The Fortunate Ones Part 1

__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:The Fortunate Ones Part 1}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Saban/Disney, and I lay no claim to them. The concept of Rogue Squadron is based on idea by George Lucas and was modified by Adam Safran. The character of Q is the property of Paramount Pictures. Evil Q is based on Q and was modified by Adam Safran. Prisar is the name of a character part of a series by Tekno Comics called 'Leonard Nimoy's Primortals' created by none other than Mr. Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy. Also in this story are some similarities to another series called 'Black Sheep Squadron'. The concept of Tal Shiya is from the classic Star Trek episode Journey to Babel, which is the Vulcan name of a fatal neck breaking. The mention of the Deeshadra is from Ellen Brand, and the Quad'thra and Amazonians are the creations of Adam Safran. The term 'Battle of the Line' is taken from the show Babylon 5 created by J. Michael Straczynski. 'Love is Waiting' and 'Varn: World of Water' are taken from the book 'Han Solo's Revenge'. 'Yartek: Leader of the Alien Voord' is a character from a classic Doctor Who episode 'The keys to Marinus' which is owned by the BBC. Anything else that seems to come from another show in this story is not mine either. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian and all other characters relating to the Night Rangers are mine.{{Story_title|title=The Fortunate Ones

By The Q-team}}
It is a dark time in council history. Perhaps even the darkest it had ever been.

Eight thousand years before Rita Repulsa would be released from the Dumpster the fight between good and evil was at a standstill. Neither giving nor gaining ground. The deadlock taxed resources on both sides and the fight quickly became a race on who would run out of resources first. What the forces of good didn't know was that the forces of evil were already severely taxed, and that they would run out of resources long before the council would.

The forces of evil could not allow that to happen. Fortunately for them they had a plan. Unfortunately for the universe it would be successful.

One of the dark sages of the UAE, a being by the name of Tal Shiya, named after a fatal neck breaking technique, approached the other dark sages with a plan that would destroy the positive side of the Morphin Grid thus destroying the Ranger teams forever. Since the council's backbone was founded on Ranger teams, with them out of the way the UAE would be free to advance and take the many worlds under the council's protection. The dark sages of the UAE considered Tal Shiya's proposal and figured they had nothing to lose by trying it.

The process had begun on Peridon 4 where a Ranger base was commandeered. Tal Shiya began the procedure by feeding dark energy into the positive side of the grid causing the energy to build and build and continuously build to almost no end. The positive side of the grid grew hotter and hotter as dark energy continued to pour into the grid connection and through the positive side of the grid.

Sure enough Ranger teams came to stop them. Rangers from Zybria and Aquitar tried to stop Tal Shiya from his evil plan. They managed to defeat many of the dark lords and their servants who were spectators to the sabotage Tal Shiya was accomplishing, however they were too late to stop the saboteur himself.

The grid connection exploded, and the Rangers from both teams demorphed, permanently. Tal Shiya however did not survive to enjoy the fruits of his labor. The explosion threw him across the room and impaled him on a steel lance that hung above the Peridon Rangers' HQ. The Aquatian and Zybrian Rangers would have called that poetic justice, but they unfortunately were executed by Tal Shiya's personal guard.

Sure enough Tal Shiya's work spread throughout the universe. Ranger teams were powered down permanently unable to morph. The planets they had been chosen to protect were overrun completely by UAE forces. Soon more than half the council worlds had fallen, and the council military had to pick up the slack when it came to dealing with the UAE's monsters. Since the Zords were also tied to the grid they were as useless as the powers were right now this led to the council lifting the ban on weapons technology that had been present since the council's formation.

It was believed that if council went too far with weapons research that terrible weapons would be created which could make the council look just as evil as the UAE they were fighting against. But without Rangers the council was desperate indeed.

To aid in the council military's endeavors neutral warrior groups were called upon to help protect what council worlds remain. These groups were consisted of the Deeshadra, the Quad'thra, the Amazonians, and one other group that was the most notorious of all-the Rogues.

Led by commanding officer Squatra Riptide the Rogues were a collection of misfits and screwballs that became terrors to the UAE whenever they were sent on a mission. They were the most unorthodox collection of individuals with Riptide using these words as the squadron's mantra.

'Just name a hero, and I'll prove he was a bum. '

Those were words none of the Rogues ever forgot. In fact they found those words to be downright inspirational at times, even at times when the UAE was on the offensive. And right now UAE forces were on an aggressive push trying to take as many worlds as they could possibly get their hands on. Council forces were being driven back hard by a newly replenished, and highly aggressive, UAE. An agression that left council generals wondering why until scientists found the answer the generals were looking for.

The Morphin grid could go back on line soon.

This frightened the UAE who now realized that they were fighting the clock with their mission of conquest. Ranger teams could return at any time if the council tried to develop powers again. They unanimously agreed that could not be allowed to happen. UAE forces were able to stop Ranger teams from being formed, but they were unable to duplicate what Tal Shiya had done to the Morphin Grid. The secret of his successful plan died when he did.

One last team would be created though. A team on the planet Eltar, which ironically the UAE would be attacking next. As would others.

Evil Q and the Order of Destruction aware of the situation and knew that if the UAE won here then they could manipulate events in this universe where evil would have a clear advantage forever. So Evil Q made sure the Order would arrive at a time just before the battle of Eltar in order to find the Matrix of Creation and help the UAE any way they could. However the forces of good would soon find out about this too and try to stop them.

This is a universe that stands at a moment of transition. What its direction will be is anyone's guess.
Planet Eltar

Eltarian Lab No. 24

Special Projects

Inside the lab Chief Scientist Zen Lightstar was hard at work designing new equipment for what could well be the last hope for Eltar and the council. A new generation of morpher for the first of a new group of Power Rangers. But Zen knew it would be all for naught if the connection to the Morphin Grid could not be reestablished.

That was a difficult task in itself seeing as how the lightside of the grid was only now starting to stabilize. There was also concern when the reconnections should take place since it was greatly feared that if the morphers were connected the wrong way, or at the wrong time, that the grid would overload again and the council would be back at square one. So the reconnection had to be done carefully and at the right time. Zen hoped the right time would come soon since he knew the UAE would probably move against the council soon.

He had heard from First Minister Prisar, a member of a race of beings known as the Primortals, that a UAE spy had come and raided the council data banks and stumbled across the new Ranger program taking place. A program that could very well jeopardize the growing hold the UAE was getting in the galaxy. Time was of the essence and the new Eltarian Rangers had to be ready soon. Zen watched the Morphin Grid readouts waiting for the readings to become completely stable. When that happened then the morphers would be connected to the grid.

I hope the grid becomes stable soon. Prisar said as he visited Zen in the lab. The UAE is beginning a rapid push in outlying sectors hoping to establish a space lane to Eltar. Zen nodded and said that he would do all he could. What will this mean for all the other groups we have acquired for our defense? Zen asked.

They served us well, but their losses have been heavy. They need Ranger support. Prisar answered, but he also picked up the underlying statement Zen wanted to make. 'Will the new Rangers replace those that have defended Eltar since the grid went off line?' Prisar answered that.

This experience has taught us not to be dependent on one single group for defense. Prisar answered. When we lost the Rangers we were scrambling to create a formidable defense which allowed the UAE to capitalize on our vulnerability. We must never allow that to happen again. So as such we will respect all defensive avenues. Not just the Rangers.

How are the Rogues taking it Zen asked making reference to the most notorious of the council's defenders since the Rangers disappeared.

As well as could be expected. Prisar answered cringing at the thought of the squadron.
Eltarian Council Military Command.

Rear Area

Once Eltar stood as a beacon of peace and unity. Species from all over the galaxy, including the planet's own natives, came together to figure out how best to spread the light of good all across the universe.

Now species from all over the galaxy continue to come to Eltar, but now it is in heavily armed battleships that continue to orbit the planet. An average of ten could be seen in the Eltarian system, along with complements of fighter craft of many shapes and forms doing patrol runs in case the UAE decided to mount an attack. For even though Eltar was considered a 'Rear Area' which meant safe zone, everyone knew that status could change in an instant. And with new Ranger powers that could well be ready soon the military knew the Rear Area would not be safe for long.

The commander of military operations was Commandant Lard, a heavy set being from the planet KO-6. He was one of the first Kerovan colonists who made his reputation in the infantry, and earned enough medals in the service to probably open a gift shop. He was a smart man, but he was also known for bouts of chauvinism as well as a stringent following to the rules and regulations. A following he expected all under his command to share.

There was one squadron who didn't though, much to Lard's aggravation. A squadron known to be the best, as well as the most unorthodox, the most disobedient, and as the most dangerous due to the roster it had.

