Horrors Of War

Disclaimer:The Power Rangers are the property of Disney and I lay no claim to them. Cassidy Bridges and Bobby Bridges are the property of Carlton Cuse Entertainment. Colonel Decker and references to the A-team are the property of Stephen J. Cannell entertainment. Stringfellow Hawke and Tom Beckett are the property of Bellisarius Entertainment. The Doctor and Samantha Jones are the property of the BBC.

Horrors of War

By: the Q-team

Angel Grove. 1995.

From their base on the moon Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd looked down at the latest battle with the Rangers.

The latest plan, one made by her father Master Vile, would involve the Rangers being turned into children as the world was sent back in time ten years. Zedd already had reservations about the plan since he tried it once himself, and it didn't work then.

_But Zeddie isn't daddy._ Rita thought. _And besides this might be a good time for me to find what I need to get that goodie goodie Katherine under my control again._

Rita scanned the Earth for a power source that would have allowed her to accomplish that. She had a few ideas, but one in particular stood out most of all. It involved a red flower that had tremendous supernatural abilities. It was one of six such flowers, but the other five were lost. _Still if I have the one I can use it to create my own evil warrior. Just like Tommy when he was my evil Green Ranger._

But she still needed the Rangers out of the way. If they found out what she was going they would try to stop her in order to save Katherine. _Daddy had better win this time._ she thought.

She and Zedd looked down in anticipation. As she spied she caught the spike of power she was searching for. "At last! I have found the place where the power of the Red Hana Ranger resided! Rita said as she spied a temple somewhere in Southeast Asia. It looked old and abandoned. _But then most temples do._

"Rita. Now is not the time to do any quests." Zedd said. "Victory is almost within our grasp."

And sure enough, victory was achieved.

The Orb of Doom was activated. The Earth was spinning backwards. Everyone was de-aging.

And the Rangers were turned into children. Children with no powers.

"Perfect!" Rita cackled with glee. "Now they won't be able to stop me!" She then turned to leave as Zedd stopped her.

"My little buttercup. Where are you going? We are about to establish our dominion on Earth."

"Give me a minute Zedd. I'll catch up." Immediately Rita teleported down to Earth…alone.

This was something she wanted to do for herself.


In the Vietnamese jungle Rita appeared before the ruins of a buried temple that was covered by so much dirt and jungle brush, nearby was what seemed to be an old Prisoner of War compound that had long been abandoned, before the jungle had taken over and buried everything. She saw a body or two located nearby and figured they must have remained from the war that took place twenty or so years ago based on the uniforms they wore, but Rita did not care about that much. Her mind was on other things.

She heard stories about the Hana Powers, about all they were capable of, and the wielders who had them. The powers were intended to be used by females, and they weren't necessarily used for good either. In fact, it had been said that the bearers of the Hana powers had leaned more towards the dark side of the grid at times.

There were five powers that were known of. The blue, green, pink, purple and orange powers were the ones that were KNOWN, but there was one power that had been rumored to exist. The power of the most powerful of the Hana Rangers.

The power of the Red Hana, whose symbol was the carnation.

Rita entered the temple going through tons of vines and dirt, coming across the bodies of tomb robbers along the way. Until she finally came across the pedistal where her quarry was supposed to be sitting on. Only to find it empty. The carnation was not there.

"What?!" she shrieked. "Where is it?!" Rita used her wand to scan the air for whatever presences there were that visited. For some reason she felt a presence that had she had sensed before.

"Katherine?" Rita asked as she sensed her aura. "But how?"

Rita had many questions. How could Katherine have been there before? Where was the Red Carnation now? She looked all over Earth before, and couldn't find it. Only the spike at the temple. _And even now with time turned back it's gone._

"Rita!" Zedd's voice said echoing throughout the old temple. Rita turned and saw Zedd's image looking down at her.

"What is it Zeddie?" Rita asked.

"Have you found what you are looking for?" Zedd asked.

"No it's gone. I don't get it Zeddie. It's supposed to be here."

"Save it for another time." Zedd said. "We are about to make our presence known in Angel Grove. And the Power Rangers can do nothing to stop us!"

Rita felt her heart fill up with glee. The destruction of the Rangers was at hand. And the conquest of Earth was all but assured.

_I don't need the carnation. I can get Katherine in other ways. Especially after I conquer Earth._ And Rita then left the temple to join her husband, brother and Goldar in their attack.

Of course things didn't turn out like they had planned.

The Alien Rangers had arrived and drove Master Vile away. And the Zeo Crystal turned time back to normal.

Rita and Zedd were driven out by the Machine Empire, and she and Zedd had been trying to regain their right to conquer Earth from them. And while the Machine Empire had felt their wrath Rita never went back to look for the Red Carnation.

Yes that was the end of that story.

Or was it?

Vietnam. 1973

In the jungles of Vietnam, at the same temple Rita would go to in the future, a man looks over the compound he had acquired. He had short dark hair tinged with gray, as well as a black goatee also tinged with gray. He emitted a strong presence to those before him. A presence touched with malicious evil.

In the prison yard were several American Prisoners of War. Many of them currently Missing in Action. Terrible things had been done to them at the hands of the Viet Cong supporters he had acquired. Some had been there for years, others not so long. Quickly the man had used them as his work force in hopes of building his compound. A compound that served as his power base for his operations in this corner of the world.

He figured that it would be time to move on soon. The war in this country was winding down with American troops pulling out. He knew the process would take about two more years to complete, but there might be more that he could do within that two year framework. What that would be he wasn't sure. But he knew the opportunity would present itself.

Sensei! Sensei!!! a Vietnamese woman said as she came running up towards the main bunker. The man turned to see what the woman wanted. She was a spy for the man who ran the compound, and was ordered to spy on the American unit stationed nearby.

The woman then spoke of three girls having appeared as if out of nowhere. One a Britain, one an Austrailian, and one an American. All three dressed in strange attire. The woman had presented photos of the three and showed them to him. As he looked at the photos he saw the faces of the three and went wide eyed as he recognized them.

They were three that were chosen to be Power Rangers. Their names were Katherine Hillard, Samantha Jones(one of the Doctor's companions') and Cassidy Bridges. By his own estimation he remembered that they became Rangers sometime around 1996 or 1997. _But what are they doing here?_ he asked himself. He felt he had to know.

Quickly he called forth the troops he had acquired at the compound. When they were assembled he immediately gave the, their mission and orders. These three must be captured. Attack the base where they are located and bring them to me. His soldiers, members of the Viet Cong he recruited, obeyed.

Soon they would be brought before the man known as Sensei.

But that was not the only name he was known by.

U.S. Armed Forces Base.

3 miles from the outer limits of the city of Saigon.

Colonel Roderick Decker looked at the report before him submitted by Captain Robert 'Bobby' Bridges and his recon platoon. And you are saying that these three girls just appeared out of nowhere?

Yes sir. Bobby said. We were just over the hill when we saw these three in our combat path. We escorted them to the LZ under guard and flew back to the base immediately. Decker nodded seeming to understand. But Decker then added Do you think they have ties to the Viet Cong?

"Sir I believe that is a very ridiculous question to ask." Bobby said.

"Don't be so sure." Decker said. "Even if they aren't VC they could be groupies left behind from that Jane Fonda tour or something. Anyone associated with her is just as bad as the VC in my book." Bobby listened to Decker and thought that his explanation was too ridiculous sounding, or his reasoning was just too paranoid.

Sir I doubt they are tied to the Viet Cong in any way. Bobby said trying to sound reasonable. For one thing they just seem too…clean cut. For them to have been in the jungle as long as we were they had to get mussed up pretty well. Decker heard Bridges' report but he was still skeptical.

Or maybe he had been surrounded by enemies for so long he could not see anything else.

At any rate Captain your battalion has a mission to accomplish. We're going to hit that VC base your platoon ran across and free the POW's held captive there. Bobby nodded in understanding but he did wonder what the three girls had to do with a POW base, or if they had anything at all to do with it.

The three girls were found just a few clicks outside your target area. Decker explained. They may know something. I want you to find out what it is…by any means necessary. Bobby nodded at Colonel Decker's order and while he formally addressed the Colonel Yes sir. Bobby did not like going by what Colonel Decker said about 'by any means necessary.'

Bobby knew about Colonel Decker's reputation. He was an officer who accomplished his missions no matter what consequences might have erupted. If it had meant taking out a few innocent people to get four of the Viet Cong it was a chance he was willing to take. And some would say that he might have enjoyed. Essentially he was the type of soldier that gave many U.S. troops a bad name when they had returned home to their families.

One officer stood up to Decker. His name was Colonel John 'Hannibal' Smith, and he once punched Decker out for a comment that Smith didn't take kindly to. Smith made it his mission to challenge Decker's approaches any time he believed Decker stepped out of line when it came to military protocol, wartime or no.

Smith however was now a wanted fugitive for breaking out of Fort Bragg, along with his unit which was called 'the A-team' with the exception of their pilot Capt. H.M. 'Howling Mad' Murdock who was in a Veterans Hospital in Los Angeles undergoing psychiatric evaluation. Smith led a mission to rob the Bank of Hanoi of 4 million yen under the orders of Colonel Samuel Morrison. But Morrison supposedly died in a shelling so the orders were never confirmed.

Decker was ecstatic that Smith was now a criminal. He believed that with Smith out of the way there would be no stopping him effecting his wartime methods, and moving through the ranks. But Smith's efforts to derail Decker did have limited success. He raised so much of a stink that Decker was passed over for a promotion to Brigadier General, and it would be unlikely that Decker would get that promotion anytime soon, if not for a good 10 or more years. This angered Decker, and he hoped for the chance to get his hands on Smith for ruining his career, fugitive or not.

