration to start this story. This story also occurs after Richard Carta's story Awakening as well as their own respective Q-stories.
This story takes place in Adam Safran's 'Imperfect World' universe. Basically it's a universe where the question is asked 'What if the wrong people were chosen to be Power Rangers?' This story should help answer that question.{{Story_title|title=I. D. War Part 7 Triple Threat
By the Q-team}}
It's a well known story. Q thought as he looked down at the dimension that the next Matrix team was going to. This time the quest would be for the Matrix of Reality. Q however dismissed the thought of the quests for the time being and looked straight at the gate that the dimension represented as he resumed his train of thought.
Yeah, astronauts are sent to the moon on a top secret mission, they spot a dumpster, and like idiots that most humans are, with a few exceptions. Q smiled at the last reference. There were very few humans that earned his respect: Jean-Luc Picard, Katherine Janeway, Benjamin Sisko, and those rangers that had been brought together for this quest. Q didn't bother with naming names since they were all following the same cause.
But I am constantly digressing aren't I, Q thought as he resumed his musings. Like idiots most humans are they open it and release the witch with little or no fashion sense, wind up getting killed, and the witch decides to blow up the nearest planet as if saying to the whole universe "Hello boys I'm back!"
And that bra, well she must be evil because that bra alone had been outlawed in 47 dimensions already. How can one find those cones attractive? Again Q realized that he had gotten himself sidetracked again and tried to resume his train of thought.
All right. Rita escapes, heroes are called in to defend the Earth. These heroes are supposed to be good, pure of heart, and the best humanity has to offer. These are the original five rangers. Well six if you count Tommy but I don't think anyone truly does. Damn! Again sidetracked!
Q tried to do everything he could to make sure his train of thought ran smoothly, at least until he reached the end of his musings.
All right, they fight the good fight, drive back Rita's advances, as well as those of other villains. Passing the power down to others, and leading others to take up the mantle of Power Ranger creating a force of good that will be echoed through legends for the longest time. Q then paused as he turned to his next musing, one that did not sit well with him.
But what if the wrong people were chosen when Rita escaped the dumpster?
At the Angel Grove Youth center the Power Rangers were taking the usual rest time enjoying themselves in their usual leisurely activities.
Except that these Rangers weren't Jason Lee-Scott, Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, Kimberly Hart, Billy Cranston, and Tommy Oliver. No, those six were just plain ordinary teenagers that weren't part of the 'in' crowd, as it were. The 'in' crowd being the Power Rangers. Four bullies, one unhinged teenager who babbled constantly, and one seductress in green who enjoyed taking her pleasure in men, then taking their dignity as well.
Their names and colors were Bretta Defiance-Red, Clarence Gateson-Blue, Grenwell Simpleson-Yellow, Farcas Bulkmeyer-Black, Eugene Skullovitch-Green and finally Natalie San Paolo-Pink. Due to an accident, these six were chosen to be the Power Rangers instead of the six worthy choices that fate had planned. And instead of revered heroes, the Power Rangers are considered as evil as the monsters they fight, if not worse.
Another news report was on the screen about the Power Rangers' latest battle. Another one that was not so kind as the newscaster lambasted them for putting civilians at risk in their battle with the Cyclopsis Zord that Rita had sent down. Bretta stood up and threw her smoothie glass at the T. V.
"That jack*ff has no idea what he's talking about!" Bretta shouted. "Besides aren't people smart enough to know when to get out of a monster's way?"
"Yeah!" Skull shouted. "And they call Bulkie and me dummies! If you ask me every one of those bozos who are in intensive care should be in detention, not us."
"Yeah, put the real stupid people where they belong!" Clarence shouted making no attempt to hide his contempt. Contempt that made the other patrons uncomfortable.
The bar manager Ernie decided that he had enough and he decided to let the Rangers know what he thought. Going up to their table Ernie told each and every one of them. "You are causing a disturbance and it is very upsetting to the other customers. And if you guys don't leave I'm going to see to it that you are thrown out!"
Bulk looked at the other Rangers, except for Grenwell who was in another world entirely and Natalie who was playing with the captain of the football team held on a leash and a choke chain(don't ask), and immediately stared down Ernie as if he was nothing.
"Oh really?" Bulk said acting imposing to the bar owner. "Who's going to throw us out? You?" Bulk jabbed his finger into Ernie's chest as if he was nothing to him and then completed his tirade.
"Let me tell you something Ernie the hutt!" Bulk laughed at his own joke even though his own bulk was no bigger than Ernie's. "We go wherever we want whenever we want. If we say 'get us some smoothies' then you get us some smoothies. And if we're feeling generous we might even pay for them."
Laughter came from the Ranger's table as Bulk continued to push his point home. "Until then. You should consider it an honor for us to even be here. Now, get us some more smoothies, and get them quick. Or you may just find yourself out of business soon. Get my drift?" Bulk balled his hand into a fist and held the fist in Ernie's face. The bar manager nodded in agreement and went back to get the Rangers' order.
Chants of "Yeah Bulk! And "You showed him!" echoed the table. But not far away two figures looked at the Rangers, and were disgusted by what they saw. Their names were Jason lee-Scott and Tommy Oliver.
"Oh man Jase." Tommy said. "Somebody's got to do something about those guys."
"I know bro. ' Jason said. "But what can we do?" Tommy nodded in agreement. Bretta's Bullies, as they came to be known, had almost as bad a rep as the Power Rangers. And with people already afraid of the Power Rangers Bretta's bullies had easy pickings with the rest of Angel Grove.
Someone had to do something. But what?
Back at the table the bullies were still congratulating themselves over Bulk's 'stand', and Natalie unhooked the football captain's choke chain if he came back in something like a Chippendale's dancer would wear. Grenwell however was barely aware of the bullies' party and started another one of his rambling fits.
"Wrong ones." Grenwell continued to say. "We're the wrong ones. Darkness is going to consume us. We're all going to be deep in the dark." Skull swatted Grenwell's head and Grenwell seemed to come back to reality, much like a T. V. that lost its picture would come back after someone hits it. "I'm sorry what was I saying?" Grenwell asked.
"Don't worry, it's nothing important." Bretta had said. Her tone very chilly. When the Rangers all turned to the doorway they soon found out why.
Reggie 'Regex' Salander had walked into the Youth Center, and everyone was fawning over him. He looked so perfect with his brown/blonde hair, his perfect smile, perfect build, perfect everything. He was even Captain of the football team. In effect, he was every personification of the American Dream imaginable, right down to the chief of police being his father.
Bretta however knew better, and so did Natalie. Both knew the brutal truth behind Regex Salander.
One time before they received their powers Regex came up to Bretta who was very much the Goth/brooding loner combo. Regex had come to her and wondered if she would have wanted to go out one time. Bretta was surprised, since most of the school cheerleaders were trying to get him to go out with them. She was very resistant at first, but eventually his persistence won out and she went out on one date with him.
A date that would be the worst night of her life.
For it was up to Maguire's Leap that Regex had taken Bretta, 'so they could admire the scenery' was the excuse used. But what Bretta didn't realize was that Regex's idea of scenery had nothing to do with the landscape, but rather what was in front of him right then and there.
He started to move towards her and come on to her in a romantic manner. Bretta refused and tried to get away. It was then Regex got angry and his temper became evident. He started to become abusive and hit her. Bretta tried to fight back, but it seemed that with every blow more and more of her strength was disappearing. Then when he was finished Regex got his pleasure in other ways.
When she got home the next day Bretta was never the same. She tried to contact the Police, but the case was dismissed. Besides, Bretta had a history of trouble, while Regex was Mr. All-American. Who would the town believe? Especially since his father had covered up all the evidence there could have been.
To this day Bretta had a hatred of most, if not all, men. Only her friends in the Rangers were who she would allow to be even close to her.
Natalie was much different that Bretta though. She was Miss Popular, snobbish, stuck-up, and thought she was God's gift to the world. To any effect, it would seem like she and Regex would be a perfect match according to the high school rumor mill. Regex heard what the rumor mill was saying and decided to see what Natalie San Paolo was about.
