Dark Specter looked out from his palace to see his fleet building. Thousands of menacing ships appeared, all armed to the teeth. Ready to strike at his command. And at my command. The light of goodness will die. Specter sneered. All he needed now was for Wraith Squadron to return.
Dark Specter. Message from Stasia. She says that Rogue B-Flight has been captured on Jolo. A junior monster said coming up to the Grand Monarch of evil ready to give his report. Dark Specter acknowledged the monster and then asked What of Dietricht?
No reply yet my lord. The monster answered. Dark Specter then dismissed the monster and went back to the star map which had shown the UAE territories and the council territories. It surprised him how much the UAE had gained since the Rangers were all rendered helpless. But he knew now that he had to move against Eltar, or it would be too late. ~ The council must never develop those powers again. ~ Dark Specter thought as smoke came out of his nostrils reflecting the menace in his thoughts.
He also wondered what Dietricht was doing on Sydnia.
To answer Dark Specter's question, Dietricht and his Wraiths were taking on the Rogues with the Matrix team looking on below.
Look up boys. Diamondback said. We're seeing history in the making. A Rogue Squadron battle.
Only one problem. They seem to be at a standoff. Joyride answered. And if they don't get the advantage soon those other guys will be all over them.
Ahh yes. The Wraith Squadron Diamondback said with disdain. But most everyone knew the torrid history with the Rogues and the Wraiths, a history that carried on to the modern times of much of the Matrix team's.
We've got to help out. Tommy said.
Agreed. Optimus answered as he turned to Kyle. Mr. Hanorhan can you perhaps morph and call upon your Raptorzord? Kyle looked up at Optimus and gave an answer that surprised everyone. No I can't.
Why not? Kat asked.
While discussing things with the spirits of this universe they let me know a few things. One of which was the way the grid was holding up right now, and I'll tell you it's in a state.
How bad? Andros asked. He was aware of how the grid was unstable just before the battle of the line, but stablized enough so that the Eltarian Rangers could finish the battle and provide victory. But still he needed to hear for himself how it was. And Kyle gave the answer.
It's almost completely recovered, but since we're not supposed to be here our morphers could probably overload the grid and the council would find themselves right back at square one.
So you and I can't morph? Chad asked.
Oh we can morph. Kyle answered. But if we do, none of the Rangers here will ever be able to morph again.
Not even the Blunder Rangers? Skull asked as the reality of the predicament sunk in with him. When Kyle nodded Skull fell backward in a cartoon faint, and Diamondback stepped on his feet sending him upright and soon she slapped Skull awake repeatedly.
Oh sorry. Skull said.
Optimus then thought of another brainstorm. Are any of your other abilities still intact? Kyle and Skull quickly got the message.
Yes. I still have my connection to the Primal forces and the supernatural aspects. And Skull I'm sure is connected to whatever loony force he's tied to as his faint pointed out. Skull also nodded in agreement with what Kyle said.
I can use my martial arts skills. Chad said. May not be much, but I'm sure they can help out.
And I'm not without a few tricks of my own. Diamondback added. Even though she couldn't remember them right now. ~ Oh well. I'm sure they'll come to me. ~ she thought. ~ After all this is kind of like that battle on Golganath seven I was in ~
But all the same we need to get up there. Rodimus answered as he looked at the Rogues fighting the Wraiths.
Perhaps we can. Optimus said. As you know my Powermaster mode does have short range rocket boosters where I can do a limited flight during combat conditions.
Prime is that worth it? Arcee asked in vehicle mode. Optimus assured Arcee that it was. The Rogues need a way to win this battle quickly. If I can help them do that then they might be able to trust us more. And we may need all the allies we can find.
Understood Prime. Be careful. Rodimus said just as Tommy shouted TRANSFORM!!! ENGINE ON!!!. Tommy then transformed into Optimus's engine component as Prime wasted no time in activating his rockets making ready to fly.
The Matrix team watched as Optimus Prime and Tommy took to the skies looking to help the Rogues any way they could.
In the battle above Riptide was starting to take Optimus's advice very seriously. The Rogues' battle with the Wraiths seemed to be a standoff, and for some reason Riptide could swear that that was what Dietricht wanted. ~ What are you up to you frelling piece of Felgercarb?~ he asked mentally. Then he figured it out when he saw the small round balls around the engines of Dietricht's ship. Dietricht was packing extra fuel cells on his ship. Cells the Rogues didn't have.
Goddess look at the ship you're pursuing. Are there additional fuel cells on it? Goddess looked at her ship and noticed the cells. Slasher, Sharra and Stryker also reported the ships they were pursuing had additional cells as well.
He's trying to outlast us. Riptide said. We need to end this quick. But unfortunately that was proving to be easier said than done as the TIE's of Wraith Squadron seemed to dodge the firepower the Rogues produced from their turbolasers.
Not only do they have fuel to burn but they are very maneuverable today. Stryker answered as he saw the TIE's dance around his viewscreen. Getting a shot was incredibly difficult.
At this rate we'll run out of fuel before we knock even one beater down. Sharra added. Then she noticed the Wraith in front of her exploding then fall down to the ground. What the ?
Every Rogue saw the Wraiths being blown out of the sky, and when they turned they saw a giant red robot with two laser rifles hovering picking his targets carefully. Optimus held up one of his laser rifles and picked off the Wraiths like a skilled marksman. Four of the Wraiths fell to the ground like burning metal as the explosions lit up the night sky. Dietricht however saw the odds were against him, and immediately turned and ran from the battle. Another time Riptide. He vowed.
I'll be waiting. Riptide said as he looked at the big robot setting down on the ground. Giving the order to set down he told the Rogues Let's greet our new friends. And the Rogues all followed. Once they landed they got out of their cockpits and looked at the motley mix of robot and humanoid. One of them ran up to the five Rogues like a fan who met their favorite pop idol. Only she looked older than the rest of them.
Squattra Riptide it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Diamondback said shaking the Rogue leader's hand like a crazed fan. I have memorized every mission you have been on. I know your stories inside and out.
Trust me. She's not lying on that one. Kyle answered.
Riptide allowed Diamondback to shake his hand as she babbled on like a crazed fan. Then he pushed her back and said Who in the blue name of Onyx are you?
Oh so sorry. First Lieutenant Ishtarla Baretta, call sign Diamondback. Rogue six of the Universal Century196.
This surprised the Rogues. Universal Century 196? Is that some sort of future date or something? Slasher asked.
Diamondback was about to answer but Chad then stepped forward. Okay grandma, enough stories for now. We've probably told more than we're really supposed to.
Agreed. Optimus said. As I'm sure you will agree Mr. Riptide that too much knowledge about the future can be a dangerous thing. Riptide nodded in agreement then said to Optimus You obviously know who I am, and I know who you are. The question now is 'Why are you here on Sydnia?'
Rodimus then answered Riptide's question. We're searching for the Matrix of Creation. We also needed information to figure out where we are as well as when. The abandoned Sydnia records asteroid gave us a good chance to do that.
And have you found it? Stryker asked.
Yes. Kimberly answered. It's on Eltar.
Where the Battle of the Line is taking place. Goddess answered. Now everyone was worried. They had to get to Eltar and they had to get there quick. There was only one problem.
Uhhh guys. Our fuel is low. Sharra answered. We're not going anywhere.
And Lard will most likely not be sending a ship out for us. Riptide added. Everyone he's calling is setting up the line.
Maybe there is a way. Andros said and everyone turned to listen to him. I've heard rumors that there was a ship here decommissioned, yet still able to fly. Maybe we can load the Rogue ships on board and use that to get to Eltar. Everyone thought Andros had a good idea and moved to find the ship. After a few hours of searching the ship was found and everyone boarded.
The ship didn't look like much. It seemed to be much like a bulk freighter that should have been placed in the council museum. It seemed very squared with a triangular shaped component at the front signifying the command and control section. The section seemed to be loosely connected with the rest of the ship, but after Kyle and Andros checked it out they believed that it could fly. Barely. Kyle added.
