Cyberknights Part 1

__NOTOC__{{DISPLAYTITLE:Cyberknights Part 1}}{{fanficstart}}{{fanfichead}}Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Saban/Disney and I lay no claim to them. The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog are the p perty of Saban Entertainment. The names McAllister and Keller are the names of characters from a series called 'The Master'. Lara Croft and Larson are characters from the Tomb Raider game series and is the property of Eidos Interactive. Witchbladeand all related characters are the property of Top Cow Productions. The song 'Searching my Soul' is from the Ally McBeal soundtrack, and was written and performed by Vonda Shepherd. Gront and Regar are the creations of Adam Safran. Rogue Squadron is a concept from Star Wars created by George Lucas. Vrellos is created by Richard Carta. Transformers is the property of Hasbro. Shadow Games are from the series Yu-Gi-Oh. Shing and Darkness finger is from G-Gundam. John is a character from the Battlestar Galactica episode 'Experiment in Terra' created by Glen A. Larson and is owned by Universal Studios(the character was played by Edward Mulhare). Q is the property of Paramount Pictures. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian, and all other related characters are mine.

By the Q-team}}
Shadow Palace

Located in the Shadow Grid

She looked out at the vast nothingness before her. Her mind a turbulent place.

She had seen so much in her time as Guardian of the Shadow Grid. Realms where possibilities were endless, and the balances between good and evil were just getting so hard to maintain.

Clearly Karla the Grey Witch, formerly Jennifer Summers, formerly the Pink Time Force Ranger, student of Rassilon who was the founder of Time Lord society felt the weight of the multiverse on her shoulders. A war that she knew would reach its conclusion.

Mistress? a voice said from behind. Karla turned to see who it was and noted the young girl before her. A girl whom Karla 'brought' into service as a punishment. Yes Connie? Karla asked.

You asked to be informed of when it was time. The girl named Connie Morgan asked. Karla nodded and went to the crystal viewer.

She saw it all, from the first battle against the Rani and the villains of Arcadia that left Dana Mitchell changed forever, to the battle in the parody dimension. She also saw the Triple Threat that Mirabilis took an interest in and the Fatal Four Way that brought the Chaos Dynasty into the ranks of the Order of Destruction. Karla also looked in at the events that the Battle of the Line occurred in. Each result the same, good obtains the Matrixes they so desperately need to counter the Matrix of Evil the Order possesses, as well as obtain allies for the great war that is to come.

However evil didn't receive total losses during the ordeals. In many of the worlds the Order obtained powers and allies of their own. The Psycho Replicas were part of the Order's designs as well as the Rangers obtained during the Triple Threat. The Chaos Dynasty joined during the Fatal Four Way, and Karla also knew that Starscream had something up his sleeve as well. What it was she didn't know yet, but she had a good idea that the Wraith Stasia knew.

So far the balance has been maintained. Karla said. That's good. But now comes the last universe. The last Matrix. And it is here where I'll make my decision. Karla got up out of her chair and did a model spin which changed her clothes from her black cloak and purple sorceress robes to more of a peasant girl's garb. She also clicked her heels together changing her boots to that more along a peasant's shoe. For her next visitation, Karla didn't want to attract attention. I'll be leaving soon. If Shadow or Mirabilis ask where I'm going, tell them I'll be making my decision.

Connie nodded and followed her mistress down the stairs as she made her way into the Shadow Palace's main hall. Off to the corner Connie saw the remains of the chess boards that Karla considered using to monitor events in the I. D. War. Boards that were destroyed leaving only shattered pieces of ivory and splinters of wood. And those would go onto a burn pile later on. The remains of the game pieces forged were tossed out to the universal winds. A symbolic gesture of freedom of the souls taking part, and indicating that those participating in the war were not pawns of Higher Powers, but people fighting to protect their worlds and ways of life from those that would either subjugate or destroy them.

I don't understand. Why did you let that Lord of Kobol talk you out of using chess boards to monitor events in this war? Connie asked. Karla paused for a second as she remembered the visitation Shadow's ally John from the House of Kobol paid her.

She looked down at the game boards. Six of them crafted to monitor events in the I. D. War. Pieces laid out signifying the participants in the war. Then all of a sudden one of the boards exploded. The game board and all the pieces on it were destroyed.

Karla looked and saw two more boards destroy themselves in an explosion. Looking around, she saw a man with silver/gray hair wearing white robes. What are you doing here?

The man known as John kept his answer simple, Saving your life.

Saving my life? How? Karla asked.

By preventing you from treating the upcoming war like a game. You do that, and you will be no better than the Q, who have been known to play with lives like toys. You seem to have forgotten that such treatments always come with a heavy price. John paused for a second then added his next statement. Especially when the stakes are life and death.

What do you mean a price? Karla asked.

I'm saying that you are putting yourself in a dangerous position if you try to put yourself above events instead of working with them. What do you think would happen if someone found out they were being manipulated by someone watching events? Karla tried to defend herself by saying But I'm not controlling these lives. Nor are Mirabilis or Shadow.

True. John answered. And that is your saving grace here. Especially in regards to the Night Rangers who for all intents and purposes can't be controlled. But you could try to manipulate things from afar. Steer things to go a way you want. Think what would happen if such manipulation was ever revealed? Would those manipulated not seek some kind of revenge? John then paused as he asked his next question. And what about those who die?

Karla's breath then ran cold. Die?

Yes. John answered. In war people die. Would you demean those deaths by trying to manipulate events in this war? Would it not be better to work with the ways of the universe instead of trying to control them? Is not all life sacred?

Suddenly Karla got John's point. In a game all one would have to do is hit reset or start a new game. But in real life, when someone died usually they were dead for real. It's sad because you of all people should know it. John said as he pressed on. Wes, Eric, the people of Silver Hills. A lot of them are dead, and there are no second chances for them. No reset to start over. John picked up a game piece and just set it off to the side tipped down. Will that be all a death would be to you? Will you hold the passing of someone in such contempt that you would do that action? he said making reference to the fallen piece. A piece that looked a lot like Sharon Lanrydan-the Demon Hunter.

No, Karla said as she got John's point, Even immortals can't escape life and death can they? I guess with all my time as an immortal I've lost my connection to matters of life and death.

That is something you can't afford to do. For if we lose that awareness we lose ourselves. Even though we don't have our mortality there's no reason why it shouldn't remain a part of us. John answered. It keeps us human. Remember you are a guardian, not a god. None of us set out to be gods. Even my own people are but simple shepherds.

Karla looked at the last three boards. I guess I wanted to do this because I wanted the possibility of a second chance with other things did I?

Sometimes there are no second chances. And sometimes one just needs to know when to look. Karla considered John's words and called for a sledgehammer and destroyed the remaining boards herself, much to Mirabilis's dismay when he appeared. Why? he asked stunned by the sight of the destruction he saw.

Because it's demeaning to those in this war. And the price is too high. She said. Mirabilis then turned around and saw John standing behind him. What are you doing here?

I answered that question for your mistress. I'm not about to answer that question for you. John then stared at Mirabilis dead in his eye. What were you thinking using those boards to monitor events in the war? Or were you hoping to subtly nudge events in your direction?

You know we have a vested interest in this war! Mirabilis said. We have to be involved.

But not at the expense of the value of life! John retorted. And that's exactly what you were looking to do with those boards! You are not above the events here. Neither is Shadow! Neither is Karla!

Neither are you! Mirabilis said. John nodded knowing that Mirabilis was right in that regard. But we try to work with the natural order of the universe. Would you be like the Q and try to tamper with that order for your own amusement? Or would you prefer to work with that order and get your results that way?

Mirabilis considered John's words then said Astronema had a similar board when she faced the Astro Rangers.

Astronema isn't here. And she learned quickly that the fight she fought wasn't a game either. She learned her lesson the hard way, as did you. Mirabilis thought back to his past life when Darkonda implanted him with bionic implants making him obedient to Dark Specter, and Astronema to Darkonda. Both became little more than programmed drones. No soul. No passion. Point taken. Mirabilis said.