When the pull out was ordered Bobby could tell Decker was angry. He started to send out more soldiers on more missions in some twisted hope of turning the war around, or justifying continued American presence there, no matter how many American troops had to die to ensure victory for his country. Bobby didn't see Decker as crazy, but he was cold, ruthless and downright mean at times. He saw his soldiers as a means to an end, nothing more. More times than not Bobby, and other soldiers wished Decker would be removed from his command, but Decker still had some friends in the top brass, even if he could never be among them.

Bobby then left Decker's office making his way to the interrogation room where the three girls were waiting. One of them felt extremely familiar to him, almost as if she reminded him…of his brother. "Nash?" he said under his breath as he looked at the girl in silver.

Another who wore pink was just being quiet about everything, while the one in yellow was talking up a storm. "I demand to see someone from the British Consolate!" Samantha Jones, the Yellow Zeo Ranger, said screaming from her chair. Katherine Hillard and Cassidy Bridges, Pink and Silver Zeos respectively, tried to get her to sit back down.

"Quiet little girl!" An Army pilot named Stringfellow Hawke, who was watching the three girls, said. Samantha however was getting into Hawke's face saying that she was a citizen of the United Kingdom, and that they should not be treated this way. Hawke however was not backing down.

Girl I don't know where you are from, but you are a long way from a British Embassy. You're lucky we're still here. Samantha heard Hawke's words but she was not intimidated by him. She refused to be.

We're not Viet Cong if that's what you mean! Samantha said. Listen to our accents. Do we sound Vietnamese to you?

No, but I've seen a lot of things that make me wonder. And I'm not too keen on things that make me wonder. Samantha and Hawke seemed to be getting into a staredown as Kat and Cassidy rolled their eyes at the sight. That was when relief came in the form of Bobby Bridges.

At ease String. Bobby said appearing in the doorway. I'll take it from here. Colonel Decker wants you to get ready for the mission. Hawke rose from his chair slowly and made his way to the door. Bobby took over the interrogation such as it were.

"As soon as we can get to your request, we will. But right now we're all busy right now. Bobby said as he came up to the girls. He then cast a look at Hawke who was leaving and Bobby added "Sorry about String. His brother had gone missing a year or so ago. He tried to find him. He went out on every mission he could get, but he's had no luck. And now it seems like he never will."

"Why? What's happening?" Kat asked. The other girls became interested when they heard this as they seemed to be getting closer to answers..

"We're pulling out." Bobby said. "Executive order. American troops begin final pull out from Vietnam. We are to take whatever refugees who wish to go with us."

Pulling out? Cassidy asked trying to remember her history lessons regarding Vietnam.

Yeah. Guys back home decided the war has gone on long enough. There's just no reason to keep fighting a prolonged conflict. All of us are to finish our tours of duty and head back home. But not before doing a few missions first. Kat looked curious as she asked Missions?

There are still some POW camps in operation. Bobby explained. The brass wants us to locate and liberate as many of them as we can find. Which is where you three come in. Kat, Samantha and Cassidy looked at each other and wondered what Bobby meant by that.

You three were found a few clicks from such a camp. Colonel Decker is wondering what you were doing there. Kat tried to answer Bobby's question as she said We sort of…fell out of the sky.

With what? I didn't see any chutes.

We didn't have chutes. Cassidy said. It's a long story and you wouldn't believe us anyway.

Try me. Bobby said. But just then another officer, Captain Tom Beckett, entered the room. Bobby, Colonel Decker wants to speak with you.

Can it wait? Bobby asked. I'm interviewing our guests here.

It'll have to. Our informant has arrived. Bobby noticed the bitterness Tom used when he said the word 'informant' as if he had some experience with the type of 'informant' he mentioned. Bobby turned to the girls and said that he had to leave for a minute. I'll speak to the Colonel about giving you restricted access to the base. But for now stay here. Bobby then left the girls alone to talk amongst themselves. Kat, Samantha and Cassidy looked at each other in surprise.

"We're in Vietnam during the pullout!" Kat said. Cassidy's mind however was turning overtime.

"And it's only a while before Uncle Bobby goes on his mission." Cassidy said. "I...I can warn him! I can save his life!!!"

"No!" Samantha said. "That would probably not be a good idea?"

"And why not?" Cassidy asked in disbelief. "Is that something the Doctor would say?"

"Yes it would, and I'll tell you why. Samantha said the line with a sense of determination behind her voice. One of his companions, a boy named Adric, tried to stop a ship from colliding with Earth. The Cybermen had damaged the control console, which caused the TARDIS to jam up. He had to sit and watch helplessly as the ship Adric was on collide with Earth, unable to save him."

"Couldn't he have changed what happened?" Cassidy asked. "Saved him?"

"No." Samantha said. "The Doctor said there were certain rules he couldn't break. Even though in his seventh life, he told me, he considered it once."

"What made him change his mind?" Kat asked.

"Someone told him that he didn't have the power over life and death. That he had no right to play god. And that Adric would probably have resented him for not letting his life end the way it should have." Cassidy however was adamant.

"Well my uncle is not Adric. And I'm going to see what I can do about saving him." Cassidy got up and made her way to the door, but Kat stood in her path. Kat, get out of my way.

What are you going to sat Cassidy? Huh? What are you going to say? 'Oh hello Uncle Bobby I'm your niece from the future, and you're going to die on a mission soon?' You have to admit that he will be hard pressed to believe that.

Cassidy nodded as she indicated that she understood, but still there was that feeling. That need to help save him. I can't just let my uncle die.

You may have to. Samantha said sounding sympathetic towards Cassidy's plight. It was an impossible decision to make. Save a man and change a timeline drastically, or let that man die and subject her whole family to a lifetime of wondering.

An impossible choice.

Meanwhile the person of Cassidy's concern was going over the mission with Colonel Decker, as well as one other who would be accompanying Bobby on his mission.

So Captain Beckett, are you sure that these are the same POW's that you tried to free three years ago? Decker asked. Captain Tom Beckett looked at the recon photos Bobby's patrol had taken and he was sure that the POW he remembered from a picture taken three years ago was in the compound Bobby and his patrol had scouted.

I'm sure Colonel. Tom had said. Maggie Dawson lost her life getting that photo. The least I can do is make sure the prisoners in question get their first taste of freedom in a very long time.

I'm glad to hear that Captain Beckett. Decker had said. Because you will be working with Captain Bridges and his unit to free them. Tom liked what Decker was hearing, except for one aspect that caused Tom a great deal of concern.

Something on your mind Tom? Bobby asked.

Yeah. Tom said. I had a bad experience with a Chu hoi. I just don't trust them.

Bobby understood as he read Tom's file. He and his platoon were taking part in a POW rescue before that didn't succeed. Mostly due to an ambush being set up by the Viet Cong and the Chu hoi that was supposed to lead them to safety. It was a trap, and Tom Beckett's platoon nearly paid the price for that betrayal with their lives had it not been for one of Beckett's infantrymen they called 'Magic'.

'Chu hoi' was a term used for Vietnamese that left the Viet Cong and fought for the Americans. However there were times when Chu hoi could not be trusted, when their allegiances were revealed to have not changed and troops were led into Viet Cong traps.

And now Bobby and Tom had to put their trust in another Chu hoi.

The Chu hoi entered the office from the side. She bowed to Decker and bowed to Bobby and Tom. Thank you I hope to bring freedom to my family. Decker bowed back but he shot an angry look at Tom. A look that said 'don't cross me.

Yes sir. Tom said as he saluted Decker, but the manner of the salute indicated that Tom did not like the way Decker had this planned. Bobby then turned to Decker and asked the next question on his mind.

Colonel, what about my request? Bobby asked.

Decker looked up at Bobby confused. You want me to grant three girls with no identities access to this base? With no way to ascertain who they are or where they're from?

Sir, I can't explain it, but they might be able to help us. Maybe not in the way we're hoping, but in another way. Bobby said. Decker thought about Bobby's words and decided All right Bridges, I'll grant them limited access to the base. And they will be under your supervision until we can determine their identities.

Thank you Colonel. Bobby said as he saluted Decker and took his leave.

Don't thank me yet. Decker said. If anything happens those three will probably be considered prime suspects. So keep them as close as you would keep your rifle. Bobby nodded and went to get Kat, Samantha and Cassidy out of the holding area.

If Colonel Decker wanted them kept close he knew where he was going to keep them close to.

After several hours Kat, Samantha and Cassidy were granted limited base access. They found their way into the officer's club and wondered if they shouldn't have been somewhere else as the soldiers in the bar were having their own...little party.

Combat parties were considered to be the rowdiest parties ever thrown. Stuff happened at those parties that would lead parents to having a stroke. Already Kat, Samantha and Cassidy. who wore combat fatigues over their pink, yellow and silver t-shirts, were yearning for the serenity, peace and friendship of the juice bar in Angel Grove.

I don't believe what I'm seeing! Kat said as she saw a man doing one armed pushups with a Vietnamese girl on her back. Apparently he was trying to break a platoon record of some kind involving the most push ups done with a girl on their back. Currently the record was 65. The soldier doing the push ups hoped to break it.

I know! Samantha said. The guys back home are more civilized than this! I mean would you see Tommy doing one armed push ups with Lillian on his back?

He doesn't need to prove himself to be that macho. Cassidy said. She then turned to the bar and ordered three grape kneehighs for herself, Kat and Samantha. No way am I going to drink here. Cassidy said making reference that this was not the place she wanted to take her first taste of alcohol. Kat and Samantha agreed. Just then Captain Tom Beckett showed up and introduced himself.

