Golden Opportunity

__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:Golden Opportunity}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Disclaimer: Power Rangers and its characters belong to Haim Saban. Q is the property of Paramount Pictures. John is a character on an episode of 'Battlestar Galactica' (original-not that reimagined...thing) called 'Experiment in Terra' which is the property of Universal Studios. The name Lanrydan belongs to Crystal Maiden, which I am using with her permission.{{Story_title|title=A Golden Opportunity

By the Q-team}}There are people that say there is no such thing as fate or destiny. That man is the ultimate shaper of his life and how it precedes him.

Obviously those people haven't try living in the real world. If they did they would find someone else had been in the driver's seat.

In regards to one universe the ones that had been in the driver's seat had been a race of omnipotent beings called 'Q'. Most notably three young 'Q' in particular who had been playing with events and people in one universe as if they were toys for their amusement. Puppets they could put on strings and control the actions and aspects of their lives. The three young Q were having fun with their game until one of their brethren decided that he wanted to 'borrow' their game for a while.

That member of their brethren was Evil Q, who wanted to subjugate the multiverse to his dominion. The reason for 'borrowing' the game? Some of their pawns were taking part in a battle against everything he was hoping to accomplish. And he needed..._Well I wouldn't call them people. To a Q they are nothing but pets at best. Toys at most._ he thought with an arrogant smugness. To that end he used the boards to subjugate the pawns of the game universe that were participating in the current war that was taking place and steal one of the Matrixes that were being used to set up a defense against Evil Q and his allies-the Order of Destruction..

After that Evil Q and the Order decided to have some fun with the pawns oblivious to the notion that someone was finding the Q's actions, especially Evil Q's, an atrocity to life and sought to put a stop to it.

That someone was known as John, who was a member of a group of omnipotent beings called 'The Lords of Kobol.'

Evil Q knew of the Lords. They were a peace loving race of beings who claimed to hold the value of life precious, and felt nothing should undermine that value or the notion of free will. To the Lords the actions of the Q and their game were a deliberate insult to the concept of free will and the value of life. The Lords sought to act against the Q's manipulations, but they were bound by rules of their own devising which they couldn't break without penalty. So the Q didn't consider them much of a threat.

Their arrogance would prove to be their undoing.

Evil Q saw John while the chamber battle was taking place. Evil Q confronted John only to find that the game pieces had broken free of the Q's control. When Evil Q confronted John, John said that he hadn't done anything. The pawns became aware of the power they had and broke free on their own. Evil Q had seethed figuring John had something to do with it. He didn't know what but he knew the Lord of Kobol had something to do with the game pieces' freedom.

But right now Evil Q was at a dilemma. With some of the pieces now missing, and free of Q control, how could the game be returned to the three young Q he 'borrowed' the game from? How could he make the game still playable to the three Q? It was then Evil Q realized one was in control of the universe of the game right now.

There were other pawns running their own course. A course the Q were not involved in right now. _Surely some of those could be useable._ Evil Q thought as he waved his hand and the game board took on a new format. On it were new pawns on both the sides of good and evil. Off to the side were other pieces that could be inserted into the game later. Four he knew of well since they had counterparts taking part in the battle right now.

But yet there was something different with two of the pieces. They seemed to be moving away from their respective sides and heading to the other force's side. One from the side of good. And one from the side of evil. "What's going on here?" Evil Q asked as he sought to move a piece back to its respective side, but then something made him stop.

"Maybe I should wait and see how things unfold." Evil Q said to himself. "After all this might provide with a more entertaining game for my three young friends than anything I could do." With that Evil Q sat back and opened his mind to watch what was going to happen in the game universe.

It was going to be an interesting show.

* * *

Q-Game reality

For every thing that happens in the universe, there is always a reason for it. We may not see it right away but there is a reason. There is always a reason.

Over the planet KO-35, in the wreckage of the Omega Megaship where the Gold and White Astro Defenders met their deaths at the hands of Makarrah, a faint glow started coming from the wreckage. Then suddenly, without warning, a streak of golden light shot out from the wreckage and soon left the orbit of KO-35.

What it was and where it was heading? Those questions would be answered soon enough.

* * *

The last four Astro Defenders were trying to make their last stand assisted by the remaining soldiers. Astronema and her Quantron army swept them aside, forcing them to demorph and kneel. With a quick movement she killed three of the four Defenders pausing for a moment to study the fourth.

Astronema wrapped her hand around his sister's throat. He saw Karone's eye bulge as Astronema tightened her grip. Then she whispered something and Karone laughed.

"Kill me!" Karone challenge her voice filled with laughter. In an act of pure defiance she ripped off her morpher and teleported it back to the ship. Astronema turned and walked away. As she passed Ecliptor she gave her next command.

"Deal with her," Astronema said to Ecliptor. Ecliptor nodded and made his way to Karone. Karone looked on wondering what the black and green mutant would do. Her answer came almost immediately.

Ecliptor drew his sword, raised it over Karone's head, and...

"NO! KARONE!!!" Andros shouted as he woke up in a sweat. He was sitting up now in his bed and breathing heavily. "The dream... it's the same dream!" Andros kept breathing heavily as he kept on thinking about the dream. It was not a pleasant one. Every night when he went to sleep he would have the same dream. He was now starting to regret ever having DECA play the final moments of his friends. Trying to shake the memory from his mind he went over to the turboflush that was in his room and decided to take a sonic shower to get rid of the sweat.

It was almost time for him to be on the bridge anyway. Following protocol and schedules that he had kept for years were probably one of the few things that was keeping Andros from going insane.

After taking his shower and getting dressed in his Megaship suit he was thinking about his friends and teammates. Alya the Pink Defender, she had been the heart of the team. Xavier the Blue Defender, he had been the scientific member of their group. Maxwell has been the Black Defender and was one of the two practical jokers on the team. His sister Karone...

Andros stopped and took to remember his sister without letting tears come down his face.

_Karone...why did this have to happen to us?_ He and his sister had been the only children their parents had ever had. Andros was older than Karone and his job was, at least to him, to protect his sister no matter what. _Did a great job of that now didn't I?_ he thought as he hit the wall with his hand. She was the Yellow Defender on the team they had always stuck by each other fighting side by side. They were a brother/sister duo and sometimes that got them some ridicule but they really didn't give a care. They were family and nothing was stronger than that.

After composing himself Andros went back to walking. He had some place to go on the ship before going to the bridge. He then placed his thoughts back to the other Defenders. Amber the Purple Defender had been moody and she and Karone had gotten off on the wrong foot but they were still able to work together. Gabriel the White Defender though was always fighting with Maxwell. The Black Defender couldn't resist playing practical jokes on the White Defender. He said it was the nature of dark and light to fight each other. Last but certainly not least, there was Anne. She was the Gold Defender and their leader. Gabriel had been her second. She didn't put up with anyone's crap no matter what their reasons yet she was fair and honest. Her loss had really rattled the team but the loss of her morpher meant she didn't even have any remains at all. That she had been totally vaporized.

_Not that it really matters. There aren't going to be any more Astro Defenders..._ Andros thought as passed the Vault. It was inside the Vault that he has sealed and stored the Pink, Yellow, Blue, Black, Green, Purple and White Astro Morphers. He was determined not to let another person die because of them.

Andros made it down to the end of the hall then keyed in a special sequence to open up a special room he had set up. He walked in and then went to the center for the room. There in a cryo tube was the one person he completely thought was dead only to find him alive and now had to keep him in cryostasis in order to keep him alive. That person? Zhane Ki'tain, the Silver Defender of KO-35... his best friend.

It was then that Andros let the tears come down for a while before he wiped his face. _I promise you Zhane, I'll bring you back to the land of the living again. One day, we'll be fighting side by side again. Friends forever remember?_ Andros let a sad smile cross his face as he then closed the door and left. His thoughts turned toward his departed friends as he left for the bridge. However his thoughts went out to Karone and Zhane the most. Zhane was still alive and he didn't know about Karone.

He could only pray that wherever she was now, she was at peace.

* * *


_AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!_ Karone screamed in her mind.

However to appearance she kept her face emotionless as she has been chained at the arms to opposite walls for the Quantrons so they could use energy whips on her, whipping at her exposed back. They had been doing this for quite a while today. And they had kept coming into whip her for the last three weeks.

The first week had almost killed her from the whippings. Not to mention all the other tortures Astronema had cooked up. Finding poisons in the food she had instructed her minions to give to her, getting electricity applied her body, putting flesh sheering objects on her. And then there was the time Astronema put her into her personal arena on the Dark Fortress with three monsters fighting to the death. The results left her with a broken leg, two sprained ankles, and a broken arm. While she was unconscious she had taken to the medical ward so that her injuries could be healed almost immediately.

The only reason she even made it to the healing center was because Astronema killed the monsters before they killed her.

'Welcome to hell' Astronema had said to her. After all this time and everything Astronema was putting her through she beginning to believe this was hell. Astronema saved her only because she had her sick little plans for her. Since that first week Karone decided to do everything to spite her. Never show any weakness in front of any of the guards or her torturers. She made sure she never screamed out in pain again after that first time she blacked out. They hadn't even gotten to the part that she...

"Well I see you are still alive." Astronema smirked as she came into Karone's cell.

"That's because you still have plans for me Astronema." Karone said deadpan.

Astronema looked over Karone. She then pushed her hand hard onto the scar tissue and bleeding wounds that were on her back. Karone clenched her teeth. She wasn't about to give Astronema any satisfaction in her pain. "Perfect. You're keeping the pain inside. That's good." Astronema smiled.

"Are you here to bore me to death Astronema?" Karone asked.

"Oh no not at all." Astronema smirked as she was at eye level with Karone. Karone looked Astronema dead in the eye and glared "When I get free, I'll kill you for what you've done."

Astronema also looked Karone in the eyes and then did something Karone didn't expect. Astronema laughed. "What? What's so funny?!" Karone spat not getting the joke. Astronema was only too happy to explain.

"Three weeks ago would you have even thought of killing me?"

Karone was about snap at her again but then she blinked as realization hit her. As a Defender her job has always been to destroy the monsters that came to her home. They had always pushed Astronema back. They had never pursued her in her retreats or tried to kill her. Just defeat her. All the Astro Defenders hated her to a various degrees... but now she didn't just hate Astronema. She wanted to beat her within an inch of her life and then snap her neck and take pleasure in that.

"Can you feel it? The hatred. The strength the hatred give you. That is the power of darkness. It comes slowly but gradually. It engulfs you and take you whole. It makes its power a part of your own being and once its a part of you, once the hatred you have created is a part of you..." Astronema sneered. "... it never goes away."

Karone just looked on at Astronema. "... I will never ever be you!" trying her best to sound defiant.