I'm glad we have an understanding. John said as he turned to leave the Shadow Palace. Mirabilis then watched John walk away. Aren't you going to deliver some sort of penance? It's usually in the Lords' mandate to prevent 'higher beings' from 'misusing their abilities.

I don't have to. You'll find out the folly of your choice soon enough. John said leaving Karla and Mirabilis alone.

Karla shook herself out of her reverie and stared at Connie as she answered her question. You should know that answer better than anyone. With all the games you played with people's hearts and lives. Connie cringed at the words Karla said, for Connie knew what Karla was talking about all too well.

Once the girl known as Connie was known as the mutant named Contemptra. A Time Force Criminal Ransik had freed to get the Male Rangers under a love spell so they could fight over each other for her, leaving the female Time Force Rangers as supposedly easy pickings for Ransik. And they almost were had Ransik not had an attack that required him to obtain his serum. Contemptra enjoyed the games she played, putting herself in the spotlight. She made herself the center of attention, and delighting at the pain she was causing. Many times she chuckled to herself at the pain she caused others.

But then she crossed the wrong Ranger in Jen. As Contemptra stood revealed she tried to destroy the Rangers, but Jen destroyed her bracelet severing her control over the men. After that Jen really cut loose against Contemptra defeating her and putting her back in cryo stasis. Contemptra was defeated, but Karla, didn't think she was punished enough.

For Karla's one regret was that in her mutant form Contemptra's face was fixed in one position. She never got to see the smirk wiped off her human face when her plan failed. She had to settle for the 'You destroyed my bracelet' statement, instead of a face fall of defeat. Besides Contemptra had caused much harm in her time. Many people were hurt due to her machinations, and Karla wanted to make sure Contemptra was appropriately punished.

Soon Contemptra became Connie. Servant to Karla the Grey Witch as punishment for her actions. No arrangement was made through Time Force, Karla just took the frozen prisoner. This was due to the reason that the future where Time Force existed was destroyed and Connie was the lone survivor. Since there was no legal challenge for her, not that she needed any, Karla took Connie from the ruined world and brought her into the Shadow Palace ready to resume Connie's punishment.

Once in the palace, Karla kept Connie from accessing her mutation and put a spell on her tying her own life force to Karla's. So if anything happened to Karla, Connie would suffer the same fate. However, Karla also had another punishment in mind for her. A punishment that sealed the deal for Connie as she and her mistress entered a museum of some sort. A museum of artifacts, relics and statues. The statues were what chilled Connie the most, especially when she came to one specific pedestal... reserved exclusively for her.

The base of the pedestal said 'Contemptra the Temptress'. And Contemptra got onto it as she took a pose with her arms into the air as she prepared to transform herself into her mutant form. A form she no longer had, but she did have another as Karla waived her hand in Connie's direction indicating the reactivation of a spell of Karla's own.

Connie's flesh got harder and her color lighter. Her skin, her clothes, and her hair all turned white as her flesh turned as hard as stone. Connie was now a statue, part of the punishment Karla placed upon her. When Connie was no longer needed she would stay in the museum as a statue until Karla, or in cases of emergency, Shadow or Mirabilis needed her for a mission. Shadow rarely did, since she had the guardian of Desire in his service, and Mirabilis had no need for his own servant yet. In a way Connie's punishment was much like those of the genies. Beings forced into service of others and having to live in lamps or bottles when their services are no longer in use.

Karla however thought the stone spell was poetic, since Contemptra's stone surface reflected her stone heart. It's kind of tragic as well. After all you came from a very noble Ranger bloodline. She said as she remembered the lineage Connie came from, which was from the bloodline of Kendrix Morgan. Her smile then faded as she noticed Contemptra's neighbor, also under a stone spell. But unlike the one on Contemptra, Karla didn't place this one.

The second statue was that of a princess named Deirdre. Deirdre of Kells, who was turned to stone by a spell that was cast by the evil Queen Maeve. In many realities the story was the same. Maeve made use of a powder she used on Deirdre once before turning her into a stone statue. Once this was done, the remaining Mystic Knights had fallen as well as the Kingdom of Kells they protected.

The defeat signified a change in that universe. A change that lasted well beyond ten generations. Dark magic permeated the planet. Only pockets of white magic remained. And the bloodline of a certain mystical artifact had no true heir leaving only pretenders to take up the mantle.

Karla took the statue out of that world and placed it in her museum. She hoped that the spell could be broken but when Mider the dark fairy destroyed the antidote he also destroyed how the spell could be made so it could not be reversed. So the Stone Princess now resided in the Shadow Palace as a last symbol of good in a lost universe.

But now Karla had a chance to change these events before the moment Deirdre would become the stone statue she was in the museum, but another threat presented itself in the search for the Matrix of Strength. Karla used a teleportation spell to transport herself to where her TF Eagle resided. Getting into her time ship, Karla left her palace to go where the last Matrix resided.

The last universe came into play. Karla now had to choose her side.
Even though the search continued on for the matrixes life went on in the universes that were visited by the Matrix teams. The first universe in paritcular still had aspects to contribute.

In New York there wasn't much happening at the precinct Sara Pezzini was working at. Joe Siry had retired a few months ago and a new Captain named Bruno Dante had taken over. Much to Sara's dismay.

Dante and her father didn't get along too well. They had butted heads more times than not when it came to procedure. Sara couldn't help but wonder if perhaps Dante would rub some of that resentment on her since she was Jack Pezzini's daughter. And Sara figured Dante as a 'sins of the father' kind of guy. However, before Sara could do any more worrying her phone rang. Long distance and on the caller's dime; Sara knew who it was right away.

Hello Lara. Sara said answering the phone.

How did you know it was me? Lara asked. I mean, I could have been Ed McMahon telling you that you had just won $20, 000, 000 or something.

Well for one thing Ed McMahon does his millionaire finding in the states. And two you're the only one I know who would call from overseas.

Point taken. Lara said as she proceeded to tell Sara what she knew. I had a visit from Christina.

Christina? Sara asked making reference to Lara's younger cousin. How's she doing?

She's fine, as are her friends. Lara said. But Kennede's dead. Sara paused for a second and said I'm sorry.

Thanks. Lara said before getting back to buisness. Christina's friend Daniel seems to have it in him that someone is going to die. They wish to pursue the Power Rangers who have left this reality and keep this death from occurring.

And how praytell are they supposed to do that? Sara asked.

Well I was hoping you would know. Isn't there some sort of mystical rock on display there or something?Sara sighed knowing what Lara was talking about.

The Jewel of Transience. It's on display at the New York Metropolitan Museum. A part of the Kenneth Irons collection. Lara didn't need to pick up on Sara's distain for Ken Irons. She knew Irons was trouble unto himself. Will you be flying in? Sara asked and Lara confirmed. When does your flight get in?

10: 00 A. M. Monday. New York time. Lara answered.

Meet at my place then we can stake out the museum.
Inside a mansion in the wealthy section of New York City, a man sat in a frozen crypt marveling at the figure sitting on a chaise lounge dressed in a casual dressing gown. Her face contorted into an unbreaking smile with her right hand obscured with a lace drape. A saw sat on the table near her not far from the obscured part of the statue.

All around the crypt were odds and ends. Pictures, furnishings, everything to resemble a 1940's environment. The man saw to it that the figure seemed comfortable as her body was being desecrated. If the desecration bothered the man he didn't let anyone see it. Not even the servant who walked into the crypt to ask what his master wanted.

Sara Pezinni will be taking a little trip. Beyond space, beyond time. See to it that she is protected will you?

Ian Nottingham bowed as he left the crypt Kenneth Irons was in. The crypt where the frozen remains of Sara's predecessor Elizabeth Bronte sat in seeming repose like a statue. A statue that held the blood of the Witchblade in her very being.

A statue that held the secret of Kenneth Irons's long life.

A secret that he would stop at nothing to preserve.
At the Boucher modeling agency, CEO Dominique Boucher was working late, but matters were not concerning affairs of her business. Rather, they were about matters of a personal nature. Personal to her.

A file laid on her desk, one consisting of photos of Sara Pezzini wearing an unusual bracelet on her right hand. A bracelet Dominique knew all to well, for she wore it, before the blade decided to abandon her and choose another. 'Another' she found unacceptable. Also there were pictures of Kenneth Irons who joined the photoshots for reasons of his own. Reasons Dominique wanted to stop.