What kind of ship is this? Kat asked.
It's an old Gemonese freighter that was found adrift. Andros said. It was stored here hoping to go to the council museum but never made it. The paperwork seemed to get lost when relocation came up.
Well at least we agree it belongs in a museum. Kyle said. This prompted Diamondback to remember the battle at the museum of antiquities on Aros IV, but no one wanted to hear it.
Well we have no other way to get to Eltar. Every one get aboard. ' Optimus ordered. Riptide gave the same order and soon both Matrix team and Rogues boarded the old freighter. The old cruiser took to space with the Matrix team and the Rogues making their way to Eltar.
On Jolo however the Rogue B-Flight was not having all that much good luck as their counterparts were having. Seeing as how they were all prisoners. Dulcea looked at her captors and took in each one. Some looked familiar, then her eyes went wide as she identified them. Oh by the Great Power! Rita Repulsa and her court.
Guilty as charged sister! Rita sneered. Dulcea couldn't believe what she was seeing. Rita was supposed to be trapped in a dumpster along with Goldar. Instead she was here and Rito Revolto was with her as well. She also noticed Trakeena and Villimax from the Scorpion Empire, but even that was impossible. Trakeena was still something of a toddler at this age. How could she be an adult? ~ Could these metal creatures have something to do with it?~ she mentally asked herself.
Oh, in case you were wondering about the new looks. Rita said referring to her green and white armor. They are some new tricks we picked up. Too bad you won't be able to see them.
Goldar then looked at Dulcea and took her chin in his massive hand. It is a pity you are too dangerous to live. You would make a fantastic slave. Especially when you wore that green bikini. Goldar's eyes seemed to shine with lust and prisoner or no, Dulcea was not about to let that go unchecked. She kicked him in the cod piece of his new armor only to find that her own leg was the only thing hurting. Goldar stood sneering as Dulcea's attack proved to be ineffective. Ha ha! Was that all you could do?
Do not fault her. Cyclonus said in response to Goldar's taunts. Hers is a warriors spirit. She only responded accordingly when faced with an immediate threat.
Yeah. Like this! Dulcea gave a chop to Goldar's throat, which seemed to be more effective than the kick did. Goldar grabbed his throat trying to get his next breath. Dulcea would have capitalized but a blast from the woman with the wings and sword fired a bolt sending her back down to the ground. Nice. Very nice. Star Vypra said holding her sword and looking down at Dulcea.
Stasia then crossed around to look at her fellow Amazonian Crysta kept securely shackled, who immediately shot an angry glare at her. Well, have you nothing to say to me?
Only that you shall pay for your crimes one day traitor! Crysta spat. If not by me then by someone else.
Stasia looked deep into Crysta's eyes and sneered. And I'll defeat them too. Crysta then shot a wad of spit at her adversary, which Stasia wiped off. Then bringing her fist back she delivered a shot across Crysta's cheek. You really need to let things go. Stasia sneered as she then she went back to where the Destrons stood. Galvatron II looked down at the fallen Rogues with a look of nothing but contempt. Clearly his amusement at the Rogues's actions was over.
Prepare to execute them. Galvatron II ordered as everyone looked ready to execute the order. A brief look passed across Rita's face however when she looked at Dulcea. Dulcea caught the look and wondered what it meant. Scourge and Cyclonus stood ready as Goldar and Rito transformed into their partner's weapons bringing them to bear against the Rogues. Plurrs was shaking clearly saying through his actions that he didn't want to be executed. OH PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!! PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!!!!!! Ramen the Conqueror then gave Plurrs a slap on the head and Plurrs then said Thanks I needed that. BUT I STILL DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!
Galvatron II just smirked at the overacting Plurrs was doing. It looked as if his amusement at the Rogues had returned, albeit briefly. And I thought the previous Galvatron made me laugh. You definitely, as the humans say, take the cake.
Oh thank you. Plurrs said taking a bow. Does this mean you'll spare us? The blasters in Plurrs face answered his question as Plurrs then sat back down and Galvatron II gave his next command.
READY . AIM . The command to fire however didn't come as something else filled the sky. A giant shadow that cast its form over all on Jolo's surface.
Looking up the Order saw the Zenith Carrier hover overhead. Its doors opened and out came the Stratoforce zords individually doing strafing runs that scattered the Order around clearing the way for the Centaurus zords to land. The Rogues looked confused as the Centarus zords set down near their position. Quick. Get on board! a voice said from Zenith. It was a voice the Rogues had heard before but couldn't believe. It was also a voice Trakeena knew all to well. For it was her own.
No not you! NOT YOU!!! she shouted as she fired her scorpion staff at the massive zord, but her blasts were having no effect. Star Vypra knocked her staff down and shot her a look that said 'Hold your fire. 'You don't need to waste power.
They're escaping. Villimax said as the Centaurus zords took off with the B-Flight on board up to Zenith as it was making its way down to the surface of Jolo. Stratoforce and Centaurus then merged and stood at Megazord mode when they stood guard at the forward entrance to Zenith when it landed. With the Rogues safely inside the landing gangway opened at its pilot walked out. And when Trakeena saw her, even if she knew who she was, she still couldn't believe the sight before her.
Out of the zord walked Tracy Darknight. Trakeena's human counterpart, who wore a black leather jacket with black hugging leather pants and boots. Her shirt was also black with the only symbol of color on her outfit was a silver belt buckle with a raven on it. In her hands was a sword, which she was ready to use if she needed to. Galvatron II ordered everyone to stand back and let Trakeena handle this. Sure enough she walked forward. Disbelief still etched on her face. Clearly being told the truth was one thing, having it hit you in the face was another.
Who are you? Trakeena asked barely able to get the words out. Tracy however seemed to be amused by the question.
Oh come now. Don't tell me you don't recognize me. Tracy said walking towards her 'twin'. Besides, as a child didn't you once wish that you had a sister? Well here I am.
But you're you're nothing like me! Trakeena said still in shock.
You're right. I'm much more prettier. Tracy then charged her twin with her sword but Villimax stood in the path protecting his princess from herself. You shall not pass. Villimax promised.
Sorry Villimax. But my sister and I have some things to discuss. Tracy answered as she stepped forward. Villimax however would not let Tracy step any closer and kept his sword drawn. One side Villimax. Tracy said.
No. Villimax answered dead set on not letting Tracy get past him.
Well then there's no choice is there? Tracy said as she drew her sword. Villimax drew his and said No. None at all. Then at the same time both launched strikes as the sound of clashing swords filled the air. Both combatants giving no quarter, and not letting any openings in their technique show. You've improved. Villimax said as his and Tracy's swords were locked together.
I always took your teachings to heart. Unlike others who just set them in the back of their minds. Tracy answered as she cast a glance at Trakeena. Trakeena picked up on that and, feeling insulted, told Villimax to stand down. My queen? Villimax asked.
Stand down I said. Trakeena ordered. I am going to show this bitch who takes who's teaching to heart. She then brought her Scorpion Staff to bear and stood facing her counterpart.
Bitch huh? Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black? Tracy quipped.
Look who's talking. Trakeena answered as she delivered a swipe under Tracy which she dodged. Then Tracy gave an overhead strike, which Trakeena soon deflected. Trakeena then noticed the morpher on Tracy's wrist and was surprised. What are you doing with a morpher? she asked before Tracy kicked her in the stomach sending her back to the ground.
Tracy then looked at the morpher on her wrist. You know I don't know. I mean, we're no Astronema. We didn't have to fight and train for as long as she did under Ecliptor. We're no Rita who practiced her craft for so long. And we sure aren't Divatox, I don't want to even think about what kind of villainess she was. Even though she acts like she needs valium and a lot of it. No, we had everything handed to us. An empire from daddy. Powers from daddy. A whiney attitude from daddy. You know when you think about it there really wasn't much to us was there? Whether good or evil.
