Fatal Fourway Part 6

__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:Fatal Fourway Part 6}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Back in the Order's base Mirabilis froze as he then clenched his fist in anger as he felt the purity of power coming from the world that the latest Matrix team had gone too.

"Lord Mirabilis? Are you alright?" Olympius asked.

"Shadow... I should have expected you to intervene when Kincaid himself came into play..." Mirabilis hissed. He then remembered Olympius behind him. "I am fine Olympius." With that the Shadow Lord left the Demon Princes presence as Mirabilis then went to find out what exactly was going on in the world where Shadow was now.

And when he found out what WAS going on what was the cause of the problems, he was definately not happy.

~ ... I think its time that Galvatron II and I had a talk. ~ Mirabilis decided a he then ordered a summons to Galvatron II and two others via a courier. ~ And when you get back old friend you and I will need to talk as well. ~
Galvatron II walked into the main command room of the base but as he did he also saw Evil Q and Zanzibar in the room. "What is this about?"

Zanzibar shook his head. "I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that Mirabilis asked to meet with all three of us."

Evil Q remained silent. To him, Mirabilis was an anomoly. Destructor hadn't told him of Mirabilis own existence until recently and the Shadow Lord was on the Order's command staff. He had no idea why or what Mirabilis was capable of.

"If you'll be patient you'll have an answer to your question Evil Q." Mirabilis replied materializing from the shadows into the room.

"Can we get down to business then Mirabilis." Galvatron II said in a condicending tone. Like Evil Q, Mirabilis hadn't shown much to elicit any real respect yet. "We all have things to do."

"Such as what perhaps? Continue to lie to us Galvatron II?" Mirabilis returned.

That took all of three of them off guard as Evil Q and Zanzibar looked at the Destron Leader who was now narrowing his optics at Mirabilis. "What are you talking about?"

"I am referring the Matrix of Evil." Mirabilis replied. "You did not create it. Rather you STOLE it from an alliance in another reality. An alliance, which would have better suited in becoming our allies rather than our enemies."

The two other Order members just watched this debate now, with their interest focused on Mirabilis and seeing how he would act as Galvatron II defended himself. "That alliance that you spoke of was with Bansheera who has yet to even succed in conquering the Earth. There was nothing special about her."

Mirabilis simply smiled, "Nothing special you say." Galvatron II nodded as Mirabilis then dropped his smile, "THEN WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS!" he exclaimed his point by now showing them all the four way battle that was still underway in the other reality.

And it was anything but pretty.
The opponents of the Neji Rangers soon learned how deadly the Neji Rangers were morphed, with Bulk and Ven'Ya being the first to find out.

"Geez those things look like you could roast marshmallows on them." Bulk said making reference to Neji Blue's monster claws. Ven'Ya was about to ask what a marshmallow was until Neji Jealousy backslapped Ven'Ya back and then made ready to give a blow to Bulk.

As Neji Bizzare struck Bulk the Burger Ranger learned something about monster claws THEY HURT LIKE CRAP MAN!!!

Neji Bizzare then left his opponents and stood with the remaining Neji Rangers who were glaring at their respective opponents. "We're ready for round two. Are you?" Neji Phantom said in a sneer.

"I'm anxious to get back to the Astral plane." Neji Jealousy said. "There are two bitches I need to beat.

"I look forward to resuming our contest now Red Ranger." Neji Jealousy said to Kincaid. Kincaid didn't express anything.

"You Yellow Rangers will pay dearly." Neji Sofia vowed.

"And you two fools shall learn how 'bizzare' I truly am." Neji Bizzare said to Ven'Ya and Bulk who were getting back up again.

"I don't care who I fight. I fight for my Empress." Neji Vulgar said with pride.

"Well what do you have to think of my troops now?" Empress asked Destructor who was clearly gloating, but Destructor paid it no mind.

"DEPLOY THE TEK'LATHA!!! DEPLOY THE TEK'LATHA!!!" Destructor answered. The army of assassins came forward ready to attack the Neji Rangers present, but the Neji Rangers weren't dissapointed. Rather they were something else entirely. Something the Tek'Latha would be aware of when they attacked.

Neji Jealousy looked at the Tek'latha attacking her and then shoved it down. "You know something... I'm feeling a bit hungry now!" She then from her hands launched her thorny vine tentacles at the Tek'latha and restrained him. She grinned evilly flashing all of her teeth as she then started to pull the Tek'latha toward her... and as she did that her stomach started to open up exposing a hole, which led only to darkness. The darkness in her body and stomach that is.

The Tek'latha tried to get free but it couldn't. To its credit, it was able to let off a scream before Neji Jealousy sucked the demon into her body, which expanded a bit outward after taking in the Tek'latha... and the hole in her stomach closed up. Neji Jealousy's own stomach started to contract and expand as if it were a mouth chewing on something.

In fact it was just like that because Neji Jealousy was eating the Tek'latha alive. Within thirty seconds she had fully digested the Tek'latha and had returned to her normal monster state. Neji Sofia, who had been covering Neji Jealousy's back during this, just smirked. "You enjoy your little Venus Fly Trap act too much you know that?"

"Is there a problem with it?" Neji Jealousy asked.

"Not really." Neji Sofia responded. "Its just a good show for me to see the beings you eat squirm and squeal trying to get out while they are being eaten alive. The power boost you get from it is a plus."

"Don't you know it." Neji Jealousy stated. "Now if you'll excuse me, the Astral Plane demands my full attention."

"Go. You have enough energy to help you." Neji Sofia said. Neji Jealousy nodded then fell limp returning to the battle she had with Karone and Tsara.

A battle she intended to win. As did the other Neji Rangers. However it didn't stop Bansheera from sneering in Destructor's face.

"It seems like my forces are more than enough for your Tek'Latha." Bansheera sneered.

"Don't be so sure." Destructor vowed. "The Tek'Latha aren't my only resourse."

Bansheera seemed curious about what Destructor was saying. And as she studied his face and body language she saw someone who had another ace up his sleeve. "What are you planning?"

"And ruin the surprise for you?" Destructor sneered. No, let's see how your Neji's face their opponents again.

First up was Neji Jealousy who returned to the Astral plane and went at Karone and Tsara with great intensity after breaking away from her protective field that kept her opponents from getting a surprise attack in. When she did break away she charged at the two knocking them down with running clotheslines. Neji Jealousy then looked to be standing tall amidst the expanse of the Astral Plane.