I guess I'll have to see who gets to Sara Pezzini first Kenneth. Dominique sneered as she got up, put on her cloak and made ready to wait by the New York Metropolitan museum where Sara would be waiting.
At Arcadia Academy, the Rani was discussing a business venture with someone. A business venture involving an assassination. Her plane will arrive at New York at 10: 00 A. M. I trust you can be there and do the job then?

The man sat in the chair all laid back, much to Rani's dismay. Lady I'd love to do nothing better than to give that little ol' piece of calico the last round up. But how are you going to make this worth my while?Rani expected this and brought up a briefcase, which she passed on to the man across from her.

I trust we have a deal Mr. Larson? the Rani asked as she handed the suitcase off to the mercenary across from her. He was grungy, dressed in cowboy fatigues and kept his guns to his side. But Rani figured that he was the best man for the job. His personal history with Lara Croft made him a prime candidate for him to want to kill her.

Lady, if I didn't need your money I'd do the job for free. But since I need the money I'll take it and the job. Larson said. The Rani smiled and handed the suitcase to him. Remember half now, and the other half when the job is complete.

Larson opened the case and saw the bills inside. Never had he seen so much money, and this was only the first installment. Five million up front? Lara Croft must have done something to you.

You have no idea Mr. Larson. Remember, none of this gets back to me. But I want Croft dead. Larson nodded and said, Pleasure doing business with you. When you see me again I'll have Croft's head for you.

I shall look forward to that. Rani answered as Larson left her office ready to take a flight to New York. ~ And if you don't deliver Mr. Larson I'm sure I can find other uses for you at the Academy. ~ she thought evilly.
A new world.

A different time

The village of Kiat. A village pretty much in the center of both Kells and Temra's boundaries and yet the village didn't side with either kingdom. Rather it wanted no part in the war and had been pretty much left alone.

Until today when fighting of the continuing Kells/Temra war continued with Temra going through the village.

Soldiers were fighting as the villagers tried to flee with all their possessions that they could carry. Some even tried to lead livestock away, but the animals were too scared, and too wild to be controlled. Many broke away from their owners and fled into the woods, or were cut down by stray fire from the Temra soldiers.

The leader of the Kells forces, Rohan the Mystic Knight of fire, fought his way through his soldiers looking for the leader of the Temra forces, Torc former royal guard of Kells until he left to join Maeve and lead her army. Once he found Torc Rohan brought the sword of Kells up ready to strike Torc, but since Rohan came at Torc from the front Torc was ready for the strike. But then striking Torc was not what Rohan intended to do.

How dare you attack this village! Rohan shouted. They have sided with no one in our war. They are neutral.

No one is neutral in our war! Torc said. Either they are with Queen Maeve, or they are not! Torc then threw Rohan back and Rohan quickly recovered from the shove. Okay traitor to Kells. If you wish a battle then you shall have one! Rohan then charged at Torc making ready to strike. Torc held up his own blade ready to defend. The two clashed swords in a duel that was reminiscent of a clash between youth and honor versus wisdom and deceit.

You can't beat me boy. You'll need your mystic armor to combat my skill. Torc boasted.

Do you want to see about that? Rohan asked ready to continue. Suddenly blue bolts of energy came striking down separating Rohan and Torc from each other as well as stopping others. That will be quite enough. a strong female voice spoke. Both turned to see what it was.

Standing on top of a home was a woman wearing what appeared to them very strange attire. Her clothing was of a dark red colored suit with silver lining. The chest area of her costume was totally black as were her boots and gauntlets. She had a symbol on her chest, an arrow with jagged edges along the top. Her belt buckle was a silver triangle with a strange unexplained golden piece down the center. Finally, in her hands was an object that no one on the planet would know of for many centuries.

A blaster gun.

I do believe this village declared neutrality in your little war. I suggest you now leave. All of you. the woman in dark red said as he flipped off the house and landed gracefully on her feet. And you do that right now.

Torc was not impressed. You woman do not know your place. Temra soldiers attack!

Quantum Defender Stun Mode Rapid Fire! the woman said as she leveled her weapon at the Temra soldiers that came at her. Torc, Rohan, the Kells Knights and the Temra soldiers not getting attacked were stunned to see how easily and how strangely the Temra soldiers were falling to his woman. Within less than a minute she had made fifty soldiers fall down.

One of the Temra's went to check on their fallen friends and found they still had a pulse. Captain! They are still alive!

Of course. If I had wanted to kill you, I would have done so already. she said.

Torc's pride was now showing and his anger was above his own reason, You have just insulted me wench once too many!

Rohan couldn't believe what Torc was thinking. ~ This woman's already shown some of her power and he is STILL going to attack her?~

Quantum Defender Blade Mode! she said as her weapon then turned into a sword and just in time before Torc came swinging with his sword... only to see hers go right through his and cut it in two. Torc stared at his ruined sword dumbfounded before looking back to the woman in red, his face full of shock, Wh... what kind of a witch are you?

For now, you may call me the Quantum Knight, the woman in red said smugly as she brought her bladed weapon up to Torc's face and said in a cold and firm tone, And you have exactly ten seconds to leave this village with your forces... unless you want to be without a head.

Torc didn't want to know what else this Quantum Knight could do so he sounded retreat. The Temras left the village as Rohan and the Kells watched Temra's forces flee from the village but no one was really cheering now. The Quantum Knight looked at them.

They have left. Now you do the same. And never again come near this village. Or you will face me and don't believe you can win. the Quantum Knight said to them all. Rohan wanted ask who she was and if she was a Mystic Knight but as if reading his thoughts she spoke once more, We will meet again but for now please leave. These villagers don't want any part of this war for now and your presence is upsetting them.

Rohan nodded his head. Yes and I'm sorry. We didn't mean for it to happen.

I know, the Quantum Knight replied to Rohan, The Temras brought the battle here. They won't do that again. Now go warriors of Kells. And then in a flash of light the Quantum Knight disappeared. Sorcery. A Kells lieutenant said coming up to Rohan.

Perhaps. Rohan said. But for now we must let the king know. Return to Kells. The soldiers obeyed Rohan's order, and as Rohan and the others of Kells went back to their land, Rohan could only wonder what the King would thing of this 'Quantum Knight'.
Unknown to Rohan, the 'Quantum Knight' demorphed and watched from the top of a hillside as the Kells soldiers made their way out of the village of Kiat. She could probably already be imagining what Rohan might have been thinking, and when he would see her again.

You'll see me soon enough. Karla said. For now I must wait. She then raised her hands in the air and said an incantation, Away from this place I go, on a falcon's wings. Her body seemed to turn into energy as Karla's human form shrunk into itself as she took on a more bird like appearance. Soon in the place of Karla was a falcon, which flew away from the battle site, awaiting the time when she would make her presence felt again.
When Rohan had arrived back at Kells castle, he barely said a word as he tried to process all that had been seen. He had delivered his report to King Conchobar, Cathbad, and Princess Deirdre about the battle, and the mysterious knight that intervened on the village's behalf. Conchobar and Cathbad were intrigued, yet concerned as well.

Cathbad, is it possible that there is a sixth Mystic Knight? Conchobar asked.

Unlikely. Cathbad said. To my knowledge there have only been five. And those powers have all been claimed. Rohan has the Fire powers. Your own daughter has the Air powers. Ivar has the Water powers. Angus has the Earth powers. Cathbad added a little edge to his mentioning of Angus before continuing. And Garrett has the power of the Forest Knight.

Well I for one am glad there is a sixth knight. Deirdre said. And another female as well.

All the same, Rohan you said she called herself 'the Quantum Knight'? Rohan nodded as Conchobar continued speaking. What does this word 'Quantum' mean? What does it signify? Does it represent a force we can't control?Is it a power of some kind? A magic?

I have no idea your majesty. Cathbad said. It is a strange word to me.

Perhaps Fin Varrah would know? Deirdre mentioned. Conchobar nodded and thought it was a good idea. Rohan can you leave for the kingdom of Tir Na Nog at first light?

I can your majesty. Rohan said.

