Fatal Fourway Part 1

__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:Fatal Fourway Part 1}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Saban Entertainment and I lay no claim to them. Q is property of Paramount Pictures and Evil Q is a character in Adam Safran's upcoming story Q-Counterstrike. The last names McKallister and Keller, and the name Okasa are the last names of characters on a short lived NBC series called 'The Master' starring Lee Van Cleef as John Peter McAllister, Sho Kosugi as Okasa, and Timothy Van Patten as Max Keller-another thing I lay no claim to. Transformers are the property of Hasbro. The concept of Rouge Squadron is originally from George Lucas modified by Adam Safran. Sharon Lanrydan, Shadow, and Lord Mirabilis are creations of David Knight. Sharon can be found in 'The Demon Hunter Chronicles' and Shadow and Mirabilis can be found in 'Shades of Light and Darkness'. Specter Squadron is a concept created by Adam Safran and Richard Carta. The High Guard, Systems Commonwealth, the design the Chrystalis is built on, and the basis of Spectra are all from the series 'Gene Rodenberry's Andromeda'. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian, and all other characters relating to them are mine. Should anyone wish to use my characters contact me at foi72@yahoo. com.

Special thanks to Adam Safran and Richard Carta whose ideas and suggestions have provided me with much inspiration to start this story. This story also occurs after Richard Carta's story Awakening as well as their own respective Q-stories.

Also special thanks to David Knight who had created such a beautiful character in Sharon, and for letting me use her in this story. Als for help in much of the legwork in this story.

Note from David: AI Spectra is referring to the Crystalis's computer, Holo Spectra refers to the hologram AI of the Crystalis, and Spectra refers to the Avatar of the Crystalis.{{Story_title|title=I. D. War Part 8 - Fatal Four Way

By the Q-team}}
There are some things in the many universes that exist you can always count on.

You can always count on the war between good and evil going on until the end of time.

You can always count on the class reject having to get his brother to find him a date for the senior prom. Or sister as the case may be.

You can always count on rain spoiling a good time at the amusement park.

And you can always count on the planet Iocaste being the slimepit of the galaxy. Or as one simpler traveler would say "Iocaste can only be described as a toilet. It makes Onyx look like paradise."

And that traveler was true. Iocaste housed the most evil, the most scary and the most dangerous beings in the galaxy. It was a place where the refuse of the galaxy was dumped on and you had to fight to survive. Kill or be killed was the law there.

But there were places one could go. In another universe that would have been Leroy's Shootfighting Rink. The popular fight spot that served as a beacon of light on a dreary planet. Unfortunately this Iocaste was in another universe and Leroy's never existed here.

Instead the popular nightspot on this Iocaste was a den of sin and vice known as 'The Demon's Lair'. A dungeon where the drinks have kick and the women have sparkle. Unless it's ladies night then the management rolls out the beefcake.

But for tonight it was the male patrons turn to see beauty. A hot new singer had just arrived only the night before and it had been said that her voice had an unspoken power that brought out beauty in its purest form, and lust from the slimiest of monsters. Backstage a short Zybrian walked towards the dressing room door and knocked hoping it would open and then he could get a look at the beauty's legs.

"Uhh. Miss Sharon? Five minutes to curtain." the sleaze said not hiding the huskiness in his voice. He wanted to drool at this girl badly.

Sadly... for the Zybrian... the woman known as Sharon knew what the Zybrian was thinking and what to do about it. As the Zybrian leaned back against the wall three blaster shots broke through the wall scaring the Zybrian so badly that he did something he hadn't done since he was in diapers.

The Zybrian scurried off suddenly afraid for his life, and to find a new pair of pants. When he was gone the dressing room door opened and a young woman stood in the doorway. She had long flowing brown hair with streaks of blonde in it, the face of an angel, a figure to die for, a black dress that came just below her hips and a blaster in her hand with the barrel still smoking.

Sharon Lanrydan, aka Topaz, smiled a mischievous smile and called out "Be right there Scooter!" She then blew the smoke from the blaster barrel like she was a combination of an old west gunfighter and a beautiful girl kissing a boy on his first date before going back into the dressing room to get ready for her musical number. She locked the door and then went to pull out what she needed to wear before going out.

It was a mask of a woman whose face as beautiful as her own but color of the long hair was of the color topaz and eyes were like dual sapphires.

~ The people out there get to know Topaz. ~ she thought as she put the mask over her head as she had so many times in the past. ~ But they will never know who I really am. ~ Sharon grinned. Well as they say... It's Showtime.
On another section of the planet, one that was largely uninhabited, a flash of light had appeared. From that came vehicles that housed several beings. Some of the beings were human, some were not, and some of the humans were joined with those who were not.

The vehicles themselves were also a motley assortment. There were five vehicles total with three that could fly, one that could hover, and another that was more a car than anything. Four of the flying vehicles seemed to really contrast with three taking a fear-inspired design while one was more humorous looking as it took the shape of a floating hamburger. The other flying machine simply was a graceful ship which had a smart pilot and a smart partner. The land vehicles also had the same intelligence in their partners.

This was the Matrix team that was sent to the reality to search for the Matrix of Synergy. It consisted of the Cybertron Ravage. Rocky DeSantos who was bonded as a Headmaster to the Cybertron Brainstorm, Carlos Vallerte who was bonded to the Targetmaster Blurr, Ashley Hammond who was bonded to the Targetmaster Sureshot, Justin Stewart who was bonded to the Cybertron Pretender Bumblebee, and four other humans. None of them anyone wanted to mess around with.

The other four were the Hamburger Blunder Ranger Farkas Bulkmayer, Night Ranger Alison Hammond, Night Ranger Karone Lanrydan, and the Night Ranger Leader Jeffrey Kincaid. All four coming in their zords, which consisted of a floating hamburger, a yellow raven, a purple crow and a scary looking vessel that looked demonic. Since Ashley, Carlos, Justin and Rocky were bonded to Cybertrons they simply used their Cybertron partners to hitch a ride with. Ravage rode with Brainstorm, and all he did was complain.

Last time I fly with you. Rocky said.

Your lack of concern doesn't concern me. Ravage answered back. Now let us find a section where we can land.

Brainstorm joined with the other zords and vehicles trying to find a landing site when Alison spotted an old space platform with a few landing sites still relatively stable. After relaying the information to her teammates everyone brought their ships in for a landing as they found a landing site for each of their vehicles. Then they disembarked and made their way to the central axis where the team would meet and plan.

Kincaid was about to go out of the cockpit of his Demonzord, and join the others when he suddenly felt something, or rather someone's presence in the room. "Who's there?"

"Hello Jeffrey. I just wanted to let you know I am here and I will be watching you. Should you need my help." a voice spoke.

"Who is this?" Kincaid asked.

"You don't remember me..." The voice sighed. "Sad... but the way of the multiverse I suppose. Expect me when you see me."

Kincaid looked around trying to feel the presence that had just been in the room but it was gone. ~ Who was that?~ he thought briefly before he got back out of his cockpit and joined the others at the central axis. Everyone then stood wondering what the next move would be. Kincaid then got the ball rolling by asking the first question. Okay did anyone pick up any stray signals?

Brainstorm was quick to answer that through Rocky's communicator. I detected something. It seemed to emanate from two separate areas though.

What areas? Ashley asked.

Well one of them was on the planet surface, the other seemed to come from space in planetary orbit. Brainstorm answered.

Is it a ship? Carlos asked.

Can't tell. There seems to be some sort of distortion field blocking the signal.

Kincaid thought for a moment then asked Brainstorm Could the Matrix be there?

Brainstorm was quick to answer. Possible, there is something of a resonance signal coming from whatever is there. But there also seems to be a second signal on the planet. Almost like a residue.

So we've got two sources to check out. Justin said. Who goes where?

I will check out the source in orbit. Ravage said being quick to volunteer and take charge. I will need two to go with me though. Ravage then looked at the team before him and chose his 'volunteers' which were Justin and Rocky. Both of them looked like they had been called to the principal's office for something nasty that they had done.

Don't you love a guy that takes charge? Bulk asked Kincaid sarcastically. Kincaid however said nothing.

Karone was quick to volunteer as well, but she had her own idea for a mission. If the Matrix is on Iocaste then you know someone's going to make trouble. I'd like to scout around and see what all I can find.

Good, take Carlos and Bulk with you. Kincaid said before he turned to the two and added If that's okay with you.

No problem. Bulk said. Carlos also nodded. We can take Blurr. He's so fast we can cover a lot of ground with him.

Blurr seemed happy to hear this news. Ohhhthankyouverymuch. youknowit'snothingreally. I'mjustdoingmyjobyousee. AnyselfrespectingCybertronwouldhavedonethesamething. I'mjustgladtohelpoutwhenIcan. That'sall.