Astronema smirked at she pulled out a syringe. "Let's find out shall we?" she said as she brought the syringe to Karone's neck. Karone had no time to react as Astronema injected Karone with the syringe in the neck. She ended up biting on her tongue to keep from screaming, even when she took the syringe out.

"Even with this you don't scream out. You definitely are ready for the next phase." Astronema smirked. Karone was about to speak but suddenly she felt like her insides churning. As she started to go through shaking and convulsions, she looked up at Astronema with eyes blazing despite the searing pain she now felt.

"Wh... what did you do to me?!" Karone said as her body shook and every cell in her burned. From her blood to her hair follicles it was like every bit of her was both in pain and on fire.

Astronema smirked as she watched Karone's agony. "Injected you with my previous genetic code. My DNA is now bonding with yours. The process of bonding DNA can be a rather painful process and this just the first part of your training."

It was then that fear was in Karone's eyes. This is what she had been dreading now. When Astronema would decide mere torture wasn't enough. That she would start her hideous plan. She thought she had been joking when Astronema said she was going to make her into a model of herself.

She now realized the sociopath meant every word she said.

"The injection will take a while to bond with your DNA code. I'll leave you to inner torment." Astronema said as she made Quantrons leave the cell and then she locked it. "When I come back... the fun begins." She laughed before leaving.

As Karone burned and convulsed for what seemed like hours she prayed to all the gods that existed in the universe and asked for them to show her mercy.

She would need divine intervention for her to survive what Astronema had planned for her.

* * *

Evil Q watched Karone's plight as she was tortured and forced to undergo excruciating pain as her DNA was being rewritten. _Must be a primitive process Astronema was using._ Evil Q thought. _The Borg did it with a lot less physical pain._

Evil Q then turned to look at the game board and noticed the Karone piece. It looked different than before. Her clothes, which were in one piece before, now were in tatters all over her body. Signs of scars were also appearing on the visual regions of Karone's body as the game piece reflected the tortures Karone was going through. But that was not the strangest thing.

Evil Q looked at the board and swore that he saw the Karone piece...move.

* * *

On the Astro Megaship Andros walked on the bridge where he was immediately was greeted by the ship's onboard computer DECA. [Good Morning Andros] came DECA's greeting.

"Morning DECA." Andros replied as he took the helm station not saying a word. DECA however decided to remind Andros of previous events, and what action might be necessary in regards to those events. Namely the fall of KO-35.

[Andros it's been several weeks since the fall of KO-35. Should we not go to the Council?]

Andros shot his head up as if not believing what his computer had said. "The Council? You are actually suggestion I go and put out a call to those frellniks?!" DECA tried to be the voice of reason and said [Andros don't let your emotions...]

Andros was having none of it though as he shouted at the computer. "DECA I am the captain and I order you to shut up and listen to me." Andros said. DECA however was still trying to get Andros to listen. [Andros listen to me. You aren't...]

Already in a bad mood from waking up Andros went over to the console to his left and turned off DECA's voice. "I needed that." Now Andros would make his point.

"Now DECA, why would I want go ask for help from those that deemed my home lowly and unfit for Rangers?" Andros said through clenched teeth. "The Council did nothing when KO-35 was attacked, when my friends, family and people were slaughtered and butchered. They just stayed cozy watching the whole thing as if the battle was just a source of entertainment to them. If we won, that was fine. If we lost, they were fine with that too!" Andros then looked outside into space and said his final peace.

"I don't trust the Council at all. No humane person would stand by and let what happen to KO-35 happen without even trying to help out!" He then turned back on DECA's voice. "Now what do you have to say about the Council?"

Silence. DECA did not reply.

"That's what I thought." Andros said as he relaxed a bit now. He then asked another query. "Has there been any reports about Dark Spectre and his forces?"

[No Andros there has been none.] DECA said. Andros just stared into space, deep in thought. "Something has to be going on... something that we don't know about."

[Perhaps but since we don't know anything how does that help us?] DECA asked. Andros thought for a few minutes then let a small smirk appear on his face as an idea came to his mind. "DECA. Set course for Onyx."

DECA's processors already were alerting her that going to Onyx was a risky move. [Onyx? Andros do you know...]

"I know what Onyx is. Just go as close to it as you can without being detected. I'll take my Galaxy Glider the rest of the way." Andros said determined to see his idea through.

[... very well Andros.] DECA relented as the course was set and the Astro Megaship was on its way to the planet Onyx.

The planet that was considered to be the main world of the United Alliance of Evil.

* * *

The planet Onyx.

The most desolate and barren world in the galaxy. If one was to take a look at Onyx firsthand. All they would see is a lot of desert, with the exception of a few underrated settlements that seemed reminiscent of the 'old west' town that existed on Earth a century ago. Old wooden buildings, saloons with revolving doors, even an old fashioned style jail where the sheriff would deal with trouble makers.

The only differences were that the jail had more advanced security than its appearance gave it credit for, and the sheriff was on the take.

Also, aside from the small towns, was the main structure of power for the planet. It was here that everything on the planet revolved around. Every word, act, and deed revolved around this place. And nothing went down on the planet Onyx without its occupants knowing about it.

The Imperial Palace. Seat of power for Dark Specter and the members of one of the most dangerous coalitions of evil ever devised-The United Alliance of Evil.

Headed by Dark Specter, and seconded by many of the most notorious evil beings throughout the universe, this coalition had brought pain and misery to many planets. Many civilizations. Many of which were under protection of the Council on Eltar.

_Or what would pass for protection nowadays_ came the murmurs from those who roamed the halls of the Imperial Palace. Servants, warriors, generals, even those on the council itself knew of the strange policies occurring on Eltar. Only a few knew of the whole story behind the Council's happenings. And what they knew wasn't the whole story.

Not even Dark Specter himself, the Grand Monarch of evil, knew everything that had been happening on Eltar. Only that he knew that Darkonda had some influence on the strange events there.

But today, events do not revolve around events at the palace. Today the UAE meets discussing the matter of Earth again. So preoccupied are they with discussing how to conquer the planet, and who would claim it that they are oblivious to everything else.

Oblivious to the statue with glowing red eyes among the rest carved in the image of UAE members. The base of the statue reading _The storm is coming._

Oblivious to happenings in the slave quarters where some of the guards decided to take certain 'liberties' with the female prisoners.

And especially oblivious to the happenings in the settlement of Vader City where a dark warrior awaits a rendezvous with her true destiny.

* * *

_Well so far the Karone piece isn't moving._ Evil Q thought as he saw the Karone game piece stop just short of the other playing pieces in the Q's new game. _Or at least what would be the Q's new game once I return this to them._ Evil Q said making reference to the game board.

But Karone was not the only game piece that was moving. Another one was moving as well.

* * *

Inside the Onyx Tavern, an array of mutants, aliens, and machines all went about their business. Some just came in to relax and have a drink. Others to take a worry off their woes, and others came in to conduct a little business of their own. Legal and illegal.

And there were some others who were just trying to make a living. Possessors of great potential, overlooked and forgotten trying to find an opportunity to make their next credit. One of them sat at the bar, savoring her glass of lava juice not sure if she would ever get another. Her indecision not coming from wanting another glass, but rather wondering if she could afford one. She was clad in gold armor with gold and silver skin-tight pants that showed every line and curve on her body. Her long dark hair was covered on top with a crown that resembled something along the lines of a scorpion. Her face showing attractiveness and beauty, but hiding a very calculating and clever mind.

This woman was Scorpina.

She was a forerunner in Rita Repulsa's army when she first escaped from the dumpster. Scorpina and Goldar were Rita's master warriors ever since the Green Ranger first appeared. And even when the Green Ranger had joined Zordon, Scorpina and Goldar were a formidable force that had dealt the Rangers many blows that brought them close to defeat.

_Close, but not quite there right?_ Scorpina thought as she continued to stare at her lava juice then looked out at the bar's clientele.

"What was it that movie said? 'A wretched hive of scum and villainy'?" Scorpina thought out loud. "Well here the definition fits. The only question now is, is it just for the bar or this whole planet?" Sighing Scorpina downed the last of her lava juice. Then staring at the empty glass she started contemplating her life, and how it got to the point it was at now.

_Where did it all go wrong? she asked herself. _Was it when Zedd first showed up? Was he so focused on Goldar sucking up that I was all but forgotten? Zedd used me only once, and that was to lure in that Ranger Adam and his friend into a trap. After that I found myself cast aside for a bag of bones that could have doubled as a source of oxygen._ The last thought was one of sarcasm as she thought of Rito Revolto. The one who apparently took her place in the inner circle of Rita and Zedd's empire.

Scorpina herself had not been called into service for a long time. Nor was she allowed to attend any of the UAE meetings anymore. It was almost as if she had been locked out of the clubhouse and wasn't allowed back in. And Scorpina didn't even know why.

Still Scorpina had to work somehow. _One doesn't make money just working for Rita Repulsa I guess._ she thought, so she hired out her services as a mercenary and bounty hunter to anyone who needed her services. She found moderate success in that area, even brought in a bounty or two that the council had placed out. But whatever money she took in was only enough to squeak a living off of. Not enough to amass a private fortune, _And apparently not enough to warrant the attention of the UAE._ she thought.

Wanting to change her train of thought she found herself thinking back to an old mission of hers, her last for Lord Zedd. She went down to Earth disguised as a human girl named Sabrina in an attempt to woo the then Black Morphin Ranger Adam Park into a trap. A trap that failed, but that wasn't what made that mission memorable, nor was it that it was her last mission for them.

What made it memorable for Scorpina was that it awakened something inside her that she thought was long buried. Something from her past. Something before she had become Scorpina warrior of evil. And as quickly as she was looking to get off her previous train of thought. She quickly found herself back on it.

_Had I gotten too close to those memories?_ she thought as she reflected on the past. _It seemed like a good idea to use my own past as a reference for my 'Sabrina' identity._ She smiled lopsidedly as if thinking that 'Sabrina' was a whole different person. _Who am I kidding. 'Sabrina' is just as much me as I am her._ she thought.

Looking through her change pouch she saw that she still had at least four gemstones left. Taking one out she put it on the bar and told the bartender to get her another lava juice. When the lava juice arrived Scorpina renewed her ritual of taking sips of her lava juice and dwelling on the past. Waiting for something that would bring her back to prominence in the UAE. _Hades, in anywhere._ she thought.

Little did she realize that very something had walked in wearing a red cloak. And was coming up to the bar alongside her.

* * *

When the Astro Megaship arrived on the outskirts of Onyx space DECA would go no further and Andros did as he said and took the Galaxy Glider the rest of the way. After stashing the Glider in an inconspicuous corner (and on Onyx there were plenty of those-most of them for a fee) he brought out his red cloak and bundled it around him hiding his identity. He then made his way for the biggest gathering of evil monsters in the cosmos-the Onyx Tavern.