I'll go too. Deirdre said. I'm sure the other Mystic Knights will follow as well.

Excellent. Be prepared at first light. Rohan bowed and left. Deirdre quickly followed as she adjourned to her chambers leaving Conchobar and Cathbad behind to watch Deirdre depart. She is becoming more and more like her mother every day your highness.

Yes my friend. And I'm not sure if that is a good thing... or a bad thing. Conchobar said.
In the courtyard Rohan and Deirdre saw Prince Garrett walk up. How did it go with Conchobar?

We leave for Tir Na Nog at first light. I'm going to look for Angus and Ivar and tell them what's up. Garrett nodded and said I'll see about the fortification of defenses around the castle. The princess can help. Rohan felt a slight unease when Garrett mentioned Deirdre. It was speculated that Deirdre would marry Garrett someday so the two kingdoms would be reunited, but Rohan had feelings for Deirdre himself. Feelings he was only now starting to explore. But when Garrett looked at Deirdre she found her to be unresponsive to his comment. Usually Deirdre had her own opinions about marrying Garrett and wasn't afraid to speak out about that. But this time she didn't.

Deirdre are you okay? Rohan asked looking at Deirdre who seemed to stare off into space. However when Rohan asked how she was doing she was shaken out of her reverie. Oh sorry Rohan I was just thinking.

Oh what about? Rohan asked. Garrett was also concerned. Deirdre however answered.

This is going to sound odd. But I was thinking about my mother.

Your mother? Garrett asked. I've never heard you mention her before.

Her name was Cathain. Deirdre explained. I'm afraid I didn't know her all that well. I know she was a strong warrior and that she loved my father very much. But then one day she disappeared. Father said that she had died in battle. Since then I always dreamed of being a great warrior much like she was. Perhaps that's what drove me to go on the quest with Rohan when Kells was first attacked.

Rohan considered Deirdre's words. Maybe. But right now I'd better go find Ivar and Angus. They're probably at the mead hall right now. They'll want to be ready to face the Quantum Knight if they need to. Garrett and Deirdre both watched Rohan leave, however Deirdre's thoughts were still turning with memories about her mother. ~ Why am I thinking about her now? What does this mean?~ she asked herself.

The answers would come later. For now they rested below Kells castle, but they would be revealed soon enough.
After an hour had passed, Cathbad adjourned to the lower sections of the castle. Sections that no one dared to visit due to the king's order. For here was where a secret was kept. A powerful secret. A deadly secret.

A secret that was linked to Princess Deirdre.

Cathbad walked down the hall to a chamber at the end with a locked door. A door in which Cathbad had the only key. A key that Cathbad inserted into the lock and turned to open the door. Once Cathbad was inside he cast his gaze on the item that rested on a podium. A metal gauntlet that was a weapon to one of the greatest warriors Kells ever had, the warrior queen Cathain.

The woman who was Deirdre's mother.

The possessor of the Witch's Glove before she died in battle leaving Deirdre as the next in line for its power. A fearsome and terrible power.

A power Cathbad hoped Deirdre would never seek to possess.

Cathbad fingered the gauntlet, which seemed to glow hot to his touch. I pray Princess Deirdre that you never find out about this part of your family's past.
At the local watering hole, Rohan was seeking refreshment when his two fellow Mystic Knights Angus and Ivar came to visit. Both were curious to find out what Rohan knew about the mysterious visitor he had met. So what was she like? Angus asked getting the ball rolling.

Ivar and Angus were more of an odd couple if there ever was one. Ivar was a prince himself from the kingdom across the sea. He was dark skinned and composed in a royal manner. Angus however was always dressed in scruffy rags and had long unkept hair. Angus was little more than a thief, but he was also Rohan's best friend since childhood. And it was always Rohan who came to help if Angus got in too much over his head when he tried to steal something.

Angus hardly stole anymore, but he still found ways to get into trouble. Nonetheless Angus had a good heart, and that heart helped him to become worthy to be the Mystic Knight of Earth. Nonetheless Angus and Ivar went like night and day when compared to one another. Deirdre was a princess, Rohan was Cathbad's apprentice and the warrior Draganta, and Garrett was a prince as well. But despite their differences both Angus and Ivar had respected Rohan, and it was out of that respect that Angus sat back and let Rohan tell his story. Ivar listened as well.

She called herself 'the Quantum Knight. ' Rohan said at the table across from Angus and Ivar. She's someone with a very... forceful presence to say the least.

Forceful? Ivar asked. Like Deirdre?

Not exactly like Deirdre. This woman seemed more... calm, controlled in a way. Deirdre, while a smart and able fighter, does tend to let her emotions get the better of her at times. Rohan said.

Not to mention her attitude. Angus chuckled. Rohan and Ivar couldn't help but chuckle as well, but then with Rohan it was business as usual when discussing the Quantum Knight. Can you describe this Quantum Knight better? Ivar asked. Rohan immediately answered, Well her armor seemed to fit all around her body. So much so that I could tell she was a female even if she didn't speak. Her face was totally obscured even though there were lips of a sort on her helmet. Yet these lips didn't move.

Lips that don't move? Angus said. Like a statue?

Sort of. Rohan said. Only this statue could clearly move. The more Rohan talked about the Quantum Knight, it seemed the more Angus and Ivar wanted to hear, as well as a few others. For not far away two youths were taking an interest in the conversation. Both in black robes with the male having a silver trim and the female having gold on hers.

You hear that Sarah? the silver robed one said to his companion. The companion being his own sister.

Yeah David. The girl named Sarah answered.

Kind of makes us wonder now who this Quantum Knight is. The silver robed one named David said. Sarah did wonder a little bit about the Quantum Knight. From the description that was overheard she seemed like a Power Ranger of some kind. But right now hers and her brother's focus needed to be focused on the job they needed to do.

Maybe another time. Sarah replied. Right now we've got other things to worry about. Namely finding the Matrix. David sighed knowing Sarah was right but still he felt uncomfortable about being in a bar. He never knew when his 'father's curse', as he so eloquently called it would take effect. And from the three bruisers that were approaching the two, David and Sarah McAllister-Keller knew they wouldn't have too long to wait.

Welcome fair maiden. The lead bruiser had said. New in these parts?

David immediately stepped between his sister and the three bruisers. Sarah couldn't help but roll her eyes as her brother tried to be protective of her. Protection that didn't always work. Step away from my sister. Or you will regret it.

Oh, and who might you be little man? the first bruiser asked towering over David. David however kept his expression even as he looked up at the three opponents before him. His eyes focused on the first bruiser, who would be his first opponent. I am someone who will protect my sister no matter what anyone else will try to do. With that he went into a wheel kick that sent the bruiser back into a series of tables. His two companions were up on their feet ready to attack.

The Mystic Knights all turned to see what the commotion was and saw that a fight appeared ready to break out. Rohan we must stop this! Ivar said, but Rohan held him back. Let's see what this young man has to offer first.

Offer? Probably not much. I mean, look at him. Angus said pointing out David's build. He didn't look as muscular, or as toned as a warrior of Kells and Temra did, but Rohan saw that David kept himself in just enough of a build to stay in good physical shape. Rohan was also about to find out why David kept himself so toned as the bruisers attacked.

David dodged the mace that came his way, and responded with a side kick to the mid section. The second bruiser tried to attack from behind but David quickly dodged that attack from behind where the bruiser tried to land a haymaker to the small of David's neck. David followed up with a back kick and a flying heel kick that sent the bruiser down for the count. Making his way to the third bruiser, he jumped up high into the air and did a mid air roll which wowed all the bar's patrons, except for his sister who had seen it all before, before launching a spinning side kick which knocked the second bruiser down.

David smiled as the last bruiser seemed to fall. The very next second, he felt hands grab him from behind and throw him through what passed for the bar window, which was little more than some wooden bars in front of an opening. Sarah gave a reaction of Ooooh! as she tried to picture how that must have hurt for David every time he did it.

Her reaction fell to who threw her brother through the window. It was the first bruiser that David had defeated, who looked to be the first one to recover from the attack. Well I guess you boys are made to last. Sarah said.