Tsara however was quick to recover and was able to use the Astral Plane to her advantage. Bolts of energy attacked Neji Jealousy from all sides whittling her down and weakening her as Tsara seemed to fly across the expanse and deliver a side kick to Neji Jealousy's face.

Neji Jealousy's attention was solely focused on Tsara who called upon a lance that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, when in actuality appeared from her own thoughts made maifest from the Astral Plane. Neji Jealousy saw this and was impressed. Impressed enough for her to call upon energy from the Astral plane itself.

Only instead of a weapon Neji Jealousy decided to call upon the energy to amplify her own form. Making it more monstrous than before. Thoughts, mental energy, all taken to amplify Neji Jealousy's own form making her more the monster than she was before. Soon she stood with even more tentacles and fangs from her mouth. And with those tentacles she used them to focus on Tsara as she wrapped them around her and brought Tsara to the open maw of Neji Jealousy.

"You have much power and knowledge." Neji Jealousy had said. "I can use that as I absorb your conscioussness into my being." Neji Jealousy figured that since she could absorb others into herself when she ate them that the same could happen in the Astral Plane. And as Neji Jealousy looked at Tsara and the expression on her face Neji Jealousy knew she was right.

However there was someone Neji Jealousy forgot about as she felt a wave of cold run through her. Intense cold that frose her own astral form and kept Neji Jealousy from accomplishing her grizzly task. Cold that froze her very being, and at the next second shattered her astral form sending her crashing back to reality with a massive Excedrin headache.

The intense cold and kick came from Karone who wanted a one on one with Tsara. Tsara, who recovered quickly, was eager for the rematch as well. "I'm impressed." Tsara said. "I didn't sense you coming."

"Kerovan meditation exercise I learned as a child." Karone explained. "Silencing the mind to a point where thought was still and undetectable. I never really appreciated the exercise until now. I guess I should thank Ecliptor for continuing to drill that exercise into me." Tsara was ready to go at it again until she was thrown back by Karone's words. The way she phrased them. ~ Could Ecliptor be ?~

"PSYCHE!!!!" Karone shouted as she did several leaps into the air bouncing of energy that appeared from nowhere. Then when Karone was high enough she seemed to fly towards Tsara and ram right into her like a kamekazi pilot. Tsara quickly recovered and looked up at Karone who stood over her. "I'm impressed." Tsara said.

"I'm a quick study." Karone answered back. "Especially after watching you fighting Neji Jealousy there. I quickly learned the rules of astral plane fighting." Karone's hand then seemed to glow and she sent the hand swirling as if delivering a knife hand neck strike. As the hand came closer to Tsara Karone then said "ANYTHING GOES!!!"

Tsara quickly blocked the strike but Karone was expecting that as she brought her other hand into Tsara's head inflicting the same punishment on Tsara that Tsara inflicted on her. Tsara's scream was deafening as she was sent back to reality with a massive headache. Karone then went back to her reality as the last woman standing from the Astral Plane battle. The bodies of Neji Jealousy and Tsara down on the ground unconscious. Karone then went to Neji Jealousy and asked "Did anyone ever tell you it's not a good idea to eat before you fight?"

Next up was Neji Bizzare who fought off an injured Hamburger Ranger and Ven'Ya. Venya had a lot of heart in him but Neji Bizzare seemed to not be fazed by the blows too much of Ven'Ya as Neji Bizzare seemed to be holding Ven'Ya's head like someone in a cartoon. Ven'Ya was charging and hitting while Neji Bizare seemed to be holding Ven'Ya back with one hand.

"Come on. You want more of this?" Neji Bizzare gloated to the Burger Ranger.

"No. But I don't think you want any more of that." Burger Ranger said as he pointed up. Both Ven'Ya and Neji Bizzare looked up and Ven'Ya ducked out of the way as a shadow seemed to get bigger and bigger around Neji Bizzare. A shadow that hit Neji Bizzare with force that drove him straight into the ground.

A force that belonged to a thousand pound weight that one only sees in cartoons.

Neji Bizzare was then defeated and Ven'Ya and the Burger Ranger faced each other. Ven'Ya offered his hand as a sign of faith which Bulk accepted, and Ven'Ya took the hand ready to use it to give Bulk a knee to the chest.

What Ven'Ya got was a hand with a stick of dynamite on it. A stick that exploded.

When the smoke cleared Ven'Ya was sounding like the wrestler known as the Crusher from an old Bugs Bunny cartoon saying "Just passing by. Duhhhh!" Bulk then tried to flex a muscle again only for the muscle to drop like flab, again like a cartoon.

Carlos now had Neji Vulgar to deal with. And Neji Vulgar looked ready for a fight with Blurr. Mostly in part due to a growth bomb he kept for himself.

"Lord Zedd kept several of these around his old palace." Neji Vulgar sneered. "I kept one in case of emergency." Carlos and Blurr both looked up to see Neji Vulgar towering over Blurr with Carlos in hand. Both wondering how they would win this one. Then suddenly the answer came, in the form of the gestault Valeria who gave a running shoulder tackle straight into Vulgar's frame.

Valeria stood over Neji Vulgar victorious, but not for long. Baldigus then got his own running charge and slammed into the femme gestault knocking her down. Baldigus then went to help out Neji Vulgar up as the two got ready to go two on one against Valeria. But then Carlos and Blurr had an idea.

"Let'sracelet'sracelet'srace. Ohyeslet'srace. Racecirclesaroundthem. Theycan'tfollowwhattheycan'tsee." Blurr had said. Carlos got the idea and soon Blurr transformed into his hover speed car mode and ran circles around both Neji Vulgar and Baldigus. Both tried to use their eyes or sensors to lock on to Blurr but couldn't until finally they decided to get lucky and step in a spot where they would either get Blurr or get him to stop moving.

It was here that Carlos decided that he would take the shot. Blurr then dead stopped as fast as he moved and raised Carlos to the heads of Neji Vulgar and Baldigus. That was when Carlos fired his bolts blinding both gestault and monster, and Valeria got in the last shot with a sword strike sending both down.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." Blurr had said.

"Anytime." Valeria answered as she then disengaged into her component Stuntbot forms. Once separated Blaze caught notice of her commander being downed nearby. God Magnus stood over her holding her close. Wasting no time Blaze raced to their side as Fire Convoy looked on.