Andros looked around the tavern and saw creatures of evil in one form or another. There wasn't anyone there who wasn't involved in some dirty deal or another. Or some kind of evil scheme, but Andros was not interested in them. Rather he was interested in bigger game. Bigger fish. Namely anyone who could give him any information on Dark Specter, Astronema or the UAE. Thinking he had struck pay dirt Andros went up to the bar and ordered a 'Stellar Nova' as he sat beside the bar's other patron, none other than Scorpina.

She cast a look in Andros's direction and gave him only a passing glance. "A 'Stellar Nova?' Scorpina asked. "Isn't that a little 'lightweight' for some of the clientele around here?"

"If they want to they can drown their effectiveness with alcohol and liquor. I have no intention of having that demon sinking its claws into me." Andros said trying to sound cold and dispassionate. Scorpina nodded solemnly. "Sometimes it helps to drown your sorrows you know. Takes the edge off things you would rather forget."

"I don't want to forget." Andros said. "I want to remember." Scorpina just sighed.

"Suit yourself stranger. It's your poison." Scorpina said looking at her drink and then turning to Andros. "So who are you? I haven't seen you around these parts."

"I'm a traveler." Andros said keeping his identity secret.

"Aren't we all?" Scorpina smiled amused by Andros's answer. "Me I've been everywhere and anywhere. I've seen and heard almost everything. You name the place, I've probably visited it."

"I've been to enough places. I'm looking to go somewhere new. Perhaps you can help me."

Scorpina turned her head curious by Andros's remark. "Where are you looking to go?"

"Where Dark Specter is. Or even Astronema."

Scorpina took in Andros's words and started laughing. Andros seemed confused by Scorpina's reaction until she regained enough of her composure to speak. "Oh I'm sorry. It's just that I'm not too big on the UAE's party list right now."

"Why not?" Andros asked. "Are you not the Great Scorpina? Warrior of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd?"

"I used to be." Scorpina said. "Now I'm just someone who's trying to make a living. It seems the UAE doesn't have a place for me anymore."

Andros was curious to say the least. "Why not?"

"You know? I wish I knew." Scorpina answered. "They probably thought I was getting too close to something on a mission I went on so they forgot about me."

"What did you get too close to?" Andros continued to ask. Scorpina was about to answer when a mutant crashed into the bar where Andros and Scorpina were sitting nursing their drinks. Turning around they saw an 'EyeGuy' monster at their feet who was apparently thrown into them by a Body Switcher, The Jaws of Destruction, and Grumblebee.

"Get up you cheater!" the Jaws of Destruction said. "You owe us money and we aim to take it out of your dead body."

"I'm a cheater?" Eye guy said. "What about that ace you have up your sleeve huh?"

The Jaws of Destruction wasn't bothered by the accusation and asked "What are you talking about?"

"Wait I see it!" Body Switcher said pulling the 'ace' out of Jaws's wrist. "Who do you think you're calling a cheater? Cheater!"

"Hello pot. Kettle calling!" Grumblebee said pulling out Body Switcher's own ace. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?"

"How about where did you get all these 'aces'?" Jaws asked holding up Grumblebee's hand. "How dare you think of cheating me!"

"Like you wouldn't?" Body Switcher asked. The argument continued with each monster throwing insults at one another until two other mutants decided to step in and clock all four of the cheating card players. They quickly recovered and glared at the two monsters, who were Lizzinator and Pachinko Head.

"Oh is that how you want to play huh?" Body Switcher said. "Well I can play too!" Body Switcher lunged into a spear taking down Pachinko Head and sending both of them into another card game monsters were playing. When the monsters saw their game ruined by Body Switcher and Pachinko Head they decided to take out their frustrations on the two monsters. Then they took out their frustrations on each other when it was discovered that the other card players were cheating as well.

Jaws of Destruction clocked Lizzinator into another patron's table causing those monsters to get involved. And as the fight continued throughout other areas of the bar more monsters got involved. When Grumblebee and Eye Guy saw no one was fighting them they both decided to punch Andros and Scorpina who were sitting at the bar and threw them into the fight, before deciding to punch each other out themselves.

As Scorpina went flying through the air she noticed Andros's robes flutter as he flew through the air. His sleeves went back slightly revealing a silver device on his wrist that Scorpina recognized.

_The Red Astro Morpher?!_ she thought in amazement. _Could the stranger be an Astro Defender?_

She had to know and she had to know quick. But unfortunately Andros, along with her, were fighting their way through a tavern full of brawling monsters. Both trying to fight their way to the door. Soon both of them found themselves in close enough range of the door, and it was then Scorpina made her move.

Launching into a spear she hit Andros straight in the chest and sent him flying through the door. When they both landed Scorpina quickly picked herself back up and dragged Andros into a nearby alley where they could 'settle things' without anyone interfering. Andros quickly got to his feet and stared at Scorpina. "What was the meaning of that?" he asked.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Scorpina said in mock sympathy. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just couldn't have anyone interfering is all."

"Interfering?" Andros asked confused. "With what?"

"With my delivering you to the UAE of course." Scorpina smiled a sinister smile. "You see, if I deliver the last Astro Defender to Astronema, then my reinstatement into the UAE is all but assured."

"Reinstatement?" Andros asked shocked. "After all they had done to you? After tossing you off to the side like space waste?"

"You don't understand!" Scorpina said. "My role in the UAE was all I had. It was my life! I'll do whatever it takes to get that back!" Drawing out her sword Scorpina made ready for battle.

"All right then LET'S ROCKET!!!" Andros called up his Astro Morpher and morphed into the Red Astro Defender. Calling up his Spiral Saber Andros stood ready for battle. "All right Scorpina! You want me? Come get me!"

"Oh I intend to!" Scorpina said as she charged at Andros and drew her sword for a strike. Andros quickly blocked it and the two immediately went into a clash of weapons with each one deflecting the other's blows and landing a few in themselves, which sent each opponent sprawling back. After their last simultaneous blow Andros and Scorpina stared each other down.

"Not bad Red Defender." Scorpina said. "It's been a while since I had a worthy opponent."

"Not too long I hope." Andros shot back.

"No, actually he was fairly recent." Scorpina only took a brief second to think about the first Green Morphin Ranger before resuming her fight with Andros. The two continued their battle with neither gaining the upper hand on the other when Scorpina decided to end it quick.

"SCORPION STINGER!!!" she shouted bringing down her right hand in a swiping motion across Andros's chest. This caused Andros to fall to the ground and demorph. Standing over the red Astro Defender Scorpina looked down on the opponent she had just bested.

"Nerve toxin." she said holding her hand. "Don't worry, it's not permanent. It will hold you long enough to deliver you to Astronema." Reaching down Scorpina held Andros's hand and teleported out before any of the bar's patrons decided to crash through any of the windows.

First one to crash through however was Eye Guy. His eyes all swollen, bruised and bloodshot.

* * *

Inside her own private room on Onyx, Scorpina looked down at the paralyzed form of the Red Astro Defender thinking about what her next move would be. Should she keep him for now and see who else might want him or just go ahead and sell him to Astronema and not only get a hefty pay, but possibly even her status with the UAE returned. Astronema held a lot of weight with Dark Specter, and her word would mean a lot in helping Scorpina regain her former status.

On the other hand evil beings were not known for being trustworthy. It was possible Astronema would take the Red Astro Defender for herself and not pay Scorpina anything, much less restore her place in the UAE.

_Astronema was trained by Ecliptor._ she thought. _He would have taught her the importance of honor. Wouldn't he?_ Scorpina didn't have long to think however as Andros's hand started to twitch showing that her nerve toxin was beginning to wear off.

She quickly made a call to the Dark Fortress.

* * *

Astronema finished watching the message that Ecliptor had shown her. It was the recording of the conversation he and Scorpina had. Astronema had been... preoccupied at the time of her call. "I assume we're already en route to Onyx." Astronema said.

"Yes my Princess." Ecliptor said acknowledging her assumption. Astronema's mind then started to turn as she was making her own plans.

"Good. Prepare her reward... as well as Quantrons to kill her once I have the last of the Defenders." Astronema said. Ecliptor looked at his princess and blinked in disbelief. "Astronema?"

"Why should I have to pay a worthless sack of skin like Scorpina?" Astronema shrugged. "All she got was lucky. For all I know Andros was on his last legs when she found him. Trust me, the UAE doesn't need a weakling like her. Now carry out my orders." with that Astronema walked off the bridge thinking of what to do the last of the Astro Defenders once he was in her grasp.

Ecliptor however sighed to himself. _Darkonda... you've undermined everything I've done for Astronema. It's because of people like you that evil will never truly united._ He shook his head. _My Princess, it seems that through only trial and error will you realize the need for honor._

* * *

Scorpina sat on top of the roof of her private room and looked at the sky. In a short time Astronema would be arriving on the planet._And then I'll have what I want._ Scorpina thought hoping for the best. However the words of the Red Astro Defender came back to her.

"Reinstatement?" Andros was shocked. "After all they had done to you? After tossing you off to the side like space waste?"

"You don't understand!" Scorpina said. "My role in the UAE was all I had. It was my life!"

Scorpina opened her eyes shaking herself out of the memory. "There was a role I had once before in life... but now..." She shook her head. "What am I thinking? This is my chance back... but why don't I feel like really something to be proud of?"

Her thoughts were interrupted by a golden streak in the sky, which crashed down on the outskirts of the desert. Not far from where she was. She knew she couldn't let Andros go... but the light... that light what ever it was compelling her.

And she couldn't resist the compulsion as she then started walking toward it.

* * *

"Scorpina huh?" Evil Q thought aloud noticing the events that were taking place. "Wonder what her role will be." He noticed like the Karone piece had moved by itself, so was the Scorpina piece.

But what was interesting to Evil Q was that the two pieces were moving to opposite sides of the board. Karone was moving towards the side of evil while Scorpina moved towards the side of...good?

_That's not possible! Is it?_ Evil Q thought as he continued to sit and watch events unfold.

* * *

Back on the Dark Fortress Karone was still going through the effects of the serum that had been injected into her when Astronema came back. As she looked at Karone she noticed the convulsions were becoming less and less intense and she figured the cellular burning was also subsiding. The only thing that was still burning bright was Karone's hatred, and that was what Astronema wanted burning more than anything.

"I just wanted to tell you this." Astronema smiled as she looked in Karone's eyes mocking her. "Your brother's been captured. And when I see him, well when you see me again... I'll give you his still beating heart as a present."