You know. I'd rate a better protector if I were you fair maiden. The lead bruiser said. Sarah however answered with I can't. He's my brother.

Rohan, deciding that he had had enough, inserted himself into the fray. The lady is not interested. Now please leave before I have you arrested. The first bruiser didn't have much time to answer the Mystic Knight when the second thug grabbed a case that held all of Sarah's belongings and looked through them pulling out all her ninja weapons, including her own sword.

Now this looks pretty. The thug said holding Sarah's blade. You don't want to touch that! she said strongly. The thug however unsheathed the blade and was admiring the craftsmanship, as well as his reflection in the blade. Rohan was about to ask where Sarah had gotten such a sword but Sarah was already on her feet staring daggers into the thug's eyes. Put the sword back, and I'll make sure you and your friends 'walk' out of here. She said with emphasis on the word 'walk'.

Oh really? the second thug said with his two friends surrounding her. What are you going to do about it? Rohan was about to intervene when Sarah raised her hand and said, No, I've got it. She looked back to the thugs before her. Wanna have some fun? she asked.

The thugs were smiling as they thought about the 'fun' they wanted to have with Sarah. Next thing anyone knew was that Sarah had grabbed the hilt of the sword and with a little slight of hand got the thug to release his grip on the weapon. Sarah now held the blade as she gave strikes, which severed whatever belts the thugs were wearing, and their trousers fell to the ground. In a rush to pull their pants up and maintain their dignity, Sarah delivered her own series of fighting moves that drove the thugs back. Sarah delivered a spinning back kick to one sending him against a wall. Then she did a sweep of the leg knocking the second thug down, and quickly followed up with an elbow to the sternum.

Sarah defeated her adversaries and soon decided to leave a mark for others to remember her by. She did a series of kicks and punches all around the bar destroying much of the furniture there. All the while giving what the Mystic Knights thought were screeching yells, which were kiyahh's to a Martial Artist, as she delivered a blow that destroyed something in the bar. Her coup d gras came when she delivered a jump front kick to a bar table that destroyed it. What they saw from Sarah and from David earlier amazed everyone, including the Mystic Knights.

Well, that was fun. For me anyway. Sarah said as she put her sword back into its sheath and back into her bag. The Mystic Knights watched Sarah leave the bar then turned to the broken bodies, and property damage both she and her brother left behind. Wow. They must be great warriors. Ivar said. With great power!

She must be a monster. Angus said. Did you hear her scream like a banshee when she destroyed those tables and that bar?

Not sure about her brother though. Rohan said. You saw how he was thrown out of the bar.

Maybe she was HIS protector. Angus said in jest, but that statement prompted Ivar to ask, Was she the Quantum Knight? Rohan shook his head no and said, That wasn't the Quantum Knight. But whoever she is, she is clearly a danger in her own right.
Outside, Sarah went to check on her brother who landed outside. You all right? she asked as David got back up, who replied, Yeah. Just my pride. I think I was even unconscious for a time.

Well they were very strong. Sarah said. And resilient. You saw how quick the first one recovered.

And felt it too, David groaned as he rubbed his arm, which signified where he landed.

Look on the bright side. At least it wasn't a window you went through. Sarah said to her brother as if trying to use humor to cheer him up. It didn't always work.

Gee and that's supposed to make me feel better? David asked. He then smirked as if saying that he got Sarah. Psyche. He said as soon as he saw her reaction. You rat. She said punching David's arm in jest, yet hurting him enough to get the point. What I can't be the clown? You're the only one that can be a joker?

At least I have a sense of humor. Sarah said as she rolled her eyes at him, Anyway we'd better get back to camp. The others are probably waiting for us. David nodded as the two ninjas walked back down the path that would lead to where they and their friends set up camp, unaware that they were being followed.

A tiny lady with short red hair and fairy wings hovered about watching the McAllister-Kellers leave. Rohan is sure to want to know what these strangers are about. I should follow them.

The Pixie Aideen then fluttered after the visitors determined to see where they led her.
At Castle Temra its ruler, Queen Maeve, was hearing the status report from Torc. A report she did not like hearing. So you're saying a new Knight interfered between both you and Kells, and drove you out of Kiat?

Yes my queen. She possesses great power and... Maeve didn't say anything as she glared at Torc. 'SHE?' Are you saying that you let a woman beat you?

This was no ordinary woman my queen. Torc pleaded. She clearly had power that could have rivaled yours even. She is that powerful. Maeve however, responded with a blast of magical energy at Torc's feet, holding her glare at Torc. Listen to me well Torc. I am the only powerful queen you will answer to. It is bad enough that you and the guard get defeated by that Princess Deirdre, but another woman showing you who's stronger other than me?! I can't forgive that. Am I clear?

Y... y... yes my queen. Torc said. Now leave, and pray we never have this discussion again. Torc bowed leaving Maeve alone to contemplate all that was told to her.

The Quantum Knight?! Maeve screeched. I now must deal with a sixth Mystic Knight! She then searched around. Mider! Where are you?! I need you now you lying fairy!

A plume of green flame erupted from a goblet on Maeve's table and landed onto the table itself taking the form of a little man, no higher than the goblet. His clothes were dark and seemed raggedy. His face seemed to be a look of lecherousness, cleverness and evil. What can I do for you my queen? the dark fairy prince Mider said.

There is a sixth knight. Maeve said. Who is she?

A sixth? Mider asked. Impossible!

Impossible? How can that be? Maeve asked.

Because only five powers were ever made. And even the fifth one had legends to verify its authenticity. If there is a sixth knight, then by all counts, she shouldn't even exist. Maeve listened to Mider's explanation and didn't know what else to think. So if there were to be only five... then who is this Quantum Knight really? Maeve asked aloud.

I'm not sure. Describe her please. Mider said, and Maeve did so as per Torc's description.
The journey to Tir Na Nog seemed easier for the Mystic Knights every time they made it, unlike the first time when Rohan and Angus went there on a great quest to hopefully find a way to defeat Maeve when she began making her deals with dark powers. On that quest they met Ivar, and found that Deirdre was following them from afar.

When they entered the fairy kingdom it was like falling through the Earth, but as they made their journeys to the fairy kingdom the entry got easier for the knights to deal with as well. Even Garrett got used to it. Soon they were escorted to the throne room where the fairy king Fin Varrah sat with his servants, and gold, by his side. Ahhh my friends. What brings you here this day?

We met a strange new knight today. Rohan said. We were hoping thaat you might know something about her. Fin Varrah asked Rohan to describe the strange new knight and Rohan did so.

She wore a black helmet trimmed with red. Lips of silver were on it as if human lips, but they never moved. It seemed like she did her speaking through the lips. Rohan explained. Her armor seemed to be one not made of metal, and seemed to wrap itself around her body.

Is she finely shaped? Fin Varrah asked. Deirdre however shouted, What bearing does that question have with trying to find out who the Quantum Knight is? Fin Varrah however answered. I'm just trying to find out what type of woman we are looking for. Is she built like you Princess of Kells or is this knight built like a bar maiden who has skimmed a little too much mead from the mead hall?

Oh. Deirdre said taken in by the flattery, turned to Rohan who answered Fin Varrah's question, She's built like the Princess.

Really Rohan, I didn't know you looked at me that way. Deirdre said flattered. Angus however opened his mouth and said, Beats seeing you as the pompous brat we've all come to know. Angus was rewarded with a stomp in the foot from Deirdre's boot, and Rohan decided that perhaps it was best to continue describing the Quantum Knight.

She also had a symbol on her chest, almost like a red jagged arrow. She also wore a mask with this same arrow. This got Fin Varrah's attention. A red jagged arrow?! he shouted.

Yes. Do you know her? Ivar asked.

Rather I know of her. Fin Varrah said. Who you may have just described is but one of the guises of one of the most powerful and mysterious sorceresses of all time.

Who is she? Garrett asked as Fin Varrah gave the explanation.
Not far away, Mider was giving Maeve the very same explanation Fin Varrah had given. No one knows truly where she came from, or why she appears when she does. But it is been said that when she appears she shows great power and then disappears after her goal is accomplished. What her goal is here I am not certain.

Well it's obvious her goal is against me, Maeve said. Otherwise why would she have stopped my forces from taking Kiat?