"What happened?" Blaze shouted looking for answers. She looked at Fire Convoy who remained silent. God Magnus was the only one speaking, even though the speech seemed like incoherent rambling. Over and over he was saying "My fault it was an accident my fault "

Blaze then looked down at Arcea, held in God Magnus's arms, her sensor's dimmed showing temporary deactivation. But it might as well have been permanent as far as Blaze was concerned as she pulled her blaster out and held it dead center between God Magnus's sensors. "No Blaze! Don't do it!" Fire Convoy ordered.

"Sorry Fire, but this scrap pile has caused enough pain. First you, now Arcea. All because he wasn't chosen for the Matrix! Well I've had all I could take! I'm going to put a blaster bolt through his sensors and put him down once and for all!" Blaze kept her blaster steady but a voice broke through weakening her resolve.

"Blaze stand down " Arcea ordered in a weak, but forceful, voice. Blaze, Magnus and Fire Convoy all saw Arcea awaken and attempt to stand up. "Magnus didn't intend to strike me deliberately. And quite frankly Magnus is my problem. Not yours."

"But Arcea. ." Blaze tried to say, but Arcea fixed a glare on her subordinate that silenced her. She then turned her gaze to God Magnus and said her peace.

"Now listen Magnus. I'm only going to say this once. I've always cared about you. I've never wanted the Matrix or leadership of the Autobots. I only cared about you. And when you left and accused me of showing favoritism to Fire Convoy that hurt worse than any blaster bolt you could fire at me. I know you're upset that my vote was the decider and that I didn't choose you. But I made the choice I thought was best for the Autobots and Cybertron. And that choice was Fire Convoy.

"I didn't let personal bias or feelings for you influence my judgement. It's just that Fire was more seasoned and level headed than you were. You were always one who acted first and asked questions later, and at the time that was something Cybertron didn't need. At least not then."

"Not then?" Magnus asked. "What do you mean 'Not then?'"

"What she means Magnus is that your time to claim the Matrix hasn't come yet. But she and I both know that your time to know its power will come soon. Don't ask me how or when, but I know your time will come." Fire Convoy answered. Magnus heard the words and was floored by them. He didn't know what else to do so he stretched out his arms and took Arcea in them. Arcea also stretched out her arms and did the same with Magnus. The reunion of two lost loves had come at last.

Not far away from the reunion the battle continued as Neji Sofia faced Ashley and Alison yet again. Both clearly in no mood to fight her again even though Neji Yellow looked meanacing and powerful, but all Alison did was yawn.

"Are you nuts?" Ashley asked. "It's bad enough I faced her as Psycho Yellow. Now you aggrivate her even though she's much more powerful?"

Suddenly lightning struck across the sky. Bolts powerful and menacing. And as Neji Sofia stepped forward one struck her dead on knocking her back down. The surge of power overloading her senses and sending her into unconsciousness. Alison then looked at Ashley and said "Yes." As if she had something to do with the bolt strike.

Finally Neji Phantom faced Kincaid. Weapon at ready ready to attack again, and his arm completely healed. "And now. You have no tricks left to hide behind. And I am more deadly than before." Neji Phantom said.

"Maybe." Kincaid had said. "But so am I." With that Kincaid and Neji Phantom renewed their battle. Only along with Neji Phantom's sword Neji Phantom also had claws on his hand ready to slice and dice. Kincaid had to be doubly careful now. The sword strikes came easily enough, but Neji Phantom had to get in a few swipes with his right hand hoping to cause some damage. And with one lucky swipe Nejoi Phantom did.

Soon Kincaid was sprawled out on the ground, and Neji Phantom was standing over his opponent apparently victorious. "You were an worthy opponent. But like all my worthy opponents, you must meet your end."

"Don't count on that." Kincaid had said as he brought an end of his saber staff to bear against Neji Phantom and a laser bolt seemed to shoot out from the end pointing at Neji Phantom striking him in the chest sending him into a nearby battle. A battle Sharon was having with Raccharal, Tasha and Loki.

Kincaid got back up and joined Sharon's side. "Am I missing anything?"

"Not at all. You're right on time." Sharon smiled beneath her Demon Hunter helmet. The smile quickly faded when all four of Kincaid and Sharon's opponents got back up and faced them. Loki and Tasha seemed to have their gaze set on Sharon while Raccharal seemed interested in fighting Kincaid. Apparently tired of fighting Sharon. Joining him was Neji Phantom.

Kincaid's and Sharon's battles had suddenly fused together. Both of them now in a two on one battle.
As Rattrap and Jeff made their way further into the base's superstructure Rattrap found a data socket and hooked up into the mainframe. Immediately he looked for the whereabouts of Mackenzie and Jeff's daughter, as well as Mackenzie herself. Immediately they found the locations of Mackenzie and the child and rushed to the closest one. Mackenzie.

They saw her being guarded by a group of Tek'Latha as she struggled to get out of the Energon chains that bound her. She hoped that they could weaken with enough struggle but the Tek'Latha wouldn't allow that, as the bruises on her face dictated. Just as the Tek'Latha were about ready to strike her again Jeff and Rattrap made their presence known.

Quickly Jeff and Rattrap took out any Tek'Latha in their way, and Jeff made his way to Mackenzie's side as he brought his pistol to bear and severed the chains that bound his wife. When she was free the two embraced and Jeff and Mackenzie kissed as tears ran down her face. When they broke Mackenzie said "They took our daughter."

"I know. We're going to get her back." Jeff vowed. But someone decided that Jeff would not keep that vow. As the three turned towards the doorway they saw Harper and a new squad of Tek'Latha standing. Mackenzie was quickly on her feet ready to charge after Harper. "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" she screamed.

Harper didn't seem bothered. "I see no reason to bring my mother into this. Anyway your daughter is safe. For now."

"What do you mean 'for now'?" Rattrap seethed.

"Well you see my master wanted the child moved at the last second. Something he has planned. It's amazing what one can think of in one second you know?" Harper snickered and sneered at the three Specters before him. And all three were ready to take his head off, but the Tek'Latha that stood between Harper and the Specters prevented that. Immediately everyone knew what was to come.

"You up for a fight?" Rattrap asked Mackenzie.