Karone hissed at Astronema as she laughed in Karone's face. Karone's anger was reaching it's boiling point as she thought of all the hell she would put Andros through, perhaps even worse than what was happening to her now. As if on instinct she raised her right hand at the laughing woman and shouted, "Go... TO HELL!!!"

The next second later, to both women's surprise, purple lightning came forth from Karone's right hand and blasted Astronema squarely in the chest. Astronema was thrown back into the nearby wall feeling her chest, which was hurting from the sudden burst that came from...Karone?

_How?_ she thought as she looked over at her prisoner. Karone was clutching her right arm screaming in shock from the pain of firing that blast of magic. An unfocused blast but a pretty powerful one. Astronema could only stare in shock. Here was this girl she was molding like a piece of clay into her own image, and in Astronema's twisted process of recreation she goes off in a direction that no one expected. Not even Astronema, who saw herself as the artist, was expecting this.

_She... she's already able to fire off magic?!_ Astronema thought wide eyed. _It took me two years to learn how fire off bolts of magic and she does it within only seven hours of my injection! Not even giving her my DNA would do this.... which means she's got more innate magical potential than ME!_ She looked over at Karone who had the same look of surprise at what she had done, then turned a glare mixed with fear and loathing at Astronema. _What did you do to me?_ she thought.

Astronema didn't have the answer to that question. She was too busy being afraid for the first time in her life. Only now was she starting to realize that Karone would not be so easy to break as she had thought.

She hadn't even guessed close.

* * *

Outside to the shadows Ecliptor was watching the occurrence between the two teenage girls, and he had his own observations.

_You really could say that they are twins. Astronema is an unbridled force of darkness, stripped away of her own humanity by Darkonda..._ he thought as he looked at the girl he had brought up and trained. His eyes then turned to Karone. _But this girl... she is the polar opposite of everything Astronema is. Astronema is just the title Dark Spectre gave to my princess, to replace her birth. And she was not the first on the list of young girls that Dark Spectre ordered Darkonda bring to him._

Ecliptor's eyes narrowed still looking at Karone. He remembered the list Dark Specter had made out, and he remembered the name that was at the top of the list of candidates Dark Spectre chose for the role of his dark princess. That name as Karone Valentinya Lanrydan. Ecliptor looked at Karone in amazement as he realized he was looking at the same girl that was on the top of the list. The one Darkonda failed to get.

_Can it be... that Karone was the one that Darkonda FAILED to bring to Dark Spectre? The one with the highest possible potential? The one who would have been Astronema?_ Ecliptor's mind was going over the possibilities that could come from the current situation and how they could benefit the girl placed in his charge. She was still staring at Karone in shock and surprise at what she had just done, and she still massaged her chest at the pain she felt from taking the impact.

He then saw Astronema get up and walk away from the cell as regally as she could, but also as quickly as she could. He then, after seeing she was gone, came to the cell.

He had to learn for himself the truth.

* * *

Back inside the cell Karone curled herself into a ball trying to ease the pain she felt in her right arm. "What was that... what did I do?" she asked herself not noticing Ecliptor coming into the cell until he spoke.

"You instinctively used a spell that took Astronema two years to control." Karone tried to turn around but felt cold arms over her body. She was seeing the gridded fingers of Ecliptor poke on her right arm. "Relax and don't yell. Otherwise you're going to be in pain for some time." "From you Ecliptor?" Karone said through clenched teeth.

"From your growing magic." Ecliptor said as he hit a vein in Karone's forearm. She felt a slight pinch of pain but then the arm was numb to her. "That should last until the pent up energies in your arm are gone."

Karone wrenched herself from Ecliptor's grasp and laid against the wall. "You stay away from me murderer."

Ecliptor shook his head before speaking. "Tell me something child. Do you remember this being?" Ecliptor's eyes glow red and for a moment Karone thought he was going to blast her but then she saw a figure appear. A figure she remembered from her nightmares. A red monster with glaring pointed teeth, almost reptilian, yet radiated powerful evil. Evil that made Karone cringe more than any evil Astronema or Ecliptor could put out.

"That... that thing... he tried to take me away from my brother... when were little kids... but someone saved me from him..." Karone said as she thought of the terrible day from her childhood. She remembered being saved by a funny looking man with curly brown hair who wore a strange outfit complimented by a long multicolored scarf. His smile full of joy, fun and amusement that made Karone smile. Karone wished that strange looking man was here right now.

"That thing is a Mephistian called Darkonda." Ecliptor said with hate at the image he was projecting. Karone picked up on it and figured the two didn't get along at all. "Darkonda is a being far worse than me child."

"Evil is evil." Karone stated dismissing Ecliptor's claim. Ecliptor then picked Karone up by her shoulders and looked at her in her eyes. "I don't slit my own mother's throat for a gold piece or slaughter the innocent for amusement. I have a code of honor... Darkonda has no such thing."

She wanted to shout out a counter but looking into his eyes, albeit mechanical, she felt somehow he was telling her the truth. Ecliptor however continued to say his peace.

"Few people in the UAE have such a code of honor." Ecliptor said. "It had been my hope that Astronema could be one of those people. However thanks to Darkonda, she has not learned the value of honor." Karone was intrigued by Ecliptor's words but she was curious about one thing. "Why are telling me this?" she asked. Ecliptor was then giving his explanation.

"Astronema was not born under the name Astronema. That was the name given to the child Darkonda brought before Dark Specter to be his heir." Ecliptor said. Karone was stunned by what she had heard.

"The name given... !!!" Karone just let herself fall to the floor as things started to hit her and realization was setting in. Ecliptor nodded picking up on Karone's thoughts, "You are correct. Had you not been saved by this being that came to your aid, you would have become Astronema."

"... and now, over ten years later, its going to happen to me anyway." Karone muttered as it seemed like her future was being mapped out for her, and it seemed like she had no choice in what she would become. Ecliptor however was more optimistic, or tried to be.

"That is where you are wrong Karone." Ecliptor said. Karone looked up at Ecliptor stunned by what she was hearing. "What you become now will depend on you." Karone just looked at Ecliptor who then turned and left the room. As she paused to think over his words, she couldn't help but begin to see the machine in a new light.

_The Mighty Ecliptor, showing me comfort... hmmm..._ Karone thought to herself as she closed her eyes and laid against the cold steel wall. _Andros... please stay alive._

* * *

Scorpina followed the golden streak of light and found herself in the middle of the Diamond Lines of the Endless Desert. She looked around trying to find some sign of where the light was now. _Here is where that the golden light went down. Where are you...?_

Scorpina turned around and felt the tug at her soul as she saw right below her feet, buried in sand was something pulsing golden light. "I wonder," She mused as she knelt down and then started scooping up the sand wondering _what kind of toy was at the bottom of this Cracker Jack box to think of an earth expression._ Her toy was something she wasn't expecting as she scooped away the last of the sand. Before her was something she didn't expect to appear.

The Gold Astro Morpher.

It glowed radiating amazing amounts of power. Power Scorpina was entranced by. "I don't believe it... this is... incredible... the UAE would definitely want this..." Scorpina said picking it up.

Except the UAE isn't where you belong now is it?

Scorpina turned around holding the morpher in her left hand wondering who spoke. "Who's there?"

Don't worry about me. I'm just here. Stuck here actually.

Scorpina then got up and pulled her sword out. "Okay! I'm tired of these kinds of games! Where are you!"

Put the morpher on and I'll show you.

Scorpina blinked and then laughed. "Yeah right. I have no need to wear a symbol of good!" Is it because you are afraid... or simply ashamed of yourself... Selina.

Scorpina froze like ice when she heard that name. "... how..." She shook her head. "Don't call me that. That person doesn't exist."

Yes she does. You've just forgotten yourself. Who you are.

"I know who I am!" Scorpina shouted.

Do you? Does that include killing innocent people?

Scorpina dropped her sword as she put her hands on her head. "Selina does not exist! I am Scorpina! I am evil! I serve..."

You serve... you serve who? WHO! An old crone who lied to you? Who told you of ways accomplish your goals?

Scorpina felt herself fall to her knees. Her mind was splitting from this. "What do you want?"

Put. The Morpher. On.

Scorpina was starting to lose her mind in this. She wanted the pain to go away. She did what she thought would be for her own survival.

She put the Morpher on.

And all hell broke loose.

* * *

The effects of Scorpina's decision reached across realities as her game piece glowed a golden light. Evil Q had to shield his eyes from the glow that was being let out.

Watching and waiting the light faded, only to find that where the moving Scorpina piece once stood, now stood another figure. It looked like Scorpina...

But she wasn't in Scorpina's armor.

* * *

"... oh...oh... its...its so bright..." a female voice spoke as it seemed that reality shattered around her and fell. The voice belonged to Scorpina, but yet it seemed different somehow. As if some of the edge was taked away. Scorpina looked around and saw a room full of golden light all around her. Looking at herself she saw herself no longer in her armor but as a young girl who looked to be in her late teens-early twenties with long black hair, and wore a white dress that came down to her calves. "Wh...where are my clothes?" she asked.

"Gone." a voice said all around her. "Hope you don't mind, but the dress looked better on you than that armor which made you look older that you already were." Scorpina looked down at her clothes and had to admit that the dress did look better on her than the armor. Also on her wrist was the Gold Astro Morpher. She then asked her next question. "What is this place?"

"Your mind Selina." the voice then said. Only it was coming from behind her now. Scorpina, or rather Selina/Scorpina-since calling herself just Scorpina didn't seem...right somehow, turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Looking behind her she saw a young woman with golden brown hair tied back into a ponytail, blue eyes, and her height. She was also wearing the uniform of the Gold Astro Defender. "Who are you?" Selina/Scorpina asked. The woman quickly answered.

"My name is Anne Tiruan, the late Gold Astro Defender of KO-35." she said. "And I am here to bring you a crossroads Selina."

"My name is Scorpina. I don't deserve that name you speak of." Scorpina/Selina shot.

"From 'doesn't exist' to 'don't deserve'. We are making progress." Anne said. Scorpina/Selina just looked at her. "Look. I've made my choices. There's nothing left for me to do."

"You made choices... but did you fully understand the consequences?" Anne asked as she touched Scorpina/Selina's head. Scorpina/Selina wondered what was happening but Anne just said "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride." Scorpina/Selina did that and soon she saw herself in her own mind.

She saw herself younger, wearing a warrior's armor. An armor she had earned due to various heroic deeds. Deeds that would be for nothing as she walked up Rita Repulsa and then knelt before her. "I know what this is all about." Scorpina/Selina said. "What more is there to show me?"

"Watch." Anne said as they both watched what unfolded. Scorpina/Selina then saw Rita bring down her staff and touched her old armor. It magically dissapeared and transformed into the armor of the woman she was today: Scorpina. But something wasn't right. Something in her eyes. Selina/Scorpina looked around to her alter ego and found her eyes vacant, as if...entranced by something.