She stopped Kells from getting Kiat as well didn't she? Mider asked as he stated the fact that Maeve conveniently forgot. That is one of the major things about her. She chooses her own side in the conflicts she participates in. Sometimes they are for good, and sometimes they are for evil. Why no one knows.

She has sided with evil at times? Maeve asked intrigued.
Only for the evil force to fall when good reorients itself. Fin Varrah answered. Some have believed that her objective is to keep the scales between good and evil balanced in order to ensure both sides survive.

Why would one let an enemy live? Ivar asked. Why does she not let a conqueror take the kingdom, especially if it could bring prosperity to the region?

Because the other kingdom has just as much a right to exist as Kells does, or as Tir Na Nog does, or even as Temra does, Fin Varrah answered. And before you say anything else your war with Temra has more to do with Maeve that the Temrans anyway. Correct? Rohan and the Knights had to nod. Their battles with Temra had more to do with Maeve's ambition than with the Temrans themselves.

Looking back to the Knights, Fin Varrah continued his story, As I said before, many a time her appearances deal more with maintaining a balance between light and darkness. She has an incredible array of powers at her command, as well as a beast.
A beast? Maeve asked.

Forged from the furnace of a blacksmith apparently. Mider said. An iron monster of great fury that could probably give Tyrune a challenge.

No animal could be a match for Tyrune. Maeve said. Not even a metal beast.

Would you care to attempt that challenge? Mider asked.

Maeve had to admit being skeptical about taking on the Quantum Knight's monster, but still Maeve craved the challenge of facing the Quantum Knight and using her vast power for Temra's own ends. If the opportunity arises...

Well then Queen Maeve. Be careful what you wish for. Mider warned her as he disappeared in a small plume of flame again, leaving Maeve in silent contemplation. If this 'Quantum Knight' was as powerful as Mider said, she would need great power to deal with her. Power she herself may not have.

She then turned to the books on her shelves. Books that were filled with knowledge and spells from many different sorcerers and sorceresses. Also contained in the books were information on many different weapons of mystical origins. Looking through the books Maeve hoped to find the necessary spells and weapons she needed to fortify her own magics.

It hadn't been too long before she felt a sensation of being watched. Looking around Maeve felt eyes on her, yet when she didn't see anyone looking around Maeve went back to her research. She then found two items that interested her very much. One was a sword with incredible fire, and another was a sort of armor that could well have been a dark opposite of the Mystic Knights armor.

Maeve looked at the passages further. She needed to know more.
From a window, a falcon sat watching Maeve as she struggled to find the right information on how to defeat the mysterious Quantum Knight should Maeve confront her. The falcon knew that Maeve would try to defeat her so all the knowledge and power she possessed would fall into evil hands. Something the falcon would not let happen.

~ Yes Maeve. Be careful what you wish for. ~ Karla the falcon thought before she leapt from the ledge and flew away.
Amazing. Deirdre said in awe of what they had heard, She possesses that much power?

Possibly more. Fin Varrah replied, Although why she's here I do not know. And that is what you Mystic Knights must find out. The Mystic Knights all bowed and turned to go, but Rohan turned around to ask Fin Varrah one last question.

Fin Varrah I need to ask, do you know anything about two others. He went into his description of David and Sarah.

I am afraid they are a mystery to me. Fin Varrah said. I have never heard of them before. Rohan thanked Fin Varrah and went to the clearing where the other Mystic Knights waited.

Rohan what's wrong? Angus asked. Did you ask Fin Varrah about those other two?

What other two? Deirdre asked. Ivar went into the story about the strange pair that appeared at the tavern. One that was thrown through a window and a second that tore apart the bar like a banshee. Well, another powerful woman makes her presence felt. Deirdre said acting smug. Garrett, Ivar and Angus showed their great annoyance at Deirdre's attitude, but Rohan paid it no mind.

We have two mysteries. We need to solve both of them. Fortunately Aideen is already on one of them. Rohan said.
Inside a remote clearing where neither Kells nor Temra visit, an assemblage was taking place. An assemblage of people and vehicles that did not belong in this time, but were there nonetheless to find the sixth and final Matrix-the Matrix of Strength.

It is also where David and Sarah went to after leaving the village of Kiat, and where their teammates for the search waited. From the mammoth fortress at the center of the gathering, Jason Lee-Scott walked out and asked the Ninja twins how their reconnaissance went.

Well David got thrown through a bar window again. Sarah said.

It wasn't a window. David replied defending himself.

Right. It was just some wood serving as a window. Sarah answered with sarcastic humor. She then turned to Jason and added, Also there is talk about some woman known as the Quantum Knight. No one knows who she is though.

How do you know she's a 'she'? Jason asked.

Because the patrons said so. David answered. Just then a series of helicopter blades rang overhead and set down transforming into a robot. It's pilot and passenger disembarking, as the pilot then said, TRANSFORM!!! HEAD ON!!! Soon the pilot transformed into a robot head and connected to the torso. Highbrow stood ready to give his report.

This world looks very pristine. Highbrow said. No pollution in the atmosphere, but technology is basically at a minimal to non-existent level.

He means they're primitive. Billy translated from below as Highbrow's head detached from the torso and transformed landing by Billy. Highbrow's partner, Trini Kwan, smirked at Billy's comment. I could have said that.

With Highbrow doing all the talking? Billy asked. Trini chuckled understanding Billy's comment. Highbrow always did seem a little heavy handed when it came to speaking. Jason, however cleared his throat as if saying 'Can we get on with the rest of this please?'. Trini nodded and transformed back into Highbrow's head allowing his to finish his report.

Well that was rude. Highbrow said.

Sorry. Trini apologized as Highbrow continued speaking. I have also detected some anomalous energy signatures from certain isolated areas. Signatures I have yet been able to identify, but Trini seems to think they correspond to what you describe as magic.

Magic? Jason asked.

Yes. Apparently there is an abundance of these signatures here. Highbrow said. During the third Cybertronian War the Decepticons tried to make use of these signatures. However their efforts ended in failure.

Still something to be on the lookout for. Jason returned. Come on inside. Fortress will want to know what you have. Highbrow followed Jason into Fortress Maximus.
Not far away, Kup and T. J. were looking at the scenery the world they landed in had to offer, yet they had a different reaction than Highbrow had. Also with them were two members of Rogue Squadron, Regar-a good natured rat mutant, and Gront-a fanatical humanoid whose sole mission was the complete and total annihilation of all evil.

Boy I wish we could race. T. J. said as his partner Kup looked at him, who replied back to his partner, I know kid. This is so like the forest world on Mirinoi. Nice and quiet, with no place to really run your tires.

Well don't let Maya hear you say that. Or the other Galaxy Rangers. Cassie said with her partner Pointblank by her side. Some like natural and pristine environments.

I have even met a few Cybertrons who were much the same way. Pointblank added. When the Autobots were on Nebulos hoping to live in peace, we always respected the environment of the planet. When we built our city, we sought to do little to no damage to the planet. And we were successful at it, but in order to preserve Nebulos we had to leave it.

Fortunately the Decepticons followed and Nebulos has been left alone ever since. Kup said. T. J. added, Let's hope we can do the same.

Agreed. We get the Matrix and we're gone. Cassie added. Not far away Gront and Regar had their own thoughts on the world around them. This world seems so peaceful, and natural. Regar said appreciating the beauty around him.

Perhaps Gront answered. But we must be careful. Even paradise had its serpent of temptation. Regar sighed turning his gaze back to the scenery around him when he thought he saw something in the distance. A small person with wings. Did you see something?' Gront asked as his right hand touched the trigger of his blaster.

What did it look like? Regar asked and Gront described what appeared to be a girl with insect wings and short red hair. Maybe it was a fairy? Regar asked.

A fairy? Gront asked in total disbelief. How can you be so sure?

How can we not be? I mean this is a new world right? Regar said back. Gront nodded but still couldn't see the fairy. Mostly due to her being concealed by the brush as she looked on at the metal constructs and their pilots. For her sake she had better be on the side of good. If she's evil she will pay for her transgressions.