They were known as Rogue Squadron, led by Squattra Riptide, a Firedrake from Silvareshi Prime.

Riptide was a legendary commander in the council military, and had been a pilot for thousands of years. Not much was known about the Firedrakes only that a villain brought them to extinction whose name remains a mystery to this day. Also due to the fact that his species was only capable of propagating once every thousand years his civilization had not rebuilt itself very much.

When that fact was mentioned a council guard lieutenant said No wonder those little buggers are such good card players. That lieutenant was now eating his meals through a straw.

His skills in the Starfighter Corps made him a legend, and he quickly became known as the best. He was known for getting his people through odds even the most hardened gamblers wouldn't take. He cared about his team and hated seeing the waste of talent going into prison, which was where Commandant Lard would have sent the Rogues if Riptide didn't interfere.

Riptide was almost put out to pasture as he was assigned to a desk job in the Rear Area, where he would have handled supply requisitions where he met another assignee named Dulcea of Phaedos. She had studied to be a Master Warrior and joined the Council Military to continue her training. Dulcea was a red head with a shapely figure that was obscured by the council military uniform. The uniform did reveal enough of the shape of Dulcea's figure for Riptide to know that if it wasn't for the uniform the male soldires would be drooling right now. However Commandant Lard, the head of Military deployment, assigned her to a desk job as well. Lard was something of a chauvinist and thought women didn't belong on the battlefield. To that end Lard assigned her to handle Court Marshall detail.

This came to the attention of Riptide who saw an opportunity. The two started talking as Dulcea told Riptide her life story. I learned all I could on Phaedos. It was hard to be guardian of the Great Power with the grid being as it was. Me being guardian of a power too dangerous to use. Ironic isn't it?

Why was it dangerous? Riptide asked.

You mean aside from the obstacles and trials one has to go through to get it? Well, even though the Great Power is among the strongest Ranger powers in existance they are just that, Ranger powers. And any use of Ranger powers right now could overload the Morphin Grid.

If you say so. Riptide said responding to Dulcea's statement. So what brought you here?

I needed a new challenge. Something that could help the Great Power be useable again. So I came here. Turns out it was not what I expected. I had to trade in my traditional Phaedosian garb for a council uniform. Dulcea said. When Riptide asked what traditional Phaedosian garb was she said Little more than a green bikini. Riptide's imagination was turned on for two seconds before Dulcea decided to show what her traditional Phaedosian garb was. After sparks of light emanated from her body Dulcea's clothes changed from her Rogue Squadron uniform into her Phaedosian Warrior bikini.

There wasn't a guy who wasn't drooling at the sight of me that day. Dulcea said as she thought about hurting someone as she endured the catcalls of male onlookers that day. Good thing that I stopped myself before I REEAAAAALLLLLYYYYYYY cut loose. Despite the chucklefest from Riptide Dulcea changed her clothes back to her uniform. Then she finished her story.

I went into fighter training. But never got a chance to fly in combat. Commandant Lard put me on office detail which is why I'm here, filling out court marshal forms. Riptide's eyes batted and his wheels started to turn. Quickly he convinced Dulcea to switch jobs with him and Dulcea did so only to wonder what Riptide had in mind. I'm going to form a squadron.

A squadron? Dulcea said in disbelief. But Squadrons can only be formed by order of the council.

Well I wasn't thinking of forming one. Maybe stealing one. Riptide sneered. He then explained that he would look at records for existing squadrons and then remove them from active duty and put his own team in. I hear Centauri Malaria is very famous this time of year.

Okay, but where will you get your pilots? All the pilots in the area are attached? Dulcea asked.

Riptide had a smirk on his face as he looked at the Court Marshall files. Not those. He said. Dulcea looked on in disbelief. Those guys are all screw ups. Embarrassments.

Riptide's smile went wider. So am I. After that Riptide rejected all the Court Marshalls Dulcea had on her desk, and even recruited Dulcea for his team due to her history. Plus she was about to be court marshalled for brawling on the job due to some office workers making passes at her and giving her cat calls. Commandant Lard however wasn't too thrilled with Riptide's actions and tried to stop him, but Riptide had some stroke with members of the council and they were able to allow Riptide the chance to either come through or 'fall on his face' as one council member put it. Riptide even remembered when Lard went to him. Needless to say Lard was surprised to see Riptide sitting at Dulcea's assigned station the first time.

Commander Riptide. What are you doing sitting at Lt. Dulcea's station? the commandant asked.

We switched jobs sir. Riptide answered. She took supply requisitions, and I took court marshal detail.

You took court marshal detail? Lard asked. Well why haven't the court marshals gone through?.

Riptide answered. Because I rejected them sir. Lard's eyes went wide on this as shock set in on his face. You rejected them? How many? Riptide paused before answering. An answer Lard didn't want to hear. All of them sir.

After a few seconds of silence Lard was able to shout ALL OF THEM?!!! The shock was clearly evident on his face. WHY?!!!

Because we need every available pilot in the air. Riptide said trying to explain. And if they can get into a squadron

No squadron would accept them. They're criminals. All of them! Lard clearly had his mind made up on those in the court marshal files. But Riptide's mind was made up as well. You're wrong sir. One would.

Lard looked at Riptide like he had formed a second head. Really Riptide? Which one? Riptide was only too happy to answer that question. The one I'm forming. With council approval.

Lard's eyes REALLY went wide. You're telling me that First Minister Prisar would sanction this action?Riptide said for Lard to check with the first minister himself, and Lard followed up with Oh I intend to. And I'll make sure that this travesty is put to a halt. Riptide didn't bother too much about Lard though as he continued to go about his recruiting work. And sure enough those that were recruited were not exactly the sterling troopers Commandant Lard would have preferred in combat squadrons, but then Riptide didn't want who Commandant Lard wanted.

First on the list was Ramen the Conqueror. A Tyrannosprex from Valahassi IV. Ramen was descended from a long line of conquerors who was part of a family quest where a member is sent to seek out and conquer evil wherever it's found. He was young, eager and sometimes naive about the concepts off good and evil, but he gained first hand experience when his superior officer was going to execute an Onyx family who he said were UAE sympathizers. Ramen stopped the execution only to be thrown into the brig for disobeying a superior officer, even though the officer in question was stripped of his power and imprisoned on the penal asteroid. Riptide saw Ramen's file and immediately recruited him.

Upon looking at special abilities Riptide saw that he had special combat powers that emanated from a star on his chest reminiscent of the Star Power the demons of Bansheera's court possess. The main ability was that he could send out a fireball called a Supernova that could destroy anything in his path. Riptide saw use in that.

Next was Slasher Alleycat Straits, a humanoid from Alcarex XIII. He began a life on the streets at an early age and his tall size got him a position as an enforcer for the Underworld on his home planet. He was betrayed by his boss when his boss needed to get insurance on a shipment of some kind. Slasher was later caught by the Senturion Units, after putting up a horrendous fight. First thing he vowed to do when he got out of prison was to have some 'debate' time with his former boss.

Once in prison he began piloting flight simulators, plotting to steal a cargo shuttle and escape. His aptitude was noticed by the guards, and before Slasher could implement his plan he was assigned to a work release plan in the Council Military. After being arrested for brawling Riptide recruited him for Rogue Squadron. Slasher accepted after having some 'debate' time with Riptide-a debate Riptide won. Slasher became one of the loyal Rogues and is always on the lookout for a weakness in an enemy he could exploit. Sometimes he had even taken command on a few missions when Riptide was incapacitated, and whenever prisoners were taken it was usually Slasher who would be called upon to do the interrogating since he had a hobby of practicing interrogation techniques. One of the first people he actually practiced on was in fact the very boss that betrayed Slasher. Clearly the boss was never the same after that ordeal.

Riptide then came to the file of Shalla Goddess Tru-atha, whose file seemed to have mystery after mystery in it. Her species and homeworld were both unknown. Her appearance was humanoid, and a very beautiful one at that. She had shoulder length blonde hair, a figure of a movie star/model/beauty pageant winner, and a smile that could light up a room. She was the fantasy of many a male, of any species, with a beauty that rivaled Dulcea's. However her beauty hid a dangerous and deadly secret.

Goddess's species gave off a pheromone that makes her appear even more beautiful and left starstruck males open to suggestion. Using this ability Goddess ran a scam where she would appear on primitive planets with high technology, seduce the priests or rulers of the planet, and set herself up as a goddess, hence the call sign. Sometimes people would catch on to her, mostly females, and she would have to make constant escapes, which was where she picked up her piloting skills.