Much like Bretta she was taken to Maguire's Leap, and abused by Regex. But unlike Bretta, she had someone who warned her that Regex was not the saint he appeared to be. That someone was Bretta herself. Sadly, Natalie did not listen and continued to go out with Regex anyway.
When Natalie returned she and Bretta tried to expose Regex for what he was, but again his father the chief covered up the incident, and for added measure he got the Angel Grove Cheerleaders to cover for her. All except for two, Cheer Captain Kimberly Hart was away with friends, and Junior Cheerleader Ashley Hammond had a family emergency.
But the rest were putty in Regex's hands. Their plastic smiles and bubbly personality won all the favor that possibly could be won. Natalie was basically an outcast and could only find comfort with Bretta and her friends. She found them to be a good bunch of people, as far as bullies went, but whenever Regex appeared their blood ran cold. Bretta and Natalie both wanted Regex's head, and they vowed to get it no matter what.
As Regex continued to draw in the praise he started to go near Kimberly and Trini who were seated along with their friends. "Hello girls, how's it going?" Regex asked sounding as cool as he looked.
"Not bad." Kimberly smiled. "You?"
"Oh fairly well." Regex said who then turned to Tommy. "You treating Kimberly well?"
"Why? You interested in her?" Tommy asked feigning jealousy. But it seemed like Regex was being a good sport about it. Jason then asked if he would be interested in joining the karate club, but Regex held his hands up in mock modesty refusing the offer.
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm too busy with the football team to think about karate right now. Perhaps another time." The seven teens continued to talk as six others continued to glare at them.
"Why don't we warn them about Regex?" Natalie asked Bretta.
"Like it would do any good?" Bretta stated flatly. "Those two are such airheads they'll buy anything Regex says." Natalie sadly nodded as she turned back to watch Regex sitting with the 'geeks' chatting as if they were old buddies.
"One of these days Regex is going to get his." Bretta vowed
"And if the geeks are in the way... well they'll get theirs too." Bulk crowed as Skull laughed along with him. The others also joined in the laughter just as the Rangers' communicators went off. After finding a quiet place the Rangers activated the communicators to see what the latest crisis was about.
"Rangers?" Alpha asked worriedly. He did not do his usual 'Ai, yi, yi's due to the fear of Clarence reprogramming him into a trash compactor, or Bulk using the little robot as a recliner.
"Yeah tin can, spit it out!" Bulk said into the communicator.
"RANGERS!" Zordon's voice boomed over the comm link. "Report to the command center immediately. There is some urgent business to attend to!"
"Okay, okay, no need to get pushy!" Skull said. All six activated their teleporters and teleported to the command center in streaks of red, black, blue, green, yellow, and pink.
Dark shades of red, black, blue, green, yellow and pink.
"Alpha, is the pure morphin energy purifier activated?" Zordon asked.
"Affirmative Zordon!" Alpha said. "But I really don't know how long this procedure will last."
Zordon sighed knowing what Alpha meant. The possibilities were becoming more and more likely that the Rangers would develop tolerances to the morphin energy, and be able to shrug off its effects. But for now it was the only option they had until the powers could be separated from them permanently, or that they themselves could make their way into the light of goodness. But for every battle against Rita, that possibility seemed to become more and more remote.
Finally the six arrived in the Command Center and looked up at Zordon. "Okay head dude. Whaddaya want?" Bretta asked.
Zordon scowled. He didn't like it when the Rangers called him 'head' and all the names that went with it. So far there had been 'head count' 'head pin' 'head cheese' (Zordon hated that one the most. ) It was enough to give him a headache(I know bad joke). But he also knew if he got on them about it then it would only provoke them from egging him on further. ~ Better ignore them for right now. Besides there is a mission for them to do. ~
"Rangers there have been disturbances detected in the Morphin Grid." Zordon said. "Beings of incredible power have entered through dimensional portals and have arrived in this dimension."
"So what are you saying Head case?" Skull asked. Snickers came from the other Rangers as Zordon explained further.
"Two dimensional vortexes have opened." Zordon explained. "One is just outside Angel Grove. The other is on the moon near the Lunar Palace."
"Rita?" Natalie asked. "Cool."
"Yeah, we get to blast more of her minions straight to Hell!" Clarence said. Every one of the Rangers seemed to cheer at the thought of beating some more heads. Zordon however was not.
"NO RANGERS!!!" Zordon shouted. "Do not engage in hostillities until you are provoked. It is possible that those going through the vortexes are allies."
"And it's also likely they aren't" Bretta said. "We'll know soon once we beat the snot out of them."
All the Rangers seemed to agree except for Grenwell who continued to spout "Darkness coming. Darkness coming." A swat to the head from Bretta woke up Grenwell quick.
"All right! Let's kick butt and take names!" Bretta shouted. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!!!"
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers stood. Their uniforms the darkest black with diamonds in the center, showing their individual colors. Zordon however wondered if 'Mighty Morphin Power Ranges was even a good name for them anymore. The Rangers that stood before them seemed to all but pervert the honorable title.
~ Perhaps Dark Rangers are a more appropriate title for them. ~ he thought as the Rangers teleported out to see who would be their next victims.
"May the power have mercy on you." Zordon said to the departing Rangers. "And may it have mercy on those who had come through the dimensional gates as well."
However Zordon's words would be wasted on one individual.
"Mercy for those who have a fate to be drenched in darkness? Surely you jest Zordon." A man whose appearance was covered in shadows said looking at Zordon's image from a crystal orb. He was currently seated on a crystal throne, and looked down at the main floor of his room. There was a giant crystal sphere which kept him aware of events.
"I still think though that chessboards would have worked." He said to the presences he knew where there. One male ninja and one female sorceress. The male his better half while the female was his mistress.
"Using game boards was too symbolic of what the Q had been trying to do, as well as it being demeaning to those participating in this war." The male said.
The Shadow Lord smirked. "But wasn't it our mission against the Q that brought the three of us into this little war to begin with? Isn't our own involvement interfering?"
"Do you wish me to show you what I can do with a sledgehammer again my pupil?" his mistress asked.
"No my lady. But will not tell us what that dream you had was all about?" the Shadow Lord asked.
The Mistress just glared. "I would rather not." She then dropped her glare. "Let's get to the matter at hand. What is the status of the Continuum?"
"For now they are just running around like they don't care at all. Those godling children have no responsibilities at all." The ninja said. "All Q are staying safely in their continuum save for Q and Evil Q."
The Sorceress nodded in approval. The two Q that had she had the most knowledge about. The one Q she had the most respect for of all their kind and the other Q she absolutely detested. She then looked over at the Shadow Lord. "You've already done something in this reality haven't you?"
The Shadow Lord simply shrugged. "Me?" Silence. "You know my nature my lady. I think you can draw your own conclusions. However as we have all said, I was outvoted and therefore I accept the wishes... on monitoring all of these people."
"This war could very well determine the fate of all existence. And since you involved yourself with members of the Order of Destruction in the past the Balance needs to be maintained in this." The Sorceress said.
"Whose side are you going to be on though Karla?" the Ninja asked.
Karla the Grey Witch simply shook her head. "I won't choose a side... until near the end. I need to see... where I am needed." With that she left her two pupils to themselves.
"You know which ever side she does chose... its be a key factor." The Shadow Lord replied.
"No it won't." the Ninja returned. "Because she's only choosing the side that looks like in her mind to be the underdog. She'll want to make this war an even playing field." He then sighed. "But you are right one thing... we don't know which side she will choose."
"True... but for now..." he then turned his attention back onto the crystal orb. "... let us watch and see what unfolds."
On the moon base Rita Repulsa and her lieutenants King Sphinx and Scorpina were trying to determine strategy, not only against the Rangers, but against who might be coming through the dimensional gates as well.
Things had not been going well for Rita and her forces. The loss of Goldar was terrible enough, but it seemed like Rita was on a non-stop losing streak that was moving like a runaway train. Soon, there may be nothing left of her forces. Turning to her warriors she shrieked "All right I need answers, and I need them now! We don't know who's coming through these portals here, and we know the Rangers will be looking to stick their noses in. So what do we do about it?"