Trakeena then thought of an idea to try to entice her counterpart. What's the matter? Why don't you morph? Trakeena said to Tracy hoping to get her to morph and cause the much feared overload of the grid the UAE was hoping for. .
And give you the victory? No thanks. Tracy answered picking up on Trakeena's plan quickly.
All right then. Trakeena said holding her hands up. Let's try this. Just after that the hands gave an unearthly red glow, and when Tracy looked down at her own hands she saw them glowing as well. What's going on?
Why I'm preparing to allow you to merge with me again. Trakeena sneered. Villimax stepped forward ready to protest the decision, but Trakeena waved him back as she looked at Tracy. Haven't you felt incomplete? Like a piece of you has been missing for so long? Well that piece is waiting for you. Waiting to make you whole again. Isn't that what you want? Tracy heard Trakeena's words and felt herself being swayed by them.
Come on 'sister', its time to ask yourself. 'What do you want?' Trakeena said with her hands held up and glowing. Here was the chance Tracy was looking for, a chance to merge with herself once again. A chance to be free of the conscience within her. Free of the pain. Free of the grief.
But was that what she truly wanted?
In the control deck of the Zenith Dulcea and the B-Flight were watching from above the confrontation with Trakeena and Tracy. Who is that lady? Plurrs asked.
I don't know. Ronox answered. But she looks like Trakeena doesn't she? Dulcea nodded in agreement as she looked down at the confrontation of the two women, then noticed something moving along the mountainside trying to get behind Tracy without being spotted. Dulcea recognized Rita, Goldar, Rito, Star Vypra and Stasia trying to move for a shot from behind.
Whatever she is we can't let those dishonorable patackhs attack them from behind. Crysta said. Especially Stasia.
Agreed. A voice said from above. Everyone looked up wondering who said that and the voice answered. I am the animal spirit that travels with her. She is now being tested.
Tested? Ramen asked.
To see if she chooses the right path. As her newfound heart desires. But you are right. Those that seek to destroy her must not interfere. Follow the lights in the hallway. They shall direct you to where you need to go. The Rogues followed the illuminated lights of the Zenith all the way to a locked vault which suddenly opened revealing an assortment of weapons. Crysta and Ramen were open mouthed as they saw all the weapons the Zenith provided.
Welcome to the weapons locker. Please select your weapons. The voice within the ship had said. Sure enough the B-Flight looked in and grabbed what they believed they needed. Dulcea's gaze fell upon a saber staff weapon that wasn't energy based, but would do for her.
Ronox found an old fashioned cutlass, which fit his hand well. Also there was a shield which fit his arm well also. Ramen grabbed a mace off a wall and did some practice swings with it. Plurrs noticed a Star Slinger and picked that up off the wall. Crysta. Aren't you picking up a weapon? Ramen asked.
Anyone can USE a weapon. But an Amazonian IS a weapon! she said straight out. And as a weapon I will defeat the traitor Stasia! She vowed.
All right then. Let's stop those clowns. Dulcea said as everyone watched her uniform magically glow and change into a garment she never thought she'd wear again, thanks to Commandant Lard's adherence to the dress code. The garment in question was none other than her traditional Phaedosian bikini. Dulcea saw her reflection in the mirror and noticed herself. Nice to know it still fits. She said. The others noticed the fit of Dulcea's Phadosian garb too, for reasons of their own. Dulcea, forgive my bluntness but why are you wearing this garment instead of your Rogues uniform? Crysta asked making her reasons known first.
If I'm going into this fight, I believe my Phaedosian training would serve me best. So I go into this fight as a Master Warrior of Phaedos hoping to increase our chances of victory. Dulcea said. Besides, it has been a long time since I have battled as a warrior of Phaedos, and I have seen someone that warrents a warrior's attention.
Who's that? Ramen asked. Dulcea cast her gaze out at Rita who stood in her green and white armor. Need I say more?
We understand. Plurrs said remembering that Rita was once a part of a coalition to invade Phaedos, a coalition that left the planet in ruins and left very few survivors present. Even if this Rita wasn't part of the coalition that attacked Dulcea's Phaedos, she knew someone out there would want revenge on Rita. But still, Plurrs couldn't help but drool as he saw the sight of Dulcea in her Phaedosian garb. Something all men couldn't help but do once they saw her in it. Dulcea saw the looks then quickly explained.
There are skills on Phaedos that I can bring about that I can't bring about as a Rogue. As such I need to be in tune with the Ninjetti force of Phaedos, a force of light and life which protects the Great Power, and I need to be connected to it totally. Especially against Rita. Everyone then understood and focused on the battle, especially when Dulcea gave a forceful tone in her voice that silenced the male onlookers in her flight that told them to keep things strictly business.
All right then. Let's go. Dulcea then led her flight to where the airlock door would be. Sure enough they found it and made their way outside.
B-Flight made their way to the mountain rim to head off the Destron Masters at the pass.
On the rim Rita led her party to where Trakeena and Tracy were facing off. She saw Dulcea come out dressed in her Phaedosian bikini and smiled. ~ Perfect~ she thought as she prefered Dulcea to be in her Master Warrior garb. ~ That will make what happens next even better~ she thought as her evil plan started to take shape. Rita then turned her focus to Trakeena and Tracy just as Rito then interrupted her train of thought by asking Hey sis. What do we do?
Rita answered first by smacking Rito on his armored head before speaking. What do you think we do numskull? Rita said. We kill the girl and leave Trakeena alive.
Why only the girl? Goldar asked. Why not Trakeena as well?
Because Trakeena we can control! Rita said. She's nothing more than a prissy little girl who thinks she's a conqueror. The human however she can ruin everything.
Well then we can't let that happen now can we? a voice said from behind. Soon everyone turned around and saw the B-Flight looking down on them. All right people pick your target. Dulcea ordered. Everyone soon did so.
Dulcea stared at Rita. The two were no strangers to each other, because just before Rita and Zordon were sealed away in their own respective prisons, both she and Dulcea faced each other on occasion. However in many of their battles Dulcea used her warriors skill while Rita always depended on magic to get what she wanted. Now Dulcea was sure the rules had changed along with Rita's look.
Rita had her magic staff in hand holding it like a bo staff. Dulcea was surprised at this since Rita wasn't known too much for combat. I see your partner has been coaching you. Dulcea said in reference to Starscream.
Rita smiled an evil smile. What can I say? The Screamer has been a real positive influence on me. I also notice you are in your Phaedosian garb. Good. This confused Dulcea, ~ Good? Why is being in traditional Phaedosian garb good for her? What is she up to?~
The only answer Dulcea would get was when Rita then jumped high into the air and tried to land an overhead strike against Dulcea. A strike Dulcea was able to block with her own weapon. Dulcea then ducked down and did a leg sweep knocking Rita off her feet and down on the ground. Deciding not to waste anymore time Dulcea then glowed a green glow as her human form disappeared and transformed into that of a snow owl. And in this form Dulcea moved to peck and claw at Rita's eyes hoping to blind her for a second. She did so but only for a second.
Rita tried to shoo away Dulcea the owl yet Dulcea kept up the attack. Rita then realized that she too had a transformation. ~ One that's way cooler than Dulcea's could ever be. ~ she thought as Rita Repulsa was ready to unleash her next trick.
TRANSFORM!!! GET ON!!! Rita shouted as her own transformation occurred. Soon instead of Rita Repulsa stood a giant silver and red robot with wings and an evil smirk which dwarfed the snow owl at a level too great to measure. This robot was the Destron Starscream.
What's the matter? Don't you like one ups manship? Starscream said with a sick sense of glee as he then transformed into jetmode and flew at least one lap around Dulcea catching her in Starscream's jetwash. Dulcea was struggling to find her bearings in the maddening rush of air, but it was to no avail. She was so disoriented it was a miracle that she hadn't died due to internal pressure. Her connection to the Great Power on Phaedos was the only thing keeping her alive in order to endure the wash.