Unfortunately for Goddess she practiced the scam one time too many and was caught by the IGPD who were waiting for her. When they arrested her she looked like a weak and demure female, especially after attacks fromrunning away from angry natives who already had an off world visitor pull off a failed scam and weren't ready to deal with another con artist, even if she looked beautiful. The arresting officers however underestimated her as she demonstrated a few of the forms of hand to hand fighting she was proficient in.

In prison she demonstrated that she had no qualms about using those fighting moves, especially after lusting prisoners of both genders (don't ask). Goddess then used her influence with the warden to grant her a work release to serve out the rest of her sentence in the council military. Also in prison she found out why her last marks reacted towards her so hostile, a previous pirate thought he was setting up a holotheatre on the world using a travel vid called 'Varn: World of Water'. The inhabitants offered him much until he showed another vid called 'Love is Waiting' and reacted with hostility.

Goddess couldn't believe the absurdity of it all. ~ The moron didn't stop to analyze things. A desert world where the inhabitants see more water than they ever will in their lifetimes. The idiot didn't create a holotheatre, he started a religion! And I wound up paying for his mistake!~

Once in the military Goddess started to use her charms to beguile the men in the military, hoping to climb her way to the top. She had proven to be an expert manipulator that the men she seduced and suggested to weren't even aware that the ideas placed in their minds were hers and not their own. However, once again the gravy train stopped, by the wife of an Admiral.

When the wife found out that Goddess had been manipulating her husband Goddess found out why her prey called his wife 'the old battleaxe'. Later the Court Marshall papers were drawn up and she would then be brought before a female judge to be tried for subversion, something 'the old battleaxe' made sure her husband put into the report. For a minute Goddess almost thought about seducing women instead of men(Even if some prisoners thought about selling tickets if she did), but when Riptide decided not to press her Court Marshall he had no doubt Goddess would try to work her charms on himself and whoever else he recruited.

~ I guess I'll just have to be a challenge for her. ~ Riptide thought. Besides he had an idea about where Goddess had come from. He heard about an outlying planet in the Uncharted Territories called Lorelei, which supposedly housed the most talented seducers in the galaxy. However this fact had never been proven.

Riptide went on to the next pilot, P. S. U. (Personality Storage Unit) 920-codenamed Ronox. A robot created to hold ALL of the personalities of a dying race created on the planet Zezosk. When the planet fell under attack by an aspiring UAE junior lord most of the inhabitants were destroyed using a device that drained natural energy, except for 920 people who fled to an underground lab where a scientist was building a new android. It was recommended by the survivors that their life essences went into the cerebral matrix of the android so that they would survive in some fashion. This process was completed and the android awoke with all 920 personalities in its matrix. Once activated the android was given the name Ronox, named after a great hero of his people.

However a side effect came from the use of this process. All 920 personalities felt an overwhelming urge to destroy evil after the loss of their planet, families and friends. Originally Ronox's main objective was to find a way to clone the bodies of those inside him and transfer them back to their physical selves so they could reseed their world, or inhabit another planet. Ronox however used the knowledge of scientists, soldiers and survival instincts of the colonists so they could destroy evil. The logic program stated that if the colonists were restored now what was to stop the evil lord from coming back, or another from launching another attack. The program dictated that evil had to be destroyed, and everyone in Ronox's thought matrix believed that reasoning made sense, twisted though it was.

Ronox then joined the council military with a secondary specialty in weapons manufacturing. One such weapon Ronox built was a personalized exo suit used for hand to hand combat. He kept the suit in a module nearby and once he gave an activation code the module would open up and envelop him. Once the enveloping was completed Ronox looked like a seven foot grey robot heavily armed with a curved horseshoe blade on the top of his head. Outside his suit Ronox looked humanoid, but with the armor his metallic nature seemed to shine through. The only constant feature in both of Ronox's modes were the eyes. Both of them were a glowing blood red.

Ronox oversaw a weapons test when an attack from the same UAE lord that attacked Zezosk attacked the weapons testing site where a new defense grid was being tested for a colony. Ronox immediately activated his exo and took the fight straight to the attackers, yet there were a few council ships caught in Ronox's crossfire and were brought down. Ronox found himself facing court marshall for opening fire on friendly forces until Riptide brought him in. Ronox accepted the offer of joining the Rogues and even was able to keep his exo handy if he needed it.

Shadow Stryker, aka Stryker, was next on the list. A Liliarian who was about 15, 000 to 18, 000 years old. Liliarians aged as much as 100-200 thousand years making them ancient by even galactic standards. She joined a group called the Quad'thra out of boredom, yet under the tutelage of a mentor named Patch(due to him wearing a patch over one eye) excelled at her training. However Patch went missing and the elders decided that it was her quest to find him before she could excel at the next level of her training.

Finding Patch was necessary for Stryker in more ways than one. She had lost her family when she was only 8, 000 years old (equivalent of an eight year old) and Patch brought her into the Quad'thra. She studied fighting for well over 10, 000 years. She was hyperactive, and enjoyed shopping, but she didn't enjoy fighting as she would let on. Especially when she was arrested for brawling by the council military.

An admiral saw her and decided that she would be great to have on his 'personal' staff. However she did not like his idea of 'personal' and let her know it the only way she knew how. She was soon court marshalled for disobeying a superior officer until Riptide picked up her file and brought her into the Squadron. Immediately she surpassed Dulcea in hand to hand fighting since she studied it longer than the Phadosian beauty. Dulcea however wasn't jealous, she learned a lot from Stryker as well.

Next on the list was Sharra Airflower. Sharra was unique in the fact that she wasn't like any life form the council was familiar with. In fact Sharra was a spirit, an Avatar of the Winds from the planet Denalia IV. A council exploration team who made contact with the Avatars, and brought back Sharra as a representative discovered her. Before she left a special encounter suit was made for her. It was white with touches of gray along with flowing robes and a cape and Sharra entered it through slits in the eyes and mouth as her spirit energy filled it like a balloon giving it a feminine form. To be given such a suit was quite an honor since there had only been one other Avatar given one, he went by the name Red Tornado on many worlds.

Sharra had an affinity for any flying vessel imaginable and tried to put her skills in the council air corps. However she found herself court marshaled for taking Commandant Lard's personal shuttle for a joy ride, largely as a protest for the duty assignment the commandant gave her-ferrying politicians who looked to go on luxury cruises when she wanted to see flying action. Riptide saw her record and immediately recruited her. When she joined the Rogues she said Finally some beaters with beat. Sharra called those with flesh and blood 'beaters' due to their hearts beating while she didn't have one due to her wraith-like state. And when she was escorting politicians it seemed like they didn't have much life to them, all they did was talk and think of ways to back stab each other, which kind of nauseated her. Joining the Rogues seemed like a breath of fresh air to her(no pun intended).

Crysta 'Diamond' Rockhard was the next member of the roster, an Amazonian who went missing on a mission deep into UAE territory. When she returned she clearly was not the same woman she used to be. Instead when her former unit ran across her she was mutated into a creature made of solid diamond, and her mind was so twisted that she couldn't tell who her friends and enemies were anymore. However on an attack at an Amazonian colony she ran across members of her tribe, and it stirred a primal memory within her. Her true personality had broken through briefly allowing her fellow warrior women to subdue her and undo the mutation done to her.

Sure enough the physical mutation was undone leaving her in her true form of a young brunette with a rugged build. All Amazonians were the pinnacle of perfection not only in beauty and grace, but in fighting skills as well. However the physicians had questions about her returning to battle so quickly, if ever at all, due to the mental scars suffered when her mind and body were twisted by the UAE. Crysta was considered 'damaged goods' and reassigned to the rear area as Commandant lard's personal pilot.

Crysta was court marshaled for disobeying orders after Commandant Lard found himself flying into a war zone. Crysta hoped to land on a carrier, steal a fighter, and blast as many UAE's as she could. Lard however saw too much aerial combat enroute to thecarrier, and vowed that he would throw the book at her. Riptide however intercepted her court marshal papers and thought he could focus her aggression in Rogue Squadron.

The final member of the Squadron was Plurrs, a member of the same unknown species that produced Squatt who was a member of Rita Repulsa's court. Plurrs was a petty thief who thought he robbed from the rich corporations to give to the poor downtrodden civilizations in the outermost territories. However Plurrs later found out that the companies he had been stealing from were instrumental to the council's war effort, leading to some supplies not making it to their respective destinations. Plurrs was arrested and sentenced to a work release program in the council military.

It was here that Plurrs changed his M. O. from stealing to profiteering. He had been known to make several black market deals for parts and services to other units in exchange for other odds and ends. Plurrs however was arrested for profiteering when he tried to sell off Commandant Lard's prized Saurian Brandy for a shipment of fighter parts his unit needed. Riptide noticed Plurrs's talent for wheeling and dealing and immediately brought him into the Rogues.