"Perhaps we should try to recruit whoever came through the portals." King Sphinx said taking the risk of speaking first. "By Dark Specter, we need all the help we can get in facing the Power Rangers."
Rita glared at Sphinx "Help? HELP?!!! Since when does the Empress of Evil Rita Repulsa need help from anyone? Since when does Rita Repulsa not have the power to crush anyone beneath her heel? Since when does Rita Repulsa need help from some other creatures from another dimension?"
Squatt gave the answer to that question, even though he clearly shouldn't have. "Since Zordon botched things up and grabbed the wrong kids to be Power Rangers!" Rita shot a look at Squatt and glared at him menacingly. Then she stopped and bowed her head knowing the mutant was right.
The Rangers that were chosen were more deadly, and ruthless than anything she or any evil monarch had ever faced. They were practically borderline evil in terms of attitude and power. The power had been darkened and tainted due to its exposure to the darkness in the Ranger's souls. Goldar had already been killed by the Rangers, monsters had been destroyed in the most brutal ways possible. Rita needed an answer and she needed one now.
"Very well." Rita said as she then turned to Scorpina. "See who these new visitors are, and see if there is some sort of alliance we can strike up with them." Scorpina nodded and teleported away from the Lunar Palace.
Rita then turned to look at the blue planet that was supposed to be her coming out party when it was destroyed. She looked at it sadly now as she asked herself so many times before. Where did it all go wrong? When did a party announcing my return turn into a fight for our very survival?
Outside Angel Grove a small convoy was riding towards the town. It consisted of a girl in a black leather jacket, blue t-shirt and black jeans riding a Harley Davidson, a Porsche with a girl in a pink science uniform, a girl wearing yellow jungle rags, a boy in a red t-shirt and blue open shirt and a girl who looked a little like Bretta Defiance, but clearly wasn't (for one thing this Bretta's sense of humor was better. ).
In the other car was a young man in a black shirt, an African-American boy in a cowboy hat, someone who looked like he was a hotshot pilot, and another who looked as if he made people uncomfortable.
They were a mixture of Power Rangers and rogues. The girl on the motorcycle was Jessica Stewart-Blue Night Ranger. The people in the Porshe were Leo Corbett, Kendrix Morgan, Maya and Bretta Powers. The ones in the other car were Whiplash Speedster and Arcon Despayre of Rogue Squadron and Ryan Mitchell and Joel Rawlings of Lightspeed Rescue.
The cars themselves were more than met the eye. For these two cars were both Cybertrons. Binary bonded to former Power Rangers Zack Taylor and Aisha Campbell. Zack was Pretender to the Cybertron Jazz while Aisha was Headmaster to the Cybertron Chromedome. And they were all just ten minutes from the Angel Grove city limits.
"Oh can you believe this seat?" Arcon Despayre said as he sat in the back seat of Chromedome. "Couldn't the Cybertrons pick up some fine Eltarian leathers for their vehicles?"
"Sorry Arcon." Chromedome said as Aisha sat behind the wheel. "We just never had anyone on Cybertron transform into a limo before, so we didn't need to put in the finer things in our transformations. Well Jazz may have though, He's always wondering what the latest styles are."
"Well tell him to pull over I'll ride with him." Arcon said. Aisha then called out to Zack who was part of the programming in Jazz now.
"Hey Zack. Arcon wants to know if he can ride with you." Aisha said.
A voice spoke from the Porshe, but it wasn't that of Zack, rather it was that of the Cybertron he was bonded to-Jazz. "Oh man, you want that dude to ride in my seat? Forget it."
Arcon looked at Jazz in shock. "What did you just say?"
"I said forget it man. I let you in you'll probably go about trying to change the radio to Classical music or something." Arcon was clearly miffed.
"How dare you!" Arcon bellowed. "I am a warrior of distinction and class."
"Oh yeah?" the 'Zack' part of Jazz said. "What class is that? The class of none?" Soon the Rogue, the Ranger, and the Cybertron were arguing, with the Cybertron taking the Ranger's side. Much to the amusement of others.
Kendrix and Maya had really become interested in the banter Arcon and Zack/Jazz were getting into. "Wow. This beats the vids on the colony."
"Or the children's shows on Mirinoi." Maya added. Both girls watching amused as Jazz/Zack and Arcon continued to watch.
Leo however stared at Kendrix. For some odd reason Kendrix seemed to distance herself from him. It seemed like she was spending more and more time with Maya as they were going on from one crisis to another. ~ Don't think that. They're just friends. ~ he told himself wishing he never looked at Howard Stern beach blanket bongo vid that his brother Mike confiscated from a deviant GSA worker who was lax in his duty, due to watching the video.
In Chromedome Ryan and Joel were becoming annoyed with Arcon and Jazz arguing. "Would you please shut up back there?" Joel asked. "You're driving everyone nuts!"
"And that's my job." Bretta asked. "And if you don't!" Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a cartoonlike mallet and swung it ready to drop it at first sign. "You're not up to seeing little birdies are you?"
Arcon immediately shut up. Ryan was behind the driver's seat, even though Chromedome was doing the driving. He looked to see Jessica riding along side him of her Harley. ~ Wow. She's pretty. ~ Ryan thought. Jessica however didn't notice Ryan's look.
She was trying not to.
When someone looked at her, it made her feel uncomfortable as memories of her time in the Luciferian Prison colony came to mind. She was raped and victimized as a means to get at her father, and to this day she was uncomfortable with relationships. Unless they were friendships, to Jessica Stewart those lasted forever.
~ Hopefully we'll have lot's more friends when all this is said and done. ~ Jessica thought. It was then that a blast streaked across the sky and struck the nearby road. Jazz, Chromedome and Jessica almost rolled off the road. Fortunately both Cybertrons and Jessica were okay as they were able to right their vehicles and come to a halt.
"What the " Kendrix asked. Everyone was looking around to see what the source of the blast was. They didn't have far to look.
Standing on a mountain top were what appeared to be the Power Rangers. For a brief second Jessica almost thought they were this world's Night Rangers. Then the new Rangers spoke.
"Surrender now or face the wrath of the Power Rangers!" Dark Red Ranger said. Jessica turned to look at Leo and Bretta as if wondering how best to deal with the situation.
"You got me girl." Bretta said. "But that Red Ranger sounded very familiar."
"You know what? That Green Ranger sounded familiar too." Jazz added. "It's like I know that laugh from somewhere."
"I know what you mean" Aisha said. "It kind of reminds me of " then Bretta, Jazz and Aisha all had the same answer. "Skull!"
Jessica turned to look at the Rangers and seemed to agree that Skull was the Green Ranger here. "And I'll guess Bulk is the Black Ranger. I can tell by his build."
"Wouldn't the power have taken care of that?" Leo asked.
"Not the Dino Powers." Jazz said accessing the Zack component of his personality. "It's only when the Powers got stronger that the Powers were modified."
"Due to Master Vile's time tampering." Jessica added. "I guess Ranger powers were adapted so the same thing that happened when the Rangers were transformed into children didn't happen again. '
A blaster shot pierced through the air and Dark Red shouted. "Are you going to surrender or not?"
Bretta really was starting to get steamed. "Boy that girl is really starting to cheese me off!'
"I know." Ryan said. "What do you think Leo, should we attack?"
Leo looked up at the Dark Rangers before him as he snapped into 'leader' mode as Red Rangers had been known to do from time to time. The Rangers before them were clearly a threat. They opened fire without provocation. They didn't bother with trying to make contact, but they did offer warning shots so that may be something. Leo stood forward and addressed the Dark Rangers.
"We mean no harm!" Leo shouted. "We're looking for something."
"Looking. Found someone I would say. Mmmmm? Yes. ' Dark Green said in his worst Yoda impression. Bretta rolled her eyes back clearly annoyed by the Dark Green Ranger's line.
Jessica then spoke up. "Look, you guys are Rangers right?" The dark Power Rangers nodded yes.
Zack seemed to pick up on this. "Is Zordon there?" This got another nod from the Rangers.