"Was I under a spell?" Selina/Scorpina asked herself as she saw the entranced Scorpina, Scorpina/Selina looked at Rita, who was laughing maniacally. Selina/Scorpina looked on at this not remembering this at all... nor Rita's next words. Yet somehow Selina/Scorpina knew all of this to be true.

"Foolish girl. Your need for revenge has cost you your free will. From now on the Scorpion shall dictate your mind and keep you from the light forever!" Rita laughed.

Scorpina/Selina looked on at this before being brought back to the room of golden light. "How? How could I not have known? How could I have forgotten?"

"You were tricked." Anne told her. "You allowed hatred and rage to cloud your mind, heart and soul. It was easy for Rita to gain control over you." Selina/Scorpina looked away from Anne ashamed...and yet trapped as well. "I can't break free... and I don't know if I want to... all the deaths... all the crimes... they will come back to me..." "But is that pain greater than THIS!" Anne shouted as Selina/Scorpina found herself some place else. A place where she was being pulled part, tortured, burned, eaten, harmed and in so much pain in so many ways that she just cried out. A minute later she found herself fully healed back where she was. "W... what... what was that place?" Selina/Scorpina asked in fear. Anne had only one word.


Selina/Scorpina looked at Anne wanting to understand, wanting to find a way out of all of this pain and suffering. But she knew somewhere, in the place of what she had once been there was no easy way to the finish. She had taken too many as Scorpina. She didn't want to die and spend eternity in Hell.

"What... what can I do?" Selina/Scorpina muttered crying as tears overtook her. Anne had an answer.

"Do you want to change back Selina?" Anne asked. "Don't you want a second chance?"

"Yes... and no...." Selina/Scorpina answered. She looked at Anne trying to figure out what was next and hoping Anne had an idea. "I can never be Selina again. Not after all I've done. But I don't want to be Scorpina anymore. Tell me, what can I do!"

Anne tried to help as best she could. "Here in this place all things are possible. You had the answer once before. Can you think of it now?" she asked. "If you can't find one, you will never be free." Selina/Scorpina looked at the morpher that she wore around her wrist and looked at Anne. She wanted to do something but as Scorpina it wasn't right and she wasn't Selina. She wasn't either of them anymore. It was then that it hit her and Anne knew she figured it out. She then asked this. "Who are you?"

"I am... SABRINA!!!" She cried out as she looked up at the light.

Everything exploded as reality shattered again.

* * *

Again the game piece that was Scorpina glowed again. It glowed the first time changing into Selina/Scorpina in the white dress. Now the piece glowed and changed again.

But that wasn't the only thing Evil Q noticed. He found that when the piece glowed the first time that it moved quickly to the middle of the board. Now that it glowed again, it moved the side of good.

"What?" Evil Q asked as he looked in disbelief over what he saw the piece do. And when the glow finally faded Evil Q couldn't believe what the piece was now.

"It can't be. Can it?" he asked.

* * *

In the real world, the light exploded on itself and a helmeted figure fell down to the ground. The figure was female and the suit she wore was a gold colored version of Andros's Defender suit but with notable alteration. The five chest squares were black bearing purple gridlines. For chest, shoulder and visor borders, silver was in the place of the normal white. Her neck triangle was also silver. The helmet visor was bordered by two outward-pointing triangles on the sides.

It was the Gold Astro Defender, but this new defender wasn't in a position to notice her wardrobe change as she found herself parched by the intense Onyx heat. "... water...." she muttered as she started crawling over to the small cactus she saw and then ripped open the top and saw the water at the bottom. She went to drink but realized she had a helmet on. A helmet she couldn't believe she was wearing. "... it can't be..." Gold Astro muttered as she slowly took off her helmet and looked into the water at her reflection. Staring back her was the face of Selina of Phadeos. But the mind was not of the innocent warrior Ninjetti. Her mind was the merger of Selina and Scorpina. The Yin and Yang of her existence.

Sabrina, the Gold Astro Defender saw a tear come down her face. "... I'm free... I'm actually free..." She bowed her head and moaned and wailed as she prayed for forgiveness for all the life she had taken as she relived the memories of her life as Scorpina.

* * *

"Sabrina. Is that what you're called now?" Evil Q asked as he looked down at what was now the Sabrina piece.

She was clad in the morphed uniform of the Gold Astro Defender. Her helmet was removed and by her side revealing her face and long dark hair that went down past her shoulders. Clearly the piece captured Sabrina's youthful beauty. Evil Q wondered if he shouldn't send the Sabrina piece back to the other side and make her Scorpina again when he noticed something else.

The Karone piece was still moving.

Towards the side of evil.

* * *

"Rah!" Andros yelled as he broke out of the chains that Scorpina had held him in. He had no idea where the woman had gone to since he woke up but he was glad she wasn't here. He then found his morpher and then strapped it onto his wrist. "Alright. Time to get out of here."

However once he opened the door he was greeted with the sight of Astronema... except it was Karone's face and Ecliptor was by her side. "It can't be..." Andros muttered as he saw his sister's face.

"Hello... brother." Astronema, with Karone's voice, sneered as she used her Wrath Staff to blast him through a window into the main streets where he was greeted by Quantrons.

_This is not good._ Andros groaned as he clutched his side trying to reorient himself. The Quantrons however were circled around him ready to make their move. And they wasted no time making it.

* * *

Back in the desert Sabrina powered down and looked down at herself. Gone was her Scorpina armor and in its place was the same Astro Defender uniform Andros wore. Only while his was grey, hers was black and she had a gold shirt underneath the suit.

_My clothes._ Anne's voice spoke to her. Sabrina turned around and saw Anne's ghost sitting on a rock beside her. Her hair now out of the ponytail and draped down to her shoulders. She also was now wearing a sleeveless golden dress showing off her arms, neck and legs. Gold slipper like shoes completed Anne's new ensemble as she sat looking like a beautiful golden angel. Sabrina looked at Anne confused by the change in wardrobe. "How... how did you do what you did?"

Sabrina heard Anne's voice in her mind as her lips didn't move as she spoke now. _The Gold Powers, all Gold Powers, are incredibly powerful. No ones ever figured out exactly what they can do and what their final limits are. Anne replied. When my ship was exploding, I tried to use the teleporters to escape, but a malfunction in transit caused incredible thing to happen. Though my body was obliterated by the blast, my spirit and life force were brought into my morpher._

"Are you saying you're the brain of this morpher?" Sabrina asked.

_I prefer temporary brain._ Anne replied. Sabrina then asked "How did you heal me?"

_Once you accepted and wanted to truly change, I used my life force and purity to merge with you and obliterate Rita's magic. You and I are now one._ Anne smirked. The only movement that came was from her lips. Sabrina then blinked. "You mean I have to you all around me for the rest of my life?"

_Not all of it. I do have an afterlife of my own to live._Anne telepathically giggled, although her face reflected the giggling she was doing. It seemed like since Anne gave Sabrina her uniform Anne's personality had changed. It seemed far less serious now and more...playful. _But seriously, because of this, you can't never be taken back into evil, especially if they use the method Rita did._

Sabrina smiled. "I thank you for that. I wish..." Her sentence broke as she saw Anne tense. "What's wrong?" _Andros... he's going to die if you don't help him._ Anne gasped. Sabrina cursed. "Felgercarb! I forgot all about him! But I can't get back in time by walking!"

_Let the power guide you and you'll find out on your own! Now get going! _Anne shouted.

Sabrina then pulled out her morpher. "Okay... LET'S ROCKET!!!" Without a moment to spare she punched in her morphing code 8-7-1-2 and was morphed into the Gold Astro Defender. Quickly she called forth what the power said was her main mode of transportation. "Hope this works... GALAXY GLIDER HANG TEN!!!"

Gold Astro looked above as her Galaxy Glider came to her. "Okay... here goes nothing!" Gold Astro said as she got on the glider and took off into the direction of Vader City. Below the ghost of Anne watched her depart.

_Good luck Sabrina._ Anne thought as she then disappeared.

* * *

Back in Vader City Andros fought against the Quantrons as long as he could, but he found himself soon subdued. That was when Astronema came in and gave her licks starting with a punch in the gut followed by another and another. Ecliptor stood back keeping silent vigil.

"Argh!" Andros groaned as Astronema punched him in the gut again. The Quantons were holding Andros up as Astronema was abusing Andros's body as if he was her punching bag. "What's wrong bro? Not glad to see your own sister?" Astronema smirked but then Andros got an arm free and hit her in the face. Astronema was thrown back and cradled her jaw as she looked at Andros whose face was contorted by rage.

"'Karone' never calls me 'bro'!" Andros roared as Quantrons held him back. "How dare you take my sister's face and voice! Have you no honor for the dead Astronema?!" Astronema shrugged. "Ask your friends that when you see them in the afterworld." She then swung her Wrath Staff around ready to impale him when golden blaster fire hit her and then hit the Quantrons holding Andros.

"What?" Ecliptor muttered looking around, only to be distracted by a voice from above. "Sorry. But no one is dying today." the voice said.

Everyone looked up and saw the Gold Astro Defender holding an smoking Astro Blaster in her hands while on her Galaxy Glider. "... Anne?" Andros asked in disbelief.

"No!" Astronema roared. "It's not possible! There aren't supposed to be any more Defenders left! Who are you?"

"Trying to double cross me right Astronema? Well I guess that is to be expected. After all, the only thing the UAE ever did for me was treat me like trash." Gold Astro said landing on the ground and her statements had stricken cords in everyone. Especially Andros.

_... that's not Anne... but it can't be..._ Andros thought as Gold Astro took off her helmet for everyone to see. No one could believe it. Even Astronema drew a blank.

"... Scorpina... what kind of trick is this?" trying to make sense of the sight before her. A UAE warrior dressed in the uniform of the Gold Astro Defender. Sabrina was only too happy to answer.

"The only trick here 'your lowliness' is that I was actually thinking yesterday that the UAE was my life. The only thing the UAE is to me now a disease that nearly killed me but now I'm cured." Gold Astro narrowed her eyes at Astronema. "And for the record you leather clad bitch, my name is Sabrina. Not Scorpina. It's Sabrina. Can you say that without your mentor coaching you?"

"What did you just say?" Astronema growled as she tightened her grip on her Wrath Staff, clearly taken aback by Sabrina's words. Her next word however would get an even bigger reaction from the evil warriors she was now facing.

"An'taloth." Sabrina spoke to Astronema who was angered.

"Quantrons Att..." Astronema started but Ecliptor silenced her. "That is enough my princess. You did go back on the deal we set with her and An'taloth is her right as it is said in the Ancient UAE Laws."