Riptide had the pilots, next he needed the ships. And as luck would have turned out, plus with Goddess and Plurr's help they were able to wheel, deal and con some new planes for the squadron to fly. The Incom Corporation was about to roll out production on a new type of fighter plane with the first ten already off the production line. Riptide made sure those planes got to him first, and his squadron had many successful missions with them, even if they didn't exactly come back in the best condition.

The Incom T-65 A2 C became the Rogues fighter plane of choice. It had four engines and its wings opened up in an 'x' formation as if going from a two-winged plane to a four-winged plane, thus giving it a name of 'X-Wing'. Each wing had a blaster mounted on it giving the plane maximum offensive capability, and the ship's reliability made it a strong backbone in the council military.

The actions of the Rogues really rubbed Commandant Lard the wrong way, and did everything he could to get the Rogues court marshaled again. However, each time he tried a mission happened where the Rogues were successful. Since the Rogues always triumphed in missions it did no good to court marshal a squadron of heroes who had a successful missions so court marshal procedures were immediately dropped every time a mission was completed.

One such mission was about to take place now.

The Council Intelligence Division had turned up some sort of vortex in the Mandolin cluster where the old Council Records Asteroid was located. The asteroid was abandoned years ago, but enough historical data still remained in its computer banks, and a satellite was left behind to monitor the area. If the satellite ever saw anything that could be perceived as hostile those images were relayed to C. I. D.

The satellite computer picked up the images of some individuals who seemed to have large robotic companions, also there were some energy signatures that seemed to indicate a connection to the Morphin Grid. This caused the satellite to really be confused since as far as its programming knew no Morphin Grid signatures were currently in existence. For a grid signature to be in use now would be unusual since the Eltarian Ranger project was not activated yet. This anomaly prompted the satellite to relay its findings to C. I. D. and order that a squadron be dispatched to investigate.

If that were it then a squadron would have been dispatched quickly. Unfortunately that was not it, for another satellite turned up another vortex forming and occupants emerging from that too. Like the previous vortex the individuals had large robotic companions as well as a connection to the Morphin Grid, a strong dark connection. Just before one of the robots destroyed the satellite with a blaster that seemed to be one of the smaller occupants transformed, the satellite transmitted its findings to C. I. D. with the destruction of the satellite granting a 'CODE RED' designation.

An investigation needed to get under way at both sights, unfortunately all squadrons were busy with current assignments. All squadrons but one. That squadron was Rogue Squadron.

Commandant Lard reluctantly contacted Riptide to order him to send his squadron to both vortex sites. After an exchange of false pleasentries consisting of 'pleasure to see you' and 'the pleasure is mine Commandant' Riptide and Lard got to buisness, and Lard gave Riptide his orders. Both sites sir?

Yes both sites Riptide. We have no idea what's arrived. Lard protested. Riptide however protested back by saying that some Rogues should stay behind to maintain a presence on the line. But Lard would have none of it. The Rogues are the only squadron that's not tied to the line roster. They're the ones that are readilly available.

And who's dealing is that sir? Riptide asked thinking Lard had something up his sleeve. You have your orders commander. Or do you wish to disobey them and I can have you and that band of misfits thrown in the brig. Riptide left Lard's office knowing he had a point, even if he didn't want to admit it.

Sometimes squadron members had to be in two places at once. To that end the Rogues were divided between two groups, A-flight and B-flight. Riptide led A-Flight which consisted of Slasher, Goddess, Sharra and Stryker. B flight was led by Dulcea and her unit consisted of Ronox, Crysta, Ramen and Plurrs. Each group had an even match of fighting spirit and sneakiness in case they were needed.

Anyone get the idea ol' 'Tub o' lard' wants to make sure we're busy somewhere else? Slasher asked.

Now that you mention it I do. Dulcea answered. I guess he doesn't think we're good enough for his defensive perimeter.

A shame. I so wanted to confront the UAE at that battle. Crysta answered itching to fight against the organization that changed her forever.

Lard is the type of person who gives beaters a bad name. Sharra answered. Riptide immediately called for silence.

Quiet you meatheads. Riptide saidas he turned to his squadron. Now we got a mission to fly. We're supposed to make contact with these vortex people and determine if they are friend or foe. If they're friendly then we open dialogue with them. And if they're not

We do what we do best. Goddess answered. Slasher and Striker seemed very eager to open fire on whoever might just attack. Riptide however stressed that they were to make contact first before going in with guns blazing, and everyone seemed to understand.

Riptide then ordered everyone to their ships and into the sky. The Rogues got aboard their X-wings and immediately took to the stars. A-Flight took the first dimensional position. B-Flight took the second.
But the council wasn't the only one with an unusual squadron. The UAE had one too although they were considered to be more 'elite'.

This squadron was known as Wraith Squadron, and consisted of hundreds of pilots, as well as hundreds of potential recruits, instead of just the ten pilots that consisted of Rogue Squadron. All pilots wore black armor and flew in fighters that resembled a tie of some sort. A pod was in the center with two solar panels on each side supplying the ships' power needs. The design gave the ship the monniker of 'TIE Fighter' hung on it. Wraith Squadron had the ships and the manpower to overwhelm almost any opponent they came across with sheer numbers.

However, so committed was Wraith Squadron to uniformity, that all their flying skills never made it past a certain point. Wraith Squadron lost many a pilot in battle with the highly superior skilled Rogue Squadron despite the Wraiths having manpower and equipment on their side. Dark Specter requested a beef up on Wraith Squadron's training program due to costs maintaining the squadron becoming astronomically high. The commander did so only to find Squattra Riptide increasing his own squadron's training. It soon got to become an unofficial contest between the Rogue Commander and the Wraith Commander over who could turn out the superior squadron. A contest that was at this moment deadlocked.

The commander of the Wraith Squadron was a monster named Sep Dietricht. A race supremacist from the planet Bora 6. Bora was a planet of many different races, yet Dietricht thought only one race should rule them all. His race. The reason why was because in his mind Dietricht believed his race was 'the Master race', and everyone else should serve Dietricht, and those like him. No other reason. He pointed all his physical and mental attributes to the color of his skin, making him come off as arrogant and condescending.

This attitude caused friction among the various Wraiths which led them to want to 'take action' against Dietricht, but Dietricht quickly quieted those dissenters through some 'accidents' during hand-to-hand combat instruction and elsewhere. After several 'accidents' no other Wraiths raised objections to Dietricht's views again, especially since he always made sure his fighting ability and piloting ability was also higher than the other Wraith's. Dietricht's message to his troops was always simple 'I am the master, all of you are the servants. '

His second was a dark haired Amazonian named Stasia. She was of strong rugged build with graceful frame combined. The pinnacle of beauty with a dangerous aura who was excommunicated from her order for stealing a sacred treasure from her tribe, an artifact known as the Spear of Destiny which she hoped to sell to Dark Specter. But just as she was about to make the sale her tribe attacked, and she was captured to be put on trial for her crimes.

Stasia's defense was that of her trying to protect her world from an attack from Dark Specter who only wanted the Spear itself from Amazonia. The ruling council would have none of it and Stasia was found guilty for theft of an Amazonian artifact, then for selling it to a sworn enemy of the Amazonian tribes. The staff was recovered, but Stasia broke the staff in two due to her strength. The great artifact was defiled and the Amazonians wanted her head.

The Amazonian council of elders, in a questionable decision, came to a ruling about Stasia. Due to the heroic services she performed in Amazonia's service in the past a sentence of exile was offered. Stasia accepted and was then exiled from Amazonia never to return to the planet again. However before she left Stasia vowed that one day she would return to Amazonia, and make her fellow Amazonians pay for exiling her the way they did.

Unlike the Rogues, who answered to(and often defied) Commandant Lard, Wraith Squadron answered to Dark Specter personally. And the Wraiths dared not defy Dark Specter, so when Dark Specter gave an order it was immediately obeyed. Even Dietricht knew better than to cross Dark Specter, and when the image of his master appeared in the Wraith Squadron briefing room everyone stood at attention.

Dietricht! Dark Specter's voice boomed as if it came from everywhere. I have detected two disturbances in the fabric of the universe. One may be an ally, while one may be an enemy. Find them and determine who is behind these disturbances and what they want. Dietricht bowed but then asked Lord Specter, will the Rogues be sent to these sights as well?