Hello girls. My name is Tom Beckett. I trust you gals got the official welcome home from Colonel Decker. All three nodded 'yes'.

"Yeah, he's quite the hardnose I know." Tom said. "He hates the idea that we're pulling out, but Washington was the one that cut the order. We've been here too long they say, and we need to go." He then looked over at Cassidy who seemed to be looking at Bobby who was drinking to himself.

"You okay?" Tom asked. "You know you might be a little young for Bobby there."

"Sorry I'm just....distracted right now." Cassidy said. Tom listened wondering if he could help.

It's just that… Cassidy said. It's just that someone may well die in this platoon. I just wish I could warn him, but I'm not sure saving him….would be a good thing for the platoon. Tom listened and immediately thought of something similar in the back of his memory.

You remind me of my brother. Tom said to Cassidy. He said he had images of the future once, drove everyone crazy. Said I was going to die on a mission.

You didn't did you? Cassidy asked. You made it back didn't you?

Turns out I didn't die. Tom said. The day I was supposed to die, Magic saved my life. When a Chu hoi was about to shoot me in the back Magic opened fire and took her down. The weird part of it is…that I could have sworn Magic…for a few seconds…was my little brother Sam.

Your brother? Cassidy asked.

Sam was always a bookworm. Tom said. He planned on going to college, studying at M.I.T., being this big shot quantum physicist. He was going to prove some theory from one of his Sci-fi shows right. 'Captain Galaxy' I think it was. Good kid…but really had his head in the clouds if you know what I mean.

Cassidy nodded and understood.

"Now if you'll excuse me." Tom then went over to where the other soldier was doing his pushups and Tom took his place. Immediately Tom tried to do what the other soldier tried to do, beat the record. The girls couldn't believe everything they were seeing. It was like testosterone was reeking in the air. And they did not like the smell of it, or the smell of liquor and smoke in the air.

"Unbelieveable." Kat said.

"I know. I hope Zordon and the Doctor find us soon so we can leave." Samantha added.

Meanwhile the soldiers were looking at Captain Tom Beckett as he was about to break the platoon 'push up record'. Everyone was counting the push ups he was doing as the Vietnamese woman sat on his back. "56...57...58...59... Tom was about to hit 60 when something rolled out onto the floor. The soldiers immediately became alarmed as they saw the object before them.

"BOMB!!!" someone shouted as a satchel charge was thrown through the window. A soldier used himself to shield the blast as the explosion occured. Body parts and debris were scattered all around as other soldiers took cover. Kat, Samantha and Cassidy also took cover as the explosion occured. All three girls were hesitant to look up afraid that what they might see would make them toss their cookies.

Next thing anyone knew was Vietcong soldiers appearing out from everywhere. The American troops gathered their weapons trying to fight back, but since the VC had the element of surprise on their side they tried to make the most of it. Many soldiers were cut down in the firefight that ensued.

Tom, Bobby and Hawke tried to fight their way to get to Kat, Samantha and Cassidy, but the VC were already on them and grabbed them quickly. "Let us go!" they all shouted as the Vietcong herded them out of the bar by force. But they didn't seem to care about the welfare of the three girls. As far as they were concerned their commander may have wanted them alive, but what condition they were in was a different matter.

The base had suffered great damage already. Smoke was pouring out of buildings on fire. Soldiers were already struck down with others calling for medics. Some of the soldiers were too far gone as they lay dead, struck down quickly by the bullets from the VC, who seemed to appear as if from nowhere. A chopper then appeared with ropes for the soldiers to grab onto. Many of the VC grabbed the ropes making ready for extraction. Those that remained on the ground used the girls as human shields and laid down cover fire against any American troop survivors. The Vietcong had planned their mission well.

Tom, Hawke, and Bobby however were not willing to let the VC slide away. They immediately regrouped and went around. When the chopper came around for another pass Tom and Bobby got some shots in at the VC holding Samantha and Cassidy. As the VC were struck down by the crack shots both girls were relieved that they had escaped their captors, but the sight of the dead bodies distracted them for a moment as they stared at the sightless eyes turned upwards towards the sky. Samantha and Cassidy felt a wave of shock as they saw the sights of death and destruction around them.

It was a cry for help that shook them out of their state as they turned to see what was happening to Kat. One VC still held Kat and tied her to a rescue rope from the chopper as she struggled to break free. Kat was then lifted aboard the chopper as the VC laid down cover fire preventing the American troops from getting closer. The soldiers were pinned down, and Samantha and Cassidy found themselves ducking to avoid the incoming machine gun fire.

"Any ideas?" Samantha asked.

"None right now." Cassidy said. They couldn't get up to morph, especially surrounded by so many troops from both sides. Meanwhile the chopper set down low enough to grab the remaining troops and then flew away with Kat as a prisoner.

"KAT!!!" Samantha shouted as she and Cassidy got back up. But she couldn't hear due to the chopper already being too far away. Bobby, Tom and Hawke went to Samantha's side and tried to reassure her that they would get her back. It was then that Colonel Decker appeared as if trying to comprehend what was going on.

"I want a full assessment of this base, Leave no stone unturned." Decker ordered. Samantha then got into Decker's face.

"What about Kat?" Samantha asked concerned for her friend. "What about her?" Decker countered not showing the least amount of concern.

"Well aren't you going to save her?" Samantha asked as if not liking what Decker was saying, or the way he was saying it.

"Little girl, I've got more important matters to cover. I've got to write home to several families that their sons died in a raid that was taking place during a retreat. I've got to take stock in supplies we have, and how much the VC had taken, as well as damage to this base. So frankly rescuing a teenage girl from Austrailia is not high on my priorities now."

"But Colonel..." Bobby started to say. Decker waved his hand telling Bobby to be quiet not taking his eyes off Samantha.

"Give me one good reason why I should do what you ask?" Decker asked. "Just one." Samantha didn't answer. "Yeah that's what I thought." Decker then turned away leaving Cassidy, Tom, Bobby and Hawke with her.

Samantha we'll get her back! Cassidy vowed. Samantha nodded and turned to look at Decker who immediately had Samantha's attention.

"UNIT!!!" Samantha said. Everyone's eye turned to look at her.

Where did you hear that? Decker asked. That's only known by high security clearence.

That's not important. Samantha said. Contact the British Consolate and contact the U.N.I.T. office in London. The man you are looking for is Brigadeir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

Try saying that three times fast. A soldier said. Samantha shot the soldier an icy glare and then back at Bobby. "Well are you going to place the call?" Bobby turned to look at Colonel Decker who nodded to Hawke. "Order the company clerk to place the call Captain Hawke." Hawke did what Colonel Decker instructed and the company clerk placed the call after communications were checked. What do I say when I get in touch with them?

"Tell them to call 'the Doctor.' Samantha said.

The call went through and Hawke took the line. Colonel Decker just stared at Samantha and Cassidy as he wondered just who these girls were anyway.

In London, England at U.N.I.T. HQ A short willowy blonde haired girl named Jo Grant entered the lab of the unpaid scientific advisor of the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (U.N.I.T.) with a cup of tea. When she entered she saw him hard at work on his latest innovation-a force field generator for his time and space machine known as T.A.R.D.I.S.(Time And Relative Dimensions In Space).

The Doctor was a tall man with silvery white hair and a keen technical mind. Yet he was also not human. He was a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who left his home due to him being bored with their lifestyle. But an incident involving a series of War Games called for the Doctor to be placed on trial and exiled to the planet Earth where he regenerated into the form he was now in. Throughout his exile the Doctor had tried to find a way to rediscover the operating secrets of the TARDIS, which the Time Lords had blocked out of his mind. Occasionally he did have the intergalactic adventure, but that was more at the Time Lords' behest.

Some of these adventures involved him facing the Time Lord known as 'the Master' while others involved him helping other civilizations, like on the planet Pelleon as well as on the planet Solos. But still the Doctor yearned for the freedom the cosmos offered. Freedom that came when he defeated the renegade Time Lord known as Omega with the help of his two previous selves. Of course in that battle the Doctor had to replace his force field generator which was destroyed in the battle.

Jo knew the Doctor would be leaving as soon as he could. When that time came she wondered whether or not she would go with him. She had seen much of the universe and its wonders with the Doctor, but she wasn't sure she had seen enough. She placed the tea down by his work station and the Doctor nodded as he said "Thank you Jo."

"Is the new generator ready?" Jo asked.

"Almost." the Doctor said. "Should even be better than the previous one." Jo watched the Doctor tinker with his force field generator when he put his tools down and decided to give it a test. "All right. Let's see."

The Doctor then held the box in front of him and pressed a button. He then directed Jo's attention to a Dalek gun he set off to the side. "Fire it at me." he said.

"What?" Jo asked not sure she could believe what she was hearing.

"You heard me. Fire the Dalek gun." Jo grabbed the gun and took aim at the Doctor. She pressed the activator as a blue beam of energy shot out from the gun...and bounced off the force field wall. The Doctor then smiled as he deactivated the field. "I guess we can call that a successful test."

"Just don't have me do that again. You scared me." Jo said. Her voice clearly reflecting her fear.

"Why? You were the one holding the gun."

"But it was your life." Jo added. The Doctor nodded as he went to install the generator. When his phone rang Jo went to pick it up and Hawke was on the other line.

"U.N.I.T. HQ. Jo Grant speaking."

"I need to speak with the Doctor." Hawke said on the other line. "My name is Captain Stringfellow Hawke U.S. Army. There is a matter here that needs his attention."

Jo then called the Doctor who explained the situation to him. The Doctor picked up the phone and spoke to Hawke. Yes Mr. Hawke? What do you wish of me?