Ashley and Alison smirked a little bit at how fast Blurr talked but Kincaid stuck to business. Which means Alison, Ashley and I will look after that surface reading Brainstorm had picked up.

Rocky mock sighed and said, Ain't it always the way? Some of us never get the girls.

Bulk gave a lopsided smile. What can I say? Some guys have got it, and some guys don't. We'd better get moving.

Agreed. Kincaid said as he, Alison and Karone went for their zords, and unloaded their Harley's from their compartments. Ashley and Carlos also went to their partners. TRANSFORM: GUN ON!!! they both said as they transformed into the weapons of their partners Sureshot and Blurr respectfully.

I won't bother with transforming Brainstorm. Rocky stated. We'll need him in jet mode going up to the distortion in orbit. With that Rocky, Ravage and Justin climbed on board Brainstorm and took to the air. After the others saw them leave they too went about their way doing the jobs asked of them.
Also in orbit around Iocaste was something that moved like a shadow. Keeping its sensors open and observant of any special energy signals that fit its mission parameters. It found some.

In fact those signals were in the same place that the Matrix team had found. One stationary, the other somewhat stationary, as if in orbit.

The computer program the object followed deduced that the somewhat moving object would soon lock onto it, and its mission would be compromised. It figured that it was best to relay the information to its main base and have a team sent out to investigate.

Then following its protocol, the shadow probe activated a self destruct mechanism that caused its systems to disintegrate from the inside out. Nothing remained of the object, as its mission was completed.
Taking to space Rocky piloted Brainstorm like a daredevil pilot doing loop-the-loops and other aerial stunts. An action that infuriated Ravage, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!!! he shouted grabbing for Rocky's throat. Rocky tried to breathe but Ravage's grip was like a vise. Justin tried to break it but Ravage seemed to strong for him, until Brainstorm interrupted.

Hey leave the kid alone, he's just getting his space wings. Brainstorm pleaded. Ravage relaxed his grip on Rocky only to glare at Brainstorm's voice modulator.

We are on a mission to find out the source of those signals. We are not taking a joyride. We do not have the energon necessary for futile exploits. Ravage stated. We are to go to whatever is there and determine its nature. Ravage then turned to Rocky and glared. Is that clear?

Rocky refused to let himself be intimidated by Ravage, but Rocky was more than a little scared. Crystal. He said getting enough confidence together.

Good. See to it that you do not forget. Rocky then took the flight controls again and Justin and Ravage retook their seats. Boy some people have no sense of adventure, Rocky said under his breath. Too bad Ravage heard it.

Adventure comes in battle. One I may be all too happy to provide. No one said anything after that, and Rocky maintained course to the source of the energy distortion.
On the ground Karone took the lead on her Harley while Bulk and Blurr followed behind her. Both the Blunder Ranger leader and Cybertron were taking in the planet on their sensors and were sickened by what they saw, as were Blurr's Targetmaster partner.

Muggings seemed to happen around every corner. Prostitutes were looking to score with local Johns. Drug dealers were out looking to sell their latest product. Scam artists set up shop looking to scam other thieves out of their hard stolen currency. There were even some fences trying to sell stolen goods. Basically any crime that comes to pass happens on Iocaste. HowdoesKincaidexpectustofindenemiesonthisplanet?Huh?Answermethat. Howdoesheexpectustofindenemieshere? Blurr said.

Yeah it seems like everyone on this planet is a contender. Carlos added from his position as Blurr's gun.

Fortunately Karone had Carlos's answer. Look for anything resembling a Destron or anything allied with them. It's a safe bet the Order of Destruction will come to stop us.

If you ask me I think everyone on this planet could be a member of the Order. Bulk said from Blurr's passenger seat.

Karone gave a smirk to Bulk's remark. Stick with the faces you can remember. She said as she continued to ride with the Cybertron in tow. All the way complaining that Bulk's bulk was throwing his gyros out of whack.
On the way to the other signal Ashley, Sureshot, Alison and Kincaid were taking in the scenes Iocaste had to offer. Ashley and Sureshot both remarked as to how dingy the planet looked, and crime infested.

Yeah. It's nice to know some things never change in some realities doesn't it? Kincaid said as he continued to ride. Finally they made it to the area where the second signal originated, The Demon's Lair bar.

Hey Kincaid, doesn't your friend have a bar where this bar should be? Alison asked.

I guess he doesn't here. Kincaid said remembering Leroy's Shootfighting Rink back in his home reality. Despite the bar not being where it was Sureshot was able to pick up the signals of the Matrix inside. There's definitely something in there. He said.

Well let's go find out. Kincaid said as he and Alison put down their kick stands and Ashley transformed from being Sureshot's gun. Kincaid then pulled out a cloak and put it around his shoulders. He then folded up the hood as Alison and Ashley watched.

Secretive aren't we? Alison asked with a smirk.

I just have a feeling that this might be necessary is all. Call it a hunch. Alison grabbed an overcoat out of her Harley's saddlebag and put it on her. Pulling out a cloak Alison handed that to Ashley after she demorphed her Targetmaster armor. Kincaid then looked at Sureshot and asked, Watch the bikes will you? Anyone who decides to screw with them make sure they don't.

You got it. Sureshot said responding to Kincaid's request as he, Ashley and Alison made their way into the Demon's Lair bar. Along they way a few unsavory characters were giving the twin girls the evil eyeball, which made Ashley uncomfortable, but made Alison eager with anticipation.

I'm hoping they give me an excuse. Alison said fingering the nutcrakcers in her jacket pocket. Sadly for her they found their way to their table with no major hassles. When the waiter appeared Kincaid ordered some light drinks and the waiter obliged them. As soon as the waiter returned Alison asked What's with the raucous crowd tonight?

There is a new singer performing tonight. The waiter said. She goes by the name Topaz.

Sounds interesting. Ashley said. Is she any good?

Would the house be this packed if she weren't? the waiter asked then went back to his business.

Well I guess we sit and enjoy the show. Kincaid said. Ashley and Alison also sat in their chairs indulging in their drinks and awaiting the singer. Alison however was hoping something else would happen tonight. Something where she could use her nutcrackers.
However with every force of good that arrives there is always a force of evil looking to oppose it.

This force came in the form of representatives of the Order of Destruction. Who had come to the reality to find the Matrix of Synergy themselves, and to keep it out of the Rangers' hands. This force consisted of the Destron Hardhead who was bonded to Rygog, a group of assassins known as the Tek'latha, the warrior demon Loki, a heard of demons, and the grizzled old Simian War veteran Titanar who appeared to be in command of this mission.

Also accompanying them was another member of the Order. But unlike all the others his objectives were not totally on the mission at hand. Rather his focus was on something else or rather SOMEONE else.

All right. Everyone assemble. Titanar ordered. He then he turned to look at the 'distracted' member of the team. You as well Harper.

The monster who was once known as Robert Harper, before he allowed his body to be twisted into a reflection of his own twisted soul, just stared out on the surface of Iocaste with great anticipation. But that anticipation was not for the mission of stopping the Rangers from obtaining the Matrix of Synergy. No, there was but one cause, one purpose in his life-the humbling and humiliation of Jeffrey Kincaid. ~ At last Kincaid. At last I shall defeat you. I shall humble you. You will acknowledge my superiority. YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A LOSER WHO SHOULD STAY IN THE GUTTER!!! YOU WILL KNOW YOUR PLACE KINCAID!!!~

IMPERATOR HARPER!!! Titanar shouted trying to get Harper's focus. Now is not the time to be focusing on your vendetta. This mission is very important to the Order.

Yes. It is. A dark voice said that seemed to come from everywhere. They then saw a cloud of red mist erupt from the ground growing larger and larger until a surge of energy ran through it then exploded revealing a humanoid form in sinister red armor. When the energy dissipated everyone took in the full majesty of he who was Destructor, lord of the Order of Destruction.

He stood eight feet tall with three foot horns on each side of his head along with pointed ears. What skin could be made out from under the armor he wore was blood red with dragon like scales resembling a monster from an old movie. Also, aside from the three foot horns on the side of his head were two smaller horns from his forehead, another two from his chin and a horn from each shoulder.

Black spikes protruded from the tops of his knuckles as well as long black talons from his hands. Small black spikes covered his face and his eyes had a reptilian and blood red glow. The irises and the outer rim of the eyes were all ringed in flame. Teeth were like a shark's except serrated and dark grey, which complimented the four fangs and black rat's tail tongue.

His armor was a fearful sight, light red in color with the chest plate bearing a fanged and horned skull with glowing rubies for eyes with Earth in it's jaws which was the Order's symbol. The symbol bore a striking resemblence to Destructor himself, and a glowing black cape, which stored his personal weapons completed the ensemble.