Yes. Dark Specter answered. Dietricht smiled at the thought of locking horns with the Rogues again, especially with Squattra Riptide, who he always hoped to blow out of the sky. After carefully bowing Dietricht assembled his pilots and Stasia and began recruiting eight pilots to break into A-Flight and B-flight much like the Rogues had done. Pilot selection was completed quickly and they were all given their Wraith designations. Dietricht always answered to Wraith 1, while Stasia was Wraith 6, and was the longest to have that designation. Soon both flight groups went to their ships and took to the stars in nice, neat formations.

Dietricht led the A-flight to the first co-ordinates. Stasia led the B-flight. Soon the Wraiths were in the air heading to the same co-ordinates the Rogues were heading for.

And who knew who else would be waiting there.
Council Records Asteroid

Sydnia Sector

Current Status: Shut Down

The Sydnia Records Asteroid was shut down for many years. No one had visited it for millennia.

At least not until now.

The records asteroid was in total lock down mode. Blast doors were completely shut. Windows were sealed with metal plate. No life existed within the asteroid. However there were the remnants of life from those who couldn't make the evacuation. The records asteroid stood quiet as a tomb, until now.

The main doors opened as two giant mechanoids forced open the double doors. One was red and built like a semi truck. The other was brown yet had yellow flames on its chest. Also present were two other mechanoids as well as four other life forms. Humanoid life forms.

Also on the mechanoids were human life forms. One was on the red robot's chest, another was the brown robot's sidearm. A third was the silver and green robot's engine, while the final one was the pink robot's head. TRANSFORM!!! the chest on the red robot said as it detached and transformed into an armored human. A human by the name of Tommy Oliver.

The other three followed suit. The gun from the brown robot transformed into an armored human named Andros. The other engine transformed into an armored human named Kimberly Hart, while the head of the pink robot transformed into the armored form of Katherine Hillard. They were soon joined by the other four in their party: Drooling Dog Blunder Ranger Eugene Skullovitch, Lightspeed Blue Ranger Chad Lee, Rogue Squadron member Diamondback, and Night Ranger Kyle Hannorhan.

The mechanoids were Autobots. The red one was Powermaster Leader Optimus Prime. The brown was Targetmaster leader Rodimus Prime. The pink one which transformed into her vehicle mode was the Autobot Headmistress Arcee. And the final Powermaster was Joyride.

The stench of death filled the air as Optimus looked around the records section to scan for signs of power that could remain within the complex. He had found some in the generator room five levels down. Kyle and Chad raced down to see if they could activate the generator. On the way Kyle and Chad started talking. I hope we can find the Matrix of Creation soon. Chad said beginning the conversation as the descended down the emergency ladder.

Kyle however didn't share Chad's optimism. I wouldn't count on us looking right away. We have no real idea where we are or when we are, other than we are at a condemned library that has been condemned for who knows how long looking for clues to the Matrix's whereabouts.

Are you always this cynical? Chad asked. Do you have to look at the dark side of everything?

Keeps me from being too disappointed in life. Kyle answered. If I have my heart set on something positive happening, and it doesn't happen

I get the hint. Chad answered as they came to the generator level and looked over the old equipment. Also nearby was a water stream which seemed to be connected to the generators. Hydroelectric. Chad said.

Duh! Kyle answered back with sarcasm as he looked over the equipment. Clearly there were some panels busted, and lines frayed. Kyle looked at the equipment and already his mind started turning. It'll be difficult but I should be able to get this thing up and running. Mind you it won't look pretty, but it'll work.

Chad looked at Kyle confused. How can you get a hydroelectric generator working? You're not an engineer.

No but I've read a book about them. I also visited a place that had one once. Kyle then smiled and added, Besides, old technology and I get along great. With that Kyle climbed back up the ladder he went out to where his Harley sat and brought back his tools so he could work on the generator.

Making his way back quickly Kyle started looking at the device. He found it to be a lot like the hydroelectric generators he read about back home so he could get it working in no time. After securing some plates and splitting some wires to create some makeshift connections the generator was put back together. Chad helped make sure that the generator was connected to the water properly all the while marveling at Kyle's engineering expertise. Wow, you're good.

Thanks. Kyle said. Back home I worked with old junk. Kept thinking of ways to restore it. Lamps, old game systems, anything and everything, I just couldn't get enough of it. Kyle then reached for the main power switch and told Chad to cross his fingers as he pulled the switch to activate the generator.

The Sydnia records asteroid came to life again for the first time in who knows how long. Kyle and Chad then raced back up to where Optimus immediately took charge. All right. Our priorities right now are to not only find out where the Matrix could be, but to clearly find out when we are in this universe. We don't know what effect our presence here will cause, and I don't think we should go in deaf, dumb and blind. Any information that can be located will be of great use.

Everyone agreed with Optimus. Mr. Hannorhan, you have demonstrated great technical skill, and Diamondback has knowledge and experience that can be useful. Perhaps you two can pool your resources to see if you can connect with a communications drone of some kind to determine when we are. The rest of us will look through the records to see what information can be found on anything resembling the Matrix of Creation.

But Prime, can you be so sure that the Matrix is here? Kat asked.

It's here Kat. Rodimus said. I can sense its presence, as I'm sure Optimus can as well.

You are correct Rodimus. Optimus replied. I do sense the Matrix in this universe. Unfortunately, I can't sense where exactly it is. I only know it's here.

Well we better get to work. Skull said as everyone broke up to do their assigned duties. Kyle and Diamondback went outside to look at the asteroid's satellite transmitter hoping to get that running while everyone broke off to look at different sections of the library hoping to find out some information. Kat hooked up Arcee to look through the computer mainframe while Kat herself looked through the historical database along with Tommy and Kim.

Optimus and Joyride looked through the stellar phenomena sections hoping to find disturbances resembling the Matrix. Andros, Rodimus and Chad looked through sections that dealt with unexplained phenomena. Skull looked through the kiddie section, much to the puzzlement of his fellow teammates.

What does Skull hope to find in the kiddie section? Kim asked Kat and Tommy. Kat answered Probably a simple story about what we're looking for. I mean anything could be useful right?

I guess so. Kim said as they both looked through the database with Tommy. Soon both girls noticed a faraway look in his eyes. Tommy are you okay? Kat asked.

Uhh yeah Kat. I was just thinking. Thinking about Kat and Kim didn't need to be rocket scientists to figure out what was on Tommy's mind. He was thinking about when Goldar killed him.

It didn't seem like too long ago that Tommy was admiring his racing trophies when Goldar appeared, empowered and resurrected by Evil Q while Tommy was powerless. No Zeo Crystal, no Green or White Ranger powers, no Turbo Morpher. But Tommy refused to give up. He fought Goldar as best he could only to find himself impaled by Goldar's blade. Death came quickly as it did for the other Rangers when they were attacked. For some of the females however it was after the monsters had their fun and games.

Then their souls were taken and used to create Evil Q's monster machines which were destroyed by the combined forces of the Lightspeed, Galaxy, Blunder and Night Rangers. Tommy's soul was perverted by Evil Q until the light powers of Kyle shone the evil away leaving Tommy standing completely healed and completely reborn.

The other Rangers were resurrected almost immediately themselves, and soon were bonded to Transformers in some way, shape or form. Tommy was now bonded to Optimus Prime as his engine while Kimberly was bonded to Joyride as his engine, and Kat was Arcee's head. They had new powers, but as one person once said 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility. '

And now Tommy, Kim, Kat and the others were now responsible for not only their own lives, but also the lives of their Cybertron partners. The Targetmasters might have been considered to get a by from the responsibility angle, but when Tommy looked at Andros he saw the same look in his eyes that Tommy had. The look of responsibility.

Andros thought himself just as responsible for Rodimus Prime as Tommy felt responsible for Optimus Prime. And he could tell with the girls that they also felt responsible for their partners too.

I get your point Tommy. Kim said. If we get killed again then its not only us that die, but our partners could die too. I mean Optimus depends on you for his energy just as Joyride depends on me for his.

And Arcee needs me for her full mobility. Kat added. And the Targetmasters need their weapons to fight out of trouble. Tommy nodded and said his peace again.

I'm due to run into Goldar again. It's a safe bet that he's part of the Masterforce just like we have become. And when we meet again I won't be helpless like I was when he killed me. The girls nodded and continued to look at the records with Tommy as their partners looked on.

Optimus are our partners all right? Arcee asked.

They are just worried Arcee. Optimus replied. I sensed Tommy's emotions when he was my engine. He was afraid. Not only for himself, but for the rest of us as well.

I felt the same way. Joyride answered. I mean these guys were killed once. It could happen again. Only we would go with them.

And we don't even know if they would join the Matrix if they do die again. Arcee said. They haven't been connected to the Masterforce for too long.