"But no one has EVER called out An'taloth in over a thousand years!" Astronema shouted.

"Yeah well I don't want to stay in the UAE any longer. I think my record in the UAE plus this incident gives me the right to An'taloth. Does it not Ecliptor?" Sabrina said. Stepping in front of Astronema (who was still seething), Ecliptor nodded. "You have called out An'taloth, the challenge for the want to leave the UAE and never again to be pursued by any UAE member to be brought back to be enspelled to serve the UAE. What are your terms?"

"You select your champion. Should I emerge the winner, I gain my freedom and take the Red Defender with me without any problems. Should your selected champion win, well you get everything I have and that includes this morpher." Sabrina said.

"Freedom and life or death and power. The stakes are acceptable." Ecliptor said and then Astronema pushed forward. "And I will be the one to bring you to your final reward."

"Let's let the fight decide that." Sabrina said to Astronema as she put her helmet back on going to full power. "Solar Scimitar!" In her hands appeared a golden scimitar with jewels on the hilt.

Ecliptor had the Quantrons make a large circle around both Astronema and Gold Astro while the other Quantrons held Andros. People from the streets were starting to file into the streets to get a look at this. Ecliptor faced the two warriors.


Astronema lunged out at Gold Astro using her Wrath Staff to fire out bolts of energy, trying to take her out using long distance moves. Gold Astro leapt up high in the air doing a somersault avoiding the blasts landing safely on the ground.

"Nice try. Here's something for you." Gold Astro said holding her sword up and glowed bright gold. "SOLAR SCIMITAR BUSTER!!!" She swung the sword down a large blade of energy went flying right at Astronema.

"What!" Astronema blasted at the attack with her magic but it was too wide and concentrated and it hit her hard sending her down to the ground. The blast also caused her to lose her Wrath Staff which went into the air and then was caught by Gold Astro. She looked at Ecliptor and threw the Staff at him.

Ecliptor caught the staff and the battle resumed. Realizing Astronema was now unarmed Gold Astro made her scimitar go back into sub space and cracked her knuckles. "There are those of us who still believe in honor." Gold Astro said to Ecliptor. "I fight to win and fight fair." she looked at Astronema who was getting up.

"You are not going to win this match." Astronema growled as she started to rush Gold Astro. However Gold Astro had ascertained Astronema's skill. She was an incredible fighter but she currently had one fatal flaw. Astronema was so mad she wasn't seeing straight.

She smiled behind her helmet. _If I am going to start all over again... start with something in my element._ She then took a fighting stance that resembled the look of a panther and when she saw her moment...she pounced.

"PANTHER STRIKE!!!" Gold Astro came flying right at Astronema and then nailed her with a flying slash of her hand that would remind someone of a panther striking an enemy in the face with one of his paws. Astronema was sent spiraling down to the ground. Gold Astro looked down at Astronema as she tried to get up.

"Stay down... and live." Gold Astro said tiredly. She didn't want to start her road to redemption by killing all over again. Astronema then let herself stay still.

"The An'taloth is over." Ecliptor said and looked at Gold Astro. "You have earned your right of forever leaving the UAE and the life of your friend." Ecliptor looked at the Quantrons holding Andros. "Release him." They stared at him until he growled, "I said release him... NOW!"

The Quantrons obeyed and Andros fell down to the ground. Gold Astro went to help him up. "Andros?" Andros looked up at his rescuer and flat out asked her "... so what exactly do I call you?"

"Sabrina." Gold Astro replied but then she heard someone coming at her. It was Astronema with her Wrath Staff.

"I DO NOT LOSE!" she roared ready to impale Gold Astro. Gold Astro spun Andros to the left and turned to Astronema. She ducked under the staff and punched her solidly in the abdomen. Astronema fell to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut.

Astronema lay on the ground and saw Gold Astro looking down at her. "... you... didn't kill me..." Astronema was able to gasp.

"You don't deserve to die. Not like this." Gold Astro stated. "And certainly not by my hands."

"Why...." Astronema gasped trying to stand only to fall back down to the ground.

"You lost... because you do not yet understand honor." Gold Astro replied and heard Astronema squeak out a breath that meant she went unconscious. She then saw Ecliptor come and put the unconscious Astronema over his shoulder. Her wraith staff in his hand. And Sabrina swore she saw the robot smile at her before he spoke. "Your gain is the UAE's loss. Once they hear of this, they'll have wished they never treated you as they did."

"Yeah," Gold Astro replied, "Too bad evil only says 'sorry' after the fact."

"Indeed." Ecliptor agreed. "I would suggest you two leave as soon as possible. There are going to be others coming after you soon enough."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Gold Astro said as she looked back and saw Andros already morphed into Red Astro and on his Galaxy Glider. She called up her own and got on. "Time to jet..." she said, but looking down at the chests that the Quantrons were carrying she smirked behind her helmet and got an idea.

She then rushed the Quantrons and magnetically grappled the chests to her Galaxy Glider. "After I take my fifty million in jewels and credits." Once the chests were grappled on Gold and Red Astro both took to the sky. The last Ecliptor saw of Gold and Red Astro was their Galaxy Gliders streaking upward in the sky.

He looked back at Astronema who was slung on his shoulder, knowing they would need to see Dark Specter. The Dark Monarch would be FAR from happy with this turn of events.

_But then again, this is all for her own good. For her future._ Ecliptor thought to himself. As he carried Astronema and started walking, a plan began to form in his mind. As he walked past some of the more lecherous monsters there were some coping feels on Astronema and pinching her butt. Ecliptor did nothing about that figuring it would add to the lesson Astronema needed to learn.

Which was another reason why he didn't teleport her back, and instead walked back, to their waiting ship.

* * *

As soon as Andros got on the ship he took off his helmet and rushed to the bridge. Sabrina was right behind him following a similar suit, after she had placed the two chests with fifty million into a secure room. _Hey I might be on the side of light now, but money is a VERY important thing in this world._ Sabrina mused as she was following the Red Defender. As she followed she looked at some of the rooms in the ship as she was running with him.

_And I think we'll be spending possibly half of my fifty million on repairs to this baby._ she amended. Once they both got to the bridge, Andros shouted, "DECA get us out of here! Hyper Rush engines to maximum burn now!"

[Acknowledged Andros.] DECA said as the two Defenders felt the Megaship moving. Andros was breathing deeply standing over the console. "Hey you alright?" Sabrina asked. Andros then turned his attention on Sabrina, who sort of frowned.

"...I take it you want an explanation." Sabrina asked. Andros tried to refrain from rolling his eyes but ended up doing so. "Well of course."

Sabrina sighed. "Sit down. It's going to take some time."

* * *

"Well that didn't end well." Evil Q said as the Andros and Sabrina pieces went back to their side of the board, as the Astronema piece did as well.

Evil Q turned to notice the Karone piece moving closer and closer to the side of evil. Slowly, but surely. And strangely enough it was moving towards Astronema. "Now what's going to happen here?" he asked.

* * *

As soon as Ecliptor made it to Astronema's ship they both made it to the Onyx temple where Astronema recovered ready to face Dark Specter. Or at least as ready as she could be. Needless to say Dark Specter was not happy.

"YOU DID WHAT?!"Dark Specter shouted at his prized protege in a private room. Ecliptor was right behind Astronema, who was recovering from her wounds and would have more after this. "But Dark Specter..." she pleaded. "SILENCE!!!" Dark Specter roared. "You broke a deal with a member of the UAE, plotted the kill her, lost the money you brought with you to trick her, and when you got there she comes in as the GOLD ASTRO DEFENDER!!!" He then took a breath and motioned Astronema to be silent again when she tried to speak. "And then she called An'taloth, one of our oldest and most sacred rules, which is not just used for members wishing to leave but for others wanting to EXILE hated enemies who are also members of the UAE! She defeated you, you lost everything... and you had the GALL to break the rules and attack her from behind! You must be blessed by the Dark One himself that she didn't kill you then because if she had I would have made sure no member of the UAE would even lift a FINGER to avenge you! To show to them an example of what it means to break the laws! You are NOT above them Astronema!"

Astronema fell to her knees and bowed her head feeling that if she could shrink to the size she was feeling now, which was the size of an Earth insect, she would be doing so. "I'm so sorry my Lord Specter..." she pleaded.

Dark Specter sighed. "It was a mistake to allow Darkonda to continue your training after Ecliptor had finished the basics. Look at what that Mephistan has done to your logic. As now you are confined to the Dark Fortress until Ecliptor notifies me that you truly understand the meaning of honor." Astronema looked up at Dark Specter in disbelief at what she was hearing. "But isn't honor a tool for the weak?" Astronema muttered weakly.

"Did Darkonda teach you that?" Dark Specter asked as he turned and glared at her. Astronema nodded sheepishly, and Dark Specter's voice boomed throughout the room. "He is wrong! For rulers such as me to have existed, we must have SOME code of honor. SOME way of order. We are not good beings Astronema but that doesn't mean we are lunatics that allow madness to rule our lives."

Astronema nodded trying to understand and failing on some levels. Dark Specter continued to speak stating how the situation his prized protege was in would be handled. "As for what will be told to the rest of the UAE, everything will be stated... save that you attacked Scorpina from behind."

"Sabrina." Ecliptor spoke up. Dark Specter looked at his lieutenant. "She calls herself Sabrina now."

"Sabrina eh?" Dark Specter mused. "It would be logical she would change her name since she no longer wishes to be part of the UAE." He then looked at Astronema. "You have heard my orders. If you ever do something like this again I will end your life or worse. Do you understand me Astronema?"

"Y... yes my lord." Astronema said not wanting to know what was 'worse'. "Now go." Dark Specter said telling them to leave.

"My princess," Ecliptor started but then Astronema whispered. "Get me out of here... please Ecliptor... I don't want any of those witches to see me like this... please!" Hearing the sorrow in her voice Ecliptor nodded and then teleported Astronema to the Dark Fortress.

Dark Specter saw the site Astronema stood on before and allowed himself to feel a moment of sorrow to her plight. He wondered if there might have been something he could have done to prevent this. The humiliation, and degradation of Astronema. Dark Specter wasn't sure. He knew though he could do something now about what caused the situation and opened up a view screen to talk to one of his people and said only this.

"Find Darkonda and either bring him to me or have him contact me... NOW!"

* * *

On the Dark Fortress, Ecliptor brought Astronema to her room. "Leave me Ecliptor." she said not even facing him.

"Yes my Princess." Ecliptor sighed knowing he had saw something on her face he hadn't before. Tears.