By the side of the beast was a golden brown haired beauty decked out in thin, form fitting, durable armor that showed enough of her body except for her arms, but then force field gauntlets covered that handicap.

The girl was Alison Doe, emissary of death to Destructor. And by her side the commanding presence of the Lord of the Order himself sent waves of fear throughout the Order team. And when he spoke everyone took notice.

"I am assuming command of this mission personally." Destructor stated. "Any complaints?"

No one had any. No one dared to.

Good. Spread out into search teams. Keep your eyes open for any sign of the Rangers. Everyone bowed and broke off into different groups. Titanar went with Loki and took the Tek'Latha assassins with him. Hardhead and Rygog went it alone while Alison stayed by her master's side. Titanar wait. Destructor called out. The old Simian turned and looked at his master.

Yes master. What do you wish? Titanar asked.

I wish that you take Harper along with you. Destructor said. I know that he's not the most stable member we have right now. But I am hopeful that you can keep him in check.

Yes master. But what if we should run into Kincaid? Titanar asked.

Destructor merely smiled. Then you will have a chance to see if Harper can back up his claim or not. Titanar bowed as he and Loki brought Harper with them on their search.

Do you think they will find anything Master Destructor? Alison Doe asked.

If they don't we will. Come child. Destructor then took Alison and they both flew over the surface of Iocaste looking for any sign that would lead to the Forces of good.
Across the vast expanses of space a data stream traveled at the speed of light, making it's way to the destination the probe programmed it to follow.

It made it without any trouble. Much to the delight of the transmission's beneficiary.
On a black ship that could very well be a double for the ships of the Techno-Mages, the same figure that had spoken to Kincaid now appeared.

~ I take it you found him Master Shadow. ~

Shadow then looked back at his companion who was resting on the floor of the ship.

A female wolf. Her fur was contrasting of dark blue and white with a couple streaks of pink. The texture of the fur appeared like flames. She had horns around her neck, which were a gold color. She also had three claws on each foot, which were the same color as her horns. Metal cuffs were decorated around the ankles, and these were the same color as the horns and claws. These were part of her armor.

Yes I found him. But now is not our time to come interfere. Shadow replied. He remembered the events of the last world that he and the Shadow Triad had visited. Even though Leo Corbett and his Matrix team had obtained the Matrix there six souls were now forever darkened to the cause of evil as were powers that he once held, albeit they were an alternate version.

Also Mirabilis had ingratiated himself with the Order of Destruction giving the 'evil' component of the Triad an influence in events. Mirabilis was the Emissary of Evil and Shadow was the Emissary of Good, so Shadow knew it would be in his best interests to ingrain himself in with the Matrix teams.

~ But I will let Kincaid decide if he wants my help or not when the time comes. It is his choice. Like Kincaid, I am a very firm believer in free will. ~ Shadow thought well aware of the folly that would come when one sought to undermine that concept. He then looked back at the wolf. Watch them for me Luceid. I will need to know when the time comes.

Luceid, who was the wolf and so much more, nodded as she then vanished.
The crowd at the Demon's lair bar was unruly to say the least. The patrons there were all riled up looking forward to the entertainment for the night. Word had spread around the planet that there was a popular singer who was considered to be talented in so many ways. Ways that were not limited to vocal performance either. Finally the MC had come onto stage and made ready to give the introductions.

Good evening one and all! the MC had said getting the crowd ready in anticipation of who was to come out. Now I'm not going to waste time talking to you, because I know who you really want to see. The whole crowd roared with a YEAAH!!!!

The MC however tried to get the crowd riled up further though! Do you want to see her? The audience roared with a louder YEAHHHH! But that still wasn't enough for the MC, nor for Sharon either who was looking in from behind the curtain. A smile across her face as she saw the MC try to whirl the crowd together in an even bigger frenzy than before.

I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! I SAID DO YOU WANT TO SEE HER?!!! the MC yelled. The crowd wasted no time rustling up the biggest YEAHHHHH!!!!!! they could. The crowd was ready.

All right then. Let's not waste any time. Creatures one and all I present to you the lovely... TOPAZ!!! The MC then stepped off the stage as the curtain opened and Sharon stood in her Topaz mask and black dress as the crowd roared at the sight of the lethal lovely ready to entertain them tonight. The band then started to play their instruments and Sharon walked across the stage walking seductively ready to unveil the power of her voice with her song.

That song was 'The Fortunate Ones' by Specter General.

The fortunate ones

To be fast and free and young

I want to count myself among

The fortunate ones

We won't be denied

We know that time is on our side

We've got the passion and the pride

We won't be denied

This generation

Has got fire in our eyes

Strong are the ties that bind us

We don't need no alibis

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Not tonight

We want it all

And tonight we got the call

We're running high but we won't fall

We want it all

We won't be denied

Like a breaker at high tide

We're gonna take that sweet joy ride

We won't be denied

New expectations

Moments in the sun

We've waited all our lives

And now we know our time has come

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Not tonight

Nothing's standing

Nothing's standing in our way

Nothing's standing

Nothing stands in our way!

Sharon then went into a seductive provocative dance arousing practically every male in the room, and a few females but that's another story. She used her whole body to move along to the instrumental as if sending subliminal messages of seduction to the patrons and the patrons were raking in all the vibes that they could handle, even when she started to sing again.

This generation.

We've got fire in our eyes

Strong are the ties that bind us

We don't need no alibis

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Nothing's gonna stand in our way

Not tonight! Not tonight! NOT TONIGHT!!!!

Nothing's standing

Nothing's standing in our

Nothing's gonna stand in our way!

Nothing's gonna stand in our way!

Nothing's gonna stand in our way!

Not tonight!

Sharon ended the musical number on her knees as the applause went wild. Everyone in the audience absolutely loved her, and some wanted to do more with her but again that was another story. And one Sharon had no intention of giving happy endings to unless she allowed it.

She then scanned the audience waving at them as if she was a beauty queen who had won her crown when her gaze fell upon someone in a corner. Upon eye contact the figure then ducked out of sight, but Sharon thought she knew who it was immediately. Nevertheless she would contact her ship at first opportunity and report the sighting.

She continued to scan the audience and then cast her gaze upon a man in red along with two others who she could make out exactly. Her eyes then went wide with disbelief. Never mind that they had the same face. The face of the two girls was one Sharon would never forget.

~ Mom?~ she mentally asked herself.
At the table Ashley, Alison and Kincaid were sipping their drinks when Alison noticed the singer staring at them. Hey boss. Isn't the singer staring at us?

Kincaid turned to look at the singer on stage. There seemed to be something about he. A sense of power he couldn't quite place that reminded him of his own powers. But as he stared at the singer on stage she seemed to notice she was staring in turn and went back to taking her bow and going off stage.

What was that about? Alison asked.

I don't know. Kincaid said. But don't be surprised if we get a visitor soon. Kincaid and Alison went back to their drinks but Ashley seemed to stare at the stage an extra second or two. She sensed something about Topaz as well, not like Kincaid who felt the power and aura she provided, no she sensed something else from her.

A kinship of some sort. Ashley didn't know how to explain it but she felt connected to Topaz somehow. ~ Why do I feel I should know her?~ Ashley asked herself, then went back to her drink.
In another part of the galaxy, at an asteroid base that no one knew about, resided the most deadly group of warriors ever known. They were at best a black ops unit who answered to a commander who could afford to pay for their services, yet couldn't trust him as much as most of them could throw them.

They were known as Specter Squad, and their Squad Leader-a young human, was speaking to their commander. A Predacon named Tarantulus.

Tarantulus was a creature who took neither side in the Cybertronian Wars of his world, rather he stood off to the side as he watched the Maximals and Predicons brutalize each other until the Pax Cybertronian was formed. Then he, as well as many Cybertronians found themselves out of a job when the war ended. But unlike most of the Cybertronians Tarantulus was able to acquire enough wealth to hire a Squad to go on missions of his choosing. Missions he dared not risk to go on himself, and at times Tarantulus even betrayed the Squad to further his own ends.

A fact that was not lost on the Squad Leader who was wondering what Tarantulus had up his sleeve. "All right Tarantulus you have my attention. What do you want?"

"I have an assignment for you." Tarantulus said. "It involves... a power signature found on Iocaste."

"Power signature?" the Squad Leader asked. "What kind of Power Signature?"

Tarantulus paused for a second to give the presence of dramatic impact. Then he made his pitch. "I trust you are familiar with the Matrix of the Transformers?"

Another person in the room overheard Tarantulus and turned his head in surprise. "What?!"