Here's hoping we don't find out. Optimus said. Then he turned his gaze to where Chad, Rodimus and Andros were doing their work. Optimus could tell something was troubling his protege. And truth be told something was.

Rodimus was reborn from being Hot Rod to Rodimus Prime once again. But what troubled him was that he didn't feel worthy of the title of Rodimus Prime. In his mind there was only one true Prime Cybertron and that Prime was not Rodimus.

Rodimus always thought Optimus was the one that should have been Prime. Rodimus felt he only got the job because Optimus died and Rodimus had to live up to Optimus's legacy and the trust Optimus put in him from within the Matrix of Leadership when Optimus was a part of it. When Optimus returned, Rodimus always thought it was a relief since the burden of responsibility was lifted from his shoulders.

Now Rodimus was Rodimus Prime again, only Optimus was still around. Rodimus knew there could only be one Prime to lead the Autobots, and that Prime was Optimus. Rodimus felt he would take the mantle of Rodimus Prime again, but somehow the time did not seem to be now. He needed to think of a new title for himself until Rodimus felt the time was right to take the name Rodimus Prime again, but what name would that be? Rodimus had no answer, so he decided not to think any further on the matter, especially since his partner Andros and Chad were looking through the files hoping to figure out where and when they were.

Chad looked through the computer at the stellar phenomena as Andros saw the images. I think I recognize the patterns. Andros said. They seem to be star patterns from 6, 000 years ago just before the battle of the line?

The battle of the line? Rodimus asked.

It was a major engagement the council had against the UAE. Andros explained. A sorcerer overloaded the lightside of the Morphin Grid years ago prompting the UAE to go on the biggest offensive ever. The council lost many a world to the UAE and they had to go to outside groups for help. Many of these groups came together to make a final stand against Eltar when the UAE sought to attack. Almost 20, 000 ships banded together to form a protective perimeter called 'The Line' which was to hold off the UAE's advances.

The UAE forces tore through the line, but it held barely. 20, 000 ships went into battle. Only 200 survived, long enough for a miracle to happen. The return of a new team of Rangers.

Could we be at the moment of this 'Battle of the Line? Chad asked.

I don't know. Andros said. Maybe. We'll probably know more when Kyle and Diamondback get done with the satellite transmitter. Everyone then went to work after that.
Outside Kyle and Diamondback were trying to get the satellite dish up and running. Or at least Kyle was. Diamonback was too busy leaving tales about the good old days for Kyle to hear.

Yeah I remember when we were pinned down in the lush jungles of Gamma Trianguli IV. We fought through dangerous spore plants, man eating vines and a computer that didn't know we were no trouble, and we were only a week away from leave on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet. I'll tell you I would have preferred the jungle to that place

Kyle however wasn't interested in hearing about the jungles of Gamma Trianguli IV, or the hell that a vacation on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet was. He wanted to get the dish working again and Diamondback's running of the mouth kept him from concentrating. Diamonback was then silent but kept a pouty look to her face. I thought young people liked hearing old stories. She said.

I don't need to hear old stories. I've already lived mine. Kyle answered. Diamondback seemed curious as to Kyle's statement and asked what HIS story was. You wouldn't want to know.

Maybe I would. Diamondback said. Come on. What's your story?

Kyle sighed and told Diamondback his own story. I grew up around the poor side of the tracks, so to speak, the only thing is where I lived the poor side of the tracks seemed to be where every black family lived.

The label 'black' confused Diamondback especially when Kyle put an emphasis on the word 'black' and Diamondback wondered why. Black? she asked.

It's often what's described as native descendents from the country called Africa. In the land I live in called America, the politically correct term is African-American, but sometimes the word 'black' is used, and not always in the most flattering of contexts. I remember some friends being told by their parents 'watch out for those blacks' as if being black automatically made you part of a gang or something. Diamondback sighed as she heard the sarcasm in Kyle's voice, quickly getting his point as he continued his story.

Often as a kid I'd dream of moving into one of the finer neighborhoods where I lived, and it seemed like I would get my chance. My family all moved into a neighborhood that was known as a family friendly neighborhood. Then others of my nationality followed as well as a few others, and soon it seemed like the whole neighborhood was filled with minority families. Families of my nationality, other nationalities, even some whites that stayed behind. It was only till later that I found out why we were able to move in. Kyle paused and gave the explanation which made Diamondback shudder.

When a minority family moved into that neighborhood the real estate company decided to lower the property values of the entire neighborhood. Since a minority was able to move in, the realtors thought the neighborhood was losing its splendor. So they invested in newer housing developments elsewhere hoping to entice wealthy patrons of the nationality they so desired. High income white families moved out, and low income black, hispanic, asian, arab, or any other nationality moved in. And what was supposed to be a melting pot for cultures quickly became labeled as a place where 'no sane person would walk his dog. ' Kyle said remembering the quote he once heard before he felt his own heart churning with nausea. Clearly this was a topic that made him uncomfortable.

Racial prejudice. Diamondback said. Whether it's subtle or outright it's nothing but poison. You're exposed to even a drop of it, then it gets into your soul, turns it inside out as all that's good within you becomes twisted and gutted leaving something dark and loathsome there. And most people I've known never wanted it, but once they became exposed to prejudice one can't help but feel corrupted.

Tell me about it. Kyle said. The more nationalities that lived in the neighborhood, the more it became labeled as a slum. Some whites still lived there but they were called 'White trash' because they couldn't live up to the realtors' lofty standards.

Lofty standards? Diamondback asked.

Whites were expected to be a certain way. If you weren't that way, then the whites were considered no better than the poor nationalities they were with. Diamondback picked up on Kyle's next point. Reverse discrimination? Kyle nodded as he continued his story.

Even when I went out of my old neighborhood I couldn't seem to get away from the run down environments. This kind of left me with a chip on my shoulder, which also led me to my interest in fixing old things. I remember when an old satellite dish was thrown out and I took it to home to fix. After finding the parts I needed I got it up and running as well as constructing something of a makeshift receiver.

What did you do with the satellite receiver? Diamondback asked.

Installed it at home. Called a satellite company and got a good rate. Kyle said with a smile. Old technology was something I became very familiar with, especially second hand technology I rebuilt himself. Many times I rebuilt secondhand odds and ends, and they would work better than before. But in my neighborhood, there wasn't much use for what I rebuilt, so I had to go to swappers markets and Expo Centers to try to pawn off what I sold. And even then I had a hard time selling my rebuilt stuff since potential buyers looked at my stuff and thought it could break down any minute. Some insensitive people even looked at my stuff and thought that I might have stolen what I tried to sell.

But you did manage to sell the stuff you rebuilt? Diamondback asked.

Kyle answered, What I did sell I donated most of the proceeds to the children's center in my neighborhood with the rest going to the house. I was not about to let suspicions and small minded people keep me from doing the right thing for others. If I could only do a little bit for my own corner of the world, then I would do that little bit. I soon became known as a tinkerer, which was kind of ironic. I felt that since I and everyone in my neighborhood was thrown away by society, that I'd work with stuff that had een thrown away.

Diamondback smiled amused by the irony Kyle gave in the last sentence. It's amazing that you haven't given into the prejudice you seem to have grown up around. Diamondback said. Kyle paused and said, I almost did. Michael and I both, but then the Night Rangers came and brought us in. We got a second chance. And now, my eyes were opened almost immediately to not only my own planet but beyond my own universe. I even came across spirit realms for crying out loud, and it seemed like I wasn't even past my first day on the job. Then as he thought of spirit realms he remembered that Night Rangers had a special connection to supernatural aspects in the universe.

Wait. Why didn't I think of that before? Kyle said as he closed his eyes and opened his mind to hear the spirits of this universe speak to him. Hear them tell his teammates where they were, and what was going on. Kyle soon felt the presences he was looking for and immediately asked his question. ~ Do you know where the Matrix of Creation is~ .

The spirits were only too happy to answer Kyle's question as Diamondback looked on at Kyle and was reminded of the Shamen of Rigel XIII. They go into deep meditation all the time. She said not having a clue as to what Kyle was doing.

Finally Kyle shook himself out of his reverie, then looked at Diamonback and said There's a lot going on here. The others need to know.

He and Diamondback then moved to go inside, but before Kyle moved on down he made one last connection and soon the satellite was up and running. It would only be a matter of time before Optimus and the others would receive new data. Just in case. He said.
In space the X-Wings of Rogue Squadron's A-Flight continued to soar among the vast wilderness of space. Riptide then looked at the display off to his right which kept track of the satellites that were monitoring Sydnia Sector. They detected the asteroid receiving the data from the Council sattelites as well as from anywhere else that was transmitting. Right away Riptide knew that if one stray transmission fell into the wrong hands then there might be trouble.