"They say that a little exercise is good for a mother after delivery." Mackenzie said. "I'll just consider this my post delivery workout."

"Sure you won't stress yourself?" Jeff asked.

"Positive. Now let's kick some ass." Jeff, Mackenzie and Rattrap then charged at the Tek'Latha ready to get in their shots. Mackenzie went up to one and slid from underneath taking a knife from his weapons bealt and stabbing him in the shoulder with it. This action sent the assassin down and she repeated the act with other Tek'Latha living up to her Specter Squad designation-pickpocket.

Her martial arts training was also helpful, as she knocked down several Tek'Latha with Jeff at her side. "How do I get along without you?" Jeff asked.

"Not very well." Mackenzie answered in jest. But both knew they had to fight their way through the mess of assassins to get to their real objective-Harper and the whereabouts of their daughter. However Harper had no intention of sticking around.

"I'll be back later. Enjoy." Harper said to Rattrap, Jeff and Mackenzie who were fighting their way out. But they couldn't hold out for long.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!!!" Mackenzie screamed. But Harper paid it no mind. He had other matters to attend to. Namely his own Jeff Kincaid.

And when he was beaten BOTH Kincaid's would know their places.
Sharon looked at Loki and Tasha. "Oh man I wish this fight was over." She muttered.

"You seem to have done well for someone who has to take on three opponents." Kincaid had said.

"Yeah sure. You just had a nice little one on one with Neji Red." Demon Hunter responded with sarcasm.

"Yeah and now it looks like I've got a two on one now." Kincaid said with equal sarcasm.

Kincaid now had Neji Red and Rachharal while Sharon now had to face Tasha and Loki. "Well at least I don't have a three on one anymore." Sharon said whimsically.

Lucky for you." Kincaid answered back as the fight now became a two on one for both Sharon and Kincaid.

Kincaid looked at both Raccharal and Neji Phantom. While Kincaid wouldn't admit it Neji Phantom had given him a run for his money. And Raccharal had brute force to spare. Brute force he had every intention of using.

Raccharal charged with his two clubs and tried to deliver strikes to Kincaid's location. When the clubs missed their mark Neji Phantom found his and delivered a kick to Kincaid's helmet. And although the helmet provided protection Kincaid could feel his ears ringing.

Neji Phantom tried to press forth his advantage, but Raccharal would not allow it. Bringing his club up Raccharal succeeded in clocking Neji Phantom good disorienting him. Raccharal then got a running charge and gored the Neji Ranger in the stomach. Soon Neji Phantom was down and Raccharal was standing. But not for long.

"I guess the partnership didn't last long now did it?" Kincaid asked as he delivered a flash of flame into Raccharal's eyes blinding him. Then he jumped behind and touched a nerve that seemed to send the brute into unconsciousness. Finally Kincaid's attention was turned completely on Neji Phantom.

Kincaid was willing to give Neji Phantom no quarter. Calling upon his primal forces a ring of fire erupted around Neji Phantom building in heat and intensity. So much that Neji Phantom couldn't take it. But that in itself was a distraction, which Neji Phantom only found out as Kincaid charged into the flames that parted way for his approach.

The Neji Ranger then felt the cold burning of Kincaid's soul flames overtake him. All the pain, all the suffering seemed to rise up to the surface that Neji Red commited and it consumed him until he fell to the ground unable to fight anymore.

Finally for Kincaid the battle was over. But another opponent was sneaking behind the rubble ready to sneak in from behind to strike.

Not far away Sharon was in her own struggle against Loki and Tasha. Tasha jumped up high in the air ready to give her first strike which came in the form of a landing which caused Demon Hunter to lose her grp on her right Demon Edge as Tasha hit a nerve on Sharon's arm causing an involuntary muscle reaction causing the blade to fall from her grasp.

Loki then followed up with a blast from his sword. However the bolt struck Tasha in the back which caused her to fall into the Demon Hunter, and for her to lose her other blade. Soon Tasha lay on top of Demon Hunter pinning her to the ground and Loki standing over both of them.

"When I look at you." Loki started to say. "I see someone who recognizes me. But I sure don't know you. However I must have done something terrible for you to hate me the way you do."

"Yeah. You murdered my aunt. As well as the rest of my family." Sharon said deadpan.

Loki considered Sharon's words as she turned her gaze elsewhere hoping Loki wouldn't notice. Loki then brought his sword up into the air ready to drive it straight into Sharon's chest. "Well then you can go meet them and say that Loki arranged you reunion." Loki then proceeded to drive the blade down until he was stopped, and fell unconscious.

A stone then hovered its way down to the ground supported by Sharon's telekinesis. "Good things those lessons paid off." She said as Sharon then pushed the unconscious Tasha off her and got up on her feet.

Demon Hunter looked down at Loki's unconscious body and then down at the defeated Tasha. She then looked up in the sky and said "For you Aunt Cassandra." Demon Hunter then turned around to look in Kincaid's direction and then saw Harper looming over Kincaid who had just finished his battle with Neji Phantom. "JEFF!!!"

Harper's sick grin was plastered all across his face as he was about to land his sneak attack on Kincaid.

That was until Luceid pounced on Harper and then started slashing and clawing at the villain causing deep cuts into his body and slicing into his face.

A whistle sound was spoken and then Luceid went over to Kincaid's side. Harper tried to get back up but he was then blasted far back by a force behind him.

Kincaid knew what the force was. It was the same from the one that had been in the Demonzord.

"I told you. I would be here when you needed me." The being said. "Luceid will show you the way out and to me once you escape." With that the voice vanished.

~ Best be on your guard Kincaid. This battle is not yet finished. ~ Luceid 'spoke' to Kincaid. Kincaid wondered what was going on when he saw the wolf appear again keeping her gaze on the opening to the base. ~ Your counterpart needs you. As does his wife. ~ Kincaid was curious as to who was supporting him but Luceid assured him that his questions would be answered soon. But right now Jeff, Rattrap and Mackenzie were the immediate concerns.

"All right everyone into the base." Kincaid ordered. "Mackenzie will need some help getting out."

"How do you know this?" Ashley asked Kincaid. Alison answerd this question with "Like Apple Jacks, he just does." But even Alison was wondering who was guiding Kincaid on his journey.

The Specters also recovered and followed upon hearing that their leader was in trouble. Every one of them dropped what they were doing and followed the Matrix team.