Once the doors shut, Astronema went like wild woman picking things up and throwing them all around the room. She blasted some her furniture apart trying to feel better. She punched into the mirror making a whole mirror fragmented into several different ones. She saw her knuckles were bleeding from the glass stuck in them. She looked the mirror and saw the tears coming down her face. The make up she wore was running down her face and she looked at herself. Gone was the face of the evil villainess. In her place was a girl no more older than Karone. The face was Karone's however there was a difference.

She placed her hand through her hair and made some flips until her elaborate purple hair style fell the ground like the wig it was. Like the many wigs she had in her closets. Underneath that wig had been a long mane of red hair.

_It's all that's left of me... of Cyane..._ Astronema thought to herself crying. She remembered the day she had been brought into this life well. On the streets, a run away from abusive parents. She had never known a real family, known a safe place.

And she met Darkonda who wanted to take her to Dark Specter. She didn't know if she would live or die, but he told her for a time she would be safe. And for a time was better than nothing for her. Though the years she fought against other girls that were considered for the role of Astronema and she became ruthless and strong to do that. To her, the name Astronema meant a life. It meant power. It meant safety. It meant she might have a family.

But in the UAE there is no such thing as a family. Once she became Astronema, Darkonda, before he left, twisted everything her protector, and now that she looked at father-figure, Ecliptor, had tried to teach her. Dark Specter was pleased her fighting and her attitude, but he had some doubts about how she would react in certain situations. But Astronema didn't worry about it. All she wanted to do was to make Dark Specter proud of her and she would do absolutely anything to do it. Unfortunately, as she has now learned, Dark Specter does have boundaries.

_And this was one of them..._ Cyane cried to herself. _...and I failed... Ecliptor... I really should have listened to you..._

As she cried herself out she wondered what would become her now.

How could she ever undo the lessons Darkonda had given to her?

* * *

Karone continued to sit in her cell wondering about the next torture session when she looked over at the opening cell door. She expected Astronema to come in and gloat about her brother's death, but instead she saw Ecliptor come in. He had something else in a box that was covered. "What's in the box?" she asked.

"That will come later." Ecliptor replied. "Your brother is alive... thanks to Sabrina."

"Sabrina?" Karone asked. "The new Gold Astro Defender." Ecliptor chuckled as he saw the look on Karone's face as he told her who Sabrina WAS and the battle that had ensued for her freedom and her brother's life. "Scorpina a Defender. Never saw that one coming." Karone said dumbfounded.

"Neither did Dark Specter." Ecliptor replied. "This battle has caused Astronema to finally realize her error in depending on Darkonda." Karone was curious as she asked "How so?"

"She cries. She has never cried for as long as have I known her." Ecliptor said. Karone thought about making a remark about Astronema now being a whiny crybaby but didn't say it. Instead she asked "So what does this have to do with me now?"

"Your survival." Ecliptor replied. "I told you before that your life is made by the choices you make now. You must realize you can never leave the Dark Fortress in your current situation. More to the point, you are not the same person you were as a Defender."

Karone sighed but nodded. Even as a Defender she had problems with the Council and how they mistreated her people. Now with what Astronema injected into her, she felt it had become a stronger hatred. It was if she was at the good-evil board line. She also knew Astronema wasn't going to be going anywhere until she learned her lessons and unlearned what Darkonda had taught her.

"It's amazing." Ecliptor spoke breaking her out of thought. "How much similar and different you two are."

Karone blinked for a moment not understanding until Ecliptor opened the box and saw what was there. "It is your choice... but tell me Karone, do you see any other option?" Ecliptor asked.

Karone thought about it and said, "Get these chains off me so I can get dressed."

Ecliptor then smiled. "At once... My Princess."

After an hour the only thing that remained in the cell were the tattered, torn and ruined remains of Karone's Yellow Astro Defender uniform signifying the life she was leaving behind.

* * *

For the third time Evil Q saw a piece on the board change. Only this time the piece was heading in evil's direction.

The Karone piece changed from wearing her tattered Astro Defender uniform to wearing the black body suit Ecliptor provided. And yet Evil Q knew this was only a transitional phase.

The rest of the transformation was yet to come.

* * *


The comm terminal in Darkonda's chamber activated as the image of Dark Specter appeared on the visual sending fear in Darkonda in more ways than one. Not just because of the Grand Monarch's presence, but what could happen if the council picked up the transmission coming in.

"Do not fret Darkonda." Dark Specter said. "This transmission is on narrow band. It is untraceable by the council military. But remember all I have to do is expand the bandwidth and I can have the council on you faster than a warp flyer." Darkonda nodded and immediately asked "What can I do for you Dark Specter. I thought we had ended our agreement five cycles ago. We were not to speak to each other again."

"Things have changed." Specter said. "There is a matter about that girl you brought forward to be Astronema." Darkonda remembered the red haired runaway he brought that was eventually chosen for the title. "What of her?" he asked.

"SHE WAS DEFEATED BY SCORPINA!!!" Dark Specter bellowed. "Have you not taught her anything about honor?"

"Honor is a tool for the weak. Everyone knows that!" Darkonda said defending himself.

Dark Specter then had a sneer cross his lava lips. "Really? Well it was that lack of honor that led to her defeat. Scorpina called out the An'latoth and Astronema was dealt the biggest disgrace she will ever know. I don't know if she will ever recover because of what you failed to teach her."

"Would you have preferred Ecliptor teach her?" Darkonda said. "He's too honorable to teach her how to be truly evil."

"What did you say Darkonda?" Dark Specter said. "I'm afraid I didn't quite hear that. Perhaps if I turn up the bandwidth..."

Darkonda was practically in a panic attack. "No! No! Don't Dark Specter! I'm sorry. I recognize my error. I assure you it will not happen again."

"See that it doesn't." Specter said. "You are still of use to me." Dark Specter then cut off the comm line and the words 'End Transmission' crossed his screen. Darkonda turned off the viewer seething.

_Damn that brat._ Darkonda thought. _If only I had been able to get the one Dark Specter wanted instead of having to scrounge up that second rate loser on the list._ So intense was Dark Specter's hatred that he didn't notice the presence of another in the room. A dark presence.

The presence of his benefactor.

"Problems Darkonda?" the being known as the Valeyard had said. Darkonda was startled when the Valeyard spoke, and spun around quickly in surprise. "Has Dark Specter got you dwelling on the past?"

Darkonda seethed. He was a far cry from one who had done Dark Specter's bidding all those years ago, but he still could feel the influence of the Grand Monarch of Evil not far away, even after all this time. No matter what power he would attain. He then punched the video screen and sparks erupted from the hole Darkonda put his fist into.

"Why is it that girl had to be saved?" Darkonda asked. "Why did that humanoid with the scarf have to keep Dark Specter's treasure from him?" Valeyard knew the answer to Darkonda's question, but decided that possibly changing the subject would be a better course of action.

"Do not worry Darkonda. If all goes well soon you shall be the one in power and Dark Specter will come begging to you." Darkonda eyed the Valeyard suspiciously. "Are you sure this will work?"

"'Sure' is a term used by fools who think they know everything in the universe. I find it reassuring to leave things not so absolute. Not knowing everything is much better than having someone who thinks they know everything." Next second S'Hera charged into the council chamber where Darkonda and the Valeyard sat.

"There is an emergency meeting." She said. "There is something happening on the planet Earth."

"Oh?" Valeyard asked. "What pray tell would that be?"

S'Hera told the news straight out. "The signatures of the Rangers. They're all gone."

"What?" Darkonda said surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. All sensors indicate that the Morphin, Zeo and Outsiders are all off planet. Even the signals of Masked Rider, the V.R. Troopers and the Beetleborgs are gone. In fact, it is believed that they aren't even on this plane of reality."

Darkonda was intrigued by S'Hera's words. "So is Earth completely defenseless then?" Valeyard however answered that question.

"Do not assume that." The Valeyard said. "There are still defenders on Earth who could pose a problem. And there is always the possibility that the Rangers could return. We need to be absolutely sure that the Rangers are neutralized before we carry on with the plan."

Darkonda couldn't help but sneer. "This coming from one who has faith in there being no absolutes in the universe?"

Valeyard caught the remark, but didn't react to it. Instead he just continued. "The only absolute in the universe is there are no complete absolutes. However, it doesn't hurt to be as close to that desired position as one can hope for. For now, resume your efforts in the council."

"And when this is over we shall both get what we want?" S'Hera said.

Valeyard smiled. "Yes, you shall have all the power you can ask for Darkonda, and you S'Hera..." Valeyard said nothing else as S'Hera smiled. She loved what the Valeyard had planned for Earth.

Darkonda and S'Hera left for the council chambers leaving Valeyard to contemplate all that Darkonda said about the tall man with curly hair, long scarf, floppy brimmed hat and wide smile. Valeyard then felt a wave of embarrassment run through him as he thought of the being who was his fourth incarnation.

_I can't believe I was that young_ Valeyard thought. _And naive._

* * *

Cyane was still crying wondering what she was going to do next when she heard the door opening. She gathered her voice. "I thought I said..."

"I know you want to be alone. But I can't have that." Cyane blanched as she heard that voice. The voice that was now her own. Karone's voice. She went down to grab her purple wig and put it on so she could slip into her confidence, to Astronema, but felt a hand on her wrist. She looked and her eyes went wide as she saw Karone decked out in the exact same leather suit she was wearing.

"What are you doing here?!" Cyane demanded.

"Trying to keep you from going off half cocked. Someone's got to keep order around here." Karone said picking Cyane up and sat her on the bed.

"How the hell did you get out of the cell! And how did you unchain yourself!" Cyane spat.

Karone gave her a lopsided grin. "You know it really is funny. We really are so similar and different its shocking." Cyane stared at her as Karone continued. "You want a twin, you treat me as an equal and we start to working together and play the part of twin sisters."

Cyane was starting at Karone as if she had grown another head. "And what pray tell are you going to offer me?"

Karone smiled. "Honor problems?" Cyane seethed but then Karone put her hand on her shoulder. "That's to be expected considering you had to learn from a guy who killed his own mother for money." She then pulled out a data pad with a list of atrocities that Darkonda had done. "He also tried to kidnap me as a child."

Cyane stared at Karone in realization. "... YOU! You're the one Dark Spectre never found!"

Karone then played on Cyane's thoughts. "And imagine what he would think of you if you had me on your side." Cyane already knew what that would mean for her but listened to Karone continuing her sales pitch. "I can show you everything there is to know about honor. We both have our strengths and weakness. We learn from each other, and we only double are strengths while eliminating our weakness." Karone looked at her seriously. "No one could stop us. No one."

Cyane looked at Karone for a while before saying smiling, "Now when did you ever become so much of a demander?" Karone smirked. "Since the moment you injected me with your DNA. I'm part you now."

"Yes... that you are." Cyane replied. Karone put her hand out and Cyane took it. "Besides what did you expect me to be? Your docile drone girl?" Karone quipped.