There are girls here that don't belong. One of them gave your name. The Doctor was intrigued as he wondered who these girls were. Hawke gave the descriptions and names and the Doctor nodded as he understood.

I'll be there as soon as I can. He then hung up and turned to Jo. "Come on Jo we're leaving."

Jo Grant looked excited as she asked where they were going this time. What civilization she would visit. Jo was not prepared for the answer that was to come.


Back at the compound the damage was being surveyed. Twenty soldiers were dead, with an even higher number wounded. Buildings were destroyed or half destroyed, and only two helicopters remained operational. The VC knew where to strike, and how to. Already Decker was planning on how to pay them back when he got his hands on those that attacked his base. But first he had to wait for whoever it was that the British girl called.

Decker started to lose his patience as he stopped pacing the ground of his ruined compound and got into Samantha's face. "All right. Where is this special person you are waiting for?" he asked Samantha and Cassidy. Next thing that was heard was a grinding and wheezing sound that indicated the arrival of a TARDIS. An MP charged in and said "Colonel. I think you'd better see this."

Everyone rushed out to see a blue police call box appear in the center of the HQ grounds. The door of the box opened and the Doctor and Jo got out. Looking around the Doctor and Jo saw the horror around them and Jo couldn't believe it. "How can we do this to one another?" Jo asked.

The Doctor looked around with a controlled look, but his eyes also reflected the same sad emotion. "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves, just as it is in your nature to care for one another."

"Great. We're a schitzophrenic species." Jo said with a bit of dry wit. The Doctor then made his way to the center of the compound and quickly asked the first soldier he saw "Who's in charge here?"

"I am." Decker said stepping forward. "I'm Colonel Decker. Base commander." The Doctor gave Decker a brief look as if he knew him from somewhere then resumed his discussion.

"And where are these girls you have?" the Doctor asked. Decker showed them the way to where Samantha and Cassidy were seated and the Doctor immediately asked Decker to leave. "Why should I do that?" Decker asked.

"Because they may have answers that you would find difficult to accept." the Doctor said. "I'm a little more open minded about some things, so I can understand them better."

"I am base commander." Decker said. "I think I should know what's going on."

"I'll tell you what I can when I can." the Doctor said. Jo immediately left motioning Decker to follow. "Come on. I'll see if I can fix you some tea or something." she said knowing that the Doctor preferred to work this way.

The Doctor then immediately asked questions on who Cassidy and Samantha were. Although something about Samantha did seem familiar to the Doctor. Samantha told the Doctor that she and Cassidy were from the future, and that they were Rangers for Zordon. The Doctor batted his eye and asked "Zordon?"

Samantha nodded. "I was recruited when you landed at Zordon's headquarters. Cassidy was recruited later." The Doctor then asked "How is the old friend?"

"Still trapped in a time warp, but still continuing the good fight." Cassidy said as she, Samantha and the Doctor continued their talk. After explanations the Doctor said "So you're from 25 years in the future?"

"Yes. And one of our friends was taken." Cassidy said.

"And we need to get her back." Samantha added. Just then Bobby entered with Decker and Jo following close behind.

"We've ID'd the soldiers as operating somewhere around this area." Bobby said. "Somewhere between Hill 147 and village 110." Jo asked the Doctor what they were talking about.

"They number the hills and villages Jo." the Doctor explained. "Sometimes names are rarely referred to." Jo nodded as if understanding and the Doctor then added. "Is there anything else about this area that might be of interest?"

"Just that it's run by a general who has some sort of heavy backing." Bobby said. "Apparently this backer has ties into a lot of international connections. Not much is known about him. Jsut the alias he goes by."

"Alias? What Alias?" the Doctor asked.

"A word. 'Sensei.'" The Doctor went wide eyed, and so did Jo who was looking into all the languages of a certain word that an adversary of the Doctor's used as an alias. "Doctor do you think it could be him?"

The Doctor nodded and looked at his companion and the soldiers. "I do Jo. 'Sensei' is the Japanese word for 'Master'."

For a long time Kat felt like she was being dragged along. Then there was the helicopter journey to where she could only assume was the headquarters of this Vietcong regime.

Kat took in the sights of the compound below. She saw the usual structures she usually saw in movies about P.O.W. camps. Both in class and on home movies. But what really captured her interest was the stone temple that was off to the side that seemed to be embedded in the mountain. Not to mention a bunker unlike any other that seemed to oversee the whole compound.

The helicopter landed and some guards escorted her from the chopper to the bunker. Once she entered she was led to some sort of room that looked like a bedroom of some sort. The guard said that there would be clothes for her to change into. Kat looked into the closet and saw a set of jungle fatigues. But seeing as she already was wearing fatigues over her pink shirt she left her old clothes on.

Kat explored the room as best she could wondering just who her captor was. As she stood on some sort of balcony looking out at the compound below she saw soldiers doing combat drills in the center of the square. Soldiers undergoing their daily regimen, maintaining their combat fitness or whoever commanded the militia that had taken Kat.

_I wonder who that leader is._ Kat thought as she looked off to the side and she saw a sight she never hoped she'd see.

A sight of prisoners being tortured.

Captured prisoners of war, being tortured.

Most every form of torture inaginable was used. For some it was the lock in the box. For others it was dangling in the hot sun. For others it was the whips to the back. It seemed to Kat that there was so much inhumanity to man happening that she was experiencing it all. _What sick mind would do this?_ she asked herself.

Quite the sight aren't they? a voice said from behind Kat. She turned around and saw a man in a dark suit with thinning black/grey hair and a goatee. Kat looked at the face before her and recognized it from the files the Doctor had in his TARDIS.

This was the man who called himself 'The Master'.

However this Master was a Master of the past. A version of the Doctor's foe before facing him in his current guise.

If the Master saw any flicker of recognition in Kat's eyes he didn't show it as he looked out at the compound at what was happening to the prisoners. You know I never tire of watching the humans' capacity for cruelty. I find it so…inspiring at times.

Kat didn't say anything. She just cast an icy glare at the man called 'The Master'. Even though he wore a different face she knew enough about him from what the Doctor had told the Rangers about him. He was a monster who sought conquest and power, and had very few morals, if any. This version of the Master seemed to have a bit of a charm about him, which Kat had to admit made him to be a very striking person.

I know what you're thinking. 'Why am I here?' Well that is quite the twist of irony. Because that was the question I was hoping to ask of you. The Master had said. I know you to be time lost. This is not your time frame. I want to know which time frame you are from. Well that and one other thing.

"And what is that?" Kat asked.

"You see that temple in the mountain?" the Master said. "There's power in there. I seek to acquire that power. And you may be the one to help me do that."

Kat tried to look surprised. "And why would I help you?"

"I can feel the Ranger energies within you. You are a Pink hue are you not?"

Kat immediately realized the Master suspected something. He was a clever Time Lord from what the Doctor said. And why would I tell you? Kat asked.

The Master turned towards Kat and looked deep into her eyes Because I am the Master. And you will obey me. The Master said looking deep into Kat's eyes. You will obey me.

Kat felt her mind slipping away, getting heavier as she was getting lost in the Master's soothing words. _No._ she thought as she felt herself falling in her mind. Falling into a deep dark pit with which there seemed to be no escape.

You will obey me.

_No. I won't be controlled. Not like it was with Rita again._ she thought. But she felt her will fading under the Master's soothing words.

"You will obey me."

She had to fight back.

You will obey me.

Could she fight back?

Back at the American compound the Doctor had tried to get Colonel Decker to listen to reason. However Decker wouldn't budge.

"I will not waste manpower on some foolhardy mission to rescue some child that's probably lost already." Decker said adamantly. "Besides we don't have the manpower or the necessary equipment to effect a rescue."

Cassidy and Samantha couldn't believe what was being said. "You're just going to leave her to die then?" Samantha asked outraged.

"I thought military officers took an oath to save civilian lives." Cassidy added. "Are you forgoing that oath?"

"It's a matter of trying to accomplish a worthwhile mission with little to no loss of life." Decker said as he tried to explain himself. Tom let out a slight chuckle to that and Colonel Decker glared and said "Something amusing you soldier?"

"Oh no sir it's just..."

"Just what?" Decker asked.

"It's just...to hear you say that your trying to accomplish a mission with little to no loss of life is...unusual since you never seemed to care before." Decker was taken aback by what Tom said and he asked "What do you mean by that?"

"I think Colonel." the Doctor said. "That what he's trying to say is that I've read your record. You have lost many in the missions you had commanded, and you never shied from trying to escalate a body count on the other side when it suited your purposes."

Decker glared at the Doctor as the two had a staredown. "What are you getting at old man?"

"I think you enjoy death a little too much is what I think." the Doctor said keeping his gaze even. "You want more troops to command for a mission so you can make a statement to the VC. If the death toll is high while you are proving your point, so be it."

"You're asking me to commit my remaining soldiers on a mission where they will die anyway." Decker countered.

"Not if it's planned carefully." the Doctor said. "If this is done right we can do this with a minimum loss of life." The Doctor paused before speaking again. "Now there is a girl prisoner at a compound where a known international terrorist is occupying. Now are you going to help me get her out, or will I call your superiors and Geneva and have you removed from command?"

Decker was stonefaced when he heard that, but he knew the Doctor would back up what he said. "What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Well first. I'm going to contact the Master." The Doctor then motioned for Jo, Samantha and Cassidy to follow him into the TARDIS. Outside everyone wondered just what they were doing in a police box anyway. Inside Cassidy took in the surroundings. "The room looks different." she said referring to the main console room which was white and had roundels all around the walls.