"All right!" Leo said. "We surrender!" Chromedome and Jazz also transformed allowing Zack to change back and Aisha to disconnect from her transector and stand with their teammates.
The Rangers on the mountain looked at Jazz and Chromedome transform, and they all got scared. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Skull said letting out his sonic scream. A power he had been allowed to keep when he took up the Dragonzord and let Natalie have the Pterodactyl. The team down below was having to cover their ears as the sonics were bringing them down.
"AHHHH!!!" Kendrix screamed. "Can't anyone do something?"
"Yeah! Me!" Jessica said as she brought up her morpher. "WOLFNIGHT!!!" she called out. Soon the Blue Night Ranger stood ready for battle, but it wasn't a physical battle she was looking for. Rather it was a mental one. Like her brother, Jessica was very smart. She wasn't necessarily in Justin's class but Jessica had her moments of intellect.
This was one such moment now, as Jessica reached deep inside herself, and used her primal force of water against her attackers. Like any other person, the Dark Rangers turned tail and ran as they became pelted by globs of water falling from the sky.
The Dark Morphin Rangers were basically blind as they tried to see what was going on in front of them. "What's going on?" Dark Pink asked. "Where is this rain coming from?"
"I don't know." Dark Black cursed, then he lost his footing and slipped down a mudhill falling down to the ground beneath him. As he was trying to get his bearings again he noticed that the rain wasn't as powerful where he was, and he was able to get a better vantage point of who these new guys were.
"Whoa!" Dark Black said. "You guys kind of look like a mismatch if I ever saw one." Leo then stepped forward and looked Dark Black in his sensor.
"In case you hadn't heard. We said that we surrendered. We didn't want any trouble. Why did you attack anyway?"
"Well sorry." Dark Black said. "It's just that we saw wait a minute. You're that geek Zack ain't ya?"
Zack was taken aback as he heard himself being referred to by that title. "Yeah, it's the old Bulk all right. All brawn and no brains."
"Oh he's still got a few I think." Bretta said. "But this guy really has no sense of humor you know."
Dark Black looked at the Blunder Ranger Bretta and was shocked. "Who are you? And why do you look like our leader?"
Bretta stepped forward and offered her hand. "Bretta Powers. Blunder Ranger extraordinaire."
Bulk looked confused. "Blunder Ranger?"
"Special type of Power Ranger." Ryan said. "A more fun loving type."
Dark Black still couldn't comprehend the sight of Bretta before her. Here was not the man hater he had come to know. Instead here was someone completely different. ~ How is this possible?~
"Dimension traveling. The only way to go." Bretta still had her hand out offering it to Dark Black Ranger. But Bulk still couldn't wrap his mind around the sight of Bretta before her, so he decided to get information in his own way.
Bulk took the hand and sought to yank Bretta close to her. The talking was becoming tedious as Bulk wanted to get information from her by more satisfying means. Unfortunately the idea had backfired and instead of Bretta's hand, Dark Black had grabbed a stick of dynamite with a fake hand on it. A stick that was lit.
A stick that exploded.
Up top the other Dark Rangers saw what had happened. "Oh no Bulkie!
The Dark Rangers all stared at Dark Black Ranger, and saw his helmet and uniform look like a piece of charcoal. Eyelids blinked, then dark Black shook his head turning his uniform back to normal. He then stared at Bretta and her friends seething. The other Dark Rangers joined behind Bulk and did some seething of their own.
"All right you guys!" Dark Black said. Choose your victim!" Soon every Dark Ranger scouted out a member of the Matrix team. In some cases more than one.
Dark Green Ranger decided he wanted a piece of Zack while Ryan and Leo were pitted against Dark Black. Two Martial Artists against a Ranger Powered bruiser didn't sit well for Red Galaxy and the Titanium Ranger.
Dark Pink went after Kendrix and Maya who stared at the two girls. "You two aren't into alternative lifestyles are you?" Kendrix and Maya were open mouthed in shock, and distracted as Dark Pink got a running charge.
Joel and Aisha were soon facing Dark Yellow who looked like he was half in one world and half in reality. He continued to mumble. "Wrong ones! We're the wrong ones."
"What's his problem?" Joel asked. He never got the answer to his question since Dark Yellow got a running charge and both Joel and Aisha were knocked down with running charges.
"I say chap." Arcon said with Whiplash Speedster by his side. "You really don't want to be messing with a Rogue you know. I mean, we are true 'no holds barred' fighters. We " Arcon never got to finish his sentence since Dark Blue drew out his blaster and fired at the two Rogues causing them to dance like someone facing an old west shooter.
Jessica and Bretta turned to face Dark Red. "Of course you realize this means war." Bretta Powers said.
"Bring it on bitch!" Dark Red said, clearly challenging her Blunder Ranger counterpart.
"Oh trust me, I will." Bretta said. Jessica turned to the rest and asked. "Ready?"
"READY!" they all said.
"IT"S MORPHIN TIME!!!" Bretta said. And soon all rangers looked again at their chosen quarries.
After the opponents had been chosen, all hell had broken loose.
Not far away from the battlefield Regex was driving down the highway in his customized Red Corvette taking in the scenery and thinking about who his newest conquest was going to be. ~ Hmmmm. Kimberly and Trini seem like potential contenders, but Kim already has a boyfriend and Trini seems to be taken in with young Billy Cranston. But maybe I could show them what a MAN I can be.
Regex seemed to smile at the thought of 'conquering' Trini and Kimberly. He also had his eye on that Freshman Ashley, but she would have to wait her turn. Regex continued to drive coming up to the battle ahead.
"Holy!!!" Regex said as he turned the car around hoping to get away from the battle scene. But unfortunately for him Dark Red saw the car, and immediately saw who it was. "YOU!!!" she screamed as she drew out her Power Blaster and immediately opened fire.
The shots all flew wildly until one struck Regex's tire causing a blowout and sending his car over the side of the hill. It rolled down the hill coming up to the ground below and hitting it hard. Upon impact the Corvette looked like nothing more than a piece of junk that could only be used as parts at the junkyard. On top of that the gas tank was on fire.
The Matrix team all saw the car go over the side and immediately ran to it. Titanium Ranger, Green Lightspeed, Red Galaxy, Arcon and Whiplash all drew cover fire as Blue Night, Pow Ranger Yellow Galaxy and Pink Galaxy all moved to the flaming car and pulled out Regex, seconds before the car exploded.
As the car went up in flames Pink Galaxy looked over the fallen Regex. "We've got someone injured here!" Pink Galaxy said coming up to Regex's side. Soon all the Matrix team ran to him. Titanium Ranger and Yellow Galaxy sought to help but Blue Night felt a sort of dark feeling about Regex. Something not so good.
Dark Black however wondered what was going on. "Hey where are you geeks going? GET BACK HERE!" Dark Black then charged after them with the other Dark Rangers in tow. When they got there the Dark Rangers couldn't believe what they were seeing, nor did they like it.
For their opponents were helping their enemy Regex.
"I don't believe it!" Dark Red seethed. "How dare they help that maggot Regex. Why can't anybody let him rot?"
"Because they are idiots!" Dark Pink said seething as well. "Idiots that need to be taught a lesson."
"What say we teach them a lesson?" Dark Blue said holding up his Power Lance. All the others liked the idea and brought up their own weapons as Dark Red said "Let's bring them together!"
The Power Blaster stood formed ready to fire. Dark Green had his Dragon Daggar ready to fire as well. All aimed at the Matrix Team. "POWER RANGERS! READY!! FIRE!!!"
A stream of multi colored lights streaked from the Power Blaster and the Dragon Daggar heading straight for the Matrix Team. It looked about ready to hit when Pow Ranger turned around holding a baseball bat covered with mirrors and swung at the incoming beams. The bat hit the beams and the Power Blasts were knocked out of the ballpark so to speak. "Thanks for the warning Jess." Pow Ranger said.
"No problem." Blue Night said. "Now don't you think we should teach these people that it isn't nice to shoot from behind?"
"I'm all for that. !" Green Lightspeed said, but then Red Galaxy's communicator activated. "Yes. Who is this?"