Cyane started to feel like giggling but then started to laugh and heard Karone laughing with her. She put on her purple wig and went back over to her make-up table applying her make up. A minute later she turned around and Astronema, Princess of Darkness had returned. "This may very well turn out to be much better than I originally planned."

"I have just one question... why wigs?" Karone asked Astronema. "Why not use magic?"

Astronema snorted. "Please. As if I want to be compared to the bimbos of the UAE." Karone blinked as she heard the explanation. "Come again?" she asked.

Astronema smirked. "You seriously don't know?" Karone shook her head. "Every woman in the UAE uses their magic to enhance their looks. Some like to look more mean and nasty. Others like Divatox... well..."

"Instant body job huh?" Karone supplied.

"Yeah. Do you think she was BORN with those things?" Astronema replied. "Honestly she's as big as a slut as some earth women and at least they can keep the men close to them."

"And so you don't use magic because you like to be natural." Karone said.

"Can anyone argue then that I wasn't born this good looking?" Astronema asked. "The wigs are specialized and once I put them on I make them lock in with my real hair to be as if the wig were my real hair."

"And when did this all start?" Karone asked.

Astronema smirked. "Well let's just say I got bored a bit with my looks a few years back. Looking the same without a definitive look." She then opened her large closet space and Karone just let her jaw drop when she the rows upon rows of wigs. "There's got to be at least a 100."

"Actually 167." Astronema corrected her. Karone blinked but smiled.

"Then you better share with me..." she said picking up a wig that had long, bright blue hair, and was styled in the same manner Astronema's was. Astronema herded her over to the other make up desk and had her sit down. She started applying the make up that she used on her.

"This is strange. I have never before had to do this on anyone but myself." Astronema admitted.

Karone didn't know what to think but after a few minutes they were done. Astronema looked up at ... Astronema. The exact likeness between the two was surprising them beyond belief. Blue Astronema looked over to the weapons wall in the room and saw battle armor and weapons. Purple Astronema looked at her and thought the same thing.

After ten minutes the two Astronemas came face to face with each other and looked in the mirror side by side. Both were now wearing Astronema's battle armor and both of them had Wrath Staffs. Blue Astronema had a boomerang weapon at her belt while Purple Astronema had her bow. Both of them also held concealed blade weapons in their boots. "You realize if you just looked the only way we could be told apart is by hair color." Blue Astronema said to Purple.

"Yes," Purple Astronema replied but sighed. "It's too bad I'm currently confined to quarters. There's a meeting today and I'd LOVE to stick it to Divatox. I can only imagine the remarks that come from her."

"Maybe we can..." Purple looked back at Blue who then smirked. "I am not grounded."

Purple Astronema just smirked as the idea came to her and started to laugh and her 'twin' joined her in her laugher. Behind the door to her room, Ecliptor smiled to himself. _Thank my creator... it worked._ Ecliptor thought as he then turned around and went back to the bridge.

Business was about to pick up all over the universe.

* * *

Evil Q smiled as the Karone piece completed its transformation. Gone was the blonde haired Astro Defender, and in her place was a second Astronema.

The piece was remarkably crafted as the new Astronema stood regally and ready for battle. Kind of like how the first Astronema piece stood. But there were definite differences between the two pieces. The weapons on the belts being the obvious ones.

There would be others, and Evil Q couldn't wait to find out what those were. _I guess uncontrolled reality has its intrigues as well._ Evil Q thought with a smile.

* * *

On the Astro Megaship, which was now Hyper Rushing far from Onyx, Sabrina was going over the last of the details to Andros.

"So Anne merged with her morpher..." Andros sighed. Relieved in a way that the fate of his commander had finally be revealed and happy to learn she was happy where she was as well as glad to have saved a person's soul. "Is she here now?"

"No." Sabrina shook her head. "She said I have my life and she has hers where ever she is. She did say she would pop in every now and again." she then looked at Andros and said "And I'll tell you she's really letting her hair down since she died."

"I figured she would." Andros said. "She always was at heart a free spirit. Pardon the pun." Sabrina then chuckled and she saw Anne off to the corner sitting on a table chuckling as well before she again disappeared. Sabrina then asked Andros her next question "So what are you going to do with me?"

Andros thought for a moment and said, "Want to stick around for a while? It's starting to get a little lonely around here."

Sabrina smirked. "I'll take that as a 'you need human company or you are going to mad' request?" Andros blinked. "You just told a JOKE?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "It's a brand new world Andros." _One with a lot of opportunities... and I have had a Golden Opportunity._

* * *

On Onyx, Dark Specter was telling all of the members of the UAE the current situation. Everyone was surprised, especially Rita.

"HOW DARE SHE BREAK FREE FROM ME!!!" Rita screeched. _Its not possible! How the hell could she have broken the spell?! It's never failed me once! HOW?!!!_ Zedd had his own two cents to add as told his wife "If I remember correctly you just let her rot."

"Oh put a cork in it Zeddy!" Rita shot. "This is serious and I am not happy! I never thought I would say this but now SCORPINA is giving me a headache!"

"Please not here." Zedd said, though he also had thoughts of his own. Before he had seen Scorpina as one of his wife's soldiers and as much of a bungler as Rito or Goldar. _Then again it could be considered hindsight that I sent her on only ONE mission. I've sent Rito and Goldar on at least a million and I didn't cast THEM out._ Zedd amended.

And now the UAE was being told that someone that they had all neglected had just defeated Dark Specter's heir. The one that had been trained by so many masters for over ten years and could give anyone in this room a run for their money. _I think regret is now starting to set in. If this is how good she really is, it would have been to my benefit to have her. It never hurts to have more than one ace up your sleeve._ Zedd thought of the Purple Zeo Ranger, under their control and Zordon didn't even know it.

Still if anyone ever asked him why didn't he use Scorpina more than once, he'd blame it on either the girl in question or his wife.

Divatox was smug though. "Well I say hurray for the good guys." Everyone stared at her. She then got up. "WHAT! Did you really think the prized princess bitch was going to be undefeatable! I didn't! This ought to do her some good. Personally I think she should get spanked a few more times."

"I don't take kindly that insult Divatox." the voice of Astronema said as it echoed throughout the room. Everyone stared in the doorway as Astronema stood there and came into the room gracefully as if she was a dancer getting ready to perform her big number. "Astronema! I told you to remain on the Dark Fortress!" Dark Specter shouted. Astronema stood before Dark Specter and bowed before him stunning her with is next words. "I'm sorry my Lord Specter... but I'm not Astronema." Divatox laughed. "Oh yeah right! So who are you then? A power ranger!"

"Actually..." Astronema's voice spoke... but it didn't come from the Astronema in the room. Everyone turned and saw that the voice came from the purple haired Astronema on the view screen. "She's my twin." Astronema, the REAL Astronema, smirked as she completed her sentence. The blue haired Astronema then bowed before Dark Specter. "My name is Artemis. I am here to take my sister's place for these meetings until she has recuperated."

The UAE didn't know what to make of her but Dark Specter did. He knew who she was. He could feel it. He could sense the magical potential in her. He had felt it once but had never forgotten it even after all of those years.

Standing before him was the girl he had wanted to be Astronema originally.

_And now I have both... I don't know how yet but I'm certain Ecliptor had a hand in this. I'll be certain to talk to him once this meeting is over._ Dark Specter smirked. _Perhaps some 'sisterly bonding' will make Astronema a better warrior.. and now with you my dear... my possibilities are endless._

"My Lord... may I take my sister's position until she can join me?" Artemis asked.

Dark Specter smiled. "Yes Artemis... and welcome to the UAE." Outwardly Artemis smiled.

Inwardly, the battle between her current self and true self would begin.

* * *

Between Realities

Evil Q closed his mind to the events happening in the game reality, fascinated by the events he was witness to. The changes between two individuals in demeanor...and allegiance. He cast his gaze on two newly changed pieces that had made their way to one another's side. In the case of the pieces-their former side.

He then looked at the twin pieces standing on the side of evil. Both cast in the image of the other but with different individual weapons on their belts. One representing Astronema, the other-the newly transformed Artemis. Evil Q looked at her and was immediately intrigued.

He watched her piece move from one side of the board to the other, changing all the way across its journey. From a blonde Kerovan girl in an Astro Defender uniform, to a tattered remains of said uniform, to a leather bodysuit reminiscent of Astronema's to the final transformation of Artemis. Her game piece had a Wraith Staff in her hand much like Astronema had. Evil Q then turned his gaze from the Astro twin pieces and cast his gaze at the other game piece that changed as it made it's way across the board.

That piece was cast in the image of Sabrina, the Gold Astro Defender. A piece that was once Scorpina.

Evil Q marveled at the image in which the piece was cast. Sabrina's piece was cast with her in her morphed form with her helmet by her side. Her long dark hair laid down to her shoulders. Her face looked like it was years younger than it could have ever been as Scorpina. Like Karone's piece transformed into Artemis Evil Q watched as Sabrina's piece slowly moved from one side to the other, changing from Scorpina's armor, to Selina/Scorpina in her white dress to her final change into the Gold Astro Defender. In effect, Karone and Sabrina switched places and sides on each side of the board.

_An interesting trade_ Evil Q thought. _A villain becomes a hero and a hero walks the path she apparently was always meant to walk. But I do wonder about Artemis's commitment to evil._ Evil Q figured that the new pieces on the game board would please the three young Q he got the game from. But there was still one wild card-Artemis.

Evil Q wondered if perhaps he should make 'arrangements' to keep Artemis on the side of evil. For Evil Q it wouldn't be hard for him to do. A snap of his fingers and Artemis would be evil forever, and without any code of honor hampering her. With a smile he brought up his fingers ready to snap them cementing Artemis's role on the side of evil....

...only to be distracted by the appearance of Destructor. Three words were all he said. "It is time." before turning to leave. Evil Q knew what Destructor meant. It was time to prepare the Matrix of Evil to be joined with the Leviathan. Casting a last look in the game board's direction Evil Q got up to go to where the Matrix of Evil was being kept and made ready to unleash their ultimate power.

The game board and the new pieces were left behind, but they weren't alone as another dark presence was in the room. Like the Lords he found the Q's game to be an insult to life, but his goals were not as benign as the Lords' were. In fact they were considered quite...evil.

"Have all the fun you want Evil Q." the voice said with a sinister tone. "Soon your game will end, and you will know what reality is really like as the inhabitants will follow MY dominion. "With that the figure turned to leave. Evil laughter filling the room and fading in the darkness.


Coming soon:the last story in I.D.War, All or Nothing.{{disclaimerblock}}{{redirectblock}}{{countblock}}{{fanficbase}}{{fanficend}}