The Specters and the Matrix team charged into the base to help Jeff, Mackenzie and Rattrap out. The Order and the Dynasty not far behind. Both armies recovered quickly to their leader's urgings and followed inside the base hoping to finish things off quickly. Especially the Red Night Ranger and the Demon Hunter respectively.

~ Where your Neji Ranger failed I will succeed. ~ Destructor vowed to Bansheera. She herself made a similar vow when it came to the Demon Hunter. Vowing to succeed where her troops had failed.
"Any further questions?" Mirabilis then stopped the imaging and took notice on all three of their faces. For Evil Q and Zanzibar, their opinion on Mirabilis had gone up considerably not to mention though being brought into the Order by Destructor he had come to them to show them this and reveal about the Matrix.

Galvatron II however was anything but pleased. "Are you insuating that this battle is my fault!"

Mirabilis shook his head. "No. It's only half your fault. When Destructor comes back we'll have to talk to him about this as well."

"Enough!" Galvatron II then prepared to attack Mirabilis however it was then that he found himself unable to move in fact he was shoved back several feet. He didn't feel any pain from it at all but the suddenness of the action was not lost on him. He then just stared at a very black aura of energy began to surround Mirabilis and only began to grow.

"Believe me when I say that this is only a FRACTION of what I am capable of." Mirabilis said in a cold tone that none had heard him speak in yet.

~ A fraction?~ Zanzibar blinked.

"I've layed waste to entire planets... hell I've been able to make even a few realities into nothing more than just anti matter." Mirabilis said as if it was nothing. He then narrowed his eyes, "However fighting amongs ourselves will solve NOTHING! It will gain us NOTHING! As you have seen evil fighting evil cause only chaos. A type of chaos we do NOT need. The heroes have one thing going for them and that is their own belief in unification. The Order was made as to be an alliance of evil without stabbing ourseleves in the back. And just what is going on down in that world I just showed you?"

Galvatron II had no response to give as he then felt able to move again. Mirabilis regained his smile. "I see your predecesor's insane notion of pride is not a part of you. It would not do us any good. Now then come with me." Mirabilis then started walking but Galvatron II then asked what he ment by that. Mirabilis simply smiled. "You and I are going to apologize to Gigatron for this entire fiasco and we are going to turn it into a blessing in disguse." That said, Mirabilis walked away expecting Galvatron II to follow.

Which did happen.

Evil Q and Zanzibar were left alone in that room. "Well that was surprising." Evil Q mused.

"Which? Mirabilis or how he preformed just now?" Zanzibar questioned.

"Both." Evil Q replied. ~ That Shadow Lord is starting to intrigue and concern me. Just what is he really all about? What is his motivation for siding with us?~ Unfortunately, Evil Q had no answer for his query. All he and Zanzibar could to at the moment was wait.

Wait for the end of this chapter that is.
Luceid took the lead and everyone was following the wolf down the corridors of the Order's base. When they reached a crossroad soon everyone wondered which way to go.

"This way." Kincaid said as Luceid appeared in the hallway. She then ran with everyone following.

"Are you sure you know where you're going kid?" Black Arachnia asked. Kincaid then shot a look at Black Arachnia which she clearly realized meant 'Don't call me kid. '

"Don't ask how I know, I just know." Kincaid then said. Soon they reached the end of the road where Mackenzie, Jeff and Rattrap were trying to hold off the approaching Tek'Latha singlehandedly. Soon everyone jumped in and picked their targets.

"Looks like we got some back up." Rattrap said, then he looked at the numbers and added "A lot of it."

Jeff scanned the crowd and saw his counterpart taking down a Tek'Latha near him. Jeff also noticed Kincaid studying his fighting style as well. Both were amazed at how similar, and how different, their styles were. Finally the battle was over and not a Tek'Latha was left standing.

"Well this looks like it's over and done." Black Arachnia said.

"Not quite." Mackenzie said. "My daughter is still missing."

"You mean this?" a voice said from a side corridor. Everyone turned to see Destructor and the Order standing in the hallway. In his arms was Jeff and Mackenzie's baby. "YOU MONSTER!!! GIVE ME BACK MY CHILD!!!" Mackenzie shouted as she started to charge at Destructor. Destructor only responded with a bolt from his gauntlet that hit Mackenzie's feet and sent her flying back into Jeff.

"Word of warning. I never miss." Destructor said flat out.

"Pal, you better give that child back or you'll end up just like Harper or the Neji Rangers." Demon Hunter said. Destructor wasn't bothered at all by Sharon's threat.

"I am not Harper or a Neji Ranger. I am much worse that them." Destructor sneered. "And above all else, I have this." Destructor then lifted his arm up into the air holding his bargaining chip in his hand. Jeff and Mackenzie's baby. Both parents afraid for their child's safety. "What do you want?" Mackenzie asked.

Destructor then looked at Mackenzie then scanned the assembled forces before him until he set his sights on who he really wanted to face. "YOU!" he said pointing to his quarry. Night Ranger Jeffrey Kincaid.

"You have become a significant thorn in the side of evil." Destructor said. "You, your teammates, your whole mission undermines all I hope to accomplish. I will see to it that it ends." Destructor then stepped forward so that he and Kincaid were nose to nose and eye to eye.

"All you have to do is take your punishment." Destructor sneered. "At my hands." Then with a back handed strike Destructor hit Kincaid with a phenomenal strength that sent him down to the ground hard. Never before had he been hit that hard. And the spikes on his fists left visible damage on Kincaid's helmet. Luceid then charged to Kincaid's defence but Destructor just kicked the wolf out of his path.

"NO INTERFERENCE!!!" he bellowed. "And do not fight back or the child dies."

"That's not fair!" Tsara shouted. "That's blackmail!"

"It's called covering my bases." Destructor said looking at Tsara with an evil sneer that showed his fanged teeth spread into an evil grin. "And making sure I eliminate a threat." Destructor then followed up with a kick that sent Kincaid flying back a good couple of feet. Kincaid recovered quickly only for Destructor to send a flying backhand to Kincaid's head sending him back down to the ground again.

Kincaid looked up to see the sneering face of Destructor looking down on him. "I heard that when it comes to evil you don't like to lose. That you always look for a way to beat the bad guy and make him sorry for his actions. Well, you've never met anyone like me." Destructor then looked Kincaid dead in the eye as he said his next line "But I've met, and beaten, plenty like you." He then shot a blast straight into Kincaid's chest sending him flying into another stone wall. His Ranger uniform smoking from the impact.