"This was the console room he used for a long time." Samantha said. "It's not the console you and I know."

The Doctor didn't listen to the girls' banter as he went to the communications panel where he immediately began fiddling with the TARDIS communications circuit, hoping to comtact the Master. Doctor are you sure about this? I mean, remember the last time you tried to use the communications circuit to talk to the Master.

I remember. The Master took not listening to me to a new art form. The Doctor said when he tried to stop him from taking the power of Kronos. He did everything from shutting off the volume to rearranging the Doctor's speech. This time however the Doctor was not about to let that happen again.

The TARDIS communication circuit activated and the Doctor began to speak. Hello, Master. Are you there?. The Master was soon on the screen.

Ah Doctor. To what do I owe the privilege of this call? the Master asked with false modesty.

To make a long story short…. The Doctor broke off the sentence and allowed Samantha to take the comm line. Where's Kat? Samantha asked quickly showing concern for her friend.

The Master nodded in understanding, knowing that the girl's friends would be calling. Safe. For now. Would you like to see her?

Yes I would. Samantha said. The scanner had shown Kat on a cot sleeping peacefully, almost as if drugged. What have you done to her? Samantha asked.

She had to be subdued. The Master had said. As for why I'm here, well Doctor, can't a Time Lord take a holiday once in a while?

You would call Vietnam during the war a holiday. The Doctor said in a matter of fact tone.

I must say Doctor, this war has taken place in quite a remarkable era. Political intrigue, a sustained conflict that handed a major power a bitter defeat, death and destruction taken to new heights, and the soldiers. Oh the poor soldiers, spat on and called baby killers? I feel privileged to be part of it all.

You think I would believe any of that? the Doctor asked. We both know you have no wish to be a petty tyrant. And that's the role you seem to be playing as 'sensei'.

How right you are Doctor. You know I prefer better and bigger roles in things. Cassidy and Samantha picked up on some undertones in the Master's speech. Almost as if he was saying something that let on that the Master knew more than he was letting on. Samantha remembered what the Doctor said about the Master, and suddenly a wild thought came to her mind. Wild, yet scary.

"Are you saying that you are responsible for the hold up in the war effort?" Samantha asked. "That you are responsible for the American loss?"

"My dear. How can you say that? I can't be wholly responsible for this event in history when so many people can be held responsible for it." The Master had said.

"But you can sure point things in the right direction now can't you?" Samantha said with hate in her voice. Hate directed at the Master.

"Well I will say that all it takes is a persuasive voice and enough reason to back up what is said to cause such dissent in a legislative body. Kind of justifies the purpose of having one voice to rule now doesn't it?"

"Depends on who that voice is." Samantha had said. And somehow I don't think anyone had you in mind."

The Master smiled as he looked at Samantha. You are quite the opinionated young lady. Have you considered travelling with the Doctor? His idealism is most contageous.

Samantha gave a sly smirk and said Maybe.

Well at any rate Doctor. If you want to find me you'll have to work at it. The Master then signed off as the Doctor looked at the communications equipment hoping to get a reading on the transmission. Got him. He said as he was able to triangulate the Master's whereabouts. Yet there was a small amount of unease.

It was not like the Master to let things happen so easily. Did he have something else up his sleeve?

Outside the TARDIS Decker, Tom and Hawke waited to see what was happening inside a Police Box that would be so interesting. They were even more surprised when the Doctor came out and said his next words.

Ready a mission. We're going to hit Sensei's compound.

"We did have a mission in place before." Tom said. "We'll have to see if it can still be carried out."

"Do so quickly." the Doctor said. "We're running out of time."

At one end of the Master's compound was an old temple. A temple that supposedly held a great power. It was one of the things that led the Master to choose this site to have his compound.

He sent several into the temple to acquire it. Each attempt was in failure. The Master had a theory that only a person of like power, or who held like power, could have entered the temple. It was one of the reasons he had Kat taken. And with Kat under his control, she would take the risks and the Master would reap the rewards. Of course he had to work fast. The Doctor could arrive at any moment.

"Enter the temple." the Master said. Kat slowly walked to the lip of the temple and walked inside.

Kat soon dissapeared inside the mountain as the Master's aide came to him and asked "Are you sure she can get the power?"

"I believe the power will make allowances for her." the Master said. "Now make ready. We will have some guests arriving shortly."

"Are the Americans coming Master?" the aide asked. The Master smiled and said "Yes, and one other."

As soon as she had walked out of the temple Kat had shaken herself out of her trance. "Wow. He was good. I didn't think I could hold out against him any longer."

She looked around the stone corridor she was in and felt a sense of power not far away. Power that she knew from somewhere, almost like she knew her own name.

"Well then. I guess if that's the way they want to play it I guess I'll play along." Kat walked down the corridor hoping to see what was waiting for her.

Two choppers remained operational from the attack. Decker had the choppers loaded with as many troops as he could spare that were ready to fight and ordered the choppers in the air immediately. Tom flew one with Hawke flying across from the one that had Decker and Bobby in it, along with the Doctor, Jo, Cassidy and Samantha as well as several troops ready to jump from the choppers ready to fight.

They had gone over the plan before leaving, and expected it to be a rescue mission. They make what little damage they could, get the girl and get out. The Doctor had a good idea where Kat would be held if he knew this 'Master' well enough.

Decker however had other ideas. Ideas where he hoped to give the Master something to think about.

And if someone died, _Well non-combatants had no buisness on the front line didn't they?_ was the rationale Decker had.

On the other chopper Jo looked out at the window as the Doctor looked down. "Something wrong Doctor?" Jo asked

"Not sure Jo." the Doctor said. "Although I wish you hadn't gone with me. It might have been best if you stayed at the base"

"Doctor I'm a big girl. I've dealt with the Master before."

"It's not the Master I'm worried about. It's Colonel Decker. I don't trust him." Jo wondered what the Doctor meant by that The Doctor answered with "I've reviewed his record."

"How?" Jo asked. "You didn't know he was here before we left did you?"

"Not really." the Doctor said. "But before my exile I found myself involved in a situation with four men, and I saw the good Colonel. I once got into the Pentagon mainframe and pulled up Decker's file. He's been responsible for quite a few of the bloody battles in this region, giving credibility to the bad reputation the troops stationed here have had."

"And you think Decker will add to that reputation?" Jo asked. The Doctor nodded.

"I just have a feeling he's going to look for the body count to go sky high again." Jo sighed and admitted that she had the same feeling "I'll be careful Doctor." she promised.

"I know." the Doctor said as Jo then decided to strike up conversations with Samantha and Cassidy. As Jo looked at Cassidy she saw the expression of someone with a lot on their mind. Especially as she looked at the pilot upfront. It was the expression of someone with something to say, yet not sure how to say it.

"So are you going to tell him?" Jo asked Cassidy.

"Tell him what?" Cassidy asked.

"The pilot you're staring at. You look like you're about ready to tell him something."

Maybe. Cassidy said. I'm just wondering if I should. Jo wondered what Cassidy had in mind and asked "Do you want to tell me?"

"I don't know." Cassidy said. "It's kind of...out there."

"Kid. I've been 'out there'. You can tell me." Cassidy then went into a brief explanation of her uncle and the time he was going to dissapear. Jo felt stunned by the admission and thought "Maybe I should get the Doctor." Jo then walked over to the chopper rear and brought the Doctor forward. When the Doctor was facing Cassidy Jo then said This young girl has something she wants to say to the pilot upfront.

"You want to tell him something?" the Doctor asked Cassidy. Cassidy nodded as she answered.

"Yes. The day he's going to go M.I.A."

"Why?" the Doctor asked. "Why would you wish to change history. or even consider it."

"Mostly for my father and grandfather." Cassidy explained. "They miss him. Grandpa especially."

"And you think that by telling him when he'll go missing that will save his life? Do you think that he might ignore you?"

I don't know what to think. Cassidy said. "My instincts tell me that I should stay out of it, but my heart... It just seems so much like a hard choice."

The Doctor nodded as he said "You're torn between what's good for your family and what's good for the rest of the world." Cassidy nodded. All I know is that my father and grandfather were devastated when he went missing. I find myself wondering if I could do something so they wouldn't have to go through that pain. Maybe have it so that Bobby never goes missing.

"Manipulation of history is never easy. In many cases it's illegal. Largely because one can't control the random events that one might occur." The Doctor spoke as if he said what he did from first hand experience.

"But don't you do it?" Cassidy asked.

"Not to a massive extent." the Doctor said. "Even I have to be careful. Some things just should not be tampered with. Your uncle's M.I.A. status may be one of them."

Kat had made her way through the chamber and through several traps to get to the point she was at. Falling steps, retracting spears, it almost seemed like an Indiana Jones movie, only the danger was very real. Still she had made good time, a lot farther than her predecessors had done as she noticed the skeletal remains of several other 'Tomb Raiders'..

"It's amazing I've gotten this far." Kat said as she looked back at where she came from. She never figured she'd make it, but she felt something pull her forward. As if something was calling out to her. Beckoning her forward. Telling her how to avoid the traps and maneuver through them. Then finally she came to the last obstacle.

A large stone door stood before her with a small porthole at the base. Kat got down on her hands and knees trying to see what was on the other side. What she saw she couldn't believe.

A glowing red flower filled her vision and Kat tried to squeeze her way through. She wasn't having much luck as she was only able to get her right arm and her head and shoulders through. She got stuck the rest of the way. She tried to wiggle her way forward and backward but the door kept her pretty much wedged in. Still Kat struggled to get free.

It was then that the flower started to radiate suddenly, and Kat felt a similar red glow around herself. A glow followed by a familiar feeling as she felt a change in her body beginning. A familiar one.