The voice on the other end was one that Zack and Aisha would have recognized. "Ai, yi, yi! Zordon. We've gotten through! I've found a correct frequency!"
"Alpha?" Zack asked in recognition. "Is Zordon with you?"
Zordon then answered. "How do you know our names? Who are you?"
Blue Night however answered quickly as she looked down at the fallen Regex and the approaching Dark Power Rangers who were coming at them like a herd of bulls. "I think we'd better answer that later. Can you like, teleport us out right now?"
"Of course!" Alpha teleport out everyone in the viscinity." Alpha followed Zordon's order and soon the Dark Rangers, Regex, and the Matrix team were all teleported back to the Command Center.
Scorpina arrived at the teleport co-ordinates where the vortex to the moon opened. Looking around she saw nothing that resembled someone having arrived through a vortex.
"I don't understand." Scorpina had said. "These are the co-ordinates where Rita said the visitors had arrived at." Scorpina looked around the area, then she turned around and saw the mutant rat creature Epyon standing near a rock face. Epyon couldn't help but look at the form of Scorpina, whose skin tight body suit revealed every curve and line of her figure, and the sleazy rat couldn't help but drool.
"Oh baby, the things I could do for you!" the mutant rat scientist said. His voice was deep and husky as if ready to pound on Scorpina right there and then.
Scorpina however wasn't about to accept what Epyon was proposing, and she let the point of her sword do her talking. "Ohhh. Playing hard to get?" the Rat mutant sneered.
"How about never going to get. Now where are the rest of your party?"
"Here!" a voice echoed throughout the air. Scorpina looked around to see where it had come from until she heard someone teleport behind her. Turning around to see who was behind her Scorpina saw the biggest, yet most motley, collection of evil she had ever seen.
In front of her was a metallic alligator that was being ridden by what Scorpina could have sworn was a marshmallow in armor. Next to them was a sorceress all in black and carried an aura of evil that made even Scorpina's skin crawl. Purple robots stood at the rear as if they were some sort of guards to a demon in red and another demoness with nails that reminded Scorpina of Edward Scissorhands. The rat mutant took his place with the demon/metal crew and Scorpina was awed by what she saw.
"What are you?" Scorpina asked.
"I am Queen Bansheera." the demoness with the nails and fangs said. "Queen of Demons, and mistress of the Dark Powers." She then waved her hand introducing her troops to Scorpina.
"This is my son Olympius, heir to the Star Power." Bansheera said making reference to the demon in red. She then introduced the rest of her team. "The metal marshmallow is Porto who is headmaster to Skullcruncher, the gator you see." Porto waved and Scorpina looked at him oddly.
"What evil creature even waves anymore?" she asked. Bansheera didn't answer and continued her introductions.
"The sorceress is Black Annie. She is someone you definitely do not want to cross. The Rat you already know. His name is Epyon." Epyon walked up to Scorpina and ran his beady little eyes all over Scorpina's body, practically drooling until a blast from one of the purple robots sent Epyon scurrying behind Bansheera and Olympius.
"And the Purple Robots are my Armada Units entrusted to my care." Bansheera said completing the introductions. "Any you are Scorpina. Warrior of Rita Repulsa. What do you want with us?"
Scorpina tried her best to keep her composure, anything taken as weakness on their part could be dangerous. "I have come to ask for your help. I am searching for something for my mistress."
"Rita Repulsa?" Scorpina was surprised to see that the demoness knew Rita. "How do you know Rita?" she asked.
"I know of her." Bansheera said. "We haven't formally fought together but that is about to change."
"What are you talking about?" a shrilly, screechy voice said. Appearing behind Scorpina stood Rita. "I've never seen you before in my life."
"True." Bansheera said. "But an alternate version of you has. We are members of the 'Order of Destruction' An interdimensional army looking to conquer all realities in our wake, bringing them under the rule of evil."
"And what are you doing here?" Rita asked.
Bansheera then explained. "We are here to find the Matrix of Reality, and to destroy the team of Rangers that have come searching for it as well."
Rita looked at Bansheera as if she had grown a second head. "MORE RANGERS?!! Oooohhhh I have such a headache." All the villains rolled their eyes as they had heard this before.
"I guess even here Rita Repulsa can't destroy Rangers." Porto said with sarcasm. Rita heard this and fired a bolt of magic at the marshmallow mutant in Destron Armor and threw him off Skullcruncher. Rita then charged up to Porto and delivered a fist through Porto's porthole breaking his nose. Bansheera noticed Rita's hand was bleeding but the statement on Rita's face had shown that she didn't care.
"You think beating these Rangers is so easy?" Rita screeched in anger. "You haven't seen Rangers like these. They are ruthless, and cold blooded like we are. If I didn't know any better I'd swear that they were evil just like us."
Black Annie now was impressed. "Evil as we are? Perhaps you can show us these Rangers that have been plaguing you." Rita raised her staff and fired a beam that formed a video screen. On it the Dark Rangers were shown tearing monsters with their bare hands, killing Goldar as if he was nothing, and going through people just to get at other monsters with no regard for their safety. Bansheera looked at the video and was impressed, and yet concerned at the same time.
"This is cause for concern mother." Olympius said. "If Zordon had chosen Rangers like this, our search will be most difficult indeed."
"But that's the problem you see. Zordon didn't choose them." Scorpina said then explained. "Upon release from the dumpster Zordon had targeted five other teens to be Power Rangers, but due to the disturbance we caused when released Zordon had obtained the wrong teens to be his Rangers."
"What happened to the others that were chosen?" Olympius then asked.
"They still live. But they are powerless to do anything. Unfortunately our efforts to destroy the Rangers have turned into a fight for our very survival. If we do not find a way to destroy them once and for all, we are doomed." Scorpina said.
Epyon took time away from drooling over Scorpina to look at Bansheera. "Perhaps my lady we can offer assistance." Bansheera looked at the rat mutant intrigued by what he was proposing. "What do you recommend?" she asked.
Epyon then explained his plan. "Well we have quite the sizeable force here. We have my scientific genius, Black Annie was a great sorceress in the Luciferian Empire whose knowledge was revered, the Armada units are unlike anything the Rangers have faced and of course your power, as well as that of Olympius's would be a great asset to Rita there." Epyon took a look at Rita and looked at her with distain. ~ Pity she hides her beauty under that hair and make up. The things I would do ~
Rita didn't notice Epyon's looks that he gave her. She was more focused on the proposal he made to Bansheera. "I normally wouldn't ask this of anyone. But we are in need of help. If you can help us defeat these Rangers I'll pay any price you ask."
Bansheera considered Rita's words then made her decision. "Very well. We shall aid you in exchange of you helping us find the Matrix before the Rangers do."
Rita offered her hand out and said "Deal!" then Bansheera took the hand and returned the greeting. Then both evil witches turned to see the evil army Bansheera brought with her. Epyon, Black Annie, Skullcruncher with Porto, Bansheera's son Olympius, and a full battalion of Armada units modeled after their leader Cyclonus.
Rita felt the evil from the group and smiled. The Rangers would pay for all they had done. This she knew.
Never mind that she had just made a deal with the devil.
In the medical ward of the Command Center Bretta Powers sat by Regex's bedside looking over the black hearted addonis with the lust a woman has for a male stripper. Jessica stood off to the side wondering just what it was about Regex that upset her so.
As she stared at Regex she was reminded of the abuse that she suffered at the Luciferian Prison camp she was sent to. She remembered the guard Stylor and the abuse she went through so he could get back at her father, and the trauma she endured. As she looked at Regex those memories came back to the surface. Bretta then turned her head and saw Jessica in the doorway. "You okay?" she asked the blue Night Ranger.
"Yeah fine." Jessica said. "It's just that this guy seems to bring back some bad memories for me."
"What kind of bad... ohhh!" Bretta said suddenly understanding as she saw Jessica wrap her arms tightly around herself. Even today the memory of her imprisonment still bothered Jessica Stewart.
"Do you get bad vibes like this from every guy?" Bretta then asked. Jessica shook her head and answered "No just him." She then told her story to Bretta.