"JEFF!!!" Sharon shouted again.

"SILENCE WOMAN!!!" Destructor bellowed. "Your time will come!" Sharon pressed her lips together in anger when she saw Kincaid look in her direction. She picked up a thought from him and nodded in understanding. She then passed the thought on to Jeff, who also understood.

Destructor then turned to Kincaid who continued to be beat down by the Lord of the Order. Not far away was Harper who looked at the contest and seethed inwardly. ~ Why can't it be me doing that? Why can't I beat down Kincaid? I am far superior than he is. ~ He then cast his eye towards Jeff who seemed to be inching his way towads a Chaos Demon that Destructor left the baby with. Seeing an opportunity Harper decided to charge the Specter thinking that Jeff was just as good as any Kincaid.

However Harper's charge was cut short by Mackenzie who decided to give a flying side kick to Harper's chin. The kick was followed up by a nut shot and then went on from there. Blows after blows were given by Mackenzie against Harper who had shown no signs of letting up. "This is for my baby you bastard!" she screamed.

Destructor saw the melee and was distracted by it wondering what was going on. He then turned to see where the Chaos Demon was stood only to be knocked down and the baby gone. It was then that Kincaid fought back with a flaming punch that sent the Lord of the Order flying now.

"You're right." Kincaid said to the recovering Destructor. "When it comes to evil I don't like to lose. But powers aren't the only way to beat you." Kincaid then raised his hands in the air and a ring of fire erupted. A ring that got hotter and hotter to the point where Destructor almost seemed blinded by the heat. However Kincaid thrived in heat and soon gave Destructor a taste of his own medicine giving repeated blows against him knocking him back and down. Punches and kicks with a lot of power behind them, and each one had a flaming touch to them.

Finally the flames died down and Destructor was on his knees. Kincaid now was the one standing over Destructor, but unlike Destructor he didn't boast. Kincaid only waited for Destructor to make his next move.

Destructor was about to attack again when he felt a shot in his back and himself go down on his knees. When he looked up he saw Kincaid standing before him with Jeff at his side, a smoking blaster barrel in his hand.

"I guess two are better than one." Jeff said as he stood next to Kincaid. Destructor looking up.

"Make that three." Sharon said holding the little girl in her arms. Sharon then gave the child back to Mackenzie who held her daughter protectively in her arms after she left Harper a beaten mess. "Don't mess with an angry mother!" she shouted as she kicked Harper in the unmentionables.

"Go to your child." Kincaid told Jeff. The Night Ranger then looked at Destructor who was getting up. Kincaid was hurt slightly by Destructor's blows but Destructor was also hurt, for a few seconds. Then his back began to heal.

"Having friends is another way to beat you. Now how about a nice little one on one?" Kincaid asked.

"Why not?" Destructor said as he reached into his cape and pulled out his two scimitars. One was a burning orange blade with a red hilt that had a demon carved on it while the other was a black blade that gave off intense cold and had mists swirling around it attached to a blue hilt with a crying angle on it. "These are my personal weapons Damner and Hope Stealer. I trust you can tell which is which."

Kincaid looked at the two weapons and could tell that there was more than met the eye with them. Still he activated his Saber Staff and stood ready to fight. Destructor delivered the first strike with Damner swinging around and Kincaid deflecting the blade with one end of his own weapon. He also saw Hope Stealer coming around trying to get an easy shot but Kincaid deflected that shot with some manuvering of his other blade then brought his foot up to Destructor's chest and sent him flying back. Through it all Destrutor managed to keep his hold on both his weapons.

Kincaid stood again ready to battle but decided to press his advantage further. Raising his hand into the air Kincaid called upon the Night aura to send Destructor flying into the air. Destructor wondered what power could take him like this then realized that Kincaid was calling on spirits to help him out. Before Kincaid could deliver his next move, which would have been to hit him up and down on the ground repeatedly Destructor brought out the next weapon in his arsenal, the Devil's Eye gem, and called on the spirits it posessed.

Destructor was floating back to the ground safely. Dark spirits providing him protection from spirits Kincaid would use. "Is that all you've got?" Destructor sneered.

"Far from it." Kincaid said as he got a running charge and shoulder tackled Destructor back. As Destructor was pushed back Kincaid brought forth his own hand ready to impart the soul fires but Destructor stopped that right away. "I don't think so." He then followed that up by throwing Kincaid across the ground into some nearby rubble. Destructor then brought Hope Stealer into Kincaid's face and sneered.

"You've given evil so much trouble. Now see how you like dealing with trouble." Destructor made ready to deliver his strike when lightning strikes came down to separate both Destructor and Kincaid preventing the lord of the Order to give his damning blow. Turning around they saw Alison Hammond standing nearby. Morphed and meaning business.

"What kept you?" Kincaid asked sarcastically before resuming the battle with Destructor again. Kincaid first struck at the nerve on Destructor's wrist that allowed him to hold Hope Stealer and jar it loose. Now Destructor only held Damner while Kincaid delivered his Saber Staff strikes which Destructor deflected.

Several more shots were given with neither giving nor gaining ground. Destructor clearly had the power advantage and knew how to use it while Kincaid relied on fighting knowledge and movement when he got in his strike. Each time one seemed to get an advantage over the other the respective opponent would fight back. Tired of the seesaw battle between the two Bansheera decided to intervene with an explosion that separated the two combatants.

Destructor looked up at Bansheera who just sneered. "You'll pay for that bitch!" he seethed.

"No. It is you who will pay for stealing from me what is rightfully mine! But first!" Bansheera then picked up Hope Stealer and decided to charge at the Demon Hunter hoping to impale her with the blade. Destructor however would have none of it and kept Bansheera from giving her blow to her enemy by intercepting Hope Stealer with Damner. When the blades crossed however a feedback erupted sending both Destructor and Bansheera flying back. Clearly the two blades were not meant to be used against each other.

Sharon only had a split second to act as she jumped up high in the air doing a somersault and called forth her Demon Star Cannon. "DEMON STAR CANNON FIRE!!!" she shouted as several shots went into Bansheera's back. When Sharon landed she then recommended that everyone become scarce. No one argued.