Kat had no time to process what was going on in her mind as immediately she felt her body melting, as if a part of Rita's spell had been reawakened in her. The part that allowed her to transform into a cat. Kat felt her body shrinking as her clothes absorbed into her body. Her arms had transformed into legs as her hands and feet turned into paws. A tail sprang from her backside as fur covered her entire body. Her blonde hair turned into white fur and whiskers sprang from her face. Kat was turned back into the snow white furred form of PC the Park Cat, although in the red light of the temple her fur gave off a more pink tint.

_What? I'm a cat again? How?_ PC had no answer. She tried to trigger the part of the spell that allowed her to change back to a human, but that part of the spell didn't respond. Katherine Hillard was stuck in the cat form of PC, and she felt more than a little scared.

_Great. What do I do now?_ PC asked herself as she realized all she could do was look around on all fours. It wasn't long before she saw what was giving off the red glow before her. Immediately PC jumped up on a pedistal to investigate and saw a flower sitting on another pediastal before her. It was a Red Carnation.

_How can this be here?_ PC asked. _And how can it transform me back into a cat?_

"Because you were meant for it's power." a voice said echoing throughout the room. "Out of all the girls on this planet, you were chosen to be keeper, and perhaps user, of the power of the Red Hana Ranger."

PC looked around and saw a form swirl before her. It looked like a creature that was half human, and half cat. Much like she was when she was the monster Katastrophe that fought the Ninja Rangers. The creature looked at PC sitting on the podium and said "Perhaps you would prefer to be in another form." The 'catwoman' pointed a finger and fired a beam at PC causing her to change again. Soon PC was turned back to the form of Katherine Hillard sitting on the adjacent podium.

"What? What happened?" Kat asked feeling herself as she was back to being human and got offthe podium. "How was I able to change again?"

"The carnation awakened the remnants of the spell the witch Rita placed on you." the figure said. "Yes I know of what will happen with Rita Repulsa and you. But I will not interfere in those events. They are necessary for you in order to accept the destiny before you."

"Destiny?" Kat asked.

"Katherine Hillard. You are a natural leader." the cat woman said. "You are the voice of reason that other Zeo Rangers rally behind. You also have an insight into the darkness of the soul that few do without being driven mad by it."

"It is knowledge I prefer not to have thank you." Kat said.

"But nonetheless you do have it. And it is that knowledge that allows you to be chosen for the power of the Red Hana Ranger." The catwoman walked back allowing the carnation to come into full view. "Hana Ranger?"

"A special Ranger team." the cat woman said. "Composed of females using the power that is a mix of both female and feline. There are six known powers altogether. Five which are the most notorious."

"Where are they?" Kat asked.

"That is another answer for another time." the cat woman said. "Just know that the time will come when five others with Hana Power will appear, and it will be very likely that you will be called upon to confront them, with the power of the Red Hana Ranger."

"But I am already the Pink Zeo Ranger." Kat said.

"You may need to pass that power onto another." the cat woman said. "The Hana power has chosen you to be its bearer. What is your answer?" Kat looked at the flower before her, and felt a temptation to accept it. It was as if the power was made specifically for her, much like the feeling she had with the Zeo powers, only moreso.

_I might be meant to take the flower._ Kat thought as she stared at the carnation before her. She wouldn't have much time to think though as explosions rocked the temple. Someone was attacking the Master's compound.

The choppers were approaching the co-ordinates where Sensei's compound was. Decker immediately ordered the soldiers to ready their weapons and be ready to attack.

"Colonel. You can bet Sensei's troops will be ready." Bobby said. Decker only acknowledged partly Bobby's concerns. "We will still have the element of surprise. We can get more of them before they get any of us."

"That doesn't sound very reassuring." the Doctor said. Decker glared at the Doctor and said "You have something to add Doctor?"

"Only a reminder that this is a rescue mission, not an excuse for you to run up a body count." Decker became aggrivated by the Doctor's comment and said in a voice that did not hide his anger, yet allowed him a measure of control "I am in command here. This rescue may have been brought about by two little girls, but I'm the mission leader."

"And I thought the Brigadier was a pompous self-opinionated idiot." the Doctor said as if unimpressed. "You however are far worse."

Decker turned back and looked at the target that was rapidly approaching. Sensei's soldiers were already armed and ready to fight as they fired their weapons at the choppers. "Colonel we're under attack." Bobby said.

"Tell me something I don't know Captain." Decker said. "Begin your strafing run." Bobby brought the chopper around and proceeded towards its selected targets, a series of gun emplacements being brought to bear against the aircraft.

Give me some cover fire! Bobby said to the chopper's gunner.

The side of the chopper opened and the gunner fired a rifle at the troops below. He was careful not to hit any prisoners that were in the path. Hawke had made a follow up pass and his own gunner took his shots too. Hawke had to wonder though if his brother St. John was down there in the compound.

In the watchtowers Sensei's soldiers fired at the choppers, with Bobby's chopper taking a hit and the gunner being wounded. The Doctor asked Jo to attend to him, but the gunner was still firing. Jo looked around as the horror of Earth war unfolded around her. It was unlike anything she had seen before, even on all the worlds she had visited.

_How can we be capable of such cruelty to each other?_ Jo asked herself. She had no answer, and to be honest, she didn't really expect one.

"Keep going soldier!" Decker ordered oblivious to everything but the battle taking place. But a bullet soon ended the gunner's life as he fell from his post and hit the ground below. "NO!!!" Cassidy said as the gunner fell from his post, with Cassidy unable to catch him. The gunnery post was empty with Cassidy staring at the gun before her.

"Somebody take that turret. We're going in for another pass." Decker ordered.

"Are you quite mad Colonel?" the Doctor asked. "You've already lost one man. Do you want to lose more?"

As Cassidy and Samantha looked at the sight before them they found themselves hard pressed to disagree with the Doctor. All around it seemed like people were dying. American, Vietnamese, there was no distinction as to what one's nationality was. Troops seemed to descend from the other chopper Hawke was flying, and some were being cut down by machine gun fire. Troops made ready to descend from Decker's chopper on the next pass but already some had lost their lives on the last pass. If death struck it wasn't because it chose favorites. Cassidy looked over at Jo Grant and saw the same look in her eyes too.

For Jo it seemed so easy to her. She went to her uncle and said 'I want to be a spy' and hoped he could have pulled some strings for her. Granted things did not turn out like she had expected. But even in her travels with the Doctor, she never expected something like this. She never expected to be part of a terrible war on her own planet.

"Maintain fire! Go in for another run!" Decker ordered. "Somneone take this gun placement."

"You're mad!" Jo shouted as she shook the horror of the sight out of her mind and focused it on Decker. An orchestrator of the horror she was in now.. "You'll just get more of your men killed."

"Take your seat!" Decker ordered. But this time Samantha got into Decker's face. "The Doctor was wrong. You're not a pompouse self opinionated idiot."

Decker didn't respond but Samantha continued to speak. "You are a bloodthirsty pompous self opinionated idiot!"

"Why you!" Decker said in a fit of rage. The Doctor however delivered a blow of Venusian Akido knocking Decker out. He then dragged Decker, with Jo's help, away from the opening for the chopper. The gun vacant with its new gunner wounded.

"Captain Bridges, you are in command now." the Doctor said. "What do we do?"

Bobby decided to pull back and allow time to regroup. "Let's lick our wounds before going back down again." On that the choppers flew back and went into a circular holding patter making ready for their next move.

Down on the ground the Master looked up at the two circling choppers and smiled. He had the Doctor beaten.

_It's only a matter of time before he accepts my superiority._ he thought. _If not in science, then clearly in battle._ The Master then allowed a slight chuckle to escape his lips. His eyes then turned to see Kat emerging from the temple. The red carnation in her hand.

_Ah I must see to my new servant._ the Master thought as he went into his own quarters in the compound waiting for Kat's return.

The Doctor looked down at the sight below. Already troops down on the ground were dying thanks to Decker's rash and bloody planning. He needed a way to surprise the Master, and he believed he had it in Samantha and Cassidy.

"Doctor how well do you know this Master?" Bobby asked. The Doctor answered with "Well enough."

Bobby sighed before speaking again. "I would appreciate any ideas you might have." The Doctor nodded and did infact have a plan.

"All right. We make our passes and you two jump off and deal with those in your way. Your powers should be able to protect you." the Doctor said. Bobby overheard this and asked "Powers? What powers?"

"Sorry that's classified." Jo added. The Doctor smiled and turned to the girls. Samantha seemed ready to go along with the plan.

Cassidy however was a million miles away as she looked below at the gun that the gunner dropped. She wondered if she would have to pick it up and fire it. She wondered if she would have to kill someone this day. She then realized that she had never killed anyone before. Sure there were Cylons she had killed, but they were pretty much machine. And Josie was in self defense, and she was out of her skull.

This time however she could very well have to take a life. She could well have to kill some mother's son.

"Cassidy!" Samantha shouted. "Snap out of it!" Cassidy was oblivious to everything as the gunfire resumed from the tower. The Doctor then went Samantha and said. Samantha. Morph. He then ordered Cassidy to do the same. But she seemed not to hear.

The Doctor then came to Cassidy's side. "I know this is terrible. All the blood and horror that you have seen. But you and Samantha have to stop this. You can stop this. You are Rangers."

"I'm...I'm scared." Cassidy said.

"That's good." the Doctor said. "It's good to be scared. It's not so good to let that fear paralyze you. If you do that then you might as well be dead now."