The snow owl fell to the ground unconscious, then changed back into the human form of Dulcea. Starscream stood over her sneering and picked up the unconscious woman and placed her in his cockpit center. Then with that done he transformed back into Rita. What do you plan to do with her? Starscream asked in Rita's mind.
Well all I'll say is that it will be evil. She said. And that was all Starscream needed to know.
Because Evil was always fun.
However Dulcea's plight went unnoticed by the Rogues due to them facing their own opponents. One of them was facing her opponent on a great personal level. Personal meaning for herself and her fellow Amazonians.
And now traitor. You will pay for your crimes. Crysta said as she charged at Stasia. Stasia however sidestepped and avoided Crysta's charge and follwed up with an elbow to the back of her head. Stasia then looked down at her opponent and shook her head in contempt.
Look at you, a soft, pathetic nothing that is driven by madness and vengeance. When you were that monster, at least you had the impression of strength. You were powerful! You were an engine of destruction where nothing stood in your way. Stasia then smiled as she then said And the people of Altair 9 knew of the power you possessed didn't they? The people saw it as you tore through their homes. Sent people screaming, fleeing from their homes. So many that the slave transports were filled to capacity. Yes you truly had shown your power that day. And you had shown more as you went from planet to planet. Nothing could stop you. Then with a tone of malicious evil in her as she then said Not even your own tribe.
Crysta heard those words and immediately felt her anger rise. As the anger rose memories filled her mind. Memories of scientists hovering over her, needles full of serums being injected into her, painful transformations which changed her into a rock monster, and finally a monstrous rage building deep within her that threatened to destroy everything. Everything, including her own tribe. Those memories fueled the shame and anger that welled within her. An anger she expressed with a backhanded strike that sent Stasia back down to the ground, and Crysta immediately stood up looking down at her foe with a hatred so intense it could probably have ignited stars.
The UAE mutated me! Crysta shouted. They raped me in a vile way when they changed me without consent. And you betrayed our people when you tried to steal the Spear of Destiny.
The Amazonians are weak. Stasia said. Following outdated tribal codes. Enduring the sneers of male onlookers who want to have fun with out attributes. Why should we not renounce our codes of honor and create our own little corners of the universe for ourselves? she sneered, totally unexpected for the uppercut to come which sent Stasia back over the mountain face and down the hillside.
Because as my mistress once said, 'ambition blinds'. A lesson you never learned. Crysta said finally as she watched Stasia fall, yet knowing that sooner or later she would face Stasia again. Only then it would be for the last time.
Ramen went for Star Vypra. He did not know for sure what all his opponent was capable of. But in the fight ahead, he would find out for himself. He held his mace up ready to give an attack if he needed to.
Do you really think that mace can stop me? Star Vypra said. I have the Star Power. I am powerful. Ramen noticed the red star on Vypra's chest and was intrigued. ~ A Star Power. I didn't think I'd see one on someone like her. I wonder if ~ Ramen felt the Star Power within him build up, but then decided to tuck it down. What's the matter? Afraid your power is no match for mine? Star Vypra sneered.
No, I just want to save the best for last. Ramen then delivered a strike into the red star on Vypra's armored chest, which distracted her briefly. Long enough for Ramen to kick her in the stomach and send her over the rock face as well. Clearly he was in no mood to fight right now. ~ Maybe another time you'll taste my power. ~ he thought.
Ronox and Plurrs were one odd couple having to take on the next odd couple. That of Goldar and Rito. Ronox had his cutlass and Plurrs had his Star Slinger at the ready. Goldar and Ronox started their own sword duel while Rito and Plurrs were trying to play target practice with one another. Both Goldar and Ronox seemed to be master swordsmen, but then Ronox had quite a few masters of the sword among his nine hundred and twenty personalities. Well done mechanoid! Goldar said in appraisal of his opponents swordsmanship.
Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me. Ronox then ducked out of the way as a stray shot hit Goldar sending him down as Rito and Plurrs engaged in a shootout. Neither one was able to get a good shot. Mostly because Plurrs was running as fast as he could to avoid being hit. And Rito was moving so fast trying to hit Plurrs that Plurrs couldn't get a good shot.
Finally Crysta appeared as if out of nowhere over a rock face and landed by Plurrs' side. Plurrs almost had a heart attack as she grabbed the Star Slinger and gave a shot knocking Rito down before giving the Slinger back to Plurrs.
We are finished for now. Crysta said.
Not quite. Ramen said. There's still one last battle taking place.
Well? Trakeena asked Tracy as their hands still glowed. What's it going to be? Are you going to be a lowly human for all eternity? Or are you going to rejoin me and we can rule who knows how many universes? For the longest time Tracy had said nothing as her mind was lost in a whirlwind of choices, struggling to find clarity. Then she did and it didn't feel so good. ~ But then what has lately?~ she thought to herself. Then she came to a revelation about her whole life.
I can't believe I was that weak. Tracy said as the glow faded from her hands. This caught Trakeena's ear. Huh? she asked.
Tracy then looked up at her counterpart with a look as hard as stone. What were we before? Huh? What were we? I'll answer that question right now. We were nothing! Trakeena went wide eyed as surprise overtook her. WHAT?!!! she shouted.
That's right. We were nothing!!! Just some spoiled rich girl whose father mutated himself into a giant bug then had her mother for din din! Ever since then we either tried to win daddy's approval or get caught up in our own vanity. When we ran away Villimax was the first to teach us how to survive! But he didn't count on us turning into some sort of psycho bitch with a death wish!
I let others mold me into whatever they wanted!Daddy! Villimax! The Order! Never for once did I have an identity of my own! And for the record I still don't! But I'll be damned if anyone is going to keep me from finding out who I really am!
Trakeena only sneered at that admission. But you're damned already. After all you are a part of me, and the sins we committed were when you were a part of me!
Maybe so! But I can do my best to not commit anymore, and stop you every time you do. Tracy said as she then delivered a kick to her counterpart's chest sending her down to the ground. After all I'm responsible for you now. Tracy said as Trakeena was incensed with this disrespect and charged at Tracy again. A simple sidestep was all Tracy needed for Trakeena to crash into the rock face and Tracy then said Look at you! You're worse than a Blunder Ranger!
I compare you to them because you're worse than them! Tracy shot. At least they built their own fates! They lived their lives, and not at anyone's expense. They weren't spoiled rich brats who didn't care about right and wrong like we were. Tracy then let a tear slide down her face as she thought of all the grief she had caused, and how weak she was not to stop. Then somewhere in her mind she heard a soft voice. A voice of her galactabeast and animal guide.
Well done child. You have taken your first step.
Yeah. I only have eleven more to go, then maybe another twelve step program after that. She said as she turned away from Trakeena leaving her past behind and moving towards an uncertain future. But Trakeena was determined to get in the last word.
If you're looking for redemption you'll fail!!! Trakeena vowed. You'll never be able to redeem yourself for all the sins we committed!
Maybe redemption's not what I'm looking for. I'll just follow the path and see where it goes. Who knows? I might like it/ Tracy said as she simply walked away leaving Trakeena alone. The Rogues were waiting up top. How'd you get here?
Your ship let us go. Ronox said. It thought you might have needed help.
More than you can think! Galvatron II said as he decided to stop observing and give his own attack. SWEEPS ATTACK!!! Galvatron II ordered as the hovercraft flew towards Tracy and the Rogues, weapons blazing sending waves of energy down on them. Tracy wasted no time calling into her communicator Five for emergency teleport now! Soon the Rogues all were transported back to the Zenith and the carrierzord made tracks for anywhere that wasn't Jolo. Centaurus and Stratoforce boarded as well, and quickly.
Crysta looked down at Tracy at the control console. Don't thank me I already regret it. She said.
Don't worry I won't! Crysta said as she looked at the scanner and noticed the Destron aircraft in close pursuit. Wait. Where's Dulcea?