The Cybertrons and Regar all rolled their eyes at Gront's comments as Aideen watched them all move away. I must tell Rohan about these visitors. Aideen said taking her fairy wings as fast as they could go.
In another section of land, another metal structure had rested. Only the inhabitants here had more sinister intent.

The structure was green, with twin towers stretching into the sky. Also at the center was a ramp, which allowed entrance. Its color was a mix of green, and gray. And on the ramp area the controller of the base stood looking out at the scenery before him.

This world is unlike the one I sought to conquer in my time. Lord Zedd said as he looked out at the green pastures and forests. There are strong magical presences here. I can feel them.

Perhaps they are magics we can put to use. Finster had said standing by his master.

Perhaps. Zedd said as he decided to call forth his troops. ASSEMBLE!!! he shouted as he raised his hands into the sky. Next thing that happened, Zedd's team were running out of Scorponok or were coming from around the area. One of them had plenty to say however.

Geeez! What does a girl have to do to take a looksee around here! Divatox said. I mean here I was as Thunderwing looking at this ghastly forest wishing I could torch the place and be done with it when...

SILENCE!!! Zedd shouted in Divatox's direction. Underneath his mask Zedd uttered She's worse that Rita before continuing on. You may get the chance to destroy the forest soon enough. Finster has detected some energy signatures. One of them is bound to lead us to the Matrix of Strength.

How many praytell are we looking at? Deviot asked. Finster answered this question.

There is a heavy concentration of it in this location. Finster said as a holo map appeared and he pointed at a section of the forest where the entrance to Tir Na Nog would be. I have also detected other signatures at these two locales. Finster pointed to the location of both Temra and Kells castles.

And how praytell are we supposed to react? Vrellos asked. As leader of his force of Redeemers Vrellos had to be attentive to what was going on around him. If things went sour he always preferred to have an escape plan for himself. If his Redeemers were lost in a mission well he could always get more elsewhere.

Vrellos was a cold, calculating individual. Every evil act he planned was clear, presice, and sinister. His strategies were as efficient was the cybernetic parts that adorned his body, and his executions of plans were delivered with such evil relish that Destructor himself smiled when the plans had their desired effect. Vrellos was loyal to Destructor, and usually answered to him. But for right now Zedd was in charge and everyone listened to his lead during the mission.

We must check out each and every site! Zedd ordered. We'll start with the forest site first then branch out to other different sites! One of them has to have the Matrix there.

You mean just blow everything up until the Matrix turns up? That's your plan? Divatox asked apparently outraged, but her expression changed into a smile as she added. Baby you're speaking my language.

I thought you'd see it my way! Zedd said. Contact me if you spot the Matrix or run across any resistance. Vrellos, the Redeemers and I will quickly follow. The rest of the Matrix team understood and made ready to begin the mission.

TRANSFORM: HEAD ON!!! Finster said becoming Mindwipe's head.

TRANSFORM: GET ON!!! Divatox said transforming into Thunderwing's robot mode, transforming into a jet fighter. Deviot boarded Thunderwing, while Furio hitched a ride with Mindwipe. Vrellos and the Redeemers stayed behind to watch Scorponok and Zedd in case trouble came to them. Unbeknownst to them however, trouble was looking in at them, in the form of a small fairy who sensed the evil and power they possessed. Already he was wondering how best to put these dark beings to benefit his and Maeve's agenda.

In a plume of tiny flame, Mider teleported away wondering how he would use the arrival of these dark beings to his advantage.
At Temra Castle Maeve continued to look through all her books of magic, and she was nowhere near close to finding an answer to her quarry about the Quantum Knight. THIS IS HOPELESS!!! she shouted as she threw her books of magic hard on the floor. Is there no magic on this world that it strong enough to stand against her? It was then that Maeve had an idea. No magic on this world. she said as her idea came to fruition.

Maeve was not one for believing on life on other planets, but she did believe in mystic realms outside of the realm she resided in. Realms in which power exists beyond even Maeve could imagine. And in her possession was a way for her to see into those realms, and perhaps even take whatever power those realms had to offer. She went to a chest that was off to the side of her chamber and unlocked it with a key she kept hidden within a wall crack. When the key was inserted the chest opened and inside was a glowing green gem. A gem shaped like an eye.

A gem called the Jewel of Transience, which had the power to see into other realities.

A power that Maeve needed now.

Not wanting to waste more of her precious time Maeve used the Jewel of Transience to see through time and space.
In another world and at another time, another Jewel of Transience sat in the New York Metropolitan museum. This one an exact counterpart of the one Maeve was looking at. Inside the museum itself a lot of action was about to take place.

Larson looked up from a corner he ducked behind. Lara Croft was expected to appear here soon, ~ Along with that cop Pezzini~ Larson thought with distain. He didn't think too much of either woman, and wouldn't have minded wasting either one. Lara especially, she had given him too much grief.

Sure enough both Lara and Sara had arrived. Larson brought out his two Automatic pistols ready to open fire, but then a figure entered Larson's line of sight. One whose very presence indicated that he was a dangerous man. Of course, the sword in his right hand helped prove his point also. This man was Ian Nottingham, right hand man to Kenneth Irons.

Mr. Larson. I have to ask you to leave these premises. Nottingham said facing the Australian mercenary that Lara had dealt with many times before. Larson however didn't look all that intimidated. And what will happen if I say no?

You don't want me to answer that. Nottingham said as he drew the sword from his side and held the tip to Larson's throat. Now, will you leave? Larson quickly got the message and ducked out of sight leaving Nottingham alone with both women in his line of sight. Or so he thought.

For one thing, Larson didn't go too far away. He merely found another corner to hide in where he would be ready to shoot Lara and Sara again, as well as the mysterious Mr. Nottingham. Nothing would keep him from fulfilling his contract to Ranitime.

Also not far away was another presence. A presence all decked out in darkness, which wanted one thing above all else, and saw an opportunity to get it.

The Witchblade.
Lara Croft and Sara Pezzini made their way to the display case where the Jewel was waiting. You sure this is okay? Sara asked. I mean, museums aren't known for letting people walk out with their artifacts.

Usually no. But this curator owes me a favor. Lara said as she brought out a key to unlock the case. Brought him quite the collection over the years. He knows I'm good for it.

I hope so. Sara said as she heard a click from behind them and turned around to see what it was. She holstered out her . 45 keeping herself on guard. When Lara saw Sara at the ready, she thought it would be a good idea for her to be at the ready too. To that end, she brought out her automatic pistols and held them at the ready. Both women kept their eyes open as they scanned the room looking for their quarry.

The quarry in question brought out his own guns and fired them. Lara and Sara quickly ducked out of the way and took cover, Who's the bozo shooting? Lara asked.

Don't know. Sara answered as the Witchblade covered her right hand. Just then, a voice echoed throughout the room. A voice Sara knew. I warned you to leave the premises Mr. Larson. You should have listened.

No one is going to stop me from getting Lara Croft's head. No matter who I have to go through. Larson said. Lara sighed clearly annoyed at who at least one of her adversaries were.

Oh great! Larson! Lara cursed.

And Nottingham? What are they doing here? Sara asked. Suddenly, a figure in an overcoat landed in the path of the two ladies. The figure was none other than Ian Nottingham, who turned and looked in Sara's direction and said. To insure that you complete your mission Sara. Now get the jewel before it is too late.

Sara wondered what Kenneth Irons had in mind for the Jewel, but put that thought out of her mind. Right now, she and Lara had to get the Jewel out of the museum. Nottingham kept Larson distracted as Larson fired madly in Nottingham's direction. All the shots missed.

Your skills in marksmanship are sorely lacking Mr. Larson. Nottingham had said. Or did you always prefer a poor grade of target?

Why you no good!!! Larson reloaded his guns again and fired at Nottingham again as they continued to play their little cat and mouse game, with Larson having as much luck as Tom Cat did with Jerry Mouse in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Sara looked back at Nottingham and Larson's battle while Lara fumbled with the key. Quick. Those two won't keep each other busy for long. Sara said.

Working as fast as I can. Lara grumbled. Suddenly, the lock opened and Lara quickly grabbed the Jewel. Now all they had to do was get through the battle of Nottingham and Larson, which would be easier said than done.