All right people. Punch it! Riptide ordered. The asteroid is receiving data. We need to know what kind. Soon all the X-Wings were taken to maximum speed as the Rogues raced to find out just who was at the closed down records asteroid.
Planet Jolo

UAE Central Access hub

Current Status: Shut Down

The Matrix team weren't the only ones looking to find out their whereabouts, or whenabouts. Another group of Interdimensional travelers were wondering where they were, and where the Matrix was located. Except these travelers were nowhere near as benign as the Matrix team were. In fact they were the travelers that were part of the Order of Destruction.

This party consisted of Trakeena with her trusted advisor/teacher Villimax. Also present were the Destrons Scourge and Cyclonus who were paired with the Targetmaster components Rito Revolto and Goldar respectively. Also rounding out the Cybertrons were Rita Repulsa who was the bond partner to one of the most traitorous Destrons of all-Starscream. Rounding out the mix was the Power Broker as well as their leader Galvatron II.

Also journeying with them were a squad of Sweeps under Scourge's command. Ready to fight, ready to destroy at their leader's command. Or at Galvatron II's command, whichever came first.

They set course for Planet Jolo upon arrival. Like the Matrix team they needed information to figure out where and when they were. According to spacial co-ordinates Jolo was the closest UAE friendly world, and they had a UAE info depository. It was believed to have been decommissioned like Sydnia's was but there were still files that could be accessed, and information that could be of use. However the bleakness, ruin and ash of Jolo didn't appeal to everyone. One of them was making her presence felt as she looked out at the barren landscape.

Ewwww. How long have we been here? Trakeena asked. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever find the Matrix.

Patience my queen. Villimax said. We shall soon know. Provided the codes Goldar gave to the UAE Central Computer are accurate.

Of course they are accurate. Power Broker said. I mean Rito didn't get them did he? Rito however overheard that remark and a blaster bolt hit near where the Power Broker stood.

Careful. Scouge said holding his blaster, which was in actuality the transformed Rito. You don't want to say the wrong thing to my partner do you?

Don't dawdle. Cyclonus said in his deep voice. We have business to conduct. For the greater glory of the Destron Alliance and its allies.

Chief among them being the Order. Villimax said.

Of course. Cyclonus had said in a voice that seemed slightly lower than usual. Just then Goldar came out and looked up at his commander. Galvatron II. I have done it. I have located the Matrix of Creation. Galvatron II was looking to hear what Goldar had to say when a vortex opened nearby. A vortex that led back to the Order's base in the Nexus.

From the portal came a feminine figure with large bat wings on her back. Dark hair that came to her shoulders, ruby red lips that were cold to the touch. A long silver rapier was in its sheath that went on her belt. A piece of chest armor covered her figure as black hugging pants adorned with silver armored boots completed the ensemble. However in the center of the chest armor, which was black in this particular spot, lay a red star which signified the Star Power of demons which was given to only the most prominent warrior in Bansheera's court. And since Diabolico had the Star Power bequeathed to him by QUEEN Bansheera, this Star Powered warrior could only have been from EMPRESS Bansheera's court.

And sure enough she was. For this deadly beauty was none other than Star Vypra. Head of the Empress Bansheera's Four Lords of Havok.

Galvatron II sighed when Star Vypra emerged. His new ally, Empress Bansheera, had recently joined the Order of Destruction when it was revealed that Galvatron II had stolen the Matrix of Evil from her as well as the template, the Matrix of Synergy from another reality. For a while Galvatron II had been called back to deal with the crisis in the Nexus while Rita oversaw events in Galvatron II's absence. So, Star Vypra. What brings you here? Galvatron II said.

Empress Bansheera sent me to follow you Galvatron II. Star Vypra said and as she walked toward the Destron Leader, her bat wings moved from their ready position to fold over her body, becoming somewhat like a cloak if one didn't know any better. Since she is part of the Order's inner circle now she has a vested interest in making sure things follow along smoothly.

Your help? Rita shrieked. Why do we need your help you demon floozy?

Galvatron II however paid Rita no mind as he stared at Star Vypra. You do realize we have a two fold purpose here. We not only have to find the Matrix here, but we also have an opportunity to destroy the Rangers once and for all in this reality at any rate.

You might need my help regardless Galvatron II. Star Vypra said. For obvious reasons. She then turned her gaze to Rita Repulsa and Galvatron II knew what Star Vypra meant. I take it Starscream is as power hungry in your world as he is in mine.

Actually he was vaporized. Star Vypra answered. But you're right Starscream is not to be trusted. And Rita Repulsa

Make the two a dangerous combination. Galvatron II said completing Star Vypra's thought. Very well, first sign of treason from either one, then they both get vaporized.

Agreed. Star Vypra said as she looked at Rita. Clearly this Rita looked different that the one Star Vypra saw in history vids. In the vids Rita had her hair all grey, and done badly. She also wore a gaudy brown dress with cones on her chest, and way too much make up.

This Rita Repulsa looked different when she was joined as a Pretender. She wore green and white armor which seemed to show her features more than the dress ever did. And whatever hair she might have had was obscured under a combat helmet. Star Vypra assumed Rita might have gotten her hair a massive cut in order for it to fit. The hair cones were no big loss, and if one removed the helmet they would see shoulder length brown tresses tied back. Also the make up was gone replaced by a hard calculating look the shadows of the helmet provided for her face. A calculating look that hid a calculating mind, two actually. One was her own, the other belonged to the Destron Starscream.

And both Star Vypra and Galvatron II knew that Starscream would be the first to look for any opportunity to seize power if an opportunity presented itself. But right now Rita was thinking about other things. One of them being her former Evil Green Ranger Tommy Oliver.

She knew Goldar would want another crack at him, and to be honest Rita herself also wanted Tommy to pay for breaking away from her years ago. And with their Destron partners they both saw an opportunity to do just that.

Rita thought of Cyclonus who seemed to almost be a polar opposite to Goldar who took a savage pleasure in the evil he did. Cyclonus seemed to be the cold calculating type who took very little pleasure in anything he did. Whenever he was in an attack he practiced those attacks with the efficiency of a practiced surgeon. Every shot was on the mark, every target he sought to hit he did. Even though there were a few times where Cyclonus did show signs of amusement and laughter after accomplishing his goal. A few times, but not many.

The only thing the two had in common were that they were both warriors. They had a warrior's code and they followed them diligently. That was what made Goldar and Cyclonus a good team. In theory. Rita however was so deep in thought that she didn't notice Goldar's Targetmaster partner come up from behind.

Do not be planning anything treasonous. Cyclonus said. The Order and Galvatron II will not permit it.

Rita looked up at Cyclonus and said in her shrill voice. What's the matter windy? Don't you trust me?

I and the others trust you as much as we trust each other. Cyclonus answered. It is your other half that concerns me.

Just then another shrill voice came from Rita's mouth. Why Cyclonus. You disappoint me. Haven't I always served the Destron cause loyally?

The cause yes. The leaders no. Cyclonus answered. Bear in mind that now is not the time for your treasonous planning.

I am aware of that! Starscream said. I know the risks involved and I know what power we are hoping to awaken. Nothing, including me will interfere with that. But aren't you concerned about your other half? The Gold Monkey?

What about him? Cyclonus asked.

Aren't you afraid he'll give up everything just so he can kill that Red Ranger all over again? Starscream asked deadpan. Cyclonus considered the words and answered, If he does it will be to deal with a threat he may represent.

A threat? Rita scoffed. What threat could a powerless Ranger be?

Plenty if he's not powerless anymore. Cyclonus answered again. And it would be safe to assume he's not. Both Rita and Starscream thought of Cyclonus's words and realized that the Destron had a good point. Off to the side Galvatron II and Star Vypra applauded Cyclonus's reasoning. Well said Cyclonus. Well said.

Thank you Galvatron II. Cyclonus said in bowing. Now where shall we start looking for the Matrix?

It has already been found! Goldar said coming out of the UAE computer databank. But just as Goldar was about to reveal the whereabouts of the Matrix the sky filled with approaching ships.

Ships whose intentions were focused on the Destrons and their allies.
Back on Sydnia Kyle relayed his discoveries to Optimus Prime whose own researches seemed to correspond to his own findings in the Sydnia Computer.

It appears we have arrived just before the battle of the line. Optimus said. Which can only complicate matters if these records are correct. Optimus then told Arcee to bring everyone to the main hall and everyone came. Optimus then quickly told the team what had been discovered.