"Ahhh, I see one of you has heard of it." Tarantulus then began his explanation.

"There appear to be Matrix signals emanating from Iocaste. I need the Specters to go there and determine what those signals are, and if possible to retrieve the source of them."

"And what of resistance?" the Squad Leader asked. "You know we'll run into some if we're going to Iocaste."

Tarantulus almost seemed to sneer at the mention of resistance. He liked nothing better than to hear what his squad had done when confronted with resistance. It was something he could brag to other Squad Commanders about. "I trust you'll handle it in the usual way. I've sent all the data you'll need for your mission. All you need is accept."

The Squad Leader looked at the data before him that Tarantulus sent after he viewed the contents. After he was finished the leader said "Mission Accepted." before he signed off.

After the Squad Leader then cut off the transmission then looked at the metallic being next to him. The Squad Leader knew of their mystery commander very well, but not as well as the warrior who stood next to him. While the Specter Squad unit was under the Squad Leader's command, he depended on the old war-horse's guidance from time to time. So what do you think? the Squad Leader asked his advisor.

"Geez kid. You really want me to tell you what I think?" the advisor said. "I say don't trust Tarantulus."

The leader sighed. "That goes without saying. Who knows what he plans to do with the source of those signals."

"Nothing good I can bet." the Squad Leader said. "But still... maybe we can use whatever it is ourselves."

"What are you getting at kid?" the advisor asked who had come out of the shadows. A silver and blue robot with buck teeth looked up at the Squad Leader, whom the robot basically knew most of his life ever since he found him on Earth. A runaway from a broken home who was looking for a new family. When the robot found him on a farm road in Northeastern Ohio he offered the young boy to join his team and be brought up as one of them. The boy accepted and was found to be an apt pupil who took everything to heart, and learned all he could about the Specter Squads.

As he learned from the Specters he climbed the ladder of command until he became Squad Leader. He had an able bodied unit, and many different members whom he personally recruited. First among them was the advisor who taught him almost everything the Squad Leader knew. ~ If he taught me everything I knew then the rat would get a big head. ~ the Leader thought. The leader then stepped into the light, which highlighted his brown hair, light skin, black commando uniform, and the scar running down his face. A 'war wound' he suffered in battle.

Assemble the unit. Squad Leader Jeffrey Kincaid ordered. We'll see what Tarantulus is up to soon enough. But for now let's see what dangers await us on this 'mission' he wants us on.

You got it kid. the Maximal Rattrap said as he ran down the hall looking to assemble the Squad. Squad Leader Kincaid also left the communications room as well, but he had other things in mind right now.

One of them was in his quarters sleeping.
Tarantulus then went to another control console and called forth HIS boss. Tarantulus to Megatron.

The purple-faced form of the Predacon leader filled Tarantulus's screen. In this reality Megatron was a dinosaur when he was transformed with a drive for power that almost seemed to rival his Decepticon namesake's. Megatron seemed to be taking a bath as Tarantulus saw him in water with a rubber duckie in hand.

Ahh lieutenant. What news? Megatron asked quickly hiding the duckie.

Our vigilance has paid off Lord Megatron. Tarantulus said. The Matrix will be in our possession soon.

Megatron suddenly became interested in what Tarantulus had to say. You found a Martix signal?

Yes Megatron. My Specters are seeking to claim it soon. Unaware that they are serving the Predacon cause. Ha ha ha! Megatron was intrigued. Many times Tarantulus had used his ragtag shadow team on missions, but now would be their first mission for Megatron.

Excellent. Keep me informed. Yesss. Megatron then signed off leaving Tarantulus to continue his plotting. Plotting Megatron was unaware of.

"At last, the power of the Matrix shall be mine." Tarantulus sneered. "Soon I shall be regarded as the hero who brought the Matrix to Cybertron, and there will be nothing anyone can do to stop me! Not even Megatron!" The Predicon laughed loud and long as the possibilities became aware to him.

All of them in his favor.
Squad leader Jeffrey Kincaid walked down the corridors of the base of the Specter Squadron making his way to his quarters. As he walked he thought of the circumstances that brought him into this elite group of Shadow Warriors.

It seemed like a lifetime ago when Jeffrey Kincaid lived a life of abuse in Columbus, Ohio that seemed to come from all sides. In school students bullied him. At home, his parents argued and sometimes the arguing would have been turned onto him. And in both cases, at times the abuse became physical as well as emotional. Many a night young Jeff Kincaid would have bruises on his body, which matched the mental scars he would receive as well. And many a night, Jeffrey Kincaid cried himself to sleep in a loveless home, going to a school where he might as well have been a human target.

Physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse. Jeff got it from all sides, and from all comers. And each abuser got their own chunk of Jeff's soul for their own uses. Some even took pleasure in the abuse they gave Jeff, laughing as he was beaten down or sent away about ready to break into tears. He couldn't though. His own brother told him that it wasn't 'manly' and even tried to beat the point into him once or twice while laying into him with his own loud voice and verbal abuse. Always they would say that it was Jeff's fault for one reason or another. Always it was him to blame for the 'lessons' in tough love he would receive.

The abuse mounted and mounted to where it got so much to the point that young Jeff wanted to end his life. End the pain, end the suffering, just end it all. He contemplated going over to the nearest bridge and jumping off of it, but he never got the chance to. Partly because the school faculty thought him suicidal and decided to send him off to the mental ward. Out of sight, out of mind.

This fate was avoided by Jeff's family, who convinced the doctors to let him go. But nothing changed when Jeff was released. The abuse still continued and all Jeff could do was endure it, unless he decided to end his life. Jeff however realized that he could not bring himself to do such an action and continued to endure the abuse around him until he couldn't anymore.

The faculty at Jeff's high school knew they had a problem with bullies picking on certain students, but they couldn't be bothered to do anything. Especially since most of the bullies were on the football team and they were needed to win big games. It seemed like Jeff couldn't win, so finally he did the only other option he had available.

Jeff Kincaid ran away from home.

And as Jeff ran, he came across a certain someone who would change his life forever.

That person was none other than Rattrap, who was hiding from a few individuals who didn't think too highly of his recent activities. Activities that involved him stealing some secrets he wasn't supposed to steal. Secrets of the UAE satellite network around Master Vile's homeworld that the council hired him to steal.

Secrets that warranted UAE seeker patrols to find the thief by any means necessary.

And the key term was 'any' means.

Young Jeff Kincaid remembered the first time he came across the rat as he hid from local authorities in a nearby cornfield. The county sheriff deputies were searching for him to take him back to his family when all of a sudden an explosion happened that killed the deputies when their car exploded, and they were impaled by bits of shrapnel in vital areas. Jeff looked up wondering what caused the explosion when he felt something yank him back down.

Get down kid! a voice said pulling him down hard to the ground. When Jeff looked up to see who pulled him down he was not prepared for what he saw.

For looking at him was a bronze robot with buck teeth and red eyes and when he spoke it sounded like he was speaking with a Brooklyn, New York accent. What the

Shut up kid. One false move and they'll kill ya as soon as look at ya. The robot then looked around as much as he could while maintaining his cover. They're here somewhere. I can smell em.

Who? Jeff asked.

Seekers. The Robot said. Search and destroy robots. They keep coming until they find their quarry, then they exterminate with extreme prejudice.

Search and destroy robots? Jeff asked. Isn't that a bit too Sci-Fi?

Kid. Sometimes Sci-Fi can become reality. The robot said. Just then Jeff had smelled something in the air. Something burning. Seconds later they heard the crackling of fire heading their way.

Looks like they got tired of waiting. Jeff said as he and the robot made their way out of the cornfield towards the waiting seekers. They looked like those mind probes that appeared in the original Star Wars when Darth Vader brought one in to interrogate Princess Leia with on the Death Star. But instead of a needle coming from it, a small blaster protruded from the right side, and it was also bigger in design as well. This design aspect was incorporated in the Seekers so they could accommodate more weapons, like a flamethrower which was used to drive Jeff and the robot out of the cornfield.

Look out kid! the robot said as the Seekers fired their blasters at Jeff and the metal robot. Both ducked out of the way and the robot tried to fire off a few rounds against the robot. But the shots never found their marks. And the Seekers were getting too close to hitting theirs.

Here give me that! Jeff said taking the gun. He then opened fire on every seeker before him sending assortments of parts falling from the sky to the ground below. Each seeker he saw was a face that brought him nothing but pain. His family, his enemies, Jeff saw their faces on every Seeker before him, and that made every one of them a target. Soon they were all blown out of the sky and all that fell from the sky was a shower of parts beyond salvage.

Nice moves kid. The robot said patting Jeff on the shoulder. You ever think about doing that stuff professionally?