You mean she didn't teleport back with us? Ramen asked. Crysta almost went over to Tracy and said for Zenith to turn around but she didn't have to as visual on the approaching ships enhanced on the cockpit of the fighter jet.
The jet had Dulcea inside as a prisoner. But unfortunately they could not move against it with the others protecting it in an attack formation. Nor could they risk attacking it without hurting Dulcea. That Destron is a coward for using her as a shield. Crysta seethed.
What do we do? Plurrs asked. Do we rescue Dulcea or do we stop these guys from getting what they want?Clearly it was a tough decision, but one that had to be made. Ramen was the one that made it.
We'll have to rescue her another time. We need to get to Eltar! Ramen said.
Eltar are you nuts? Tracy asked. I may not have been on the side of the angels but even I know when the battle of the line is coming up.
That won't stop them. Ronox said. What they want is there.
What? What do they want? Tracy asked clearly irritated.
The Matrix! Ramen answered. One of seven. And if we don't get them .
All hell's going to break loose blah blah blah! Tracy said. Crysta looked at Tracy and said You dare to make light of this situation?
Hey lady I just found out that I was nothing more than a weak little brat! I think I'm entitled to a little bit of sarcasm. Besides I haven't made my decision to join the side of the angels yet either. Tracy said then continued. All I know is that I hurt a lot of people, and I wasted my life. Right now I don't know what I'm going to do now.
Well before you do can we lose these clowns? Plurrs asked. Tracy then set the co-ordinates as Zenith charged away from the planet with the Sweeps, Starscream, Scourge and Cyclonus in pursuit. How fast can this go? Crysta asked.
Hold on to your teeth. Tracy said as she opened up the Zenith's hyperrush engines. And soon B-Flight also made tracks for Eltar.
Back on Jolo the Order, and their guest Stasia, were regrouping from their engagement with the Rogues and Tracy. AHHHHH!!! Stasia screamed. I can't believe that bitch! She cradled her jaw where Crysta struck her, and right away vowed that she would pay for that action.
You can't believe? What about me?! Why would she turn on me like that? Trakeena said about her human counterpart. I mean I know her! I am her! She should have accepted me!
ENOUGH!!! Galvatron II shouted. Obviously we have been handed a defeat. But it's nothing we can't recover from. Galvatron then looked up and saw Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps set down. Goldar and Rito then transformed as well. Mighty one I regret the Rogue Squadron evaded us.
He means they got away. Rito said keeping it simple. Galvatron II however paid Rito no mind. This is only a setback. Besides we still have several chances to get them again as well as the prize they are after.
Of course mighty one. Cyclonus said. We know where they will be going. And we can intercept them there.
Very well. Sweeps transform! Galvatron II ordered. Trakeena, Villimax, Stasia and Star Vypra then boarded a Sweep but then Scourge looked around and asked the million-credit question. Where's Starsream?
To answer Scourge's question Starscream set down in a crater near Jolo where he opened up his cockpit and set his prisoner Dulcea down on the ground. Looking up she saw the massive form of Starscream leering down at her and she immediately asked What do you want with me?
Oh my dear. Myself, I want nothing from you. But my partner however Starscream then broke off that sentence as he then transformed back into the form of Rita Repulsa and completed Starscream's sentence. has other plans for you.
Dulcea couldn't believe what she was seeing. Rita Repulsa, free? ~ How? When?~ were running through her mind. A question Rita picked up on and answered, as she removed her helmet. Dulcea was surprised at how Rita looked. No longer did she have that hideous hairstyle of before, but a shoulder length silver hair style, and a face that was no older than 11, 000. It's amazing what beauty secrets can do isn't it? Which brings me to my next topic.
Rita then stepped forward and grabbed Dulcea by the hair. I always envied your good looks Dulcea. Your wardrobe was a little revealing but hey who am I to talk about fashion choices? Obviously the Great Power has been good to you even away from Phaedos, even if it can't be used to create Ranger powers. You still don't look a day over 600.
What do you want? My beauty secret? Dulcea asked with a bit of spite.
Not really. I know what your secret is. I also know you still have a connection to the great power. A connection I aim to possess. As does my partner wish to. Dulcea then raised her head back in laughter. The Great Power can't be used for evil. Nor can your partner, who's a machine by the way, use it. Magic and metal don't mix.
Not when I have this. Rita said as she flipped her wrist and a huge red jewel, which glowed with energy, appeared in her hand. Dulcea immediately knew what it was. And was suddenly afraid. The Magick Shell.
Yes. I had this little knick-knack around in case I ever ran into you again. Some scientists were investigating this object believing that it would unlock the secrets of the 'Highest Science', which was the term they gave to what you and I know as 'magic'. Of course the buffoons didn't believe in magic so they didn't know what they had. But you and I both do don't we? Rita looked at Dulcea in a way that made Dulcea shudder, but she was not about to let Rita know how afraid she was.
Thousands of years ago sorcerers and witches deposited their powers into this shell in hopes of preserving it so that their magical energy could one day revive the universe of magic. Of course their powers weren't the only thing they put into the shell. Why was it called the 'Magick Shell' you ask?Bacause sometimes shells can hold certain items inside them. And even though this jewel was not hollow like a shell was the infusion of magic changed it's properties so that it could contain magic and powers, or anything magical anyone wished to infuse into it to increase its power. Dulcea remembered the legend of the shell herself, and knew what Rita was talking about. Some of the witches and wizards who created the shell put their own life essences, if not their very beings, into the makeup of the shell in hopes of empowering it more. And Dulcea knew Rita intended the same thing for her.
No! Dulcea said as she jumped into the air hoping to escape. Rita however had that move scouted and used the shell to hold her in place in the air. Dulcea's arms were held up as if trying to block the magical energy, but the energy surrounded her entire being. She felt her own power mingling with that of the shell and saw Rita smiling as Dulcea realized just who would be controlling that power now. Now, granted you're not the Dulcea I remember. But you'll do for what I have planned. Next thing that happened a beam of energy shot out of the shell and hit the hovering form of Dulcea. Dulcea had her hands up trying to hold the power back, but it was to no avail. Soon she found herself being pulled towards the shell and then breaking down into gas, which then went inside the shell like a genie, did with her bottle. Soon the gas went all inside the jewel and Rita then looked in at her new treasure.
Rita looked at the small image of Dulcea back in human form inside the shell as she felt the walls of her prison. You know, you look real cute like this. All tiny and helpless, why don't you stay like that for a while. But first a little snack. Rita held the shell out in front of her and called upon the shell's energy to fill her being. Feeding on the power the shell had, as well as the power of the shell's tiny new occupant. As Rita felt the power seeping into her Rita's hair became darker, more brown, and her face more defined and youthful. And when Rita looked at Dulcea inside the shell again the Phadosian was down on one knee as she felt her energy being drained from her. Dulcea still had her youthful features, but clearly Rita's feeding weakened her.
I think that's enough for now. Rita said as she looked at the image of Dulcea who looked at Rita through the walls of her prison as if she was a giant. In case you were wondering, you won't age when you are part of the shell. I intend for you to keep your beauty as I drain the very last bit of your power. Then the shell will take the rest of you. Rita then laughed loud and long before she flipped her wrist and sent the shell into a subspace pocket before putting her helmet back on. TRANSFORM!!! GET ON!!! she shouted as Rita then transformed back into Starscream. A rejuvenated Starscream.
I don't believe it. Starscream said as power coursed through his circuits. Not energy. Not magic. But pure power. Dulcea's power.
Of course. That's what the Magick Shell does. Rita said in Starscream's mind. It takes magical energy, or any kind of energy, and converts it to a form adaptable to the user. So to us, Dulcea's power and her life force will enhance our own power. And render us as a force unto ourselves!Starscream liked what was said but wondered What will happen to the woman?