The Doctor then pointed to the forces that were engaging Sensei's forces. "Your friend is down there. people are dying down there. You have a choice here. Stay and let the fear paralyze you, or stand up and try to save lives by ending the battle." Cassidy heard what the Doctor said and turned to him. She nodded at him and the Doctor smiled knowing the decision Cassidy had made.

Pay no attention to what you're about to see. He told Bobby, and to Hawke on the radio. The girls then began to morph.



Standing in the chopper were the Silver and Yellow Zeo Rangers. Both with powers they could use against Sensei's forces. They drew out their blasters and the Doctor picked their targets for them. Samantha then jumped across to Hawke's chopper as if she flew through the air and took a position on the side. Soldiers on both choppers were amazed by what they saw.

Aim for the watch tower bases. The Doctor ordered to Cassidy and Samantha through the radio. Silver and Yellow Zeo both fired their blasters at the watchtowers and they had toppled. The gunners there bailed out and hit the floor trying to find a point where they would have an advantage. "Kind of reminds me of an old movie." Yellow Zeo said.

"Reminisce later. Right now these soldiers need a path cleared." The Doctor said. Yellow and Silver both got out and went hand to hand against the troops of Sensei falling to the two girl Zeo Rangers.

"Zeo Power Whip!" Yellow ordered. The whip lashed itself around some soldiers and they were soon sent flying after Yellow Zeo yanked back on the whip. Silver Zeo brought forth her chain and sent it towards her adversaries as little shiriken. Her foes went down too.

"All right bring them in." The Doctor ordered. The choppers then set down and the surviving soldiers all disembarked engaging Sensei's troops. Yellow rejoined Silver Zeo, Jo and the Doctor and they all followed the Doctor's lead.

Now for the Master himself. The Doctor said as Yellow and Silver Zeo followed him.

Inside the Master's quarters he watched the battle take a turn for the worse for his forces when Kat walked in, seemingly still dazed from the hypnosis. "Your flower Master."

"Thank you!" the Master said as he looked at the Red Glowing Carnation with envy. The flower held power, and he sought to possess it. But he knew the power would not choose him. But another...

He looked forward and saw Kat before him. He theorized that she would have been the ideal choice. Now it looked as if that theory would be proven true. But first he noticed the choppers landing and two Rangers, along with the Doctor and Jo Grant making their way towards his house. He needed a defence, and saw the ideal one in Kat.

"Come forward." the Master said as Kat obeyed. "Now morph."

Kat called forth her Zeonizers and began the morph. "ZEO RANGER I-PINK!!!"

Soon Pink Zeo stood by the Master's side, just as the Doctor and company entered. The Doctor, Jo, Yellow Zeo and Silver Zeo saw the Master who had Pink Zeo by his side. Ah Doctor. I was so looking forward to seeing you. As was my new recruit. Yellow was shocked by what she saw. Kat! What have you done to her? Yellow asked.

Hypnosis. The Doctor said looking at the zombified Pink Zeo. He was always a powerful hypnotist. It was then that the Master was treated to a big surprise.

Not powerful enough. Pink Zeo said as she suddenly turned the blaster towards the Master, who couldn't believe his eyes. "How?" the Master asked. "Everything seemed to go perfectly. The death of soldiers, Pink Zeo under his control, the carnation in his grasp. How could it have failed?

Kat. You're okay!" Yellow exclaimed. Pink smiled under her helmet.

How did you break the spell? Silver asked.

It wasn't easy. Pink Zeo said. He was a good hypnotist, but I just tried filling my head with so much jibberish that the Master just couldn't get hold of me. She looked at the Master and said looking in his eyes I was put under evil's control once. Never again.

Something you should learn Jo. The Doctor said. Jo blushed remembering when she was put under the Master's spell.

Perhaps another time the Master said as he reached below his desk and fired a beam at a soldier who appeared near the door. His whole body was shrinking as it was compressing in on itself. A target of the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator.

The Master then lunged for the carnation, but Pink Zeo picked that up quickly. "Sorry, but I believe this is mine. Get your own." Pink Zeo backed up her clain by drawing her Zeo blaster. The Master raised his hands only to kick the gun out of her hands. The Master used this second to dive into a nearby bookcase and shut the door. The bookcase disappeared as it was revealed that that was the Master's TARDIS.

"He got away again." Jo said sadly. The Doctor nodded, but the fact that the Master escaped again didn't seem to bother him too much.

The Master may have gotten away, but the Doctor knew he'd be facing him again.

Back at the HQ the physicians were checking out Kat, Samantha, and Cassidy, along with the other troops and the prisoners that were released from Sensei's compound. The prisoners had some injuries, and were malnourished, but they would recover Others however were dead on arrival. Hawke asked if any of them knew what happened to his brother St. John, but no one had any answers for him. One navy soldier, Lt. Al Callavicci, said that he thought he saw a prisoner that matched Hawke's description, but he was moved to another compound. Hawke took that as a sign that at least his brother was still alive.

The girls however had clean bills of health. Kat kept the carnation close by to her at all times. "So what are you going to do with that?" Samantha asked.

"For now though I think I'll just hold on to it." Kat said looking at the red flower before her. "The time will come when it will be needed." The girls all agreed just as Hawke and Bobby came in.

Care to explain to me how you girls were able to keep yourselves safe after that fight? Hawke asked.

We're no strangers to fighting if that's what you mean. Kat said. We've seen battles ourselves.

But you girls are so young. Bobby added surprised to see such fighting spirit in three young teenage girls.

About as young as other soldiers that come here. Samantha said. What was the age of the youngest soldier being sent? 19?

Those of legal age. Cassidy said. Some did lie about their ages.

Just then Jo came in and said Girls I think your ride is here. She led them out where the TARDIS stood and the brown haired Eighth Doctor was waiting outside seemingly impatient. Took me a while to find you. You girls ready to go?

You bet Doctor. Kat said as she and Samantha went into the TARDIS, with Kat carrying the carnation. Samantha then turned to look at Jo and said "You're not weirded out by this?"

"I met his first two selves once before." Jo said. "Another is no different. Besides my Doctor had some things to say to Colonel Decker. None of them pleasent."

"I'll bet." Samantha said as the Third Doctor arrived on the scene. "I see you got my message." he said to his eighth counterpart.

"And I'm ready to take them home." the Eighth Doctor said. "I'll wait for them to say their goodbyes." Kat, Cassidy and Samantha turned back to walk into the officer's club to say goodbye to the troops there. When the Eighth Doctor went back into the TARDIS the Third Doctor gave Samantha something. A file.

"Give this to him. He'll know when to deliver it, and to whom." Samantha took the file and wondered what was inside it.

"Something to help an exoneration in the future." the Third Doctor said. Samantha thanked the Third Doctor, and then went to the TARDIS where her Doctor was waiting. Samantha however paused briefly and looked out at the scene of Vietnam. Doctor is this war?

Many times it is Samantha. The Doctor said. Sure sometimes there is glory, but never forget that there is tragedy as well. Samantha nodded as she said I will never forget as she entered the TARDIS. Cassidy was the last to enter as she said her goodbyes to Bobby.

Have you solved your problem yet little girl? Bobby asked.

No. Cassidy said. There's so much I want to say. But I will say that it was an honor fighting with you.

The honor's mine. I think your father would be proud. Bobby said. He then looked at the TARDIS and said I think you'd better take your ride. Cassidy nodded as she walked towards the TARDIS and turned around as she was about to go into the doorway.

"Captain Bridges!" Cassidy shouted. Bobby turned and looked at Cassidy. "Yeah?"

"You're going to have a mission coming up soon. Be careful. I...don't want you to go down."

"I didn't know you cared." Bobby said as he looked at Cassidy. Cassidy said "It's just...I'm sure you mean a lot to your brother and your father. And they'd miss you if you didn't come back."

"How did you know I had a brother and father?" Bobby asked. Cassidy said. "Let's just say I know them pretty well." Bobby thought about the explanation and let it go at that. He then went and kissed Cassidy on the cheek. "Take care little girl." he said as he then turned and headed for his chopper. Bobby had another mission to fly.

When Bobby reached his chopper he turned and waved goodbye to Cassidy. Bobby then got into his chopper and took to the sky. Cassidy watched him go as the Doctor stood behind her.

"You warned him, yet not warned him." the Doctor said.

"It was all I could do." Cassidy said with a tear in her eye as she got back into the TARDIS.

The TARDIS then dematerialized as did Cassidy's hopes for her uncle's safety.

In the TARDIS as it travelled in vortex Samantha went to the Doctor and handed him the file his past incarnation gave her.

"You're other self wanted you to have this file." Samantha said. "He said you'd know what to do with it."

The Doctor opened the file and skimmed the contents. He never thought any copies of this information existed. But they did. And the Doctor knew exactly what to do with this information.

Back in the Power Chamber the Morphin and Zeo Rangers were pacing the floor wondering when the Doctor and the girls would get back. They didn't have to wait to long as the wheezing and grinding signifying the TARDIS returning was heard. When the blue police box filled the room Kat, Samantha and Cassidy immediately got out and were welcomed by the Zeo Rangers present.

You okay? David asked Kat amongst a sea of others asking about her well being. Kat nodded yes and just let David hold her. Trini also asked Samantha if she was okay amoungst the same sea of concern. My cousin Dolan would go nuts if he missed you.

Nice to hear. Samantha said with a smile. Skull talked with Cassidy to see how she was doing.

What happened? Skull asked. Cassidy looked up at Skull with a heavy heart. I had a chance to save my uncle's life. Cassidy explained. I didn't take it.

She took as much of the chance as she could. The Doctor said appearing by her side. But in the end she had to let things happen the way they were meant to.

Doesn't mean I like it. Cassidy said reluctantly agreeing. Skull put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Welcome to the world of heroes. Sometimes the endings aren't always so clear cut.