"Five years ago, my dad and I were taken by the Luciferian Empire. Dad was a difficult prisoner, and he always rallied the others to stand against those who were mistreating the other inmates. Many times the governor, a thing called Stylor, wanted to make an example out of him in an effort to keep the others in line.
"To that end Stylor took me and my father and chained him to a wall. He then proceeded to rape me as my dad was forced to watch." Tears started to fall down Jassica's face as Bretta hugged her teammate offering her whatever comfort she could. Jessica returned the hug and thanked Bretta for her support before turning back to look at Regex.
"This guy reminds me a little too much of Stylor. I'm starting to wonder if that Red Ranger didn't have some sort of 'business' with him that set her off." Jessica said. Bretta nodded wondering as well.
"Well we'll find out later. Right now, I think we'd better get to the main Command Center. The others may have torn into each other right now." Jessica smiled at Bretta's remark and soon the two girls headed to the main room where the Dark Rangers and the Matrix team were waiting.
Never before had Zordon been so angry at his Rangers than he was that day. "YOU IMBECILES!!!" he shouted. "You attack potential allies with no warning or provocation, then get into a fight with them which almost cost you plenty."
Zordon had to interfere by teleporting both teams to his command center and putting up a force field separating them so they wouldn't tear into each other again. After a few strikes to the force field the Dark Rangers had calmed down, but there was still tension in the room and the Dark Rangers didn't like the treatment they had been receiving from Zordon.
Especially since Regex was teleported back and was sitting in the medical wing. That didn't sit too well with Dark Red. But Clarence said his peace first, since everyone seemed to know what the dark Bretta who led the Dark Rangers, would have said about Regex... and done. Which was why Zordon kept a level three security field around the med lab which kept the Dark Rangers out, and only certain personnel would be allowed inside. Personnel meaning Alpha 5.
"Hey Headcase. Don't blame us!" Clarence said. "You don't like the way we do our job you can always fire us! Oh wait. No you can't. The powers are ours now." Soon the other Dark Rangers all started laughing and crowing until double low blows from Jessica to Skull and Clarence, an axe kick from Ryan to the back of Bulk's neck and a hard clothesline from Bretta to her counterpart and Natalie broke up the merriment.
"Jeez." Bretta said. "You'd think I'd come up with a good gag for this one. I guess these losers must have me more upset than I thought. Bretta turned her attention back to Grenwell who was still muttering "Wrong ones. Wrong ones." Over and over again."
"What's wrong with him?" Leo asked.
"I'm afraid I'm not certain." Alpha said as he ran a device over Grenwell's body. "It's like something is breaking down in his synapses due to his exposure to the power." Leo was about to ask what it was when a hard clothes line from Bulk sent him sprawling flat on his back. Ryan went over to see if he was all right. "What was that for?" Ryan asked shooting Bulk a hard look.
"Ohhh!" Bretta Defiance said. "A guy rushes to Red's aid. You two aren't 'playing for another team' are you?" she asked with a sneer.
"No but maybe the blonde with glasses and Tarzan girl are." Skull said. All the Dark Rangers laughed and Clarence mentioned calling Ellen DeGeneres saying that two new bitches were available until Zordon sent down a shot of electricity down to his Ranger's feet.
"That was from the command Center's personal security system." Zordon explained. "In light of the incident with the Green Ranger Alpha believed it prudent to have it installed should a similar emergency take place."
"Emergency?" Clarence shouted. "From who? Rita or us?" Zordon didn't answer and instead turned his attention to the new Rangers that had just arrived. "And who might you be?" Zordon asked.
Everyone looked to see who would step forward first. Jessica was the first to do so and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Jessica Stewart. I'm a Ranger from another dimension as are all the Rangers you see here. One by one the members of the Matrix team introduced themselves.
"I'm Ryan Mitchel-Titanium Lightspeed Ranger."
"Leo Corbett-Red Galaxy Ranger."
"Kendrix Morgan-Pink Galaxy Ranger."
"Maya of Mirinoi-Yellow Galaxy Ranger."
"And red hot lover to the Pink Galaxy Ranger." Natalie said which got glares from the Matrix team, Zordon and Alpha. "What? You don't see it?"
"I think we'd rather not." Zack said then continued the introductions. "I'm Zack Taylor. Pretender to Jazz." It was then that Zack transformed into his Cybertron form of Jazz and nearly took up the whole room. "Hey man, you really need to talk to someone about raising your ceiling or something."
Down below Aisha was smiling in disbelief at Jazz and Zack's actions. "My robot I left outside. I'm Aisha Campbell, Headmaster to Chromedome."
Whiplash introduced himself next. "Whiplash Speedster-Rogue Squadron member, and hotshot pilot in my own right." He said his line as one who was sure of himself.
"Arcon Despayre-Also a Rogue." Arcon said nothing more as his snippish manner said everything he wanted to say about himself. He was a snob.
Joel then stepped forward and flashed his smile and a signed photo of himself. "Joel Rawlings-Sky Cowboy. Perhaps you've heard of me?" An answer came in the form of Clarence's blaster and the photo going up in flames. Joel immediately stepped on the burning picture hoping to put the fire out but the photo was already destroyed. "Geez do you know how much those things cost?" he said. The Rangers kept an even stare as if they didn't care about destroying Joel's photo.
Finally Blunder Bretta introduced herself. "Bretta Powers-Pow Blunder Ranger."
Bretta Defiance however had no idea what her counterpart was getting at. "Blunder Ranger?"
"A Ranger that has fights evil... and has fun doing it." Bretta P explained. Bretta D defended herself by saying "We have fun!"
"Yeah when you're robbing some little kid's lunch money." Alpha said with distain. All six shot the little droid an evil glare but Ryan, Zack, Jessica and Leo stood between Bretta D's group and the little android. "Don't make us angry, especially me." Jessica warned.
"Or what little girl. Huh?" Bretta D said as if she was a big shot.
"Try me and find out." Jessica said as she glared at Bretta. The tone of her voice said that she meant business and the Dark Rangers quickly backed off.
"Why are you here?" Zordon asked as he continued his inquiry. . Zack went into this explanation.
"We're in search of a Matrix that has fallen into this dimension. It's one of seven that we need to fight an interdimensional empire called the Order of Destruction that wants to conquer all the dimensions they come across."
"A Matrix?" Alpha asked.
"It's a source of great power that the Cybertrons possess, and one of the few things that can stand against the Order. The other six things being the other Matrixes."
"We have detected another dimensional tear upon your arrival." Zordon said. "Are these members of the Order?" Zordon asked activating an image on the viewing globe.
An image of Queen Bansheera and her raiding party.
"Yes." Ryan answered. "Their leader is Queen Bansheera, followed by her son Olympius. The rat mutant is Epyon, a sleazy rat if you ask me. You wouldn't want to know what he does to women."
"The sorceress in black robes is Black Annie, sorceress of the first rank in the Luciferian Empire." Jessica explained.
"The armored marshmallow mutant is Porto." Aisha explained. "Headmaster to the Destron Skullcruncher."
"And they are flanked by the Armada units." Zack finished. "Destron sentries that transform into superfast jet planes that are deadly if one faces them in combat."
"We have to get the Matrix before they do." Leo said. "If we fail and Bansheera gets it there will be no stopping the Order from adding this universe to their collection."
After hearing the explanation and what it would mean to the universe if the Matrix wasn't found Zordon turned to his Rangers. "Rangers. We must help our friends find this Matrix. It could be of great importance to not only this universe, but millions of others too."
"Hold up headcase!" Bretta said looking up at Zordon. "Who are you calling 'friends' here? I sure don't see any friends."
"Yeah. Ha ha!" Skull added following up.
Zordon was shocked by the Rangers' reactions. "But Rangers..."
"Hey" Natalie said. "All we've been since we got here was disrespected. I thought being a Ranger would mean something to me. Like my body in Playboy."
The Male Dark Rangers seemed to drool at the thought but Bretta D gave them glares which shut them up. "No sexist pigs in my unit." She said before turning back to Zordon. "But Natalie does have a point. We sure have been getting dissed a lot. Not really a lot of respect."
"Yeah. I thought for sure Kimberly would go out with me." Skull said "But she has been doing nothing but passing me by."