Oh her? Well when all her energy, her beauty, her magical power is drained, then it will do to the final stage. The shell will consume everything from Dulcea to convert. Including her own body, until nothing remains. And when that happens I will enjoy seeing Dulcea disappear forever as her entire being is converted into energy. Starscream seemed to like that idea. It sounded like fun to him. Soon Cyclonus appeared behind the rock face and called for the Destron Air Commander.
Starscream. What are you doing here? Are you planning treason? Cyclonus asked.
Treason? Me? With Rita by my side and in my head? Starscream asked. Cyclonus however had no time for Starscream's prattling. Besides, he knew whatever Starscream had in mind Galvatron II would find out about soon enough. And then he would deal with Starscream, and Rita, then.
Galvatron II orders you to follow us to Eltar. We shall be going after the Matrix, and the new Ranger team there. Starscream nodded after giving a small little smirk before he transformed along with Cyclonus to join the Destrons in the air.
I can't wait to make the Destrons feel our new power. Soon we shall rule universes as well as the Destrons themselves. Starscream and Rita both enjoyed the thought and opportunities provided by having the Magick Shell in their possession. As they flew Stasia heard transmissions from UAE command.
The battle of the line has begun.
Inside the subspace pocket Dulcea felt the walls of her prison again trying to find a crack or something she could escape through. No such luck. She felt the energy of the shell within her, merging with her own power provided by Phaedos and the Great Power making them both one. But as Dulcea and the magical energy of the shell merged together Dulcea felt herself being lost inside the shell itself.
Dulcea also felt her power being drained from her as Rita took it into herself. It wasn't too hard to guess that Rita and Starscream would take more and more from her. And with Rita and Starscream using the shell for themselves it wouldn't be long before Dulcea disappeared into nothingness.
She had to escape, but how?
On the bridge of his ship, the Axilus Dark Specter looked at the planet he sought to destroy. Eltar was a constant thorn in his side, and now in one strike he would extinguish the light from the universe forever. He looked down at his crew who were eager for the battle to begin.
Sensor contacts? Dark Specter asked.
Confirmed. Dark Specter's lieutenant Ecliptor said. As indicated 20, 000 ships detected. Smaller fighter craft also confirmed.
Visual. Dark Specter ordered. The viewer then revealed the 20, 000 ships of the Eltarian council. Each one a target to the UAE armada. Activate nightshade cloaking technology. My ship will take the lead. The technician acknowledged Dark Specter's order, and soon the whole fleet seemed to disappear among the vastness of space.
~ A peak example of military efficiency. I must be sure to thank Commandant Lard. After I kill him. ~ Dark Specter thought as his fleet moved in.
Commandant Lard stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Shining Beacon and looked out among the stars wondering when Dark Specter was going to make his move. He's out there. Somewhere. He then went to the comm line and connected with Prisar in the laboratory where the Eltarian Rangers were being created.
We are almost ready to begin power infusion soon. We only need to wait for the grid levels to stabilize before we can begin. Prisar said.
Hopefully it won't take too long. Lard answered. We may need those Rangers sooner than later. He then cut off transmission as his communications aide picked up a signal. Commandant. We are getting telemetry from Alpha Squadron.
Put it on. Lard ordered as he heard the signals from the squadron on patrol.
Close to one of Eltar's moons Alpha 7 went on a patrol route looking for any signs of the invading UAE force, yet had found nothing. Alpha 7 here, beginning patrol sweep.
Alpha Leader to Alpha 7. Catalogue any disturbances you might encounter. Chances are the UAE may be using its stealth technology on their ships. Came the reply from the squadron commander. Alpha 7 confirmed the leader's order and resumed his flight path.
Alpha 7 then saw a shimmer off to his port side. Alpha Leader. I am detecting a disturbance. Warbook is trying to identify. The fighter's computer was trying to isolate the signature only to find a bolt of blaster fire come his way. ALPHA 7!!! RESPOND!!!
All that remained was a ball of fire that reflected where Alpha 7 had once been. He's gone commander. A pilot said.
The commander of Alpha Squadron then frantically began to give orders. Stay in formation! Hold the line! No one gets through no matter what! The squadron obeyed but they soon detected disturbances coming up all around them. Alpha Leader looked up and saw a UAE dreadnought dematerialize above him and his squadron. By the Higher Powers! IT'S A TRAP!!!
Alpha 4 was the only one to speak. I'm hit!Ejecting! AHHHHH!!!! No further transmissions came from Alpha 4, or any other members of Alpha Squadron. Alpha Leader looked all around him and saw stars explode. Each star an exploding ship. One of the council's.
Alpha Squadron was no more. They were gone literally in a second, and the other squadrons were falling as well. Even battlecruisers were being dealt with in the same explosive manner, with one being carved up by a UAE cutter like an animal for a holiday dinner. Alpha Leader saw all of this before taking a shot himself.
Not like this! If I'm going down I'm taking you patackhs with me! Alpha Leader vowed as he set his ship for the nearest UAE cruiser and ordered his ship on a collision course with it. When the order was given Alpha Leader's fighter went at top speed for the lead ship in the UAE fleet with the hopes of damaging it in order to give the council forces at least a small chance for a victory.
The chance was short lived as the volley from a particle beam cannon sliced through Alpha Leader's ship, destroying it, and creating another exploding star among the heavens.
On board the cruiser from Sydnia the Matrix team and Rogue A-Flight were hearing the telemetry of the battle on speakers, and how badly it was going for the council. In range? Riptide asked.
Not yet. Slasher answered from the helm console. Riptide then ordered for more speed. Come on.
She'll fly apart! Slasher answered.
FLY HER APART THEN!!! Riptide ordered. Next to him Tommy and Andros were crossing their fingers hoping they could make it in time. In engineering Kyle, Diamondback and Chad were struggling to keep the engines together as the ship's engines were gunned all the way to Eltar.
As they approached the outer rim of the system Kimberly was on sensors and she detected a vessel approaching. It's not UAE. It appears to be a council signature.
Put it on. Tommy said as a voice filled the speaker. Commander Riptide. This is Crysta. We have made contact at second set of co-ordinates. Parties are hostile. Repeat, parties are hostile.
She must be referring to the Destrons. Optimus said from the holding area. I guess they would have had to follow us along if they wanted to gain the Matrix for themselves.
We can't let that happen. Andros said. Or destroy the new Ranger Powers. Riptide would have agreed but was distracted momentarily when Kat pointed at the screen and saw Tracy on it. Hey that's Trakeena. Tracy, upon hearing Kat's exclamation, turned and shot a glare at Kat.
I will appreciate you not comparing me to that little spoiled priss again. Tracy answered. My name is Tracy Darknight. It is not Trakeena. ~ Anymore~ she mentally added. Riptide however was concerned about other matters, such as Crysta making the transmission instead of Dulcea.
Where's Dulcea? Riptide asked.
She was captured by the Destrons. Crysta answered. And they are right behind us too. I'll admit not too close, but you can bet they will be here soon.
Dietricht may already be there. We have to get to the Power Vault before he does. Riptide said. From engineering Kyle spoke through the intercom vowing to do all he could to keep the ship working as they approached Eltar.
You'll get everything you can. Kyle answered as he and his makeshift crew tried to keep the engine together. Soon Zenith and the carrier flew side by side together with Eltar almost in sight, as well as those participating in the Battle of the Line.
On the bridge of the main cruiser Dark Specter watched as the destruction of Alpha Leader's ship appeared on screen. Then he turned to focus on the other forces that were meeting resistance from the council. Status? Dark Specter ordered.
Forces holding. A lieutenant said. The council is putting forth resistance but we are countering it.
How soon before resistance is dealt with? Dark Specter asked. The lieutenant ordered that the battle should be completed within a few hours. Dark Specter did not like that answer. That will give time for the Ranger powers to be activated. We must stop that before we do anything else!
Despite our weakening their resistance they are putting forth a strong front. The lieutenant said when his sensors activated. We are detecting ships approaching us. They bear a UAE signature. It is Stasia of Wraith Squadron.