Destructor watched as Kincaid left with the Matrix team and the Specters. "Bansheera's Neji Ranger was only a warm up. I fully intend to combat you somewhere down the line again." He said to himself. His only consolation was that Empress Bansheera couldn't score her own victory with the Demon Hunter. He looked at the Empress and smiled. "I said you would pay for what you did. My only regret is that I wasn't the banker."

"So" Bansheera said. "The heroes are escaping. And neither of us have the Matrix that they are seeking."

"I'm not finished yet." Destructor said as he brought out a device from his belt.

A thermal detonator, which he transported to a location directly in their path.
Meanwhile at Gigatron's Citadel in Sharon's reality, the leader of the Predicon/Decepticon Alliance was now returning to his home... only to find it empty.

"What is this meaning of this!" Gigatron roared. "Black Convoy! Gelshark! Where in the Pit are my warriors!"

"I can answer that for you Gigatron."

Gigatron turned around and saw Mirabilis standing behind him. "A human worm? How did you manage to get in here!"

"So what data I collected about you is true, you only believe a person's worth by power." Mirabilis said as he then raised his hand and his dark aura flashed.

"What is this?!" Gigatron roared as his optics were registering the power coming from Mirabilis. It was now starting to go over his scales.

"I trust I have your attention." Mirabilis smiled as then Gigatron also saw another coming out of the shadows. Galvatron II.

"YOU!" Gigatron roared as he charged and Galvatron II out of reflex was ready to attack but then Mirabilis used his currently gathered energy to shoot a blast of energy between the two mechanoids before they could go at it. It would have blown off a section of the ceiling had Mirabilis not decide to keep a stable energy flow and have it rise only high enough to act as a divider between the two.

"We came to stop this nonsense not escalate it." Mirabilis glared at the both of them. He then looked at Gigatron and giving a gesture of respect to him. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Lord Mirabilis. One of the leaders in the Order of Destruction. You already know of Galvatron II. I however wish to offer the Order's apologies. Some of our members had not told the rest of us of how the Matrix of Evil was truly obtained."

Gigatron seemed to believe Mirabilis as he then relaxed and then so did Galvatron II. "Interesting, however I doubt you came all this way to just give me an apology."

Mirabilis then lowered the divider. "True. I do have a... proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition?" Gigatron asked.

"One in which all of your enemies are eliminated in the most painful ways you can imagine and Cybertron becomes yours and more." Mirabilis smiled, "Are you interested?"

The sinister grin on Gigatron's face said it all. "Tell me more."
~ This way. We are nearly there!~ Luceid shouted to Kincaid as she lead him and the others to the exit area. Just in time for Destructor's thermal detonator to appear in the escapee's paths. Rattrap immediately charged forward looking to shield everybody.

"RATTRAP NO!!!" Mackenzie shouted, but it was too late.

The next second an explosion erupted sending debris everywhere. Rattrap was caught in its wake, and debris came crashing down everywhere. Soon everyone looked at the path before them blocked off. "Well there goes that escape route." Black Arachnia said.

"Fortunately we have a back up." Jeff said as he pointed down another corridor that looked like it would be a little longer but would get everyone out where they needed to be. Any enemies they ran across enroute they could deal with. Kincaid ordered everyone to go down that hallway quickly as the pursuers were approaching. Kincaid was about to move the Specters along when Jeff raised his hand. "Go on we'll catch up." Was all Jeff said.

Kincaid nodded and followed the others down the adjacent corridor leaving the Specters standing over their fallen teammate. Rattrap then coughed. Mech fluid was oozing everywhere on his body.

"Can you make it?" Jeff asked.

"No, I haven't been fighting for five million years not to recognize my own death wound when I've gotten it. Go on, I'll hold them off for you guys long enough to escape."

Arcea One broke away from Fire Convoy and said "But you'll die! We can't just leave you for them to take you. You're going with us, whether you like it or not!"

Rattrap shook his head. "Nah, I'd just slow you down. Besides, this rat has a few more tricks up his sleeve. I wouldn't make it to be evaced, and I can't go on knowing that I caused my squad to be eliminated because of my failure."

God Magnus went up to Rattrap and saluted him. He then said, "I wish you a long afterlife in the Matrix."

Rattrap just laughed as he coughed up mech fluid. "The Matrix? HAH! I've done too much stuff over my lifetime to ever go to its hallowed halls. I've got too much blood on my hands. Straight to the Pit for me. Now stop yakking and get going. GO!!!" And with that Rattrap feebly pulled up his blaster and fired a warning shot above their heads. Most of the Specters went running while one of them, Tsara, stayed behind and saluted.

"Get going kid. You're the new infiltrator now" Rattrap said as if saying goodbye to his protege. She then ran off and then Rattrap waited, for the advancing enemy to catch up. Rattrap then spoke into his wrist computer and gave his commands.

"Computer, activate destruct sequence. Code: 0000Chopperface. No countdown, activate on my mark." He then pulled out his last grenades, and then armed them to go off as soon as he pushed the detonators. As the enemies caught up to Rattrap they saw him grinning and holding up his grenades.

"Mark!" Rattrap said. His last word.

The explosion took out a large number of the pursuing enemies, and collapsed the hallway down. Both the Order teams and Empress Bansheera's forces were forced to take another route to escape.
Back on the Crystalisboth the Matrix teams and the Specters saw the installation they had escaped from explode like a sun that had gone nova. When some of the Specters realized what had happened they burst into tears.

Specter leader Kincaid however was silent, but anyone who knew him well recognized the look of pain in his eyes that came up whenever he lost a comrade. In his head he was reviewing over a decade's worth of memories that he had working with the rat.

From that time they first met in that Ohio cornfield evading the Seeker patrol, through all the years of training, mission upon mission, through it all Rattrap was there. In Specter Leader Jeffrey Kincaid's mind Rattrap was the father Jeff never had.

And now he was gone. Destroyed along with the base the Order used on Iocaste. Where his wife and newborn daughter were freed from. His wife stood by his side the child in her arms.

Jeff looked at the newborn infant. So small and so full of life. So full of promise. Promise he knew would never be realized if she went into the family business. She needed a future, and Jeff and Mackenzie knew they couldn't provide it.

"He sacrificed himself for us you know." Mackenzie said. "So our child could live."