Jeff Kincaid looked at the robot like he was crazy. Here was this kid barely fifteen running away from home, taking out three flying drones that intended to kill him and the robot with him wondering just what kind of crazy world he stepped into.

Then he realized he had nowhere else to go.

He could go to his grandmother Katherine's in Port Clinton, but his mother would surely try to pull out all the stops to get him away from her and back to that hell of a home he lived in for most of his life. Sighing he threw the gun down on the ground and sat by the roadside.

Hey kid what's up? the robot asked. Jeff looked up and sighed.

Not much. Jeff answered. Ran away from home a few days ago, local sheriff deputies get killed by alien androids hunting a robotic rat, and I just toast these same robots with an alien blaster. How else does one expect to spend his day?

Playing golf? Rattrap asked in jest.

Not even that, although I have seen a golf video game or two. I suck at it though. Jeff answered.

Don't look at me I never even played the game. Rattrap answered. So do you have a name or do I call you 'Hey You' for the rest of your life?

Jeff turned to Rattrap, offered his hand and gave his name. Jeff Kincaid.

Rattrap. The robot said shaking Jeff's hand. Come on. I'll take you home with me.

Jeff seemed interested in what Rattrap proposed. Where's that?

You'll never guess. My ship's not far anyway. Jeff seemed more intrigued when he and Rattrap made their way to his ship, and soon young Jeff Kincaid was on his way to a world beyond his own imagining.

Jeff Kincaid was introduced to the force known as Specter Squadron. An elite group of shadow warriors who work for anyone at anytime as long as they pay. They have been known to be ruthless, coldblooded, and murderous when needed be. Sometimes the Eltarian council would hire them out on a mission whenever they didn't want to risk a conventional Ranger team. No one was allowed to know of Specter Squad's existence. And if one knew then they had two choices. Join or die.

Jeff Kincaid decided to join. And he took to the training like a fish through water. Seeing every target as a tormenter who brought him nothing but pain. A tormentor he knew would die soon. Especially since he was learning tactics and ways where they would soon know of the consequences of their actions. And Rattrap, who watched the kid go through training couldn't be happier.

Then one day at Hilliard High School the police had arrived and found a massacre. Every bully, every faculty member that remained silent or turned a blind eye to the abusing of students that was going on was found dead. The murders seemed to fit the M. O. of an execution. Only the students who were victims of the bullies were spared. And among the faculty, only those that had 'tried' to fight the abuse were spared as well.

What the authorities didn't know was that a Specter Squad was there, and the 'massacre at Hilliard High School' was Jeff Kincaid's initiation. An added bonus was when the Kincaid family home burned to the ground with the parties still inside it. A gift from his new adopted father Rattrap, and his new family the Specter Squadron.

Jeff Kincaid showed no emotion as the home burned to the ground or as the bullies were executed. He cracked no smile. He showed no tears. His face remained stern and expressionless as he, and other members conducted their business. And from that one initiation mission, business only continued to pick up afterwards.

Jeff continued to work with Specter Squadron, and elevated through the ranks to become Squad Leader. He had shown ruthlessness, cold bloodedness and determination in whatever mission he went on. But even the coldest of hearts can be thawed by the heat of emotion love provides. That heat came in the form a new young recruit assigned to his battalion. A recruit Jeff hand selected. A young girl named Mackenzie Dekalb.

Mackenzie started out as a vibrant teenager who had hopes and aspirations for high school. She had hoped to join the Angel Grove cheerleading squad and show her school spirit. She had hoped to make the a-list in terms of popularity, and she hoped to make lots of new friends. Everything looked like it would happen that way until tragedy struck the Dekalb family home.

Mackenzie's mother had died, and that sent both her and her father into a downward spiral. Her father Michael Dekalb was hardly home anymore, and took to drinking. When it came to Mackenzie he took his frustrations out on her in the form of beatings during drunken rages. Her dreams soon became shattered, her tears wouldn't fall anymore. Her dream of being a cheerleader had ended. She was a rebel in every sense of the word now. And in school no one wanted to be her friend.

But Mackenzie didn't care about that anymore. She didn't care about anything, at least until he had shown up.

She had run out of the house after her father had given her one of his beatings after a serious drinking binge. An attack was happening outside Angel Grove that the Turbo Rangers were dealing with that almost killed her when some building fragments started to fall on her due to the monster landing hard on the city grounds. Mackenzie was almost crushed when blaster fire came from somewhere and blasted the fragments before they could crush her. She looked up expecting to see a Power Ranger saving her. Instead she saw someone else.

He was dressed all in black, except for a few patches on his shoulders which made the wardrobe look military in some fashion. His brown hair was close cropped and he kept a stern expression. The young man then went over to Mackenzie to ask if she was all right.

Oh fine. Came Mackenzie's answer. I just had a building almost fall on me, and then I find I've been rescued by some guy I don't even know, but his style of clothing is weird to say the least. The rescuer couldn't help but laugh at her spirit and wit. The Specters who were with him couldn't believe what they saw. Jeff Kincaid cracked a smile. Jeff Kincaid had shown an emotion.

And it was a good one.

Do you need to go home? Jeff asked Mackenzie. Mackenzie felt an apprehension run through her as well as a look of fear. Jeff saw the look in her eyes, and remembered it well. For he himself had that same look.

You don't have to go home if you don't want to. Jeff said offering his hand. Why don't you come home with me and my friends. I promise, you'll never have to be afraid again. Mackenzie seemed to smile as she felt a sense of reassurance come from Kincaid. A reassurance she took comfort in.

Like Rattrap had done for him, so now did Jeff Kincaid do for her. He invited Mackenzie to train for Specter Squad and she readily accepted.

She harnessed her anger and grief into the training provided. Building up her body, sharpening her reflexes, and learning all there was about being a specter. She had learned much about technical prowess and how to put it to use, as well as enhancing the basic fighting techniques she had picked up at her Tae Kwon Do classes. Thanks to Specter Squad Training Mackenzie was able to employ seven martial arts styles instead of just one.

When her initiation came about it involved her own father Michael, who died after her visit to him. The official standing on the case was alcohol poisoning. No one asked what the unofficial case was. Everyone was afraid to ask.

Jeff and Mackenzie were assigned as partners and the two formed a lethal duo to say the least. Both seemed edgy, but Mackenzie had a sense of spunk about her that made her fun to be around. Kincaid was cold and ruthless and handled his objectives with efficiency. However the more Mackenzie and Jeff were together the more Jeff's heart began to thaw around her and she got to the chewy center of the Tootsie Pop that was Jeff's heart so to speak, and liked what she saw.

After several missions Jeff and Mackenzie fell in love. They were soon married and now had their first child on the way. In fact Mackenzie was granted medical leave so she could have the baby. But that didn't mean she didn't keep a blaster right where she could get at it. Currently Mackenzie was lying in bed waiting for someone to come through the door.

Someone did come through, her own husband Jeff Kincaid, who smiled as soon as he saw her. Also there was Slasha, who was the Specter's medic and who guided Mackenzie through her pregnancy. How's she doing Slasha?

Well her pregnancy is proceeding naturally. Slasha said. She was always something of a mother hen to the other Specters, as well as a devout pacifist as she refuses to fight for reasons the Specter's knew. Neither one would call her a coward since sometimes she was willing to stay behind enemy lines in case a Specter was injured. She should be ready to give birth very soon now.

Jeff smiled at Slasha. ~ She always was a mother hen~ he thought before he turned and smiled at Mackenzie. Slasha left the room to leave Jeff and Mackenzie together. He then flashed a smile in Mackenzie's direction and said How's it going?

Mackenzie smiled too but also saw in his bearing that he wasn't here on a social call. You're leaving for another mission aren't you? she asked.

Shouldn't be too long. Jeff said confirming her guess. This next mission seems simple enough.

Mackenzie nodded with a little sarcasm. None of the missions are simple enough. At least where Tarantulus is involved. Jeff nodded agreeing with his wife, but a job was still a job.

I know Mickey. Jeff said. Mackenzie smiled at her husband's use of her nickname. It was a reminder of the happier times when her mother was still alive, and it was a term of affection. Her mother was one of the few people who allowed her to be called that. Jeff was another, which only made her concern for him increase. Jeff sensed her unease and tried to be reassuring.

Don't worry. A few more missions and we can go into that semi-retirement we always dreamed of. Mackenzie smiled slightly knowing that no one truly leaves Specter Squadron completely, unless it's feet first. However, it had been known for Squad members to take sabbaticals from time to time.

Then it'll be your turn to look after this monster inside me. Mackenzie said making reference to the lump in her belly. It was almost time for her baby to be delivered. It could well be a couple of weeks up to a month but she knew the baby was coming. And she made sure Jeff knew it too.