I know. Cassidy said. My dad had to make some hard choices in his line of work. I guess being a Ranger is no different. Richie then came up and tried to be reassuring. Listen do you want to take some time and go to the Juice Bar? Think things out? Cassidy nodded at Richie's question saying that she would.

I'll see you guys at home. she then said to Kat and Samantha as she teleported out. Zordon looked down at the carnation by Kat and mentioned "I see you found the power of the Red Hana Ranger Katherine."

"Yes Zordon." Kat said. "The guardian said the power was menat for me, but she also said that there were five others and it wasn't time for the power's activation yet. What did she mean?"

"All in good time Katherine." Zordon said. "Right now you have another task before you." Suddenly Kat remembered. Oh no! I have to go pack!

Kat had to get ready to leave for Southtown. She had some training for the King of Fighters tournament to begin.

And the Doctor had to do some buisness in Washington as he asked Alpha to teleport him to another location. In a streak of grey the Doctor left the chamber.

A few hours later at the Lincoln Memorial the Doctor looked up at the statue of Abraham Lincoln when his guest had arrived. General Clayton 'Tomahawk' Abernathy wasted no time in reading the file handed to him.

"You sure this information is accurate?" Abernathy asked.

"Totally sure." the Doctor said. "That file indicates that Colonel Morrison did indeed order the A-team on that bank job in Hanoi. The only thing they are guilty of was following the orders of their superior officer. Ballistics in the gun that killed Morrison also indicate that it was in fact Josh Curtis's weapon that killed him during the shelling that took place. The A-team is blameless in the whole incident."

Abernathy looked at the file and smiled. He wanted so much to find information regarding the A-team's innocence. If for no other reason than to expose the Jugglers' burying of said information. General Lynch would have to pack his own bags for his own part about burying information on them. So much hindered on the A-team remaining fugitives so some military officers could save face. Abernathy didn't like how the good names of good soldiers were dragged through the mud so some could save their careers from political embarassment.

Abernathy smiled and gave a nod of thanks to the Doctor. Generals Lynch, Decker and Briggs would have more humiliation than they would know what to do with.

And it would clear the way for Admiral Al Calavicci to join the ranks. Both he and Norquist could use another ally in dealing with the remaining Jugglers. The Doctor remembered Al Calavicci from years ago.

During a mission to rescue prisoners in Vietnam. A mission that involved two Power Rangers in yellow and silver. A mission the Doctor was part of.

Meanwhile back in Angel Grove, and after a change into regular clothes, Cassidy sat in the Juice Bar fiddling with the straw of her smoothie lost in thought as Ernie walked over. Something on your mind?

Cassidy sighed as she looked at Ernie. I just had to pass up an opportunity to save my uncle's life. I just think what opportunities were missed out if he was here now.

How do you know he would have been saved if you had told him? Ernie asked. He looked at Cassidy trying to be both understanding and reassuring. I served myself, and in combat there are no guarantees. You don't know that if your uncle had come back that he would have been all right. Cassidy nodded in agreement as she found herself agreeing with a lot of what Ernie had said.

"Still I can't help but wonder." Ernie then went under the bar and gave Cassidy a card. What's this?

Someone left it for you. They want you to meet them. Cassidy looked at the card and read the inscription.

Hey little girl

Meet me at the end of the alley

Behind the Juice Bar


Cassidy left the smoothie behind and ran out of the Juice Bar to the alley.

Cassidy walked down the alley taking notice of everything around her and noticed the presence behind her. Her eyes went wide when she saw who it was as she couldn't believe her eyes.

It was her Uncle Bobby.

"How are you doing little girl?" Bobby then asked. Cassidy looked at her uncle wide eyed and surprised. Here was the man her father idolized and worshipped. Here is the man who went down in the jungle in '73, and was declared M.I.A. Here he was alive and kicking.

"Thanks for the warning about the crash by the way. I really appreciated it." Cassidy had no answer for Bobby so she asked him "Where have you been Uncle Bobby?"

Bobby sighed for a moment then answered his niece. "Here and there. Mostly there. You look good."

Cassidy however nodded. There was one question that was fresh in her mind, and by god she was going to get an answer. "Why haven't you called Uncle Bobby? Why are you letting dad and grandpa continue to think you're missing? Or dead?"

Bobby paused for another moment and answered again. "Becasue the Bobby Bridges they knew is in fact dead. He's no longer the all star good guy they remember. What they have now...is someone who took a big left turn. Ask your friend Gaudeamas about that."

Cassidy was stunned by the admission. "Were you involved in something illegal overseas?"

"Let's just say...it's questionable." Bobby said.

"Is there anything I can do? Or that dad can do?" Cassidy then asked.

"I know how good your dad is Cassidy. And I know how connected Zordon is now to the military. But you can't fix this. Neither can your dad." Bobby said.

"How do you know about Zordon?" Cassidy asked. "And what we've been doing?"

"Remember I saw you girls morph." Bobby said. "And you would be surprised what leaks out when it comes to information. Despite that it still wouldn't fix everything I've done the past couple of years.

Cassidy was stunned. Could what Bobby had done have been that bad? "Why can't we help?" she asked. "Why can't we do something for you?"

"Some things just have to be Cassidy." Bobby explained. "For a long time I was a star, I was a great guy. It was only a matter of time before karma caught up with me. I was so good for so long, I had to do the crash and burn with evil eventually."

"So I should never have warned you about the crash?" Cassidy asked. "Should I have let you die?"

"No Cassidy. You only did what you thought was best. I had to make due with the card dealt to me, and I wound up making some bad choices. Don't blame yourself." Bobby did what he could to reassure his niece, and Cassidy appreciated it.

"You were such a hero to my dad. He wanted to be so much like you."

"Yeah well now I'm going to be like your dad." Bobby said. "Do you know your dad wanted to study architecture?"

Cassidy was surprised at the admission. "What? You mean dad didn't want to be a cop?"

"Not at first. That was my goal in life when I got back from Nam. Well as you can see, I haven't really accomplished it. Your dad took that goal up, and he seemed to be quite good at it." Cassidy nodded. She had to admit that her father took to being a police officer quite well.

"Follow your dreams Cassidy. Follow your path. Be happy." Bobby then turned around and walked away. Cassidy saw him walk off knowing that she would never see her uncle again.

Back in the Power Chamber Cassidy appeared yet was silent about what happened. No one asked about the note from Ernie, and Cassidy didn't mention it. _I guess he thought it was a personal matter._ she thought. _And in a way it was._

"You okay Cass?" Aisha asked. Cassidy thought about how to answer the question when she looked at the Rangers and asked "Can you guys go somewhere with me?" When all the Rangers said 'yes' Cassidy was happy. She then turned to Alpha and asked "Can you set teleportation co-ordinates."

"Of course Cassidy." Alpha said as he laid in the co-ordinates. "Teleportation activated. No one is there at this time."

"Thanks Alpha." Cassidy said as they teleported out to their destination.

In Washington DC nineteen teleportation streaks touched down on the ground that belonged to the Morphin and Zeo Rangers. When they solidified the Rangers soon looked around to take in their surroundings. "What is this place?" Tanya asked.

"The Wall." Tommy explained. "It was where the names of those missing and dead in the Vietnam Conflict are immortalized."

"And it's also where people never forget the horrors of war." Jason added. "Many monuments to battle are in rememberance of honor. Here is where we remember the loss, and horror of what war really is."

"I won't forget." Samantha said as she and Kat knelt by a name before them. "ST.JOHN HAWKE" the name read. Kat and Samantha touched the name.

The Doctor said that St. John was rescued from Vietnam years later, but at the time of his rescue Stringfellow Hawke had died. Stringfellow was buried not far from his family home and St. John had taken up jobs in the intelligence community. His current whereabouts were once again unknown.

All the Rangers then went up and down the wall. Looking at the names on them. Reading about all those that went missing or died. Cassidy however stopped when she came across one name that stood out to her. One that stood out among the others.

Cassidy looked down at the name before her and touched it. The name read 'ROBERT BRIDGES' and as she touched it she remembered her time in Vietnam, and the war on Aquitar that she would be taking part in soon.

"I will never forget Uncle Bobby. Never."

Arlington National Cemetary

The Doctor looked on at the funeral procession taking place. Six were present with three serving as honor guard. The three were ones the fallen soldier served with in Vietnam. Pardoned finally after being accused of crimes they didn't commit. The body of who they fought with was finally going to be buried with full honors.

Each paid their respects. There were four men and two women leading the procession. Others had come to pay respects, but the six were leading the memorial and each said their own peace of the man who led three soldiers of fortune, one dishpan man, and two girl reporters into adventure helping people in need when their own government turned on them.

_You have the respect you deserve._ the Doctor thought. _Pity I couldn't give it sooner._

The Doctor looked down at the grave the six people had left. They were his comrades, and he fought for his principles to the end. Even when his country turned on him.

John 'Hannibal' Smith


A man on the Jazz

After their trip to Washington Kat went back home to pack for her trip to Southtown. Her eyes focused on the prize she brought back with her from the past.

Kat looked at the red carnation on her night stand, and found the plant to be silent. No shows of its power were made, and Kat had not felt anything that would trigger another cat transformation. She even tried to transform herselfback into a cat, but it was to no avail. She was stuck as a human.

_I guess those powers will wait until they reveal themselves._ Kat thought as she went back to packing. Right now she had to learn a whole new set of powers as well as a whole new way of fighting.

And back on the moon Rita looked down from her vantage point and saw something she never wanted to see. Katherine Hillard with a source of power she herself had sought.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Rita shouted.