"Well you haven't unmasked yourself yet moron." Bulk said swatting Skull's head. "I'm sure if you revealed yourself then she'd go out with you."
"Ohhh watch out it's the Angel Grove flasher." Bretta P said. "Don't forget your overcoat."
Then suddenly Grenwell snapped out of his trance as if someone had activated a lightswitch in his brain. "That's it right there." Grenwell said. "It's this lack of respect and these rules you force upon us. 'Never escalate a battle unless forced to?' I say if you're going to fight a battle end it quick. '"
Everyone was surprised at Grenwell coming out of his trance, but Skull quickly rebounded. "And what about 'Never use the power for personal gain?' What's the point of having an advantage over other people if we cant use it?"
"Amen brother!" Clarence said as he impersonated Hulk Hogan. "And what about 'Never expose your identity to anyone?' I want to expose my identity. I want everyone to know that I-Clarence Gateson-am the genius who brought the Power Rangers' to the level of technological superiority they are today."
"Rangers. I forbid this." Zordon shouted. "The rules are there for a reason."
"Well you can take your reason and float it around that water cooler your head is in Headache, cause that's what the rules are giving us." Natalie said.
"We don't need you head!" Bulk shouted. "We're going solo!"
"Yeah! Ha ha!" Skull said.
"Rangers. Do not leave this Command Center!" Zordon ordered.
"Too late!" Bretta D said. "See ya Head cheese!" All the Dark Rangers laughed as they activated their teleporters and teleported out of the Command Center-for good.
Zordon sighed as he looked at the empty spaces where his Rangers stood. "This is not good my friends. With the Rangers gone this world has no defenders left to protect it from Rita on anyone else that may wish to attack."
Kendrix then spoke up. "Zordon, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you just might be better off without those losers."
"Ai yi yi what do you mean?" Alpha asked.
"They were never intended to have the power in the first place were they?" Kendrix asked. Zordon quickly answered 'no. ' And it's not like you weren't without options for alternative sources of power weren't you?"
Zordon considered Kendrix's words. "Yes Miss Morgan. It is true that the Dino Powers weren't the only option I had available. I have one alternative in a state of preparation right now."
"Well I recommend you use it." Leo said. "Because with those Loose Cannons out there, you may need it more sooner than later."
"Very well Mr. Corbett. But first we shall help you locate the Matrix that you seek." Zordon quickly ordered Alpha to begin a scan for power signatures similar to the Matrix. Jessica and Kendrix also came and helped out. And after an hour of searching the planet they got the results they asked for.
"Ai yi yi! Zordon I've found the signal!" Alpha said. All the Rangers rallied behind the little droid.
"It's located in a cave system just below Angel Grove Park. There is an entrance to it in Angel Grove Mountains."
"You mean that it's here in Angel Grove?" Bretta P said. "There's a joke in there somewhere."
"I know what you mean." Zack said. "It always seems like something happens in Angel Grove doesn't it?"
"Let's worry about irony later." Ryan said. "If we were able to find it then you can believe it won't take too long for Bansheera to find it herself."
"Or if Rita decides she wants to get her hands on it." Aisha added.
Zordon nodded. "I agree with your assessments. I wish you good luck, and may the power protect you."
The Ranger team all nodded as if thanking Zordon and teleported out, unaware that their conversation had been overheard by the Command Center's previous tenants. Zordon was unaware of it as well. But it didn't matter to him. What he and Alpha had to do would not be done in the command center.
"All right Alpha. Shut everything down except the emergency systems. We'll need all the power we can spare to create 'Project: White Ranger."
"You got it Zordon. But who will the White Ranger be?" the little android asked.
"Do not fear Alpha. I already have a candidate in mind." With that Zordon's time warp had shut down and was re-routed to another area of the command center. Alpha teleported himself to that very same area and the Morphin Master and his android friend soon began work.
Back in the Medical Wing of the Command Center the beeping of the life support monitor started to increase in intensity. And upon the increasing of the monitor beep, Regex began to stir.
His hand started to move, then came the forearm, until he had snapped himself awake and in full awareness. However full awareness did not include an awareness of where he was since he did not recognize the room he was in at all. "This doesn't look like any hospital I know." he said taking in the dark paint and silver trim that lined the whole room. He also noticed a reflective wall that he knew no hospital should have.
As Regex stood up he wandered around the room disconnecting the I. V. connected to his arm. He felt his strength returning with every step he took as he explored his room. When he came to the door he saw it open much like a turbo lift door that one saw on Star Trek. "I haven't been abducted by the Romulans have I?" he asked himself.
Regex looked around the corridors. They seemed abandoned yet spooky. Spooky since they were unfamiliar, and he certainly had no idea what would come down the halls. "I hope those nutjob Rangers don't show up. They're the last thing I need right now."
It was then Regex came up with an idea. "Hey this could be their base. Maybe I could find something here that I can use against them. I'll be a hero throughout Angel Grove. I can even get any girl I want. Even Kimberly, Trini and Ashley."
Regex left his hospital room and decided to go down the left corridor hoping to find something he could use against the Rangers. He felt so certain that fortune would smile on him that day. Whether it would or not remained to be seen.
"All Right!" Clarence shouted. "We know where the Matrix is at!"
"Yeah. But what's project White Ranger?" Natalie mentioned. "Was the big giant head holding out on us when it came to powers?"
"Maybe." Clarence said. "What do you say we go back and take these 'White Ranger powers' for ourselves?"
"We don't need those powers, or that head." Bretta said. "Why don't we get that Matrix for ourselves?"
"Yeah." Skull said. "With that we'd have more power than we ever dreamed of, if it's really as powerful as those losers say it is."
"More powerful than White Ranger powers certainly." Grenwell added.
"Then those geeks at the youth center would have to respect us." Bulk said. "But we may need some added firepower."
Natalie then added her own two cents. "Hey guys. What if the big head decided to give those White Ranger Powers to Regex?"
Bretta smiled as she thought of Regex as the White Ranger. "I so hope so. I want him to put up more of a fight when I kill him. She then turned to Clarence and asked. "Can you get the zords under our control?"
Clarence was grinning with confidence. "No problem. Those locks they got on the Zord Holding bays are child's play to one of my intellectual superiority. Our Zords will be ours again."
Natalie then let out a "woo-hoo!" as if saying "Let's get to it!" And soon all the Dark Rangers headed back to where their Zords would be. But as Greenwell turned around he thought he saw something in the woods. Something that set his hair on end.
Something familiar.
At the road where the Dark Rangers and Matrix team fought three witches had appeared and looked around hoping to find any sign of their quarry before it was too late.
"He's been here." Endora said. "His aura of power is strong here."
"But where is he now?" Zelda asked. "It's like he disappeared off the face of the Earth again."
"I don't know." Hilda said. "Maybe he'll reappear again. He has in the past."
"We have no time for that." Endora said as she then closed her eyes and began her incantation. "Gentle Hermes light thy way. Show me the darkness on this day." After a few seconds Endora had her answer and soon knew where to go.
"It's the caves beneath Angel Grove Park. We must get there quickly." Zelda and Hilda both nodded as the witches then disappeared unaware of the figure looking down at them. On top of the mountain ridge a mutant that looked like a cross between an army trooper and a skeleton looked down taking in all the witches were doing. He knew what they were trying to do, and he knew he had to stop them.
Fortunately he had a good idea where they would be going, but Rito wanted to be prepared for them when they arrived.
Up at the lunar palace Rita was looking down at the planet through her Repulsascope searching for the Matrix herself, a search that proved just as fruitful as Zordon's as she screeched "I've found it! I've found it!"
Bansheera ran to Rita's side and Rita showed Bansheera the image that she saw. "Where is that?" she asked.
"Cave system below Angel Grove Park!" Rita said. "It's a good thing I put in a power scanner on this thing."
Bansheera was quick to act. "Olympius! Black Annie! My followers! Come to me!" Soon everyone of Bansheera's team was standing in the courtyard below. Looking up Olympius asked "What has happened mother? Has the Matrix been found?"