I look forward to it. Jeff answered. And soon it will be you, me and whoever. Mackenzie gave a look of annoyance at her husband then smiled as he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead as if saying goodbye. He then turned and walked out the quarters leaving his wife and baby behind.

Come back soon my love. Mackenzie said to her departing husband. She felt her belly where her unborn child rested, and she sang softly to it as she promised that daddy would be home soon. If he isn't I'll kill him for you. She promised sarcastically.
When Jeff left his and Mackenzie's quarters he made his way to the main control center where it was business as usual. Jeff Kincaid loving husband and expectant father was gone and Squad Leader Kincaid stood in his place. Rattrap. Call up member select. Squad leader Kincaid ordered as he took the central command podium ready to conduct business.

You got it kid. Rattrap worked his magic and soon the entire dossier on the Specter Squad under Jeff Kincaid's command was on his screen. He looked through the files on each and every one and began his selections.

First he came to the file on Black Arachnia, a computer hacker with a real mean streak to her. In the last years of the Cybertronian war her husband was killed by a rebel group who wanted the war to continue. Black Arachnia vowed revenge in the worst way possible, and joining the Specters seemed like the best way to do that in her mind. Kincaid looked at the file and knew she'd betray anyone who had shown weakness. Jeff never had before, and he had no intention of starting now.

Next came a Veltorian named Stitches. Her people were a race of humanoid felines that were known to be very secretive, and amongst the best shots in the galaxy. Her senses had been improved on due to cybernetic enhancements that give her the eyesight of a machine as well as an uplink to her weapon that allows her to 'speak' to her weapon when targeting. She had matured greatly but every now and then her youthfulness would take over in the form of jokes and youthful rebellion.

Raccharal was the brute of the group, who spoke in a series of grunts and growls. He loves fighting, but he was not one when it came to skill. Brute force all the way with him, especially when he uses his own protruding bones as clubs against enemies. All too often when the Squad is retreating he'd get 'delayed' by enemies while wiping out their pursuers.

Annhilius was a small time warlord who was taken out by a Space based Ranger team who became the unit's weapons support. He had every known weapon incorporated into his system and loved the sound and power his weapons provided for him. He had a big ego, but Kincaid and the Specters knew that they would be better off having him on their side than have him fight against them.

Tsara was an Eltarian Infiltrator, and protege to Rattrap. She had mild precognitive and telepathic abilities due to her coming from Eltar. She could also link with machines and 'hear' what they thought. She also had the ability to turn invisible and absorb all sensing waves-including sound. She abhored combat and preferred to shoot to wound or maim. This had put her at odds with other Specters and Kincaid knew if she was used again then there might be another incident. ~ But how can you beat an infiltrator with a disappearing act?~ he thought.

Squad Leader Kincaid then went to the next name on the file, Rackal'thor, a Quad'thra whose world was attacked by others of his kind. His recruitment had brought about a lifelong feud between the Specters and the Quad'thra, and he had been known to be brutal and savored the last moments of his victims. Good for muscle, but not always trustworthy.

Slasha was next, a human female from Amazonia, where everyone was a stunning female. She was among the best fighters thanks to genetic engineering, but at the Planetary Olympics she misjudged a fight and slew her opponent. This led to her banishment from Amazonia and her swearing an oath of pacifism. She currently served as diplomat and medic, and Kincaid was grateful for her experience after a battle.

Next came Zips, a teenager from Earth who also happened to be a half-breed Zentaran who were natural born pilots. Her father crashed on Earth and met with her mother who had Zips. Zips however ran away from home only to be taken by a visiting Denebian Slave Trader where she spent ten years of her life. She led the revolt on Deneb IV where she disabled a battle cruiser with a space yacht. She was the evac pilot who got the Squad in and out of situations, but the suffering she had seen gave Zips a major chip on her shoulder leaving her nothing like an innocent teenager. ~ When have any of us been innocent?~ he asked himself.

Next was Raven, an alsomorphic shapeshifter who was used for infiltration. No one really knew what her true form was, seeing as how she had taken on so many. Also she had been known to have mood swings bordering on Multiple Personality Disorder where her different selves fight for control. She could be a best friend one minute in the form of a child, or worst enemy where she can be downright cruel. . ~ An enigma among a team of enigmas~ Jeff heard her being called once. He half smiled in approval of that assessment.

And finally there was Ven'ya, the sniper who was also a religious fanatic. Even if he doesn't know what he's fanatical about. He had come from a planet of religious fanatics who study a plan that while there was no real God and each was free to make his own decisions that there is also a superior power that guides one's hand. Their people also believe that the universe doesn't exist at all, that we are all figments of the mind of another person in another universe, who is merely a figment of another mind in another universe, who is merely... well you know the rest of it.

Ven'ya was brought into the Squad due to his marksmanship skills and has been known to pray before and during combat. But to each time it is to a different deity, since he didn't want to leave anyone out, and wants to connect best to the inner consciousness of the universe by praying to every Higher Power he could think of. Kincaid looked at the roster of interesting people under his command and wondered who he would select.

Then he decided. Everyone would go. Rattrap, call up general assembly. Everyone except Mackenzie goes on this one.

Rattrap looked stunned. Aren't you afraid to leave her here unprotected? Jeff looked at Rattrap as if he had just said something funny. Then he remembered how stupid the question sounded. Mackenzie had her own defenses programmed and if anyone came for her or Jeff's baby, they would be toast.

Assemble the squad. Jeff said deadpan. Rattrap did so and soon everyone was assembled. Jeff then made the announcement of the mission to his team.

People. Tarantulus has given us new orders. He has come across some mysterious signals he wants us to investigate and check out.

What kind of signals? Tsara asked.

Matrix signals. Rattrap answered. This got everyone to raise an eyebrow or sensor. What does Tarantulus want with Matrix signals? I've never known him to be that religious before. Black Arachnia asked.

Not sure. Jeff answered. He seemed to be deliberately vague about that.

Big surprise. Black Arachnia answered. Tarantulus always has a trick up his sleeve.

You would probably know about being untrustworthy. Rackal'thor said. Everyone knows about you and Tarantulus.

Black Arachnia shot a glare at the Quad'thra. What's that supposed to mean?

Rackal'thor just waved Black Arachnia's worry away. Oh nothing nothing.

QUIET!!! Jeff shouted. I know trust is a hard commodity to come by in the universe but right now we have a job to do. Zips, get the transport ready.

You got it Jeff. Zips said showing her enthusiasm as she warmed up the transport. Jeff and the crew walked over to the transport as they watched Zips work her magic with great anticipation. For many of the squad it was business as usual, but with Zips a mission was another adventure for her. Her disposition had reminded Jeff of the musical Annie, which Jeff saw once. The musical made him nauseous and he had to get a vomit bag from the rest room several times. Perky people always rubbed him the wrong way. Fortunately for Zips she wasn't THAT perky.

May the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless this mission we are undertaking. Ven'ya said. And may the Great Maker bless us too, as well as the Great Plant, and the Great...

We get it! We get it! Stitches said. Raccharal also gave some grunts that said for Ven'ya to shut up. Ven'ya then decided that it might be best to keep his prayers to himself.

Stitches sat with Raven who took female form this time. She appeared as an attractive blonde but her mind seemed a million miles away, as if she was playing the role of a stereotypical blonde airhead. She considered calling Slasha but decided against it when Raven then changed to a brunette who was calm and collected. I'm okay. Was all she said.

The Squad was all aboard, and they were soon on their way to the last known co-ordinates the energy signatures were located in. The location of the planet Iocaste.

Everyone knew there would be a good time tonight.
Back on Iocaste at the Demon's Lair bar Sharon ended her performance to a standing ovation and went off to the side. Raising her right hand to her mouth she then spoke into her wrist com. "Spectra, how are we doing with repairs to the ship?"

"12 hours minimum, 3 days tops before the Transwarp Slipstream Drive is back to normal." A female voice spoke back to her. It was kind and gentle but had an inner strength to it. "Hull integrity and armor have repaired 100% by the nanobots. Weapon systems are fully functional. However without the TSD we can't leave this reality."

"I know. However the status update is satisfactory to me. Do the best you can as fast as you can Spectra. The sooner we are ready the sooner we can leave. I think I actually saw Tasha here." Sharon said.

"If you did that's not good. The Demon Race doesn't have time warp capabilities..." Spectra said which Sharon then interrupted by saying, "Thank the Lords of Light those bastards don't have the ability to go into the past."

"Yes but they CAN traverse realities." Spectra said. "It's a crude method of doing such a thing but..." Spectra then stopped talking.

"Spectra... what's wrong?" Sharon asked.