We may have found the Matrix. Optimus said to those assembled. Everyone wondered where it could be. Optimus quickly explained.

Kyle used his connection to the supernatural forces of this universe to gather information as we gathered records. Both our suspicions seem to indicate that our search may be towards a star like object that grants life to dying worlds, much like the power of the Matrix of Creation is capable of.

Star-like? You mean it's shaped like a star? Andros asked.

I think the term is meant to apply that the object shines like a star. Optimus said. It has always been said that the Matrixes shone like the brightest of stars.

I have to agree. Skull said. This book I found in the kiddie section seems to confirm what Prime and Kyle found out. Skull held the book up and explained the story it held. It tells of a star of wisdom descending from the heavens giving life to those who were in danger of dying. It's light filled the suffering people and allowed them to live long enough for them to bring their civilization back to life. They brought life back to the ground, found new reservoirs of water. This star allowed them to bring their planet to life.

Only you would find information in the kiddie section Skull. Kim said. Skull followed up with Well I try. Then Optimus spoke.

As we looked through the records we found that Eltar had dealt with a similar problem a few thousand years ago. There was a death plague that took place that sent the world into a state of decay. The people had to work hard to reverse it and they said that an object of light and life helped them to bring back their world. Optimus explained. And I think we all know what this object could be.

The spirits I communed with said the same thing. Kyle answered. The story, where it landed, everything.

So that means the Matrix Andros started to say.

Is on Eltar. Optimus said in completion.

Tommy then sighed. This isn't good. Especially if we are approaching the time of the battle of the line.

Indeed. Optimus added. We may wind up fighting our way in and out of the Matrix's location. And with the Destrons, the UAE, and perhaps even the council who may not be willing to part with the Matrix.

This is not going to be easy. Joyride said. Everyone agreed.

We got other problems. Chad said looking at a nearby computer screen which seemed to be giving off sensor readings. Ships are coming this way.

Friend or foe? Optimus asked.

Not sure. Chad answered. Andros then looked at the computer screen and said the same thing. I can't make out their identification beams.

Let's go out and meet them. Optimus said. But do not be the ones to initiate conflict. Let them fire first if they are hostile. Everyone acknowledged Optimus's order as Tommy, Kimberly, Kat, and Andros joined their partners.

TRANSFORM!!! ENGINE ON!!! Tommy and Kim said as they became Optimus and Joyride's engines.

TRANSFORM!!! HEAD ON!!! Kat said as she became Arcee's head.

TRANSFORM!!! GUN ON!!! Andros said becoming Rodimus's weapon.

Skull, Chad, Kyle and Diamondback then followed the Cybertrons out of the library establishment to see who was coming their way. Once outside the Matrix team scanned the skies to find those approaching. Soon their objectives came into view.

The Matrix team looked up to see the five X-wings fill the sky above them. Rogue Squadron had arrived.
A-Flight approached Sydnia and immediately saw their targets come into view. We've got a couple of beaters. Sharra said. But we've also got others there too.

Autobots? Slasher asked looking at the build of the machines below. They kind of reminded him of the old Cybertronian warriors.

No. Stryker said looking at the symbols these Transformers wore. Their symbol is nothing like the Autobot or Decepticon symbols we're aware of.

I do see one face though. Riptide said looking at the image of Optimus Prime standing among the party. Strange since I heard he disappeared millennia ago.

Well he's here now, or at least someone who looks like him. What do we do? Goddess asked. Everyone then wondered what Riptide's next order would be.

We're not going to start this fight. Riptide said. Prepare to set down. Let's see what they want.

Belay that. Goddess said. We've got targets coming our way. And they don't look friendly.

Sure enough Goddess was right. When Riptide looked at his computer screen he saw sensor echoes that could only have meant one thing. The Wraiths were coming as well.
Sydnia wasn't the only place Wraith Squadron was approaching. For en route to Jolo Stasia's B-Flight was gaining ground, and quickly.

Commander. Wraith 7 responded. I'm detecting approaching ships heading for Jolo. Warbook identifies them as Rogue X-Wings.

Stasia's trigger finger immediately started getting itchy. There were a few Rogues she wanted to get her hands on. Two in particular were her fellow Amazonian Crysta and the Phaedosian Dulcea. How many ships? she asked.

Five. It looks like one of their flights. Wraith 7 answered. Also I have picked up unusual life signs from Jolo.

Unusual? Stasia asked.

Yes. They seem to be mixed in with Cybertronian life signs. Wraith 7 answered. Stasia immediately thought about her next course of action.

We have no sure way of ascertaining what those on Jolo want. For all we know they are allies in the making, or even enemies. We must be sure.

But commander. If they broke into Jolo, wouldn't that consist of an act of aggression? Wraith 8 asked. Stasia considered Rogue 8's words and while she did have a point something in Stasia said that they weren't hostile. At least towards the UAE.

Position Wraith Squadron between Jolo and the Rogues. Stasia answered. At the very least we'll deal with the enemies we know of. The Wraiths of B-flight understood Stasia's order and moved to intercept.
We've got bogies coming in. Ronox said. They're Wraiths.

Dulcea noticed the ships approaching. ~ Five ships, so it must be one of their flights~ she thought as she wondered which flight they were dealing with. Just then the lead pilot spoke over the intercom. And while the message was directed at one pilot, every Rogue heard the message and who sent it.

It will be a pleasure to destroy you Crysta of the Rockhard tribe. It is long overdue. Stasia sneered over the com line.

Likewise traitor. Crysta sneered as she heard Stasia's voice then switched over to the squadron's channel where Dulcea was giving orders. Maintain your cool Crysta. I know you want to wring her neck

She wants to wring everybody's neck. Ramen said with humor. Dulcea then said for Ramen to be quiet as she said to Crysta Maintain your cool. If one of these pieces of daggit felgercarb gets under your skin then it may well be lights out for all of us.

Yes ma'am. Crysta said trying to understand, but her trigger finger was still itchy as she hoped Stasia would slip into her line of fire.

All right! Let's go get 'em pilots! Dulcea ordered as she moved towards the Wraiths with her squadron flight in tow.
On the surface the Order looked up at the battle and one member watched with interest, especially when she heard one of the voices through the radio receiver in her helmet's earpieces. Immediately her mind began to spin as a plan was forming. And as Rita's mind was spinning, so was her partner's.

~ I trust you have something in mind?~ Starscream asked Rita inside her mind.

~ Perhaps. ~ Rita thought back. ~ I always hated Dulcea. I always wanted to do something really nasty to her, and I may have a way in mind. ~

~ Is it something I can use?~ Starscream asked. His only answer was a feeling of evil that warmed his dark soul. Clearly he and Rita were of like mind when it came to evil. Especially in the belief that evil was fun. ~ Perhaps~ Rita thought. Already Starscream looked forward to what his partner had in mind.

As the Order watched the battle they saw the pilots fighting feverishly, but with neither side able to get the other yet until one of the first TIE's was taken out after the first two minutes of the battle. After that the Rogues slowly began gaining ground taking out TIE after TIE leaving only two remaining.

Hmmmm. Galvatron II said looking up at the battle. I recognize those vessels. I would have thought Wraith Squadron would have put on a better fight.

Well one is. Star Vypra said pointing to one of the TIE's flying expertly with one pilot dead on it's tail. The pilots happened to be Stasia and Crysta with Crysta moving in for the kill, and almost ready to get it.

All the same. Galvatron II said. Wraith Squadron could well be an ally we could make use of. Perhaps we should extend our aid. Rita, Goldar, Rito, Scourge and Cyclonus understood perfectly.

TRANSFORM: GET ON!!! Rita shouted becoming Starscream and transforming into fighter jet mode.

TRANSFORM: GUN ON!!! Goldar shouted becoming Cyclonus's weapon and mounting in his jet fighter mode.

TRANSFORM: GUN ON!!! Rito shouted becoming Scourge's weapon while he was in hovercraft mode. Also following Scourge was a squad of Sweeps waiting for Scourge's order. The order however came from Galvatron II who said DESTRONS ATTACK!!! and the Destrons obeyed their leader's order.

As Starscream, Scourge and Cyclonus moved to deal with the Rogues Villimax noticed Trakeena kneeling down on the ground as if her knees were taken out from under her. Are you all right my queen? Villimax asked Trakeena. Trakeena had shortness of breath as she felt a presence, a presence of light. A presence that was repulsive to her. A presence that was familiar, as familiar as her own face in the mirror.

No I am not all right! Trakeena shouted. I feel like someone just walked over my grave! Trakeena then paused and looked wide eyed in horror, as if knowing what this feeling meant. And Villimax knew as well.

SHE was here.