And within the shadows, another figure watched with interest, and a hunger as it looked at the Witchblade on Sara's wrist.
The Jewel glowed in Maeve's hands, and reveled a scene before her.

In this image, she saw a man holding something as another flew around the room doing strange moves with his sword. What kind of foolishness is this? Why doesn't the man with a sword kill the other, he's apparently unarmed. Maeve then noticed the flashes of the gun and saw some sort of projectile shoot towards the swordsman, which the swordsman deflected. She saw this as interesting, and wondered if any of her own soldiers could possess the swordsman's skill. She scanned the rest of the scene before her and stopped when she saw someone familiar, standing with another woman that she did not know.

Maeve caught the image of Sara Pezzini, and her eyes went wide with surprise. CATHAIN!!! she shouted in apparent recognition.
From the shadows, the woman made her presence known. Tendrils flowed out of her fingers and the impact threw Larson across the room. The look on Larson's face was that of surprise, shock and horror that remained in place as he could make out a sinister smile on her features before he was thrown back. It was a smile he would never forget as it chilled his very soul

When she cast her eyes on Ian however she intended to throw him much farther, so she made extra sure that Ian Nottingham was thrown as far away from the Metropolitan museum as possible. Ian however knew of the woman before him and sought to keep her from interfering in anyway. Your presence is not needed here.

No Ian, it is YOUR presence that is not needed. The woman said as she hurled bolts of her lightning towards Ian who deflected them with his swords. The woman however poured in more of her power into her lightning, and Ian felt himself being driven back. Finally, the power hit a climax and a small explosion erupted from the lightning charged blades.

The shockwave threw Ian out the front door as the hooded lady turned to face Lara and Sara, with the unconscious Larson behind them. You're sitting this one out Ian. The woman known as Dominique Boucher sneered as she cast a look in Ian's former direction, before turning her attention to Lara and Sara completely.

Well Dominique. Long time no see. Sara said remembering the woman who went on a killing spree by taking the life force out of young women. She used the life forces she stole to sustain herself while she hunted for the Witchblade. A hunt Dominique hoped would lead to her repossession of it. A hunt that was nothing more than a hollow pursuit which led to the deaths of nineteen people. What are you doing here? Sara asked through narrowed eyes.

I want that little bauble you and Miss Croft have acquired. Dominique had said. I wish to use it to change a little bit of history.

Fat chance of that happening bitch, Sara spat, I don't know what history you want to change, but I doubt that it can be any good.

Oh but it is good. For me. Dominique said. Sara moved to strike Dominique when something happened. Lara what the hell is going on? Sara asked as the jewel started to glow.

I don't have a clue. Lara said simply. Dominique knew however. She knew what was about to happen, and was glad that it would happen despite having two added complications accompanying her. A flash of green light enveloped the whole room taking every person with it. Even Larson.

A few moments later they were gone. Everything was going the way Irons had expected it to.
Ian quickly recovered as he made his way back to his master's house. Once inside he saw Irons sitting in the crypt with the frozen corpse of Elizabeth Bronte. Master? Ian asked.

Irons looked up and asked Did everything happen as it was supposed to? Ian nodded yes. Domonique Boucher also appeared and has gone on the journey as well. Irons nodded in understanding. He had an inkling that Domonique would make her presence known, so he factored her appearance into the equation.

And now we wait. Irons said as he left the frozen crypt with Nottingham by his side. The dead, sightless eyes of Elizabeth Bronte watched them depart.
At a farmhouse in the kingdom of Kells, a farmer was ending his day in the fields and went back inside hoping to relax after a hard day's work.

Argh! Sara cried as fell right through a house and soon after she had hit ground, Lara fell on top of her. Ah! Lara get off of me!

Sorry! Lara snapped, It wasn't like we were expecting to fall through a house when we were in a museum!

The farmer however, was wide eyed as he saw two women fall through the roof of his house, wearing next to nothing, which was the farmer's interpretation of Lara's sleeveless t-shirt and shorts, and Sara's sleeveless shirt and jeans. Women from heaven. Gods be blessed! the farmer said.

Sara raised her hands up, as if trying to keep the farmer back. Sorry about crashing through your house sir. We'll be leaving. Lara and Sara slowly made their way to the door and got out quick before the farmer got any ideas.

Once outside, the two women took the time to observe their surrounding and the best word they could come up with was that it was very primitive in comparison to their own. Almost like a medieval village set up by a historical society. However, this one seemed more authentic than one a historical society could put together.

Okay... this is new... Sara muttered.

Sara... look at my cell, Lara said softly, which made Sara a bit worried as Lara gave her the cell phone.

The phone had said 'No signal. Roaming. ' Taking this and the falling through a farmer's roof as a sign Sara Pezzini had but one conclusion. Lara...

Yes Sara? Lara asked.

I don't think we are in New York anymore. Sara sighed.
In another section of Kells, more in the forest area, another figure had stirred. This one was more masculine since he was recovering from a pain only a man could feel after landing on a tree branch before falling from the branch and landing hard on the ground where the spooky lady with the tendrils stood before him.

Where the hell are we? Larson asked. Dominique however didn't answer. She just turned and started walking down the path before her beckoning Larson to follow. Larson asked again, Lady, I said where are we?

In a time long forgotten. Dominique replied, In a world not like our own.

Yeah? Speak English bitch! Larson shouted. Dominique glared at Larson, not liking the name he just called her. Refer to me by that name again, and I'll take away your reason for wearing pants. Needless to say Larson immediately clammed up.

We are in a world where the kingdom of Kells is in a war with the kingdom of Temra. Dominique said. Where the Queen of Temra, a woman named Maeve, seeks to conquer Kells for her own gain. And I myself have an interest in Kells as well. Or rather an interest in someone.

Really? Who? Larson asked.

Dominique smiled as she let the words flow from her lips. Her name is Deirdre. She is the daughter of King Conchobar and his wife the warrior queen Cathain. And the next heir to the Witchblade.
Meanwhile that supposed 'heir to the Witchblade' was walking with her fellow Mystic Knights back to the Kingdom of Kells. Along the way they spotted something across the sky. Metal machines that looked like monsters. One was a giant bat, while another looked like an unrecognizable shape that flew. Accompanying them were monsters the Knights could make out. Beasts! Angus shouted.

Garrett also looked at the monsters before them. They looked nothing like the monsters he used to know. One however had a monstrous appearance to him, but the other he could not guess what it was. Despite all that, both looked menacing. Almost as menacing as Maeve's monsters.

They're heading for Tir Na Nog! Rohan said pointing to the bat monster and strange flying beast.

What do they want there? Ivar asked.

We have to find out quickly! Rohan ordered as the Mystic Knights all made their way back to Fin Varrah's kingdom.
In Tir Na Nog Fin Varrah was busy trying to protect his people and treasure from the caverns that collapsed around him. Outside the sounds of explosions filled the caverns shaking some dirt and ground loose in the tunnels. Everyone, use the tunnels to escape to the surface. Hide among the greenery. The king commanded. Guards, carry out as much of my treasure as you can. The citizens obeyed the evacuation order, while the guards obeyed the 'save the treasure' order. As the people sought to escape the guards carried as much of Fin Varrah's treasure as they could carry.

As people rallied to the surface the fairies saw monsters attacking the entranceway to Tir Na Nog. Some guards were rallied to try to stop the attacking monsters, but their weapons seemed to have no effect on them due to fairy magic having no effect on metal.

They are metal beasts. Our powers have no effect! a fairy said to Fin Varrah.

We must be strong. We must survive! Fin Varrah said trying to rally his people's support. However as people were escaping through the tunnels the tunnels then collapsed cutting off other evacuees, trapping them in the underground kingdom. Fin Varrah was about to order the guards to dig them out when one of the attackers saw the fairies and Fin Varrah's gold nearby. Immediately the monster flew towards them and in a menacing voice. Surrender your treasure now! As well as your powers! The monster was in red armor and had a blue face with yellow hair pointed at the top.

Fin Varrah was scared of the monster and what he was proposing. Protect my treasure! Fin Varrah shouted as everyone scrambled for safety from the Destron onslaught.