Get her up hear as soon as she lands. Dark Specter ordered. The lieutenant nodded but then added She also has some allies wishing to come aboard. Stasia says she will pass them on her responsibility.
Sure enough the ships all landed on Dark Specter's cruiser and the occupants disembarked. Several of them seemed to be weapons of two ships while another was a ship. Dark Specter saw the woman in green and white armor as well as the two others that were the ships' weapons, and couldn't believe what he saw. Rita Repulsa? Rito Revolto? Goldar? He also noticed some of the ships transform into robots, reminiscent of the Cybertronian civilization. Decepticons? he asked, but looked again and saw the symbols on their chests being different from the Decepticons he used to know.
Stasia led the Order to the bridge where she told Dark Specter of what had happened. From the capture of the Rogue B-flight, to their rescue by Tracy Darknight, to the Order telling about their mission to find the Matrix of Creation in this reality. The Matrix? he asked.
Yes. Star Vypra said showing reverence before Rita could. Our empire, the Order of Destruction, wishes to acquire it so they can reign terror across all realities. However we would not dream of infringing upon your domain. Especially since you are on the verge of conquering all that is good. Rita flashed Star Vypra a look that said 'watch your step', but Dark Specter and the Order paid it no mind.
The Matrix? Dark Specter said in contemplation. He had heard of its power, and feared what it could do to his empire if it was not destroyed, or captured. He didn't like the idea of having to deal with a second power to threaten his rule, but with the Order's appearance Dark Specter believed the answer to his first problem had presented itself. Turning to Stasia Dark Specter asked, Would they be willing to go to Eltar and be able to get the Matrix?
We would your evilness. Rita said before Star Vypra could answer. Star Vypra also shot a glare at Rita which Dark Specter paid no mind. Rather Dark Specter turned to Sep Dietricht and gave him his orders. Go with these warriors to the surface of the planet. Help them destroy or capture the Matrix, but also destroy those Ranger powers that are being developed.
As you command. Dietricht said as he bowed and followed Stasia to the launch bay where the Destrons were waiting. The Order also followed behind.
Do not fail me Dietricht. Dark Specter ordered as Dietricht's infiltration team made its way to the planet surface, and the power vault where the Matrix, and the new powers, waited. As he watched Rita leave he thought he saw something about her. Some sort of radiance about her. An aura of power that wasn't there before. A power that was being used. A power he knew of.
So you have captured Dulcea have you Rita? Dark Specter sneered. Now this should be interesting.
From Dark Specter's ship the Destrons flew out making their way to the surface of the planet. However, just as they left sensor contact was made from another ship and a carrier flying alongside it. A ship that had a special interest in the Destrons.
They just left Dark Specter's ship. Slasher said. They're making their way to the planet surface.
We have to get to the Matrix and powers before they do. Tommy said. Can we detect those power signatures from here?
Pal, this whole battlefield is a power signature. Kyle answered. We'd be like finding a needle in a haystack.
Which it looks like we have to do. Andros answered as his mind focused on an idea. Wait, Chad can I see your Lightspeed morpher? Chad seemed curious about what Andros had in mind but he removed the morpher and let Andros have a look at it. After handing it to Sharra he asked her if she could scan the power signature of it. No problem. Was her answer.
Sharra took in the power signature from the Blue Lightspeed morpher then downloaded her readings into the ship's computer. It now had a reading it could lock onto. All right now. Optimus has the Matrix of Leadership on him. Can you go and get a reading from that as well? Again Sharra obliged and soon after she came back with the Matrix's energy signature which was logged into the ship's computer as well. Soon they began scanning and found their quarry.
Signals locked. Goddess answered. We know where the Matrix and powers are at.
And that's the good news. I'm sure I don't need to explain the bad news. Riptide said as he pointed to the battle before all of them. The Rogues and Matrix team all knew they would have to fight their way through the battle in order to get to the landing site.
No other choice. Tommy said. We have to go through.
Andros looked at Riptide and said We can't ask you to go any further. Obtaining the Matrix is our mission. It's not yours.
No, but protecting the new powers is. Riptide answered. I'm going down. A-Flight all stood with Riptide saying that they were standing with their commander. Just then Crysta appeared on the vid screen, a sullen expression on her face.
We intercepted transmissions. Commandant Lard's ship was lost. Crysta answered.
Who's in command now? Riptide asked.
No one. The fleet is in disarray. When he heard Crysta's answer Riptide then knew he had no chance of joining his Rogues down on the surface. The line needed a leader if it was going to hold, and right now he had the best chance to lead. It was the only decision that could be made. Miss Darkknight, I know you have no loyalty to any of us. But I hope you will be able to help the team out if possible.
Tracy thought about what Riptide was saying. She had no idea where her destiny was going, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know. But one thing she did know was that she had to get down to the surface of Eltar. All right. Whatever makes you happy.
Good. Where's the nearest capital ship? Crysta answered with the Hydrox and soon Riptide was teleported over to the ship.
On board the Hydrox the Captain was busy trying to keep his own ship in one piece while the ships all around him were going up in balls of flame. He surely could not have been prepared for Riptide appearing on his bridge. Commander Riptide. The Captain said in surprise.
Put me on Unicom Captain. Riptide ordered as the Captain nodded to his communications officer to do what Riptide said. Once completed Riptide then said Attention, this is Commander Squattra Riptide of Rogue Squadron. I'm assuming command of the fleet. Lock all main gun batteries on these co-ordinates. Fire at my command.
The gunnery sergeant looked at the co-ordinates and found they were locked on Dark Specter's ship, but the system seemed non-essential. Trust me. Was all Riptide said. The fleet ships soon obeyed Riptide's order as he then gave the order to FIRE!!!
Beams of energy burst from the Council cruisers and locked onto the area Riptide ordered to be taken out. Explosions soon erupted throughout the cruiser, and escape pods launched from it. One huge one especially broke away from the explosion and looked to take a new position to oversee the battle. Riptide then got on the comm and told the Rogues and Matrix team All right, you have an opening take it! Soon enough the Zenith and the old cruiser shot forward through the battle window the explosion of Dark Specter's cruiser provided. On the bridge of the Hydrox the gunnery sergeant asked Sir, what target did we hit?
Riptide let out a mischievous smile and answered Dark Specter's bathroom. You'd be surprised what you'd find floating around there.
Sure enough the carrier and Zenith were getting through the battle. But a few ships still couldn't help but take their shots on the Rogues and Zenith. One volley hit the carrier, and that was the last shot it could take. That's it. Kyle answered. We got a coolant leak. And once that happens we have a core breach next.
Begin emergency teleport. Tracy sighed. Her conscience really was becoming something of a nuisance. Sure enough all on the old carrier were brought onto Zenith and Ronox made sure the carrier crashed into a nearby UAE flagship taking it, and the carrier, to a fiery death. Rogues, Cybertrons, and Rangers all made it off safely. And Zenith was fast approaching the surface of Eltar. Well here's a place I never thought I'd see myself going. Tracy said.
Well we're here now. Tommy said as he, Kim, Kat and Andros checked on their binary bond partners. Sure enough Optimus, Rodimus, Arcee and Joyride were ready. TRANSFORM!!! ENGINE ON!! Tommy answered as he bonded to Prime.
TRANSFORM!!! GUN ON!!! Andros said as he became Rodimus's weapon mounted on the top of his vehicle mode.
TRANSFORM!!! ENGINE ON!!! Kimberly answered, as she became Joyride's engine. Kat did not transform into Arcee's head since she needed to drive her in vehicle mode. Chad, Kyle, Skull, Diamondback, Tracy and all the other Rogues all boarded the Cybertrons as Zenith set down with a smooth landing. When the bay doors opened Kat couldn't help but look at the battle happening overhead. It looks so pretty from here. It's hard to believe that we're looking at a battle.