"I'm now detecting the resonance of a Nexus Crystal aperture."

"Demons?" Sharon asked.

"No. Bio scans show what ever came through the aperture was definitely not demon." Spectra said.

"Alright. Keep the ship on Level 3 Alert status until I return tonight." Sharon said.

"Oh so you aren't coming back?" Spectra replied.

"Hey you are a warship as well as an explorer ship. Haven't you wanted to take in some fights?" Sharon smirked.

"I don't run away from a fight..." Spectra said but then her voice changed to something that Sharon knew she was smirking. "But yes... it's been a while since I've been in a fight."

"Talk to you later and call me if necessary." Sharon said. She then went to her closet and pulled out a change of clothes that would allow her to go into the audience without arousing suspicion.

She needed to find out who those people at the table were.
Sharon made her way out into the bar dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and bomber jacket. Since everyone in the bar, except for entertainment and dancers, dressed in simple attire she thought she would blend in. However, even though she was dressed in simple garb her beauty made her stick out like a sore thumb to some of the less savory patrons. One of them reached out and grabbed Sharon by the wrist.

Hey sweetheart. A humanlike mutant said. He was longhaired and had some deformities, but he still kept some human features to him. Do you want to party with a real monster tonight?

Sharon turned and shot an icy glare at the mutant. Let go of my arm or you might just lose it. She said deadpan. The mutant however didn't listen as he pulled Sharon closer to him, also prompting the attention of a nearby patron.

"C'mere baby." The drunk mutant said trying to pull Sharon towards him. "Make my night." Sharon was about to pull away when a hand grabbed the mutant's wrist and pressed until he let go. Both the mutant and Sharon turned to see a man whose face was covered in a hood.

The lady doesn't wish to be with you right now. Go back to your table and enjoy your beverage. He said. The thug however wasn't willing to let go of Sharon that easily.

Yeah? Come on make me. Make me give up my honey here. Sharon wanted to really kick the mutant thug where the sun didn't shine right then and there, but there was something about the hooded man that impressed her. Some sort of presence around him that sent out vibes that said 'I'm dangerous'.

~ I'll hold back. I want to see what this guy's about. ~ she thought as the hooded man advanced slowly towards the mutant.

"I'll ask you a second time. Return to your table and you won't be harmed." The hooded man kept his voice steady.

The mutant however wanted a fight, and he wanted Sharon as well. But in this case he would take the fight first. Reaching into his belt he pulled out a blade ready to strike. Lunging towards the hooded man, the hood dodged out of the way sending him splattered into the next table. Due to his massive bulk the table shattered when the mutant landed on it. As soon as the mutant gathered enough of his wits together he turned around to see the hood standing above him. He stood not in mockery of the mutant, but in anticipation of what the monster would do next. The mutant wasn't about to disappoint.

"Oh you're going to get it now!" the mutant said as he pulled out his axe. The hood stood unmoving and his gaze steady. He then reached in beneath his cloak and pulled out a device the mutant wasn't sure about. It was only when the hood pushed the button in the center that he had been able to see what it was, when red laser blades came out of both ends.

Sharon also saw the weapon the hood held, and couldn't believe what she saw. ~ A sabre staff? I didn't think there were any of those around anymore. ~

The mutant dropped his axe down for an overhead swing, which the hood blocked, then he twirled the staff like it was a baton and separated the axe blade from the handle in one slice. The mutant only had a second to look at the severed weapon before he found a tip of the sabre staff to his throat. Like I said, the lady doesn't want to stay with you. Now for the third time, return to your table and you won't be harmed.

Thinking that it was a good idea the mutant decided to go back to his table, then Sharon turned and looked at the hood before her. Thank you for helping me.

No problem. The hood said. I was told to always look out for a lady, especially an attractive lady.

Just then Alison spoke out from the table. Be careful with the flirting. What would Mackenzie think? Sharon looked at both Ashley and Alison and was even more stunned by the resemblance up close than she was far away. And with a second one close by Sharon wondered how this could be. May I ask your names?

Oh no problem. I'm Ashley Hammond. Ashley said introducing herself. And this is an alternate version of my sister Alison.

This threw Sharon for a complete loop. Sister? ~ Mom never had a sister. Did she?~

Long sad story. Alison said. Now that we've said who we are. Why don't you tell us who you are? Sharon sighed and looked at the hooded man, and then the two sisters as she finally introduced herself.

"Sharon Lanrydan." She said to Ashley and Alison offering her hand. Both girls accepted the hand before Sharon turned to the hood and asked him "And you are?"

The hood took Sharon's hand and shook it. He then pulled back his hood revealing his face, which had a scar running from one end of his face to the other. A mass of brown hair kept crop cut, and his eyes reflected that he had seen a battle or two himself. ~ Well that and he finds me attractive. ~ she thought. ~ Not that he's no slouch either. ~ Finally the hood said his name.

"Jeffrey Kincaid. Red Night Ranger."

Sharon then smiled clearly intrigued by the man before her.
Karone had ridden around the next quadrant keeping her eyes open for any signs of the Order, and coming up with almost nothing... almost.

A thug recognized her as Astronema and wondered if the Princess of Darkness wanted to spend a night with the Prince of Desire. Karone smiled as she went over to him, advancing real slowly and asked if he had a pair of handcuffs. I want to teach you a royal lesson. Don't worry, it will be quite enjoyable. She said.

The thug quickly got out a set of cuffs and then Karone asked for a leash with a choker on it. The thug was all too happy to provide. Then Karone took him behind a back alley and after a few minutes only Karone walked back out with a snicker on her face. For in the alley, some ladies of the night were having some fun with the thug whose hands were cuffed behind him, and the ladies all led him around like a dog whp flunked obedience training.

Boy that was fun. Karone said making her way to her bike just as Blurr, Carlos and Bulk came up alongside her. What's up guys? she asked.

We saw something set down not far away. We might need to check it out. Carlos stated.

Is it the Order? Karone asked.

Don'tknow. Don'tknow. Wejustdon'tknowdon'tknowdon'tknow. Blurr said.

Well let's see what it is then we will know. Karone said sarcastically. Bulk commented that Karone made a funny but no one heard him. Everyone was too busy wondering what was setting down not far away.

Soon the Matrix team made their way to a landing sight where they saw a ship with an odd assortment of evil creatures nearby. Each of them different, yet they all seemed to wear a uniform of some sort, except for the two robots. Solid black with no distinguishing marks.

Is it the Order? Carlos asked.

I don't think so. Karone answered. Not unless they have all decided to join a black ops organization and form a dress code. Karone looked at the assortment, and saw some mechanoids, some monstrous looking mutants, and a human or two among the flotsam. One of them Karone knew straight away, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

Who are they? Bulk asked as the Specters disembarked.

I don't know. Night Karone answered. But I know one of them looks like Kincaid.
Speaking of Kincaids, the Kincaid that led the Night Rangers sat at the Demon's lair bar watching three young women stare at each other in surprise. After taking her eyes off Kincaid the one with brown and blonde hair stared at both girls with golden brown hair, and one of the golden brown haired girls stared at the striped haired girl. The other golden brown haired girl just looked on wondering what was going on and stared at Kincaid.

Kincaid just stared at all three of them keeping his expression even. ~ Don't look at me. ~ was what he was thinking. But he did cast a glance at Sharon now and then who responded with ~ Same to you tall dark and handsome~ to Kincaid.

Sharon then felt Kincaid's mind go blank and she immediately knew that she would not be able to get anymore thoughts from him due to a mental wall he seemingly put up around his mind. ~ Or something did. ~ she thought realizing that she felt the presence of something around him. A supernatural aura of some sort. Deciding not to waste any time Sharon turned her attention back to Ashley and Alison.

So. Sharon said trying to break the reverie.

So. Ashley answered. Alison however decided to get straight to the point. All right, who are you? And why are you looking at us so funny.

Sharon was taken aback by Alison's directness, but responded with some directness of her own. My name is Sharon. And the reason I'm staring at you is because you both look so much like my mom.

Your mom? Ashley asked.

Yeah. She was killed when I was very young. Sharon said sadly. You just... remind me so much of her.

Alison sighed and looked back at Sharon saying, I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it. Happened a long time ago.

I'm Ashley. Ashley said offering her hand. Sharon looked at Ashley and couldn't help but smirk a little bit. She then took Ashley's hand and shook it, but the nostalgia of the moment was not lost on Sharon. Ashley however couldn't help but feel the kinship that she seemingly felt between herself and Sharon. Sharon however turned to Alison and asked who she was.

Alison Hammond. Remember the name. Alison said with attitude. Kincaid couldn't help but smirk slightly.

Okay. Sharon answered getting ready to take a drink. And you are what to Ashley?