"Yes my son! And we must leave now if we are to claim it! The Armada Units will set up around the cave entrance along with Skull Cruncher in order to keep the Rangers from getting in."
"And then we come and grab the Matrix for ourselves!" Rita screeched. Scorpina and King Sphinx stood ready to serve their queen. "We are ready empress!" King Sphinx said.
"Well then let's go! Let's go!" Rita screeched as she, King Sphinx and Scorpina all teleported down with a heard of putties. Bansheera, Olympius and her followers all went down as well. A fight was getting ready to happen.
Out at his uncle's cabin Tommy Oliver was coming out of the lake from his swim. Reaching for his towel Tommy wiped the water from his eyes and dried himself off as best he could before heading inside.
"What a refreshing swim." Tommy thought as he dried the water from around his eyes. Looking at his water resistant watch Tommy realized that he must have swum an extra couple of feet from his previous record. ~ Nice. ~ he thought before turning his attention back to Angel Grove and how his friends were doing.
~ Oh man!~ Tommy thought. ~ I hope Jase, Kim and the others are okay. Bulk and his friends have become impossible ever since those Power Rangers showed up. ~ He thought he was almost on to something when he felt a twinge in his chest that seemed to grow tighter by the second.
He suddenly felt his insides tighten with pain. Tommy had no idea what caused it, but it started from his gut and spread outward enveloping Tommy in a white aura.
The energy soon overtook Tommy, and in a flash of white light Tommy Oliver disappeared.
Meanwhile at the entrance to the Angel Grove caves the Matrix team had been the first to arrive. Looking around the entrance no one saw any opposition, but everyone knew that could change at anytime.
"Good. Bansheera hasn't arrived yet." Ryan said. "We've got time."
"And the entrance is big enough for a Cybertron to get through." Aisha added. "I guess it figured a Cybertron would come for it."
"Well let's not disappoint." Zack said. "TRANSFORM! GET ON!!!" Zack then transformed into Jazz and made ready to enter.
"I guess I'd better follow suit. TRANSFORM: HEAD ON!!!" Aisha transformed into Chromedome's head and took her place on her transsector.
"Ok you guys Transform to vehicle mode." Leo ordered. "Jessica can you activate your bike's headlight?"
"No problem." Jessica said as she did so. Jazz and Chromedome did the same.
"Okay, we'll all stay close to those with the headlights." Whiplash said as the whole team entered the cave where the Matrix of Reality resided hoping that no surprises were going to show up. Unaware that surprises were coming right behind them.
The Armada units flew in and transformed as their passengers disembarked the craft. Bansheera, Epyon and her crew had landed well enough. Rita however was stumbling to get back up after her not so easy landing. "Geez where did you get your pilot's license? From the quickie mart?"
"Ignore her A-7." Bansheera ordered. "Porto transform and have Skullcruncher scan the area."
Porto bowed ready to obey. "Yes my queen. TRANSFORM: HEAD ON!!!" Porto then became the head of Skullcruncher and scanned the area for any heat signatures that may have been in the area.
"Grrr! There were visitors here!" Skullcruncher said. "Rangers and Cybertrons!"
AHHHH They're here! Those Rangers ruin everything!" Rita screeched.
"GRRR! No!' Skullcruncher added. "These Rangers aren't the Power Rangers. They are from that Matrix team we're here to beat."
"We must enter and stop them!" Scorpina said.
"Agreed!" Black Annie added. Bansheera and Rita considered the words.
"Very well!" Rita said. "But just because the Rangers aren't here now doesn't mean they won't show up in the future. Perhaps some of those Armada guys should stay here and wait!"
Bansheera nodded. "Very well. A's 2 through 6 plus 8 assume guard formation around Rita's and my parties. A's 7 and 9 guard the entrance."
Sure enough Armada units 7 and 9 were standing guard as Bansheera, Rita and their party snuck into the cave system. Skullcruncher transformed into his crocodile mode and took point along with Bansheera and Rita. The Armada units both took flanks guarding the rest of the evil party. But not far away, standing on top of the rock face across from the entrance however was Clarence looking below with magna-binoculars.
"All right, both set of geeks are in!" Clarence said coming down from his perch.
"All right!" Bretta D said. "It's time for us to throw a party, Ranger style." All six were looking forward to the 'party'.
"Shall I go to get the 'party favors?'" Clarence asked.
"By all means." Bretta D said sneering. "Take Skull with you as protection." Soon in streaks of black tinged with blue and green Clarence and Skull teleported away looking to get their 'party favors while Grenwell sat down and went back to his ramblings.
"Crossroads." Grenwell muttered. "We are coming to a crossroads."
Bulk turned to his fellow Ranger and patted his shoulder. "Tell me about it. We're finally going to get the respect we deserve."
As Rita and Bansheera led their parties down the caverns, the appearance of Rito surprised many of the dark warriors. "What are you doing here bone head?" Rita asked her brother.
"Well... uh... sis. I was kind of looking into a new experiment that was going on and I was wondering if you could help me with it." As Rito continued to explain Rita seemed to dismiss it as ramblings of a ninny and all but ignored her brother.
"I have no time to waste on you! I'm looking for real power. Get lost!" Rito then seemed to go to the back of the cavalry sad and rejected until Black Annie stopped him. "I'm curious, what experiment are you talking about?"
Rito perked up as the sorceress seemed to take an interest in what he was trying to do. "Well I am trying to stop three witches from reinforcing a memory spell that's just getting ready to break down. I kind of want to see my nephew back in the family again?"
Black Annie seemed to raise an eyebrow. "Your nephew?"
"Yeah, it's a long story. But he's the Yellow Ranger right now, and well... that's something he shouldn't be right now. And I'm wondering if you can help me help him if you know what I mean." Rito said in a confusing way, but Black Annie seemed to get the idea.
"All right. I'll see what I can do." Rito was so happy Black Annie said that he almost jumped for joy. Rita then turned back and shouted "Quiet numbskull or you'll let the Rangers know where here."
"Don't worry sis. I'm just leaving!" Rito said. He turned to Black Annie and said "I've got a few things to take care of first." He then teleported out leaving Black Annie to contemplate all the ideas she had come up with to turn Rito's situation to the Order's advantage.
Back at the Command Center Regex continued to explore the corridors. So far he had not turned up anything. After going through four levels so far he had not found much. In his search he found living quarters and a gym level but nothing resembling an armory of any kind. Or even a weapon that had been mothballed that he could take back and scientists could reverse engineer.
He almost was ready to give up when he saw a light come at the end of the hall. The light felt plenty powerful. ~ Perhaps it's the weapon I'm looking for. ~ he thought as he made his way towards the chamber.
Inside the secret chamber below the command center Zordon and Alpha looked at the sleeping figure decked out in white with a white and gold helmet on him. "The subject appears to be stable Zordon." Alpha said.
"Excellent!" Zordon said. "The Ranger garments will allow the creation of the power to go smoothly as well as keep his condition stable. We are ready to begin." Alpha and Zordon were ready to start when a warning siren was heard disrupting the work before it even begun.
"Alpha what's wrong?" Zordon asked.
"I don't know! Someone's in the computer system." Alpha worked feverishly on the computer terminal before him trying to isolate the problem when he found out what that problem was.
"Ai, yi, yi! Intruder alert! Intruder Alert! Someone's taking the Zords out of the Holding bay."
"It must be the Rangers Alpha. Let them go." Zordon ordered.
Alpha looked on at Zordon like he had grown a second head in his plasma tube. "Zordon are you crazy? The Zords in the hands of those monsters "
"I'm well aware of the threat they pose Alpha, but they are useless to us anyway. We can only hope to get the Tigerzord fully functional, and the White Ranger up and running as soon as possible." Zordon stated.
"But what about the Matrix team?" Alpha asked.
"I know the Blue Night Ranger has a zord of her own. And Zack and Aisha have the powers of Cybertrons in their own right. We must pray they can hold on long enough for us to get the White Ranger Powers fully operational."
Alpha sighed as he prayed Zordon was right. The Matrix team, and the so-called 'Order of Destruction' was going to need everything they had to defeat the Dark Rangers.