Believe it girl. Diamondback answered. I remember the battle of Beta five. Now that was a pretty sight, until I got up and close to it then
WILL YOU SHUT UP YOU OLD BAT?!!! Tracy shouted losing her cool. We have better things to do than hear your old war stories.
Agreed. Crysta said. We must see that your Matrix and the Ranger powers are protected. Optimus agreed with Crysta's assessment and knew Tommy agreed also.
CYBERTRONS ROLL OUT!!! Optimus ordered as the Cybertrons and Rogues disembarked from the Zenith Carrier and made their way towards the center of power hopefully before the Destrons could. It was a race against time.
And to the victors would go the spoils.
Inside the lab Prisar was overseeing the final stages of the Morpher assembly as scientists watched the power levels waiting for the time to begin power infusion. Off to the side stood six young people waiting to be infused with the power once activated.
The candidate for the Red Ranger was a native Eltarian, believed to even be part of the great sage Zordon's bloodline. He had light brown hair and a light complexion, as well as a rugged build to cover his youthful enthusiasm. This was Zontar, and he was, if rumor had been correct, a young nephew to Zordon.
Of course like all the other candidates for the power Zontar had to prove himself worthy to have the power. Being related to Zordon gave no one any special privileges, but then Zontar didn't expect any. As such Zontar went through every test thrown his way. And he passed them all. From endurance to leadership Zontar excelled to the rank of Red Ranger candidate.
The candidate for the Blue Ranger was an Oriental skin toned Aquatian named Komar who had a keen intellect and scientific mind. He saw everything as a puzzle that had a solution, and he could apply this philosophy anywhere. From his laboratory to the battlefield Komar always had a solution, and Zontar saw the wisdom of having Komar on the team. Fortunately the heads of the project agreed and Komar found himself as a power candidate.
The Yellow Ranger candidate was a dark skinned girl from Kerova named Cleo. She always had her nose in a book when she wasn't proving herself to be a worthy Ranger candidate. When she came Cleo brought along a small fraction of her library along with her. Some of it consisted of fighting books of many alien fighting styles. And when brought onto the proving grounds Cleo made sure all her knowledge was put to use. Also her Kerovan telepathic and telekinetic abilities were also put to use in the proving grounds as well, and as such Cleo rose to the point to be the Yellow Ranger candidate.
The Black Ranger candidate was a very pale skinned Edenite bruiser named Cobran. His build was very muscular as if he had started out at the gym when he was very young, and evolved into being a perfect physical specimen. He had rarely said a few words, deciding to let his actions speak for him. What little he did say usually consisted of a few words and some occasional grunts. Despite his lack of communication skills Cobran was selected to be the Black Ranger candidate.
The candidate for the Pink Powers was Diana of Amazonia. A black haired, brown eyed girl who had a face that seemed to be of Japanese descent. Many times the Amazonians ventured out to different planets taking in women of different nationalities who had nowhere to go. Diana was one such girl.
Brought to Amazonia when she was only three her parents were killed in a UAE raid. A tribe of Amazonians fought off the invaders and saw the little girl as the sole survivor. When they found she had no other family on ship, or anywhere else, the Amazonians brought her to their planet where Diana learned the secrets and fighting styles of the Amazonians. At age 15, a contest was held, to determine which young warrior would go to Eltar to fill the role of Pink Eltarian Ranger.
Everything was tested with the young warriors. Strength, speed, endurance, intellect, everything. The competition was fierce, and in the end only two remained, Diana and a rival named Stephra. The two fought like there was no end, but only one could win.
In the last minute of the contest Stephra tried to do an underhanded trick to get the win, using her bow staff to get under the legs and set the staff up as a lever to knock Diana's knee out of alignment. Diana saw this and was able to move out of the way, and land an elbow strike to the back of Stephra's head. Diana was winner of the contest, and was Amazonia's choice to be in the Rangers.
The final choice to be the Silver Ranger candidate was a complete mystery. No name was given to determine who he was, and he said absolutely nothing. Compared to Cobran the Edenite was a sparkling conversationalist.
Yet this mystery being was also given every test imaginable. His skill with a sword was unsurpassed and his hand to hand skills were exceptional. And Prisar tested the young warrior's heart. He knew that good shone within him. It would be decided that this young warrior would be given the Silver Ranger powers, and he would determine when it would be time to reveal his true identity.
In the adjacent hangar bay was the main zord for the Eltarian Rangers. Not only could it transform into a Megazord, but it also doubled as a spaceship allowing the Eltarian Rangers to travel from planet to planet if any council world needed help. Given the state of the galaxy as it was now Prisar and Zen Lightstar believed that the Eltarian Rangers would do quite a bit of travelling. The zord/ship was given the code name 'Astro Megaship' due to its space faring abilities and the nature of the missions the zord/ship would fly.
And standing above it all, it's luminance shining for all to see was the Matrix of Creation, shining its light and power for all in the lab giving a sense of hope that these scientists would succeed, and that the Power Rangers would live again.
How's it going? Zontar asked.
Just a few more minutes. Zen Lightstar answered. Once the levels are completely stable we can begin power connections. Shouldn't take too long.
I hope so. Komar answered. From what I could ascertain the council forces are really taking a pounding. If we don't get out there soon. There may not be much of a fleet left.
We will survive. Diana answered. And we will prevail.
I don't think so. A voice said from a window. Diana and the other Rangers all looked up and saw a face that the young Amazonian knew right away. STASIA!!! THE GREAT TRAITOR!!!
Yes. And I didn't come alone. Soon the wall of the laboratory was destroyed and everyone saw monstrous metal shapes enter the lab along with a few humanoid forms along with them. Their weapons indicated their intent. They were here to destroy the morphers, or so everyone thought.
We have come for the Matrix! Galvatron II said with the Destrons right beside him.
And to destroy the morphing powers. ! Star Vypra added.
You can't destroy them. Cleo said defiantly. They are the hope of the universe. If they are destroyed. All freedom will die.
Galvatron II could only sneer at Cleo's statement. That just breaks my energon converter. The Destron leader said. And laughter from his fellow villains followed after that. Soon Galvatron II ordered Find the morphin grid connection. Destroy the power forever!
NEVER!!! Zen Lightstar said as he brought out a gun that was kept at his desk and he started firing at the Order. Zen was dealt with by a blast from Cyclonus who blasted the work station Zen was on and he was sent flying into the Eltarian Rangers knocking them down. When they recovered Cleo felt Zen for a pulse. He's alive. She said. But barely.
The Eltarian Rangers however had no time to morn. Look! Diana said pointing at Star Vypra was about to insert her sword into the grid connection. We have to stop her!
You will stop nothing Scourge said as he drew Rito against the Ranger candidates. He was about to fire when a powerful voice spoke from behind STAND DOWN GALVATRON II!!!' it said. Soon everyone turned around and saw the forms of Optimus Prime and his party standing behind them.
Optimus Prime!!! Galvatron II said.
Optimus who? the Lightstar recruits said except for the silver one. The next thing that happened was that all hell had broken loose.
DESTRONS ATTACK!!! Galvatron II ordered. Immediately Optimus Prime and his team took to the defensive.
The battle had begun.
Looking on the Eltarian Rangers saw the Matrix team, and the Order team look on as each menber looked to pick their opponents. What sort of battle is this? Zontar asked. Giant robots looking to destroy the power, and to take the talisman above us away?
I don't know. Cobran answered. But this second group seems to be on our side. At least, they don't want the talisman taken and the powers destroyed.
Still, we must do something. Diana said. Warriors can't just sit back and do nothing as a fight takes place that may be of great importance.
Great. Any idea how? Cleo asked as she then turned to Komar in hopes that he had an answer. Unfortunately, not at this time. Was his answer.
So that means we watch and pick our spot. Zontar answered. The only question now is 'where is our spot?' No one had an answer available, or a way to procede.
The Eltarian Ranger candidates had to do something. But what?