Well in some universes I'm her twin sister. Was Alison's answer. This caused Sharon to spit out her drink in surprise as she stared at Alison not sure she could believe what she just heard.

Did you... did you... just say... twin sister?

Yeah. Long story though. In a nutshell we were separated at birth, I was sold to a pimp, and learned how to turn tricks before I was even old enough to walk. Found out about Ashley when some bad dudes came for me and tried to make me evil. Broke the spell and left my family behind to go on an interdimensional joyride with Mr. Personality here. Alison then patted Kincaid on the shoulder and he immediately shot her a look before turning his attention back to the show on stage.

Sharon looked at Kincaid and felt a lot of power come from him. Power that seemed to come from everywhere, as well as within him. She was impressed to say the least, and found him quite handsome. But there was also a look in his eyes that she couldn't identify, something she couldn't place. Yet she also felt drawn to him in some way, and although Kincaid wouldn't admit it he felt drawn to Sharon as well for some odd reason.

Kincaid took a glance at Sharon and noticed her. Right away he could tell what kind of person she was. She was much like himself, someone with a lot of power, someone who had escaped their own personal hells, and someone driven to do all they could for the forces of good. He also noticed her beauty, and was awestruck to say the least.

Sharon seemed to be able to read Kincaid's aura pretty well as well as the presence he gave off, and she sensed the same thing about him. She also noticed Kincaid's rugged build as well as presence of spirit. A presence that said 'don't mess with me'.

So what are you doing here? Sharon asked anyone who would answer.

We're looking for something. Kincaid answered. Something that's on this planet, if not in this universe. Sharon was about to ask what it was when a chorus of boos seemed to echo from the audience nearby. Everyone noticed the next musical act that was on at the moment, which was an Aquatian water music number. A number no one liked.

Poor guys. Sharon said as the curtain closed on them. I guess tonight wasn't their night.

You said it. Ashley said. Topaz however was great.

Ohhh? Sharon asked sarcastically.

Yeah, the girl has some talent. Alison answered.

You should hear Kincaid though. He's... Alison was about to say how good Kincaid was but she noticed he was gone and all three girls looked around wondering where he went until Ashley said Never mind I found him.

Everyone turned to look at Kincaid go on stage after talking to the MC and his band. He then sat in front of a piano as he closed his eyes calling for something. When he opened them again he played the keys of the piano in such a motion that it was almost like he was Jerry Lee Lewis playing one of his rocking musical numbers.

The song however was by Billy Joel, and it was called Angry Young Man.

There's a place in the world for the Angry Young Man

With his working class ties and his radical plans

He refuses to bend he refuses to crawl

And he's always at home with his back to the wall.

And he's proud of the scars and the battles he's lost

And struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross

And he likes to be known as the Angry Young Man

Sharon listened to the rockin melody as Kincaid played. ~ Wow!~ she thought. ~ He sure is hard hitting with his music. ~

The audience was getting into it as well as Kincaid continued to play.

Give a moment or two to the Angry Young Man

With his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand

He's been stabbed in the back he's been misunderstood

It's a comfort to know his intentions are good

And he sits in his room with a lock on the door

With his maps and his medals laid out on the floor

And he likes to be known as the Angry Young Man

The roar of the crowd continued to grow as Kincaid played the song. The band followed along taking Kincaid's lead. To their credit they followed the melody pretty well.

I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage

I found that surviving was a noble fight

I once believed in causes too

I had my pointless point of view

And life went on no matter who was wrong or right

And there's always a place for the Angry Young Man

With his fist in the air and his head in the sand

And he's never been able to learn from mistakes

So he can't understand why his heart always breaks

And his honor is pure and his courage is well

And he's fair and he's true and he's boring as hell

And he'll go to the grave as an angry old man.

The audience applause seemed to grow in leaps and bounds as Sharon heard the reaction almost equal the one she received as Topaz. And as she heard the music being played she found she enjoyed the song being played also. It was very hard hitting, and seemed to send out a feeling of power in its performance.

Yes there's always a place for the Angry Young Man

With his working class ties and his radical plans

He refuses to bend he refuses to crawl

And he's always at home with his back to the wall

And he's proud of the scars and the battles he's lost

And struggles and bleeds as he hangs on the cross

And he likes to be known as the Angry Young Man.

The whole bar erupted in applause as every one got out of their seats to give Kincaid a standing ovation. Sharon also looked on giving her applause and nodded her approval when Kincaid made his way back to the table.

Wow! she said. You really picked a good one there.

Yeah well. You can't really go wrong with Billy Joel. Kincaid said. It's just a matter of picking which one is the best one.

I didn't know you could play piano. Ashley said next.

Well actually 'I' can't. I had some help from a few spirits who did know how to play. Sharon looked on curiously and Kincaid explained.

The powers I possess are called Night Powers which allows me to connect with the supernatural aspects of the night on any world. Sometimes it involves calling forth the spirits of deceased Rangers and morphin masters that have yet to pass on to the great beyond, or other spirits who just hang around for one reason or another.

Impressive. Sharon stated. As well as the choice of song too.

Do you listen to Billy Joel? Kincaid asked.

Not really. Sharon said meekly. But if he's anything like what I've heard tonight, I might see if I have him in a music library on my ship.

Well you sure picked a good one there boss. Alison said with approval just as Kincaid's communicator went off. Kincaid here. I read you.

Karone was on the other end of the comm line as she, Carlos, Blurr and Bulk continued to look on. Kincaid this is Karone. Are you with Alison and Ashley right now? Karone asked. Sharon picked up on the familiar voice unable to believe who it was.

Where else would I be? Kincaid asked back.

Well right now I think you should be here in quadrant 4. There's something you ought to see. Bulk answered.

Is it the Order? Ashley asked.

No, but... Kincaid needs to see this for himself. Carlos answered back. Then communications cut off. Fortunately Kincaid was able to get a lock on the signal so he, Ashley and Alison could follow it.

Sorry, business calls. Kincaid said.

I know. Sharon said in sympathy. But I would still like to finish our talk.

Don't worry, we will. Alison said as she, Ashley and Kincaid made their way to where Karone said that her team had found the Specters. He was curious to see for himself this version of him that appeared. Sharon sat at the table finishing her drink when the waiter came back with a slip of paper that every customer dreads.

The check.
Back at the Specter's landing sight Karone, Carlos, Bulk and Blurr were continuing to watch the Specters disembark, unaware that someone else was watching as well. Someone whose intentions were clearly not good as he called his commander on his communicator.

Destructor this is Titanar. I think there's something you're going to want to see.
Meanwhile a small way outside of the building, Tasha stood waiting with the 14 out of 15 Dark Assassins she had left with her on this trip. She trained her warriors to be strong, ruthless and above all to succeed in battle.

However that meant nothing when facing the Demon Hunter.

~ Ever since she appeared two years ago everything has started to come to a damn halt. Most of the few remaining Ranger teams aren't even a match for us anymore. ~ Tasha thought to herself.

Everything had changed when the Demon Hunter came out of nowhere, attacking camps and bases on Earth, Eltar, the Kerova Galaxy. She struck out wherever she could and had become the biggest pain in the ass that the Dynasty had had in over twenty years.

~ Therefore I am not about commit suicide by attacking her head on with my current forces. It's not enough. ~ she thought.

It was then she heard a whoosh sound and smiled. "It's about damn time." Tasha muttered to herself as she turned around and saw Obsidian emerge from the portal with her... 'backup'.

"Tell me you have the target located so we can move in." Obsidian muttered to her.

"Relax Obsidian." Tasha said as Obsidian looked at her. "I will relax when she is dead and the Matrix is back in our possession. Now do you have her located?"

Tasha sighed. Obsidian had an obsession with taking care of the infamous Demon Hunter and woe to anyone who got in his way. "Yes you oh so serious lunk." She sighed as she showed him the location. "She's right there."

"We'll use the Dark Assassins to surround and seal the building. Then you and I will attack with the Assassins and get her." Obsidian stated.

"Oh really." A cyberized voice spoke. Tasha turned around and saw the figures of the five she had ordered to be brought in. "And what exactly are we supposed to do?"

Obsidian smirked behind his helmet. "For too long we have allowed the Demon Hunter to run free. This time we'll play it smart. As I said, Tasha, the Assassins, and I will attack her head on..." He then looked at the five figures. "And if she DOES manage to escape which COULD happen, you will be waiting in the wings to shoot her down like the dog she is. Does that appeal to you?"

The lead figure chuckled. "Indeed it does."

Obsidian nodded turning back to the town. "Begin the assault. "Part 2{{disclaimerblock}}{{redirectblock}}{{countblock}}{{fanficbase}}{{fanficend}}