Jeff nodded and knew what he had to do. As Jeff turned to look in his counterpart's direction Kincaid felt the gaze and turned to wonder what his counterpart wanted. His answer came in Jeff handing his daughter to Kincaid. "Look after her will you?"

Kincaid nodded saying he would but then asked "Why?"

"It's time I had a word with Tarantulus." Squad Leader Kincaid said with intense resolve.

"Both of us." Mackenzie then added.
Outside the ruins of the Order's base the Fatal Four Way may have ended but the shouting match was continuing with both Empress Bansheera and Destructor getting in one another's faces.

"You dare blame the loss of the Matrix on MY people?!" Empress Bansheera challenged Destructor. "If YOU hadn't stolen the Matrix of Evil to begin with, we wouldn't even be here right now!"

"How dare I steal it?" Destructor said defensively. "I didn't steal it! It was offered to us by Galvatron II!"

"Who is a member of the Order!" Bansheera shouted back. "And as such I hold you all responsible!"

"What right do you have to anything Cybertronian?" Hardhead then shouted.

"The right that Gigatron bestows." Black Convoy said. "And as such he presented the Matrix of Evil to Bansheera as a gift!"

"You dare take Gigatron's name in vain!" Gelshark shouted and soon both factions of evil, Order and Dynasty, were ready to go at it one more time.

As the two sides were about battle it out they both became aware they were no longer where they were, but rather in the home of the Order.

Suddenly they heard clapping.

"What's that?" Harper asked.

"You stay away from me you sociopath." Tasha said to him. Harper went to strike her but Obsidian had his sword at Harpers neck. "Just try it. I may not like her, but unlike you, she's on my side."

"Where is that clapping coming from?" Neji Red asked.

"Bravo. Bravo." A voice spoke as the applause continued.

All turned around and saw Lord Mirabilis, who was the source of the voice and the clapping.

"Well done. Well done indeed." Mirabilis then stopped clapping. "I applaud you for demonstrating for your great wisdom and talents..." he then spoke in an colder, more serious tone. "... by allowing your egos to get in the way of victory. Had you all worked together instead of bickering, backstabbing and fighting amongst yourselves, you would have obtained the Matrix of Synergy."

"What?" Black Convoy muttered

"Mirabilis. You brought us here I understand..." Destructor stated but pointed to the Empress and her forces. "But WHY did you bring them?"

Mirabilis then appeared eye level with Destructor. He then snapped his fingers and Evil Q and Zanzibar appeared with him. "I find it VERY interesting how you and Galvatron II just NEGLECTED to tell me about HOW you acquired the Matrix of Evil. And when I mentioned it to Evil Q and Zanzibar well... needless to say they didn't like being left out of the loop either."

"Just who do you think you are anyway!" Gelshark asked.

"Someone who has tried to correct the messes left by others!"

Mirabilis simply smiled as he took in stunned expressions, especially the Deceptions and Predicons when Gigatron appeared. The look that he sent to his own forces told them he was not happy at all with what had happened. They knew they would be getting a talk with their leader soon enough.

Meanwhile Destructor started seething not beleving how this was now turning out but then Empress Bansheera approached Mirabilis. "It would appear that some members of the Order of Destruction do indeed possess some manners."

"As well as knowing how to respect power and authority from one evil being to another, Empress Bansheera." Mirabilis said taking her hand and being a gentleman. "I am Lord Mirabilis, a Shadow Lord of the Shadow Grid."

"The Shadow Grid... how interesting." The Empress mused.

"Perhaps we could talk as civilized beings and find out exactly what the root of this conflict is between your empire and the Order." Mirabilis said.

"Perhaps we can indeed." Empress Bansheera replied.

"Oh Destructor, by no means did I mean for you to be excluded from this." Mirabilis stated. "Since the Order is involved I think it only prudent that you take part in these discussions." Destructor then stepped forward and soon all three masters of evil: Destructor, Bansheera, and Mirabilis were talking leaving the armies of the Order and Dynasty wondering what the discussions were about.

Meanwhile Gigatron was hearing the 'explanations' of Black Convoy and the groveling of Gelshark until he had enough. "SILENCE!!!" he bellowed then he addressed his troops.

"I suppose I should have expected no less of you. Trying to outdo each other, stab each other in the back. But now is not the time for this! Not while all of reality can be our prize!" All the Decepticons and Predicons were curious as to what Gigatron meant but he turned his attention back to the discussions that were continuing.

Soon the three evil masters broke apart and Mirabilis adressed the Chaos Dynasty as a whole. "On behalf of the Order, I offer our apologies for this transgression." Mirabilis said. "I would wish to correct this error."

"Go on." Empress Bansheera said.

"I invite you and your Dynasty to join the Ranks of the Order. Also you would be one of our head key members in the Order."

The Order could not believe what was being said. "Destructor are you sure about this?" Titanar asked.

"Absolutely!" Destructor said. "We have need of the Matrix of Evil as does Empress Bansheera. Working together we can perhaps accomplish both our respective agendas." A look in the Order's direction said that there would be no further discussion on the matter. And no one did.

"I accept your invitation Lord Mirabilis." Empress Bansheera said turning to Mirabilis. Mirabilis then looked at Destructor who nodded in turn.

"Now that that as been also taken care of, any hostilities you had shown to each other before is now nulled. You will work with each other once more and I don't expect to see another schism like this happen again. Do I make myself clear to you all?" Gigatron said to the Decepticons and Predicons.

"Yes Master Gigatron!" Gelshark said standing at full attention.

"Yes sir!" Black Convoy added. "You won't regret this."

"See that I don't." Gigatron said as he then left returning back to his reality to keep things under control unless the Order would ask for him to come into the fight later.

"And now I'd say that it is time for a tour." Mirabilis said as the army of the Chaos Dynasty roamed the halls of the Nexus domain. Destructor however had one question left, and Mirabilis then turned in his direction so he could ask it privately.

"Is this wise?" Destructor asked Mirabilis. "There is something about Bansheera. Something familiar."

Mirabilis smirked as if knowing exactly what Destructor was saying. "As the old saying goes 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. '" Mirabilis said as Destructor turned back in Bansheera's direction. And Destructor knew that in the case of Empress Bansheera those words were never as truly spoken as they were in her case.

And to top it all off Bansheera knew it too.

Part 7{{disclaimerblock}}{{redirectblock}}{{countblock}}{{fanficbase}}{{fanficend}}